In this release, we’ve added the ability to automatically assign employees to companies based on if they are designated as an “Outside Sales Rep” or “Inside Sales Rep”. This feature can be configured on the “Employee Assignment” screen under CRM in the Operations Portal.
Watch this video to see how you can manage your settings to automatically assign employees to companies:
Domain restriction ability added to Security screen
Under the security settings in the Operations Portal, we added a new field titled “Enable CORS Domains” where you can add specific URLs to create a list of allowed domains. You can add just one URL or multiple URLs separated by a comma.
Learn more about this feature and how to enable domains:
Product categories added to search results
Product categories have been added to the search results dropdown on your commerce website. For example, if a user searches “Power Drill” in the search bar of your website, the dropdown results will continue to show any related products, but they will now also include applicable product categories such as “in Power Tools” or “in Power Drills”. This new search functionality allows users to browse by categories related to their search, further providing them the opportunity to access categories and all the products listed within a category.
See the new search experience in action by watching the video below:
KOD-13072: Kodaris - Create Help Page and/or Dev Doc on Creating Custom Block in CMS
KOD-16789: PurchaseOrder Emails - UX
Regression Tests
Case 1
Go to the operations portal.
Go to Purchase Orders screen.
Choose any of available orders.
Check that details screen looks good.
Case 1
Check and see if there’s a new ‘Emails’ tab under a purchase order.
Case 2
On the purchase order details screen header, you should be able to generate and send an email.
Check that the preview looks good when generating.
Case 3
After sending emails, check that you can see the email in the ‘Emails’ screen.
You should be able to click the preview button and also go to the email details screen.
Case 4
Also try filtering and sorting on the purchase order emails.
KOD-16882: Purchase Order - Generate PDFs functionality
Regression Tests
Case 1
Go to the operations portal > purchase orders > customer files and internal files tabs.
They should work as normal with no errors.
Case 2
On an order, make sure you can still generate a pdf and the correct template is selected by default.
Case 1
Go to the operations portal > purchase orders > purchase order screen.
Try generating customer and internal pdfs.
Both should work correctly.
Case 2
On each customer and internal pdf screen, check that you can sort, filter, view, download, and delete on the grid.
KOD-16942: Purchase Order - purchaseOrderEmail template
KOD-21479: Ability to create AP Automation report ticket for email attachment
KOD-21487: Freight / Delivery Fee Assessment on Checkout
KOD-22072: Split Orders - Tie line items to associated order from original
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check if screens like:
External order/items
Summary Order /items
Cash Quote /items
Quote request/item
are working correctly, and displaying data.
Case 1
Verify that a split order retains the correct reference to the original order on the order/items grid.
Check if link for Original Order column is working correctly (redirect to original order).
Check this on screens like:
External order/items
Summary Order /items
Cash Quote /items
Quote request/item
KOD-22267: Implementation - Configure Punchout
KOD-22368: Add category search results to type as you search
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check if you can search products by search input.
Check if list is full of products with name you provided.
Case 1
Try to search for some category.
Check if it’s going to display something.
Check if you can search by this category.
KOD-22717: Create purchaseOrderPDF-EJS template
KOD-22859: Fraud - Surface on/off switch
KOD-22861: AI tab on the Product screen
Regression Tests
Case 1
Make sure product details page is not broken.
Make sure top navigation on product is not broken and working properly.
Case 1
On the Product Details tab:
Make sure there are no Header and Footer editor inputs on the page.
Case 2
Make sure there is a new Tab added to the Product Top Navigation: Additional Content. That should be located right after Specs Tab.
Make sure this tab contains editor inputs for Header and Footer that were present on Product Details Tab previously.
Make sure they act the same way as previously on Details Tab.
Chose another language on the product (other than default language). Edit Header and Footer for this language version. Make sure those updates are not populated to other language versions of this Product Header and footer.
Case 3
Make sure there is another new Tab added on the Product Top Nav - AI Tab. It should be located right after the Additional Content Tab.
You should be able to check this tab with one of the following permissions:
AI Name should be displayed as regular input. All other 5 inputs should be disapayed as inputs with editor:
AI Description
AI Index Prompt
AI Keywords
AI PIM Prompt
AI Search Prompt
Values for all 6 fields should be updated on blur.
