a. Auto Calculate Taxes on Cash Quotes - Update to auto calculate the taxes on a cash quote when taxes are already set up on the shipto.
b. Product Prices without a Company Value not Syncing - Fix so that prices where the company type value is null still sync to the ERP.
c. 0.00 Total Issue - Fix where a Cost of 0.00 and a Sell Price of 0.00 were sometimes displayed on nonstock items, but there was a value for the Piece Price.where the company type value is null still sync to the ERP.
2. Portal Order Enhancements
a. Message for Orders Not Yet in ERP - Added to the Orders screen, this message will be displayed in red with the number of orders not currently synced to the ERP. Filtering on the Release Status column allows you to easily find the orders that aren’t synced. The cloud for weeb entered orders not released has also been updated to red to make it easier to spot.
b. Web Entered Orders not Released - Color updates have been made to the Orders screen for web entered orders that haven’t been released. The cloud and status are now in red to more easily spot these orders.
c. Release Status Filter Fix - Previously, the only release status that was available to filter on was Error. Now, all release statuses are available to filter on.
d. Shipto Search on Orders Enhancements - Updates so that results better match searches and results are displayed more quickly.
e. Release Status Fix - Update so that you can filter on multiple release statuses rather than just “ERROR”.
f. Marking Order Items Taxable Or Not - Fix for non-taxable items being taxed on orders.
3. Portal Enhancements
a. Collapsible Menu – To reduce scrolling, the Portal menu has been updated to utilize a collapsible menu. Clicking on a category will display the list of options available under it.
b. Rich Text Editor – A rich text editor is available for cells where there is a large amount of text for data. This editor allows you to easily view the information being added or updated. To close out the editor and save any updates, simply click Alt+Enter or Tab - these keyboard shortcuts are displayed in the editor for easy reference. The team is in the process of adding throughout the Portal.
c. Product Cross Reference Additional Fields – Two new fields, extra2 and extra3, have been added to product cross references to improve drag and drop data.
d. Product Cross Reference Sorting – Additional sort options have been added to the product Cross References screen for the product code, alt product code and type columns. This will help subs to be able to tune and troubleshoot their own cross references.
e. Business Event Grid – Added as part of enhancements to tracking and triggering notifications. The system will look for any events that aren’t completed and send a notification to those on the alert subscription list. An employee role to view and edit these events was also added.
f. Category Languages Grid – New grid added to allow multiple languages for a category. You can add new records, update, and delete from this grid.
g. Emails Grid – All screens with email data have been updated to grid format.
h. Events Grid – The Events screen has been updated to grid format and event info can be previewed or downloaded.
i. Auto Refresh File Counter – When adding or generating files, the file counters now automatically update instead of requiring a refresh.
j. Importers Grid Update – The Mappers grid has been renamed as Importers to help eliminate confusion around syncs.
k. Accounts Receivable Development Tab – A development tab has been added for all payments so that system settings are visible to those with access.
l. Hosts Screen – New Hosts screen available under System. Records can be added, edited and deleted from here.
m.Refresh Orders Screen – Fix so that orders displayed on the Orders screen are refreshed when clicking on the Refresh icon.
n. Yes/No Option for Templates – Update so that you can select Yes or No for Active on the templates screen to activate and deactivate email templates.
o. Can't Access Payments or Emails from Companies>Company>Order Details – Fix so that payment and email records can be viewed when accessing them through the Company screen.
p. Null Quote Breadcrumb Fix – When navigating to an order on the Orders tab from a Quote, the breadcrumbs would say “Quote null”. This has been fixed so the Quote Number displays.
4. Payments
a. Payment Confirmation - An often requested customer feature, when customers select their invoices and then click “Make Payment” a confirmation message with the total amount they’re paying is displayed. They can then click “PAY” to complete the payment or “CANCEL”. If you would like this feature, please reach out to support@kodaris.com.
b. Discounts on Credits - Update to web payments to apply discounts to a credit memo if it's taken before the discount date on the credit. The discount will be displayed if there is one and it will show the reduction in credit if paid before a certain date. If the customer pays the credit before the discount date, they will not receive the full credit. This will be reflected in the Amount to Pay and Total Discount calculations that are displayed.
c. Last Web Payment Date - Added to the Companies grid so you can now view both last Web and ERP payment dates by company.
d. Void & Reset Payments - Void and Reset functionality has been moved to the Portal in preparation for end of the year.
e. Customer Comment Counter - A counter badge has been added to Customer Comments to track the number of recorded comments.
f. Can't Access Payments and Emails from Companies>Company>Order Details - Fix so that payment and email records can be viewed when accessing them through the Company screen.
g. CenPos Payment Connector - New payment connector now available for CenPos.
5. Customer
a. CSV Export for Line Items - Available on all orders and quotes in the Customer Portal. Clicking on the “Export CSV” button will display an action where customers can name their file and save it. The csv file will contain all the items and their associated headers. This is used to enhance the Summary Order use and customers can import into spreadsheets more easily.
b. Company Catalogs - A beta version for Company Catalogs has been released. Custom product lists can easily be created and managed for customers in the Portal, with updates made reflected to the customer. Once the catalog is created, they will see a My Catalog header they can access when logged into their account. The team is continuing to iterate on this feature based on initial feedback.
c. Make Category Filters Links - To improve customer experience and as part of additional development for the company catalogs, the category filters are now links instead of checkboxes on the commerce sites.
d. Inventory Display Restricted to Default Warehouse - A global setting is available so that customers only see inventory from their default warehouse. The inventory displayed will pull from the default warehouse on the customer’s selected shipto, otherwise it will pull from the default warehouse on the company. If you’re interested in this feature, please reach out to support@kodaris.com.
e. Difference between PDFs and Customer Portal - Fix to not include business lost line items on orders in the Customer Portal. This is to resolve differences between what is displayed to the customer in their account and what is generated in PDFs from the Portal.