The global Terms & Conditions link has been added to Cash Quote emails & pdfs.
Cash Quote Updates
The Email & PDF templates for cash quotes have been updated to now include a Code column to display the product code. BO and Shipped have also been removed.
Expanded Email Options - Additional options have been added to emails so you can further customize the message to your customer. Clicking will display the full options available, including numbered & bulleted lists, font colors and highlighting text. You can check out a video of this feature here.
Editable Jobs Screen - The Data tab for Jobs has been updated from read only to editable. This allows users with access to easily manage and make mass updates to data.
Job Name & Customer in Quote Acceptance Expiration - The quote job name is now included in the acceptance date expiration notification sent to assigned reps to give more information on the quote before clicking into the details.
Add Comment when Leads are Updated from Construct Connect or Dodge Imports - As part of enhancements to Job Tracker notifications, whenever leads are imported from Construct Connect or Dodge, a timestamped comment is added to existing leads. Any reps assigned to the leads will receive an email alert that the lead was updated.
Quote Grid Updates - The Quotes grid has been updated so that the Last Modified field matches the local time zone. Users with the required permission can now also delete quotes instead of just deleting row data.
Add Child Line Item and Tag Type - An MVP for child line items is available where you can upsell or include addons when entering orders. Clicking on the + icon next to an item will display a window where you can select type, the item, and the quantity then add to the order. The child line item will be highlighted in gray and alway grouped next to the parent item. An Order Item Type setting in the Portal allows for configuration on the types available in the dropdown. For more details on this feature, check out this video.
Back Orders - A Back Orders MVP is available where you can create orders off of backordered items. Two columns are available to add, Create BO 1 & Create BO. 2. When an item is backordered, you can enter the quantity into one of these columns and then click the “Create Backorder” icon. This creates a linked child order with the item, pricing and quantity from the parent order. The quantity entered cannot exceed the quantity on the original order, an error message will be displayed if this is attempted. On the original order, the quantity marked as backordered will also populate in the Shipped column. This feature is available on orders and cash quotes. To see this feature in action, check out this video.
Update Shipped & BO Data for Back Orders - The quantity of products on a created Back Order will populate to the Shipped column. The difference between the Qty and Shipped will then populate to BO to be able to easily see the quantity left to ship.
Ticket Custom Fields Tab - A custom fields tab has been added to Tickets. This will allow for fields to be added and viewed on tickets.
Priority Payments in the Portal - Creating a Priority Payments ID for customers has been moved to the Portal. Under the Details tab of a company, in the Payment section, you’ll see a Priority Customer ID field. Clicking the “Add” button will generate a unique ID for the customer as part of the process to set them up for account payments. Once the ID is generated, it will be displayed along with an option to delete the ID if needed to deactivate.
Company Info on Customer Details - An update has been released to display the Company Code and Company Name on the Customer Details page to help more easily identify the company a customer is associated with.
Assign Employees to Company Addresses - An Assigned Employees tab is available on Company Addresses where employees in the Portal can be assigned to specific Company Address. The field is type as you search where you can select the user to assign.
Can Use POs Setting - A setting has been added to the Payment section under Companies where you can set if a company can use POs during ordering. This will be utilized in Commerce V2.
Company Code & Name on AR Details - Company Code & Company Name are now available columns to add to the AR payment details screen.
Vendor Code Column - A Vendor Code column has been added to Vendor Invoices. The fields in this column are currently fully editable to easily add vendor code data to the invoice.
Accounts Payable - This screen has been added in the Portal under AR/AP with further enhancements being scoped.
Full PIM Exports - Exports for PIM have been expanded to do full exports for Category > Products, Category Languages, and SKUS. This will allow for easier data management for the PIM team.
Server Side Export on Cross References - A server side export is available to download the full data on product Cross References.
Master Product Conversion Updates - The csunperstk2, prccostper2, and speccostty2 cells for Master Catalog product conversions can now be edited and updates saved. Cells that cannot be edited have also now been grayed out.
Messages Server Side Export - A server side export has been added to the Messages screen. This allows for an easier export of all messages for reporting and mass updates.
Allow Admins to Update User Session Data - Form the Users screen of the Portal, admins can view and make updates to user session data.
Location Details Screen - A details screen has been added for Locations. This allows you to easily view, edit and add data related to a location.
Server Side Export on Locations - A server side export is available on Locations for easier mass data management.
Primary Phone on Employee - A Primary Phone field has been added to Employee Details so users can add and manage additional phone info for employees.
Scripts Permission Panel - The Permission Panel has been added to Scripts pages to round out this feature being available throughout the Portal.
Miscellaneous Updates
Required Roles Help Icon - So users can more easily identify the roles required to access screens in the Portal, a help icon has been added throughout. Clicking on the help icon will display the list of roles required to view the screen, starting with superuser and administrator - the highest roles available - and moving to the specific roles needed.
Adjustable Columns Update - Columns on Quotes > Items can now be rearranged even if there currently isn’t any item data on the screen.
Split Payments COD Link
Update so that the Amount field isn’t autofilled when a customer makes a COD payment. They will be prompted to enter the requested total for enhanced security.
Limit COD Payment Link Attempts
To help prevent potential fraud on COD payments. If there are two failed payment attempts, the order will be flagged and any additional attempts will be blocked. The customer will see an Oops message if attempting to pay again. If it is a known customer that needs to make the payment, a new COD link can be sent and the potential fraud flag on the order will be reset so they can pay.