The reprice and regenerate quote actions have been updated to allow updates to the custom matrix. When a custom matrix is selected, the quote will be respected. The quote will reprice or regenerate using everyday pricing if the "none" option is selected. When new line items are added to the quote, they will follow the selected matrix.
Vendor Quote Uploads
An MVP for uploading Vendor quotes to quotes is now available in the Portal. This feature will populate all items on a vendor quote pdf to the Portal quote and attach the pdf to internal files. Importers will need to be enabled, and once configured, a list of importers will be available to choose from to upload a file.
Skip Length on Vendor Upload Cross References
Based on feedback for Manufacturer Quote Uploads. The system skips the length in the product description so that codes don’t have to be trained for each length on an item.
Quote Acceptance Date Expiry Notification
Notifications to alert sales reps that a quote is expiring soon are now available. The notifications can be set to send a specified number of days before expiration and will go to any reps assigned to the quote. This is the initial phase in expiration notifications with plans on the roadmap to send to the customer requesting the quote.
Comment Made Notification Updates
Updates to the subject in comment-made notification emails. For example, the email subject now specifies if it was a comment added to a quote or lead.
Portal Updates
QBI Registration – Initial UX to register for QBI tools has been implemented. The team will continue to iterate on this feature to provide robust reporting and analytics on Portal and website usage.
Analytics V2 Loading – Updates to improve the loading speed of charts for Analytics V2.
Filter on Checklist for DDA Tracking – To help track DDA usage, a Checklist column is now available on the Orders screen. You can add this column and filter on Yes or No to quickly build a report on which orders have a DDA checklist attached.
Customer & Internal File Delete – Files can be deleted from the Customer or Internal Files tabs on Orders, Quotes, Cash Quotes, and Vendor Invoices. Simply highlight the file row and use Ctrl+- or Edit>Delete to remove the file.
Weight on Items Tab – An item weight column can be added to the Items tab for orders and quotes.
Ticket Screen – A ticket screen is now available, where tickets can be added, prioritized, and tracked if using the ticket system.
Customer Product List Export – Updates to make the customer product list a server-side export. This ensures all items are included in the export, and the product code is always included, even if not selected as a column on the screen. This update is part of the development to allow for imports on customer product lists.
Insert Rows on Customer Product Lists – To make product list creation easier, you can now copy a list of your product codes and insert them on the grid to upload all products at once. To do this, you can set the Code column as the first in the grid, copy your product codes and select Insert>Rows from Clipboard in the menu, or use the Ctrl + I keyboard shortcut to add.
Company Status Drop-down – A drop-down has been added to the Company Status field on the Data grid. This makes it easy to mass update the status field on companies. In addition, the data available in the status field can be customized with a global setting.
Enable Customer Payments in the Portal – Dropdown settings to enable customers for ACH account payments and credit cards at checkout are available on the company details tab. Porting a dropdown setting for credit card payments on account is currently in progress.
Company Code Search – Fix to prevent an error when filtering on company code on the Search tab.
Pricing & Discounting
Enable all Price Multiplier columns for the Adjust Pricing Feature – Update the pricing grid so columns 2-12 can be mass updated using the Adjust Pricing icon.
Company Addresses on Price Check
An update was released to refresh the list of addresses in the dropdown when switching between companies on the Price Check screen.
Include Code in PIM Export – Update to always include the product code When exporting from the Search tab for Products, even if not selected. This will ensure any updates made on the export can be imported since the system matches by code. In addition, all PIM exports now include the code for mapping.
SKUs Additional Info – SKU details, Custom Fields, and Development screens are now available in the Portal. These can be accessed by clicking on the details icon next to a SKU from the SKUs grid. These additional screens allow for improved management and troubleshooting of SKUs.
Category Languages Import
An option to make mass updates using the import tool on Category Languages has been added to the Portal.
Conversion Tab Fix
Update so that data is loaded when accessing the Conversion tab from Product Details.
PIM Attribute Status
Update the export to rename the PIM Attribute Status column to match what was in the Employee Portal.
CMS Drafts – Pages in the CMS builder can now be saved as drafts to be worked on before publishing to the site. A new Page Drafts section can be found in the Portal, where all current drafts are listed and can be opened for further editing. Once ready to post a draft, you can click “Publish,” and it will be live on the site.
CMS Form – A block to be able to add forms to pages built in the CMS Is now available.
CMS Page Selection – When adding a new content page in the Portal, two options are available: Classic or Gutenburg. When selecting “Classic,” you’ll be redirected to the Details tab on a new page record in the portal, where you can start to manage your page and work in html. Selecting “Gutenburg” will create a new page and launch the WordPress page builder.
Widgets Custom Fields & Development
Custom Fields & Development tabs have been added to Widgets. These tabs can be utilized by support and developers for further management of records and troubleshooting.
Fix for HTML Displayed on Keywords – Update released to display symbols, such as &, instead of the HTML on keywords.
Email Opt-Outs – An email opt-outs screen has been added to the Marketing section. This lists customers that have unsubscribed to emails. Clicking into the record will give you more details, including a timestamp on when the customer opted out. The next step is to implement it on the customer side.
Sitemap Update – The sitemaps generated have been updated to exclude inactive categories.
Employee Grid Added Sorting – The Start Date, Termination Date, and Team columns are now sortable and filterable to improve the experience of narrowing down data for reporting.
Employee Role Copy & Insert – Employee roles can now be copied from one employee to another. You can copy the rows of roles on an existing employee and then use the Insert>Rows from Clipboard option in the menu.
Role Editor – A role editor permission has been added so that users can have access to manage employee roles in the Portal without superuser access.
AR Record File Tabs – Customer & Internal Files tabs have been added to AR records to be able to attach and manage any related files.
Vendor Invoice # Field – This has been updated so that you can filter and sort invoice numbers to help customize your view.
Roles to Assign Permission Groups – When setting up employee access in the Portal, a new feature is available where you can select specific roles that then assign a group of permissions to the employee related to that role. This will streamline the setup process and help with security by reducing the chances of giving people access to areas they shouldn't have. Groups can be created under Operations > Employee Group Roles. Once group roles are created, they can be quickly selected on the Employee > Roles screen to assign permissions. Check out the feature in this video
Surface Errors – The Events screen has added a Sync Errors tab. This surfaces any sync errors in the system so that support and development can easily view error details and resolve them.
Scheduler Buttons Added – On the details page of a scheduled job, stop, save and delete action buttons have been added. These can be used by engineering and support in managing scheduled jobs in the Portal.
Deployment Menu – A Deployment section has been added for cloud mode sites.