a. Dimensional Line Items- Additional fields added to the Quotes, Cash Quotes and Orders screens so that length, width and height are available on line items. Data from the product is used to populate these fields and they are fully editable.
b. Manually Edit Shipping & Tax- When this option is configured, Portal users can manually edit shipping and tax totals on orders, cash quotes and quotes. The team is currently working on next steps for saving any manually updated tax, which is dependent on the tax processor used.
c. Copy Billing Address to Delivery Address - To save time and reduce potential error, you can now check a box under the Billing Address to copy it to the Delivery Address.
d. Disable Column Movement on Escalation Grid - Custom column ordering has been disabled on escalation screens to prevent the potential to rearrange escalation periods out of order.
e. Show Order Totals for any Status - A setting can be enabled to display totals on orders even if their status is something other than invoiced, paid or cancelled.
2. Portal Enhancements
a. Adjustable Columns - An added layer of customization, users can now rearrange columns in the Portal. On grids in the Portal, this feature emulates Google Sheets where you select your column and hover over it until your cursor resembles a hand. Then simply hold down your mouse button and drag your column to its desired spot. On all other screens, there is no need to select the column, just click on the header and drag into place.
b. Company Details Tab Improvements - Multiple updates to the Details tab were released, including an autocomplete for the Parent Company field, Improved map marker accuracy, and full display of the timestamp for Created and Last Modified timestamps.
c. Add Site Name to Tab - The website name has been added to the Operations Portal tab for easier identification.
d. Additional Delivery Screen Fields - More fields have been added to the Deliveries screen, including addresses, phone numbers and emails. A full range of fields can be accessed by clicking on the add/remove columns icon.
e. Additional Order Shipment Fields - Label number, label barcode and container fields have been added to the Order Shipment screen for additional tracking.
f. Text Editor Tip Text Update - Rich text editor update to further clarify instructions on how to save updates when using the text editor feature.
g. Subscription List Deletion Prompt - When deleting a subscription list, a pop up will be displayed to confirm the list should be deleted. An update also went out to delete any subscribers on the subscription list.
h. Enforce Code Field Format - For any screens where a code field is included in adding a new record, the field has been formatted to not allow spacing. This helps to ensure the records created follow system requirements.
i. Units added to Product Details - Units have been added to the fields for product dimensions to display more accurate information.
j. Product Multiple File Upload - Multiple images and internal files be uploaded to a product at once using the Upload Product Files icon from the Products > Data screen. Files can be matched to a product by using the product code, with an underscore + number for to differentiate multiple files.
k. Category Assignment Grid - A new Category Assignment tab has been added to the Products screen. You can easily assign a product to up to 20 categories from this grid. The fields are type as you search to select a category and, using the copy and paste option, multiple products can be updated at once.
l. Setting Type Field Fix - Update for the Type field on Settings. When adding or updating a setting, the value in this field will now be saved instead of overwritten by Userdefined.
m. System Default Template for Product Display - Setting added to easily switch between product list or gallery view for ecommerce Product pages. The list view displays the product name and the gallery view displays a product image and name. This is another level of customization in how you display products to customers.
3. Payment
a. Customer Balances in the Portal - Customer balances have been added to the Portal. You can access them from the Accounts Receivable tab under Companies.
b. Card Icon Autorefresh - Update so that the credit card icon automatically refreshes to green when a credit card payment is captured in the Portal.
4. Customer
a. Company Catalog Enhancements - Additional updates were released for the beta version of the Company Catalog feature, that include categories automatically being marked active when added and fixes to display child categories. A download option is currently in progress so that customers will be able to generate price lists.
b. Plexxis Branding and Customer Help Documentation - A Plexxis logo and link to a guide to getting started have been added to the Company Settings tab of the Customer Portal. This update helps guide customers through the Plexxis activation process. For more information on the Plexxis integration, please contact us at support@kodaris.com.