After editing those settings values check Custom Fields Tab for this product.
Make sure AI settings were created for this product properly:
code, name and description should contain AI setting name in camelcase: for ex: aiPimPrompt
type: "AI", valueType: "textValue", and value should contain your typed value.
Make sure values which were submitted from the editor should contain tags and formatting that you’ve used within editor.
Try editing AI settings values from the AI tab. Refresh AI tab page. Make sure results saved. Make sure you can see updated setting value on the Custom Fields Tab for the correspondent setting.
Try editing AI settings values from the Custom Fields tab. Refresh AI and Custom Fields Tab. Make sure updated setting value is saved and displayed on the AI tab correctly.
Case 4
Edit AI settings values from the AI Tab on the Product.
Check Custom Fields Tab for this product.
Make sure AI settings were created for this product properly:
code, name and description should contain AI setting name in camelcase: for ex: aiPimPrompt,
type: "AI", valueType: "textValue", and value should contain your typed value.
Make sure values which were submitted from the editor should contain tags and formatting that you’ve used within editor.
Try editing AI settings values from the AI tab. Refresh AI tab page. Make sure results saved. Make sure you can see updated setting value on the Custom Fields Tab for the correspondent setting.
Try editing AI settings values from the Custom Fields tab. Refresh AI and Custom Fields Tab. Make sure updated setting value is saved and displayed on the AI tab correctly.
KOD-23021: invoices in Kodaris
Regression Tests
Case 1
Operations Portal.
Order Details.
Find an order that is not an ISM order (takenby field on custom fields != ‘ISM’)
Expected result:
Order emails is generated without any errors.
Order pdf is generated without any errors.
Case 2
Customer Portal.
Order Details.
Find an order that is not an ISM order (takenby field on custom fields != ‘ISM’)
Expected result:
Order details look as expected.
Case 1
Operations Portal.
Order Details.
Find an order that is an ISM order (takenby = ‘ISM’) and has only one labor line that is active.
Order email and pdf.
Expected result:
There is only one line being displayed for that labor item.
The only data in that line is item total.
Other duplicated items are not being grouped.
Case 2
Customer Portal.
Order Details.
Find an order that is an ISM order (takenby = ‘ISM’) and has only one labor line that is active.
Expected result:
There is only one line being displayed for that labor item.
The only data in that line is item total.
Other duplicated items are not being grouped.
Case 3
Operations Portal.
Order Details.
Find an order that is an ISM order (takenby = ‘ISM’) and has many labor line items that are active.
Order email and pdf.
Expected result:
There is only one line being displayed (of each labor item) instead all the labor lines.
The only data in that line is item total.
Item total is a sum of all the specific labor items.
Other duplicated items are not being grouped.
KOD-23102: Implementation - Bulk upload images
KOD-23154: Implementation - Unable to Push Orders to ERP
KOD-23164: Customer Product Catalogs
KOD-23165: Shipping Methods - Shipvias
KOD-23187: Mobile App - Option to add CC Pay Method screen available for non-CC companies
Regression Tests
Case 1
When option cardPaymentMethodsEnabled from the customer portal configuration endpoint equals 1, you should see options to select between account and ACH.
Case 1
When option cardPaymentMethodsEnabled from the customer portal configuration endpoint equals 0, you should not see options to select between account and ACH. The form should be defaulted to ACH.
KOD-23205: Implementation
KOD-23222: Implementation - Website Questions
Regression Tests
Case 1
Scroll down to the bottom.
Check that footer still looks good.
Case 2
Go to news page.
Check that everything looks good.
Check that you can go to any news.
Case 3
Log in as a employee.
Back to front side.
Click on black icon with instruments.
Check that theme looks good.
Case 1
Scroll down to the bottom.
Check that you see subscribe to emails under logo in footer.
Check that if this is working:
Filling email field.
Click Subscribe.
You should see next message → "Thank You! You are subscribed".
Go to the operations portal → emails screen.
Check that email was created.
Case 2
Go to news page.
After the third news you should see block “Subscribe to updates”.
