Historically, when customers would receive a COD email link to pay for an order, they would be able to pay via credit card. Now, ACH and EFT payments are also accepted. If you choose to enable this setting, your customer will be able to choose between “Credit Card” and “Bank Account” as their payment method when paying for their order. This setting is not automatically set up and must be enabled in the Operations Portal before your customers can begin using it.
Learn more about this feature and how to turn it on by watching this video:
KOD-16302: 'Pull Payments to ERP' File Does Not Include Lump Sum Payments
KOD-19943: iOS Customer App QA
Case 1
You should be able to use and see back Arrow on QR-scanner screen.
KOD-21988: Add Docs / Developer Help Page Sites
KOD-21992: Add Docs / Developer Help Page Sites - UX
KOD-22165: Master Order Budget - Calculate on creation of budget
Regression Tests
Case 1
Make sure that everything is work as expected on the budgets page.
Case 1
Go to companies → Addresses → Budgets page.
Click on button "Add budget".
Make sure that after creating a budget we are sending a request with "calculation" automatically.
KOD-22398: Update data without refreshing on the Companies > Tickets > Emails screen
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check that the Tickets > Emails page looks good.
Check that the Companies > CompanyID > Tickets > TicketID > Emails Emails page looks good.
Check that the Emails tab displays data in both cases (if any).
Check that the functionality for adding a new Email works correctly.
Check that there are no errors in the console.
Case 1
Check that when adding a new Email for the Tickets > Emails and Companies > CompanyID > Tickets > TicketID > Emails pages, the data will be updated without reloading the page.
KOD-22549: Shipping Methods - Implementation
Regression Tests
Case 1
Open the website.
Add any product to the shopping cart.
Navigate to the Delivery & Payment section.
Select an alternative shipping method.
Validate in the network activity that the selected shipping method was successfully applied (applyShippingOption).
Case 1
Open the website.
Add any product to the shopping cart.
Navigate to the Delivery & Payment tab.
Verify that the default shipping method is preselected as “Select a shipping option.”
KOD-22699: Update General Contractor Fields
Regression Tests
Case 1
Within Settings search for this setting: generalContractors.
Make sure it is not empty or you can add the following values to it and after that press Save.
Open any Quote /Lead details page within Jobs, Quotes or Quote Requests.
Check general contractors field. It’s dropdown values should be the same as you’ve submitted them on the 1st step.
Case 1
Quotes/ Leads under Jobs
Quote Requests
All screens above should display fields like: General Contractor, General Contractor Name and General Contractor Phone 1 if settings from regression test are set.
Check if you can update those values and if it’s saved.
Remove value from generalContractor setting.
Check if on those screens are displayed fields like General Contractor 1, General Contractor 2, General Contractor 3 instead of fields from point 1.
Check if those fields are working correctly.
KOD-22702: Direct Order AP Automation
KOD-22807: Convert company search in customer portal
Regression Tests
Case 1
Navigate to the Customer Portal -> Home Page.
Check if page is displayed fine.
Check if the selected company is displayed.
Case 2
Switch account to another company.
Check if new company is set as selected.
Case 1
Navigate to the customer portal. Start entering value, check if Autocomplete works. Switch to another account.
Here’s how Search bar supposed to look like when you try to switch account.
When you choose a company, it will be entered in the search bar. Also Check in Network tab, if endpoint myCompanies was called.
After clicking Switch page will reload and chosen company is entered.
Case 2
Need to check priority of codes here.
By priorities they supposed to be like this:
External Company Code
External ID
Company Code
To view which values each company has refer to api/account/customer/myCompanies.
KOD-22828: Fix company catalog display when name field is missing
Case 1
Select a company from the list -> Go to the Catalog tab.
Create the first catalog.
Create another catalog if one is already created.
They should appear immediately in the list. Additionally, there should be no console errors at any step.
KOD-22927: Fix for parser notes formatting in operations portal notes fields
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check if customer comments on orders are working correctly.
