Kodaris August 2021 Release Note Highlights
1. V2 Quoting
a. Adjust Pricing - An Adjust Pricing button has been added to the global, company, and company address screens so you can quickly mass update pricing. Simply select your price records, click the icon and then adjust your options. You can increase or decrease by percent or dollar amount.
b. Rename Delivery Organization - The Delivery Organization column has been renamed as Location Name based on feedback.
c. Calculate Totals When Setting up a Shipto - When setting up a shipto from a quote, the system will now automatically calculate the total. This will help ensure that tax jurisdictions are set up and the taxes get set up in the ERP.
d. Add csv Option to Main Generate File Icon - When clicking on the Generate File icon, the option to create a csv file either internally or for customers is now available. The file generated will pull the information from the Preview screen.
e. Display Taxes and Total on Cash Quotes - Cash quotes no longer display just the subtotal, but also a breakdown of charges, taxes and the total. This update was released so the PDF could be sent to customers when using the single order payments feature.
f. Price Type Grids - Price type grids have been added at the global, company and company addresses levels for price type management. Price types can be added, edited and deleted on these grids. On the global screen, you can assign either just a company, or both company and company address to a price type. When selecting a company, the company addresses field will only populate with shiptos associated with that company.
g. Price Type on Pricing Screens - A Price Type column has been added to the Company, Company Address, and Global pricing screens. It will display the price type from the SKU no matter what level the price record is.
h. Restrict Dashboard Access - Users can now be configured with access to just the Portal. When logged into the Portal, the Web Dashboard link will be hidden from those restricted to just the Portal. If you’d like to use this feature, please email us at support@kodaris.com.
2. Portal Order Enhancements
a. Invalid Inputs on ERP Orders - For orders synced from the ERP to the Portal, the columns Line, Cost, Margin, Markup and Price Conversion all displayed red Invalid Input error messages. A fix has been released to remove this error message.
b. Error Message Copying an Order - Resolved the error message that was displayed when copying an order to a different company.
c. Rounding on Line Item Totals - Update to round using the ICSS conversion for line item totals.
3. Portal Enhancements
a. Reorganize Left Navigation - The navigation menu on the left side of the Portal has been reorganized and some sections renamed. These updates were made to make the navigation more intuitive and user friendly.
b. Improve Speed and Loading - Numerous improvements were made to address speed and loading. The initial loading time of the Portal has been reduced. When previewing larger files, they will also now load faster.
c. Web Warehouse - New column now available on the Companies screen that contains the web warehouse. This data allows you to split out customers by their assigned web warehouse. This is especially useful for when you have multiple subsidiaries that share an ERP system and sync the same data in the Portal.
d. POD Order Number - A POD Order Number column has been added to the Delivery Orders screen. For instances where multiple orders are delivered to the same stop at the same time, the POD order number will note which order the PODs are on. This is the first phase in a coming feature where the PODs are then available for customers to view in the Customer Portal on all the related orders.
e. Customer Comments - A new Customer Comments tab has been added across the Portal on the various Order screens and to Cash Quotes. Comments can currently be added and viewed here. This is the first phase in a future feature to enable two way communication where employees can view comments left by a customer and respond to them directly from the Portal. A counter badge is also being added to easily view the number of customer comments attached to the order.
f. Additional Customer Details Fields - Additional data fields were added to the Customer Details screen to round out info stored on a customer. These include position, title, assistant and groups.
g. Product File Grid - The Product Files tab has been switched to a grid format so that product files can easily be viewed and deleted from the product as needed.
h. Product Preview - A Preview icon has been added to the Product Details and Product grid. Clicking on this will open a new tab where you can view the product on the ecommerce website.
i. Cell Editor Dropdown Improvements - For cells that have preloaded dropdowns, the search has been refined to more accurately display results for type as you search.
j. Open Details in a New Tab - To be able to easily view and navigate between multiple screens within the Portal, you can right-click on table links to be able to open the details in a new tab.
k. Reorganize Left Navigation - The navigation menu on the left side of the Portal has been reorganized and some sections renamed. These updates were made to make the navigation more intuitive and user friendly.
l. Saving and Refreshing Enhancements - Added additional functionality for saving updates made in the Portal. If accidentally clicking into a different browser tab or the back button, any updates that were made in the Portal will be saved.
m. Improve Speed and Loading - Numerous improvements were made to address speed and loading. The initial loading time of the Portal has been reduced. When previewing larger files, they will also now load faster.
n. No Data on External Orders Screen - Fix to resolve no orders displaying on the External Orders screen.
o. Inactive in Portal when Adding New Employee - Update to default an employee to active instead of inactive when added in the Portal.
p. Special Characters - The new Portal login page has been updated to allow special characters on passwords.
q. Copy Order - Fix to resolve error message when copying orders.
r. Order Comments - Fix for access denied message sometimes displayed when accessing comments on orders.
4. Payments
a. Auto Tender Orders - Whenever payment is captured on an order that is in Trend, it will automatically tender. This now allows us to use the virtual terminal in the portal.
b. Payment Updates - The Check Number that was used to store the Payment ID has been renamed as Transaction Number. Invoices will now be stamped with the Transaction Number as soon as a payment is made and this info displayed under Payment ID. A fix also went out to no longer display duplicates of paid invoices on the AR Details screen.
5. Operations
a. Employee App - A beta version Employee App was released so internal employees can easily check inventory on mobile. They can use their Portal login to access the app. This lays the foundation for a mobile CRM where reps can create and manage leads on the go. Details on downloading the app will be coming soon!