Verify next thing:
You can fill email field.
Once you filled this field, click button “Stay up to date"
You should see message "Thank You! You are subscribed."
Go to the operations portal → emails screen.
Check that email was created.
Case 3
Log in as a employee.
Back to front side.
Click on black icon with instruments.
Scroll down to "Socials" section.
You should see that new option was added → Instagram.
Check that you can fill that option.
After filled that field, reload page and check that info was saved.
Scroll down to the bottom of page.
Check that Instagram icon was added in the footer.
KOD-23237: Implementation - Upload Brand icons
Regression Tests
Case 1
For this test we will go to the commerce site, add a product to the cart.
You can select a product with a brand icon or more and a product without for this test.
It will asks us to login. We will follow the log in process and the rest of the checkout process.
You should be able to place an order without any issues.
Case 1
For this test we will search for a product to get to the product list screen.
We added brand icons to some products and saved the URL to the user10 attribute. If the product you are seeing has one or multiple brand icons, you should see them on the card, otherwise nothing will appear.
You can check this in the operations portal.
Back on the commerce site, we will go to a product’s details screen. We should also see the brand icon if the product has any and nothing if it doesn’t.
The brand icons files should NOT appear inside the Resources tab in the product’s details page.
Please verify that the icons are mobile responsive on both the product list and product details screens.
KOD-23263: Add Tax information and Payment Terms to the Vendor Invoice Details Page
Regression Tests
Case 1
For this regression test, we will go to AP Vendor Invoices - Select a vendor invoice - Details screen.
If “canEdit” equals true on this vendor invoice, you should be able to edit every field on this screen.
You should also test Switch Vendor, Copy Vendor Invoice and Email Vendor Invoice buttons.
They should all work properly.
Case 2
For this regression test, we will go to AP Vendor Invoices - Data tab.
We will test the editing of the fields. You should be able to edit the fields by double clicking on the columns.
You should also test clearing the columns values by pressing the Delete and the Backspace keys.
This should work normally.
Case 1
For this test, we will go to AP Vendor Invoices - Select a vendor invoice.
We need to check if the item we selected has values in the taxesByJurisdiction attribute.
If it doesn’t, you should see a Tax value being displayed inside the “Totals” section in the sidebar.
If “canEdit” equals true on this vendor invoice, you should be able to edit the Tax value just like in Orders. We will add a value and then remove it, it should be updated successfully.
If “canEdit” equals false you won’t be able to edit the Tax value.
Case 2
For this test, we will go to AP Vendor Invoices - Select a vendor invoice.
We will select a vendor invoice item that doesn’t have a taxesByJurisdiction value. We will add one in this test.
To do this, we will go to Custom Fields. We will fill the fields. You can use this for the Value field:
Make sure you can still edit/save/preview a CMS page.
Case 1
Go to CMS → Pages → Add Page → Gutenberg → can select a layout or just x out of it → click the plus button and start searching for _CM: Section: Brand Specific Product Categories →_ click on it → you should be able to update the title and subtitle if you want → click the section and click block on the right hand side → here you can also update the title and subtitle if you wanted as well as select a brand → start searching for a brand and select it (need to make sure there are products under that brand that have categories associated to them) → click Save.
Case 2
Click preview → you should see the categories that are associated to products with that brand → if the category has a medium image, it should display, else it will show the standard logo sample.
Under each category should say "Shop Now" and should be clickable → click on one → you should be redirected in a new tab to that category and have it filtered down with that brand that you originally chose.
KOD-23393: Forward Emails from Ticketing System
Regression Tests
Case 1
Make sure Emails Screen is not broken.
Make sure all buttons on each Email Record are working properly within the grid.
Case 2
Make sure Ticket Emails Screen in not broken.
Make sure all buttons on each Ticket Email record are working properly within the grid.
Case 3
On the global Email Screen check grid.
Make sure for each record there is new button “Forward Email“ with the tooltip which is shown on hover over that button.
Case 4
Do the same checks as from the Case 3 for Ticket Emails.
Case 5
Click on “Forward email button“.
Make sure you can see email popup with Send button and trash icon button in the footer of the popup.