Case 1
Check if monospace font is correctly applied for customer comments on orders.
KOD-23020: Integration with PIM
KOD-23070: Customer Returns
Case 1
Create return order by hitting endpoint: /api/account/order/return/start
Company ID assigned should be one of the customer allowed companies.
It return the white listed order.
Validate order.extra1 field is ‘Return’.
Case 2
These endpoints are used for updating or deleting the order items from return orders.
In the patch endpoint you are only allowed to modify 'quantity','receivedReason' and 'sscReceivedNote' fields.
Besides, quantity to update should be =< to the original orderItem from the linked original order.
Endpoint /api/account/order/return/{orderID}/updateItem/{orderItemID} (Patch and Delete).
KOD-23125: Product Regionality Restrictions
KOD-23189: Issue with Non-Card Payment Method Terms
Regression Tests
Case 1
Make sure you can still view order emails, order pdfs, order details.
Case 2
Find an order with a credit card payment, for the order emails, order pdfs, and order details page, make sure the payment method is still ‘Internet CC’.
Case 1
Find an order and generate an order email → the Payment Method should now be based on the terms type from the company. (in order to view that, find the terms type on the company, go to the ERP settings and look for code id = T and code value = terms type, then view description. that description is what should show)
Case 2
Now generate and order pdf → the Credit Terms should be that same description
Case 3
Now look at the orders details page on the customer portal → the Credit Terms should be that same description.
Case 4
If a company does not have a terms type specified, the terms type will default back to what is in the trendCompiledSettings on the order.
If there is also no trendCompiledSettings, it will be blank.
KOD-23213: QTY Break Pricing Display Updates
Regression Tests
Case 1
Open any product list (via category or search).
Confirm all products are displayed properly with:
Right price for logged users.
No price displayed for guest users.
Case 2
Select any product and navigate to it's detail page.
Confirm page is loaded properly and pricing is displayed.
Case 1
On the product list page (search result or category) select any product.
Confirm default dropdown value is SHPK.
Click add to cart button.
Confirm product was added to the cart.
Confirm product was added in quantity for smallest value.
For example, on this product 839825 after clicking on “Add to Cart” button 12 items will be added.
Case 2
On the product detail page.
Confirm default dropdown value is SHPK.
Click add to cart button.
Confirm product was added to the cart.
Confirm product was added in quantity for smallest value.
For example, on this product after clicking on “Add to Cart” button 12 items will be added.
Case 3
On the product list page open developer tools.
Select mobile view and confirm that unit of measures dropdown displayed properly for any screen size.
Repeat this steps for product detail page.
KOD-23226: Create settings table for related products - UX
KOD-23271: Fix access to the Child Company under Company
KOD-23294: Use query parameters for the productCode instead of URL parameters
Regression Tests
Case 1
Navigate to the Customer Portal. Find a product with '/' symbol, or create such for testing.
Add such product to customer product catalog.
Expected that such product will be added with such endpoint.
Case 2
Navigate to the Customer Portal. Find a product with '/' symbol, or create such for testing.
Add such product to company product catalog.
Expected that such product will be added with such endpoint.
Case 3
Navigate to the Customer Portal. Go to Catalog → company catalog where product with '/' in product code was added. Remove that product.
Expected for product to be removed with such endpoint.
Case 4
Navigate to Customer Portal. Go to Catalog → customer catalog where product with '/' in product code was added. Remove that product.
Expected for product to be removed with such endpoint.
Case 5
Try Case 1 and Case 2, but adding to catalogs from product detail page.
Case 1
Check for endpoints used for regression tests, they supposed to use query params (byCode?productCode={{value}} supposed to be in the end).
KOD-23359: Display Customer Password Requirements on Test Site
Regression Tests
Case 1
Open the reset-password page and confirm that it loads correctly without any errors.
Confirm the same for the account-password and credit-application-password pages.