Make sure in this popup original recipient list is displayed. Try editing to emails, cc email list and bcc email list.
Make sure you can see readonly field with email Subject. (Make sure it’s not editable).
Make sure you cannot send email without specifying to Email. (At least 1).
Make sure you cannot send email with empty body.
Make sure original email content is displayed. Make sure it is editable. Edit email content.
Click “Send“ button.
Make sure you can see success snacker with message: “Email has been successfully forwarded.“
Make sure after successful sending the grid was refreshed.
Click preview email to check if forwarded email content was changed according to your changes in step 6.
Within the grid check columns to, bcc, cc for the forwarded email. Make sure they were updated according to your changes in step 3.
Case 6
Perform all checks and steps from Case 5 for Ticket Emails.
KOD-23415: Employee Mobile App - Remove "Customer Comments" Tab from Activities
Case 1
Go to the Activity Details screen and verify that the “Customer Comments” tab is no longer present.
KOD-23417: Implementation - ERP sync
KOD-23432: Update the integration for using a new payment type for ACH
KOD-23437: Side panel slide out animation issue - New ticket
KOD-23444: Add custom fields to the Сross References details screen
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check if we can display Cross Reference screen.
Check if detail page is still working for cross reference.
Case 1
Cross Reference → Details → Custom Fields.
Check if settings are displayed on Custom Fields screen.
Check if you can create an settings.
Check if you can edit the settings.
Check if you can delete the settings.
KOD-23449: Simplify URLs
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check that all the links on the careers, insights, and releases pages all work fine.
Case 1
Check that you can now turn on the usev2seo URL setting and setup the seocontent marker.
KOD-23451: Employee App - Quick Order bug fixes and enhancements
KOD-23468: Add additional Fraud data to fraud screens in UX
Regression Tests
Case 1
Make sure that Fraud page works as before without any errors.
Case 1
Open the detailed Fraud page on the `/fraud-data/`screen.
Make sure that the Risk Reasons table is displayed with a list (if available).
Make sure that the multiplier changes color depending on the value, less than 1 is green, if more than 1, then red.
KOD-23528: Implementation - ecomm changes
KOD-23538: Design adjustments requested
KOD-23539: Increase number for interchange products
Case 1
For testing we might need a Product with more than 50 cross references. (Only cross references with type 'I' are taken into account).
Then, we only need to trigger a reindex on that product and in the response we will all the crossReference under 'altCodes' value.
For example, in my case only row 1 and 5 will be used in the field:
Also, there might be other types depending on setting addCrossReferenceTypeToIndex.
You can see it in the api/system/product/search endpoint.
For triggering de reindex just update a field on the product or run the following endpoint:
Check via POST endpoint: /api/system/productCrossReference/{productCrossReferenceID}/settings
KOD-23546: Display Customer Password Requirements
KOD-23550: Implementation - Shelf Pack Pricing
KOD-23552: Kodaris website needed
KOD-23558: PIM Cross Reference Sync with CSD
KOD-23560: Implied Core Charge Issue
KOD-23561: More updates to invoice templates
KOD-23565: Selective Inventory for New Authenticated Customer Group
Regression Tests
Case 1
Enable this global setting “enableCustomerContractRestrictions“ and on your test company set the field “Restrict Catalog“ to no. Then go to the website, log in and enter some category/ search page. You should be able to add items to the cart regardless if they are in your catalogs or no.
Case 1
Follow the same steps as in regression test but set “Restrict Catalog“ to yes. Now the items that are not in your catalogs can not be added to the cart. Also, the featured products slider on welcome page should not be there.
KOD-23566: Add split screen view for internal files to orders page
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check that the Orders > Internal/Customer Files pages looks good.
Check that the functionality of downloading/opening previews, loading Internal/Customer Files, etc. works correctly.
Check that there are no errors in the console.
Check that the Quotes > Internal/Customer Files page looks good.
Check that the functionality of downloading/opening previews, loading Internal/Customer Files, etc. works correctly.
Check that there are no errors in the console.
Check that the Cash-quotes > Internal/Customer Files page looks good.
Check that the functionality of downloading/opening previews, loading Internal/Customer Files, etc. works correctly.
Check that there are no errors in the console.
Case 1
Check that the “Open in split view“ button appears on the Orders > Internal/Customer Files pages.
Check that when you click the button, a split-screen window mod opens.
Check that the split window functionality works correctly.
Check that the “Open in split view“ button appears on the Quotes > Internal/Customer Files pages.
Check that when you click the button, a split-screen window mod opens.
Check that the split window functionality works correctly.
Check that the “Open in split view“ button appears on the Cash-quotes > Internal/Customer Files pages.
Check that when you click the button, a split-screen window mod opens.
Check that the split window functionality works correctly.
KOD-23567: Remove Top Quick Order Buttons
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check if Quick order is working correctly.
Check if layout looks good for quick order.
Case 1
Check if Quick order is working.
Check if quick order has only one pair button for adding to cart and adding more parts.
KOD-23569: Add domain restrictions function to operations portal security screen
Regression Tests
Case 1
Security screen.
Check if settings in security screen are working correctly.
Case 1
Check if you can save domain in enable CORS domain field in Security screen.
KOD-23572: Updates for invoice template
Regression Tests
Case 1
Make sure you can still create an order email, order pdf, and view the order details page.
Case 1
Go to an order and create an email → notice the serial number under product name/description (if it exists) and a signature should not be present.
Case 2
Go to an order and create an internal order pdf → notice the serial number under product name/description (if it exists) as well as a signature at the bottom of the pdf (if exists).
Case 3
Go to the order details page on the customer portal → notice the serial number under product name/description (if it exists) as well as a signature at the bottom of the pdf (if exists).
KOD-23577: Employee App - Add Settings Screen
Regression Tests
Case 1
The side menu panel includes the "Settings" option, which is enabled, and the "Logout" option is not present in the side menu panel.
Navigating to the Settings screen displays the following information: login URL, user email, app version, device ID, and the Logout button.
Ensure the login and logout flow works correctly without any changes.
KOD-23578: Initiate employee assignment based on sales rep manually
KOD-23582: Implementation - Purchase Order Parser
KOD-23583: Customer Mobile App - Fix Text Sizing Issue
KOD-23584: Implementation - Shipping method by default
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check that the Shipping Options selection functionality works correctly.
Check that the correct Shipping Option is applied when creating an order.
Check that there are no errors in the console.
Case 1
Check that in Shipping Options on the checkout page the option with the value Method Type = default is preselected.
Check that the order information indicates a preselected option.
Check that when changing an option on the checkout page, the selected option is indicated in the order information.
Check that if there are no options with the value Method Type = default, there are no preselected fields in Shipping Options on the checkout page.
Payment with card, when MX_MERCHANT Terminal is setup.
KOD-23589: Add new send mail endpoint for customer email that is the same as company
KOD-23591: Allow changing vendor code on cash quote items
Regression Tests
Case 1
On Cash Quote Items page:
Make sure page is not broken.
Make sure grid is working with no issues.
Case 2
On Cash Quote Items page:
Add Vendor Code column to the grid.
Make sure it has type as you search functionality with vendor dropdown values on it.
Select any value.
Refresh the grid.
Make sure vendor code value for the record was saved.
KOD-23598: Surfacing delivery date on checkout
Regression Tests
Case 1
At cart check 3 cart tabs.
Make sure those 3 tabs are not broken, you should be able to interact with page functionality.
Make sure styling on those pages is not broken.
Case 2
Make sure you can place the order successfully. Order should contain all of your submitted data at cart page.
Case 3
At cart tab #3 Delivery & Payment make sure Select a delivery Date accordion was added below the "Select a shipping option" and above "Add a Purchase Order".
Make sure it contains datePicker. You should be able to type there date from the keyboard in the format
Select date from the datePicker or type it from the keyboard.
Check this order within the employee portal. Within Custom Fields there should be created field with the code "deliveryDate". Make sure this field value reflects the date that you’ve picked at cart.
You can also check Requested Delivery date field on the Order Details tab. Make sure that field reflects date that you’ve picked at cart page.