Case 1
For this test, we will go to reset-password screen.
On a different tab, we will log into the operations portal and go to Settings.
Depending on the settings you have enabled, you should see the requirements appearing under the “Confirm Password” field.
If the setting is not populated or its value is empty requirement will not be displayed.
The settings are customerPasswordRequiresSpecialCharacter, customerPasswordRequiresLetterAndNumber and minimumPasswordLength.
We will test all of the settings to make sure we are able to reset the password only when the requirements are completed.
Case 2
For this test, we will go to account-password screen.
We will repeat the steps that we followed on Case 1 to test the settings when creating a new password for the account.
Case 3
For this test, we will go to credit-application-password screen.
We will repeat the steps that we followed on Case 1 to test the settings when creating a new password for the account.
KOD-23374: Updates to 'Slider 2' widget
Regression Tests
Case 1
Confirm that the Gutenberg page loads without issues and content can be added without errors.
Case 2
Confirm that we can add a basic section and it appears without any errors.
Case 1
Add a "Slider 2" section and confirm the following:
A slider appears where you can input a title, eyebrow text, description, and button text. Confirm that after clicking "Save," all changes persist.
You can change the color of all these fields through the section settings.
You can modify the arrow and pagination colors via settings.
Pagination displays text matching the section titles.
A background image can be added to the slide via settings.
A gradient can be added to the slide via settings, and it will overlay the background image.
The display of the slide can be toggled through settings, allowing it to be shown or hidden on the site.
Case 2
Confirm the following:
After clicking "Save," the slider appears identical on the site.
On the mobile version, the section's content fits within the screen boundaries without overflow or clipping.
Pagination exists on the site, and slides can be navigated by clicking on the pagination controls.
Case 3
Confirm the following:
A gradient can be added to the basic section through settings.
If a background image is added to the basic section and a gradient is selected, the gradient appears over the image.
If text is added to the section, the gradient does not obscure or overlap the text.
Case 4
Confirm that if a slide does not have a title, the pagination will display the slide's order number as its label.
KOD-23375: CRUD screens for rules and rule actions
Case 1
Go to System → Rules. Test adding, removing and editing a new rule. Also check the details page of some rule, if everything works.
Case 2
For this test we need to check the same, but for rule actions. Except for detail page.
KOD-23382: Add Search to 'Select Store' Dropdown
Regression Tests
Case 1
Make sure welcome page is not broken.
Make sure welcome page header is not broken for guest and logged in users.
Make sure for both users you’re able to see Select a store (or your pre-selected warehouse) and on click you’re able to see pannel with available warehouses.
Make sure you’re able to select warehouses from that pannel.
Case 1
For guest and logged in users: check desktop and mobile version of the welcome page.
Click on the warehouse button. Make sure within the opened pannel at the top you’re able to see new Search by Zip Code functionality.
In the search input type existent warehouse Zip code.
Make sure warehouse with that Zip Code is located at the top of the pannel warehouse list.
Case 2
Make sure that you can see “Use current location“ line below the search input. Click on that line.
Make sure after some time that request proceeds, your Zip Code is pasted within the search input and warehouse which is the closest to your location is located at the top of the warehouse list.
KOD-23384: Inventory Display When Store is Selected
KOD-23391: Generate Payment Receipt Email
KOD-23395: AP Automation - Skip duplicate invoices
KOD-23397: Shop by Store wrong shipto
Regression Tests
Case 1
Navigate to the commerce site.
As guest user select any product list page:
Confirm page is displayed properly.
Select any product and navigate to the data page.
Confirm page displayed as expected without any errors in the console.
Case 2
Log in to the commerce site.
Open any of the product list pages:
Confirm page is loaded properly and inventory on the product list page is displayed as expected.
Navigate to the product detail page.
Confirm inventory displayed as expected.
Case 1
As logged user select any product list page.
Open “Shop By Store” menu.
Select another store.