KOD-23602: Make slow Event endpoint faster
KOD-23603: Add fields for api/account/customer/myCompanies
KOD-23605: Store the Merchant ID on the payment record
KOD-23608: Create Content Pages Directly on the Product Documentation Site
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check that still works with no errors.
Case 2
As a logged in employee, go to, there still should be no errors and everything should load fine.
Case 1
As a logged in employee, you should see another option ‘Create Page’ in the toolbar.
Once you click it, there should be a popup that allows you to:
Add a page name
Set the parent page name (should be defaulted to the page used to build out the nav menu, e.g. product documentation or PIM)
Create a ticket (this should be selected by default.
Case 2
In the open popup, you should be able to click outside the window and click the cancel button, which should close the popup.
Case 3
Enter some information and click create page. Some links should show and you should be able to:
View the page
Open the page editor
Or view the new ticket.
Case 4
The newly created ticket and page should be linked to each other, e.g. in the page description, you should see a link to the ticket.
and in the ticket description, you should see a link to the page.
Case 5
On the website, page links with page.status = ‘Todo’ should have a green color.
KOD-23611: Add interceptor to WeeklyIntervalJob
KOD-23615: Custom Parser
KOD-23617: Fix Emails & PDFs to show Internet CC for Payment Terms
Regression Tests
Case 1
Operations portal.
Orders → Magento order.
Paid by card.
Expected result: INTERNET CC terms are displayed for email and PDF.
Case 2
Operations portal.
Orders → Magento order.
Paid in any other way.
Expected result: Respective payment terms are displayed for email and PDF.
Case 3
Operations portal.
Orders → Order from site.
Paid in any other way.
Expected result: Respective payment terms are displayed for email and PDF.
KOD-23620: Add some Pricing fields to the grid and details screen
KOD-23621: Add userDefinedRoundingTarget field to ProductPrice
Regression Tests
Case 1
Test Pricing screen in operations portal.
Case 1
Test new ProductPrice field userDefinedRoundingTarget.
KOD-23622: Add userDefinedRoundingTarget field to ProductPrice - UX
Regression Tests
Case 1
Pricing Data and Details screens work fine.
Case 1
Operations portal → Pricing Data screen.
New column is available: User Defined Rounding Target it’s editable.
Case 2
Operations portal → Pricing Details screen.
New field is available: User Defined Rounding Target it’s editable.
KOD-23624: COD Payments - Terminal Flow
KOD-23625: Budget Calculation is Including Multiple Lines for Add-ons
Regression Tests
Case 1
Create company budget and try to recalculate it.
Case 1
Testing Group order discount budgets by Discount.code with running total.
KOD-23626: Add "/api/system/internalFile/internalUploadOrderDocumentByOrderID" endpoint to serverside
KOD-23629: Add termstypeDescription to the Companies screen
Case 1
Operations portal => Companies:
Search screen
Data screen
There is a new column available: Terms Description
KOD-23630: Update the integration for using a new payment type for ACH - Next steps
KOD-23631: Add BI tracking data slices
KOD-23634: Shop by store search by city and zip
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check as logged in and guest user for mobile and desktop versions of site.
Make sure welcome page is not broken.
Make sure warehouse selector works with no issues:
Warehouse selector button should work with no issues: On click warehouse panel should be displayed with all available warehouses.
You should be able to select any warehouse from the panel. After pressing “Save“ button, your selected warehouse should be displayed within the warehouse selector button and marked as selected within the warehouse select panel.
Case 2
Refresh the page. Open warehouse selector panel.
Make sure all warehouses are sorted by city.
Case 3
On the warehouse panel click use current location. Make sure it works with no issues.
Case 4
Make sure you can search by postal code:
On the warehouse panel try using search input box. Type the postal code - the one from available warehouse. Press enter.
Make sure that one warehouse with the postal code that you’ve typed is at the top of the warehouse list.
Case 5
On the warehouse panel make sure search input has following label:
Search by City or Postal Code.
Case 6
In the search input try searching by city: type there alphabetical characters. If among the warehouse list there was found warehouse with city which starts with your typed characters - it should be displayed at the top of the list, all other warehouses should be sorted by the city.
For this test, we need to navigate to the /contact screen.