Confirm inventory was updated to the selected one.
Navigate to the product detail page.
Repeat steps 2-4.
Case 2
Log out from the commerce site.
Set enableShopByStore setting to 0.
Refresh the page.
Confirm “Select Store” button is not displayed.
Log in to the commerce site.
Select any product list page:
Search result page.
Category page.
Confirm default warehouse is displayed on the inventory part.
Select any product and navigate to it’s detail page.
Repeat step 7.
Set enableShopByStore setting to 1.
Confirm “Select Store” button is displayed, but no value selected.
Repeat steps 6-9 without selecting a store on the left-hand side panel.
KOD-23431: Ability to set the number of packages (2ship integration)
KOD-23438: Company Catalog Errors on Second Page
KOD-23441: Display the unit next to the price
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check Category and Product pages.
We need to make sure that price is still present and pages look good.
Case 1
Check that you can see unit sale per item next to the price through the slash. (Top price line).
It should be on the Product and Category page for the logged in user.
Case 2
Check that you can see slash between the pricing and unit sell (Bottom line price).
It should be on the Product and Category page for the logged in user.
Case 3
If you don’t see any unit sell check the response for the PricesByCodes endpoint. UnitSell field should return nothing in that case.
KOD-23454: Block release to ERP button when an order needs sourcing
Regression Tests
Case 1
On the operations portal navigate to the orders screen.
Confirm search tab is displayed properly and cloud icons are properly visible.
Click on any cloud and confirm some evaluation is happening.
Select any product and navigate to it's detail page.
Confirm page is loaded properly and release to ERP cloud button is clickable.
Case 1
For any order navigate to the development tab.
Search for extra1 field.
Set value to Sourced Order.
Refresh the page. Confirm “Release to ERP“ cloud button is turner to “Release Disallowed” button.
Search for this order on the search grid.
Confirm button turned into “Release Disallowed” cloud.
KOD-23457: Paid On Date not Populating
Case 1
Find the orders that have Payment date and Check # set (in Operations portal).
Customer portal => Orders Screen.
Expected result: Payment date and Check # are being displayed for the respective orders.
KOD-23458: Centre images in the brands slider
Case 1
Store Front => Brands Page.
Expected results:
Slider works as expected.
Images are centered.
KOD-23460: Kodaris - Update logo on site footer
KOD-23463: Add Dropdown Menus to Headers & Open Links in New Tab
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check if menu for the page is working correctly.
Check if header menu is displayed correctly.
Case 1
Check if dropdown menu is working correctly.
Check if Links from header menu (first items) are open in new tab.
Check if data set in customizer in menu are reflected correctly.
KOD-23469: Put better a net around sending CSD shipped notifications
KOD-23471: Move allowedWarehouseCodes Setting to Shipto Level
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check that the shop by store dropdown flow still works as normal without issues.
If the user doesn’t have a selected shipto (with allowed warehouse codes) or there’s no warehouse code selected on the company, the shop by store shouldn’t appear at all.
Case 2
If the user doesn’t have a selected shipto (with allowed warehouse codes) but they do have a warehouse code on the company, the shop by store should appear with the company warehouse selected, but they shouldn’t be able to change the selected store.
Case 1
If the user has a selected shipto, with the following setting:
They should be able to select a store in the shop by store panel, but only the warehouses stored in the setting (and the one on company if set)
KOD-23472: Main site - Fix add to cart
Regression Tests
Case 1
Open the website.
Try adding an item to the cart.
Verify that the cart contains the added item.
Case 1
Open the website.
Try adding any item to the cart.
Verify that the button’s color remains the same as it was before the click.
KOD-23473: Kodaris docs - Drag and drop feature
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check that dragging and dropping items still work on docs.kodaris.com.
Case 1
When trying to create a child page item > then sorting items in the navbar > the sort should now be accurate.
KOD-23474: Fix initZoomImage function
Case 1
Open the website.
Open the Developer Tools and navigate to the Console tab.
Verify that there are no errors in the console.
KOD-23475: Add tooltip for restricted products
Regression Tests
Case 1
As a guest user on:
category, search pages (grid/list) and product details pages
Make sure all those pages are not broken.
Make sure instead of pricing there is shown “Login to see price“.
Case 2
In the operations portal open company details screen of the company on which you have customer account.
In the Restrict Catalog dropdown field select “Yes“.
Go to Catalog screen on your company. Add several items to the catalog.
Log in as a customer on the store front.
For places from Case 1:
Make sure that Add to Cart functionality is shown only for items which were added to the catalog.
Make sure pages are not broken.
For items which are not on the catalog: (canPurchase = false)
Make sure you cannot see Add to Cart functionality.
Make sure for those items you’re able to see "Call for availability" message.
Case 3
In the operations portal on Company Details screen In the Restrict Catalog dropdown field select “No“.
Log in as a customer on the store front.
For places from Case 1:
Make sure that Add to Cart functionality is shown for all products.
Make sure pages are not broken.
Case 4
In the operations portal on Company Details screen In the Restrict Catalog dropdown field select “Yes“.
Log in as a customer on the store front.
For places from Case 1:
Make sure for products which are showing TBD pricing and are not on catalog (canPurchase should be equal to false) when you hover your cursor over “TBD“ - you shouldn’t be able to see any tooltips.
Case 5
With the same setup as from the Case 4, on products which are not on the catalog (canPurchase = false).
Make sure when you’re hovering your cursor over the “Call for availability“ message you’re able to see tooltip with wording: "Item not on your restricted order guide. Please reach out to Customer Care or your sales rep to get this item added".
KOD-23482: Display the ERP order number with the full suffix on all order templates
KOD-23483: Issue Selecting Shipto - Header Disappears - Part 2
KOD-23485:AP Issue
KOD-23486: Send Forms to Specific Emails
KOD-23488: Custom parser
KOD-23489: Title and Description Still Linked on List Page
Regression Tests
Case 1
Find some product from the page in the operations portal.
Try to change name and description.
Check if data on product details page and product list page are reflected correctly.
Case 1
Find some product from page in the operations portal.
Try to change data for that product and check if those data are reflected in:
breadcrumbs ( product name)
title (product name)
description ( product description)
Check List view and Grid view if everything looks good and working correctly with correct data displayed.
KOD-23491: Terms Data not Displaying on Companies Screen
Case 1
Search tab now should display fields termstype and termstypeDescription on the response besides the facets.
KOD-23524: Make Mobile Apps Shop/Order by store compatible
KOD-23525: Cannot collapse pay via cc and order totals
Case 1
Open the website.
Add an item to the cart.
Navigate to the Delivery & Payment tab.
Attempt to open and close the following sections:
Pay with ACH Account
Order Totals
KOD-23527: Wrong action buttons position
Regression Tests
Case 1
Please check that product list page looks as usual.
Case 1
Please test that we have all action buttons for product list aligned vertically among products.
KOD-23526: Add New Shipto Option Not Coming Through
KOD-23530: AP Automation Implementation
KOD-23529: Set up Email Forwarding for AP Automation
KOD-23531: Implementation - Small adjustments
Regression Tests
Case 1
Confirm that the category page (product list) loads without any errors.
Case 2
Confirm that on the category page, you can switch the page layout from horizontal to vertical by clicking the corresponding button.
Сase 3
Confirm that on the category page, you can change the view between grid, list, or catalog by clicking the respective icon.
Case 4
Confirm that if a user selects a filter and then changes the layout, the selected filter remains applied.
Case 1
Confirm that there are no visual glitches (e.g., flickering) when changing the layout or loading the page.
Case 2
Confirm that if we open a page with layout=vertical and then navigate to another category page, it will also open with a vertical layout, meaning we retain the layout preference for the user.