Make sure that it loads properly.
Fill the fields and submit the form.
Case 1
For this test, we need to navigate to the /contact screen. Below the submit button, no branches contact information should be displayed.
KOD-23690: AP Automation - Add vendor code to vendor invoice grids and warehouse to invoice detail screen
Regression Tests
Case 1
On Vendor Invoice Search and Data Screens:
Make sure those screen are not broken.
You should be able to add/remove columns.
If the column is filterable/sortable - sorting and filtering should work with no issues.
Case 2
On Vendor Invoice Details Screen make sure screen is not broken.
If Vendor Invoice is editable you should be able to edit all data successfully.
Case 3
On Vendor Invoice Search and Data Screens:
Make sure new column Vendor Code was added to the search table and grid. Make sure this column is filterable on both screens.
Case 4
On Vendor Invoice Details Screen make sure there was new section added:
Delivery Method.
With 2 columns: Location (should contain all available warehouse options in the dropdown) and Requested Delivery Date (should contain date picker)
Try editing values in those 2 columns, refresh page. Make sure values in those columns were successfully saved.
Case 5
Find vendor invoice which has canEdit field set to false.
On Vendor Invoice Details tab: make sure that "only" Location and Requested Delivery Date fields are editable.
KOD-23691: Totals not Showing at Checkout
KOD-23695: Allow operations portal users to choose a pricing warehouse for an order as a first option
KOD-23696: Add Pop Up Cookies Agreement
Regression Tests
Case 1
Make sure whatever page you are on still loads.
Case 1
When you load the page, you should notice the cookies pop up message → click accept or decline and the pop up should disappear → when you reload the page, the popup should not appear again.
KOD-23701: Page template selection error
Regression Tests
Case 1
Confirm that you can create a Gutenberg page, add some content, save it, and after refreshing the page, the changes remain.
Case 2
Confirm that you can create a Gutenberg draft page either from an existing page or via the page drafts screen, add some content, save it, and after refreshing the page, the changes remain.
Case 3
Confirm that you can click "Publish" on the draft page and everything works without errors.
Case 4
Confirm that when you add content to a Gutenberg page, click save, and open it on the live site, all content is visible there.
Case 1
Confirm that when creating a Gutenberg page, a modal appears allowing you to select a layout. Select one and confirm that no errors occur and the layout content, template, and settings are applied to the page.
Case 2
Delete all content from an existing page, click save, and refresh the page. The layout selection modal should appear again. Select a layout and confirm that no errors occur and the layout content, template, and settings are applied correctly.
Case 3
Confirm the same process for draft pages.
KOD-23707: Change order email to have public tracking page URL for all users (guest and logged in)
Regression Tests
Case 1
Make sure order email still loads.
Case 2
Orders that have 2ship tracking → the order email, pdf, and details page should remain unchanged (i.e.: the tracking info should still be present).
Case 1
Find an order that has tracking information→ when you generate an email, you will see a link to the tracking page → (when testing you’ll have to copy link address instead of clicking) and it should route you to the public tracking page.
Case 2
Find an order that was just placed or does not have any tracking info → when you generate an email and copy that link, it should route you to the public tracking page to check back soon once a delivery partner gets assigned.
Case 3
For DQ shipments, you will now be able to see the tracking number/info on the order email, pdf, and details page.
KOD-23708: Add Header section to top of product page
Case 1
In the operations portal product details edit header section. Save it.
On the storefront open this product details page.
Make sure data you’ve saved in header is now displayed below the pricing. The formatting should be the same as you’ve used in the editor for the header.
Check it for mobile view also. Make sure it is not broken, whole page layout should not be changed.
Case 2
Clear out all header data for a product in operations portal product details page.
On the storefront open this product details page.
Make sure there is no text or data displayed below the pricing. Make sure page layout is not broken or changed.
KOD-23709: AP Automation Grid Updates - Platform
KOD-23710: Add filtering by TicketType for api/system/ticket/list endpoint
Case 1
Test Ticket ticketType field is sortable and filterable.
KOD-23711: Add Geolocation Serverside API
KOD-23722: Add view invoice document button to the search grid