KOD-23532: Adding vendor user on the Vendor screen
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check that you can still navigate to the Vendor Users, Vendor Users > User, Vendor Users > User > Roles screens fine.
Also check that the breadcrumbs on those pages work as normal.
Case 2
Check that you can add a vendor user as before on the Vendor Users screen.
And that works correctly.
Case 1
Go through the flow of adding a new vendor user (both on vendor > vendor details and vendor users screens).
You should be able to add roles and send activation email like on the customers screen.
Once the user is created, you should be redirected to the vendor user details screen.
Case 2
After creating and sending activation email from Case 1, go through the vendor > set account password flow.
Make sure all the pages, vendor account activation, vendor account password, and vendor login, work fine.
Case 3
Go through the lost password flow for your vendor user. Make sure the vendor-account-retrieval and vendor-reset-password pages work fine with no errors.
Case 4
Throughout all the previous tests, make sure the emails look fine and have the correct (vendor) wording where necessary.
KOD-23534: Hide Language Options
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check if content above header is looking good and works correctly.
Case 1
Check if content above header is not display language dropdown. (logged in and logout user).
KOD-23540: Implementation- Test Releasing Order to ERP
KOD-23542: Adding vendor user on the Vendor screen - Platform
KOD-23543: Vendor Credit Request UX updates
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check that you can still enter a credit request fine.
Case 1
Test that the shipto field is now only required if the ‘shipreqfl’ setting on the company is set to ‘yes’ or ‘true’.
Case 2
Check that the customer number and shipto fields are now search as you type and display the customer number/shipto and name in the dropdown items.
KOD-23545: Add enableShopByStore, enableOrderByStore setting to configuration endpoint
Case 1
Verify settings under /api/user/customer/configuration endpoints return enableShopByStore and enableOrderByStore settings.
KOD-23556: Issues with Automated Orders and Sourced Flow
KOD-23557: Make "Stock Order" an Available Type under Subtype
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check if you can set subtype for orders/ quotes in order/quote detail page.
Case 1
Check if new option “Stock Order“ is appearing in subtype dropdown.
Check if you can save this value for status - subtype.
KOD-23559: Implementation - Paid On Date not Showing
KOD-23562: [UX] Add all new fields for terminals
Regression Tests
Case 1
Make sure the terminal screen still loads as well as the details screen.
Case 1
Go to the terminals screen → Notice the new fields in the show/hide column section:
credential default
host code
kodaris terminal id
payment flows
terminal key
test terminal
warehouse code
Case 2
You should be able to search on these new fields:
credential default
host code
warehouse code
You should not be able to sort any of the new fields.
Case 3
You should be able to add/update each of those new fields and when you reload the page, those updates should stay.
Case 4
Click into one of those terminals → you should now see all the new fields on the details page.
Case 5
You should be able to update those new fields on the details page and it should save.
KOD-23581: parser is not picking line items on PO
KOD-23592: Restrict displaying costs for the employees in the mobile app
KOD-23597: Mark new products coming from ERP as display=false
KOD-23599: Fix incorrect displaying Unit Sell
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check product detail, category and search list/grid/catalog pages.
Make sure each of them is not broken and works with no issues. You should be able to check all values, add products into a cart in desired quantity and in desired unit.
Case 2
On a product which has several unit conversions configured and has unit dropdown try selecting different values in unit dropdown.
Make sure that if for different units there was different pricing - different pricing should be shown for this product in different units at the store front.
Case 3
Add product with unit conversions configured to a cart with different units. Make sure at cart you can see this product with the correct unit you’ve chosen on product page.
Case 1
Find a product with several unit conversions in the unit conversion dropdown.
Make sure after initial page load the same option is selected by default (it should come from the response of api/user/product/pricesByCodes endpoint in the "unitSell" field.
Make sure the option which comes from the "unitSell" field is displayed the first one in the options list.
Reload page multiple times. Make sure each time values in the dropdown are displayed in the same order.