April 20, 2023 release notes
Hello! Hope you all are doing well as we are nearing the end of April. Time flies fast! There are no highlights this week. We've been working hard laying the foundation for many new awesome features to come. Keep an eye out for them in the coming weeks as they are released! Have a wonderful week!
- KOD-13290: Subscriptions - Serverside Export
- New endpoint added -> /api/system/subscription/export
- KOD-13408: Update Search Endpoints
- 2. CRM -> Quotes
- a) Navigate to the Data tab, apply some filters to filter out quotes and check result. (list search is used here)
- b) Navigate to the Search tab, choose one of the existing quotes and navigate to the 'Custom Fields' tab. Try to filter out existing quote settings with a few properties.
- ?) Navigate to the Search tab, choose one of the existing quotes, navigate to the 'Items' tab and choose one of existing quote items. Then navigate to the 'Custom Fields' tab and try to filter out quote item settings by few properties.
- d) Navigate to the Search tab, apply some filters and try to export quotes with applied filters. Check export file. This tab will use Solr export.
- e) Navigate to Data tab, apply some filters and try to export quotes with applied filters. Check export file. This tab will use list export.
- 3. AR/AP -> Vendor Invoices
- a) Navigate to the Search tab, check existing Vendor Invoices and test applying filters to filter them out.(Solr)
- b) Navigate to the Data tab, check existing Vendor Invoices and test searching for vendor invoices. (DB)
- c) Navigate to the Search tab, choose one of the existing Vendor Invoices, navigate to the 'Items' tab and test filtering out items.
- d) Navigate to Search tab, choose one of the existing Vendor Invoices, navigate to the 'Custom Fields' tab and try to filter out existing Vendor Invoice settings.
- e) Navigate to the Data tab, apply some filters and test exporting filtered Vendor Invoices.
- 4. Orders -> Orders
- a) Navigate to the Search tab, choose one of the existing Orders, navigate to the 'Items' tab and choose one of the existing order items. Then proceed to the 'Custom Fields' tab and try to filter out order item settings.
- b) Navigate to the Search tab, choose one of the existing Orders, navigate to the 'Custom Fields' tab and try to filter on the order settings.
- c) Navigate to the Search Tab, apply some filters and try to export orders with applied filters. Check export file.
- Swagger regression tests:
- POST /api/system/leadsquotes/search
- POST /api/system/leadsquotes/list
- POST /api/system/leadsquotes/export
- POST /api/system/order/{orderID}/settings
- POST /api/system/order/{orderID}/orderItem/{orderItemID}/settings
- POST /api/system/order/export
- POST /api/account/order/search
- POST /api/account/order/exportOrdersAsCsv
- POST /api/system/quote/list
- POST /api/system/quote/{quoteID}/settings
- POST /api/system/quote/{quoteID}/quoteItem/{quoteItemID}/settings
- POST /api/system/quote/export
- POST /api/account/quote/search
- POST /api/account/quote/exportQuotesAsCsv
- POST /api/system/vendorInvoice/search
- POST /api/system/vendorInvoice/{vendorInvoiceID}/settings
- POST /api/system/vendorInvoice/list
- POST /api/system/vendorInvoice/{vendorInvoiceID}/items
- POST /api/system/vendorInvoice/downloadVendorInvoiceEdis
- KOD-13573: No Invoice # On Employee COD Payment Notification Email
- Test to confirm the COD payment made email contains the ERP order number if available, or the web order number.
- KOD-13656: Display Inventory on Product Detail Page
- Test that inventory is displayed on the product details, category, and search pages.
- KOD-13768: D365 Warehouse Sku Sync Scripts
- KOD-13794: D365 Billing vs Shipping addresses
- This script will run on the customer side when you choose a billing or shipping address from the top bar or during checkout. To confirm it works in the Operations Portal, go to the Company you are working with and look at the Company Addresses. On the Development tab for an address you will see a field called defaultType. This should contain one of the following: billing, shipping, billingAndShipping.
- The following addresses should show on billing dropdowns: billing, billingAndShipping
- The following addresses should show on shipping dropdowns: shipping, billingAndShipping
- The interceptor makes the search no longer look at the billing = true/false flag. It only looks at the string in defaultType to determine what a user can choose for an address.
- KOD-13844: Mark Drop Ship Lines as Backordered When Order Split
- Prerequisites:
- 1. On the store front create an order with direct shipped items.
- 2. In the Employee portal go to order details and split the order from #1.
- 3. Observe the Direct Order to appear in Order details => Back Orders tab - all tests will be done on it.
- Employee portal
- Case 1:
- 1. Open the Direct Order details.
- 2. Email order.
- 3. Make sure that orderItem.quantityShipped is shown in the back order column.
- Case 2:
- 1. Open the Direct Order details.
- 2. Generate PDF file.
- 3. Make sure that orderItem.quantityShipped is shown in the back order column.
- Customer portal
- Case 1:
- 1. Open the Direct Order details.
- 2. Make sure that orderItem.quantityShipped is shown in Back order column.
- Case 2:
- 1. Open the Direct Order details.
- 2. Print order.
- 3. Make sure that orderItem.quantityShipped is shown in the back order column.
- Regression:
- Make sure that for non-direct orders, quantityBackOrdered and quantityShipped are displayed in respective columns.
- Please note, to know the values of orderItem.quantityShipped and orderItem.quantityBackOrdered go to the Order Details => Items tab in the Direct Order.
- quantityShipped => Shipped column
- quantityBackOrdered => B.O. column
- KOD-13920: Short Pay - UX for Short Pay Reason
- Please note, the shortPayReasons setting can be found in Employee Portal => Settings. The setting value is comma separated values, e.g.: Test Reason 1,Test Reason 2, Test Reason 3
- When shortPayReasons setting contains values.
- Case 1:
- Make sure that Amount to Pay column now contains 2 fields.
- Input amount to pay.
- Select a Short Pay Reason
- Case 2:
- For the invoice with no amount to pay and reason set, set the Amount to Pay.
- Don’t select payment reason.
- Make sure that:
- The payment reason was marked as invalid.
- The payment amount was not saved, and was not sent - check in browser dev tools => Network)
- Case 3:
- For the invoice with no amount to pay and reason set, set the Amount to Pay.
- Set payment reason.
- Make sure both were saved.
- Case 4:
- For the invoice with no amount to pay and reason set Payment Reason.
- Make sure it was saved.
- Regression:
- Case 1:
- Make sure it’s possible to enter only numbers to Amount to Pay field.
- Make sure Amount to Pay is required to be greater than 0.
- If the shortPayReasons setting is empty or missing.
- Case 2:
- The shortPayReasons setting is missing.
- Make sure the short pay functionality works the same way as before the short pay reasons were added.
- Case 3:
- If the shortPayReasons setting value is empty.
- Make sure that short pay functionality works the same way as before the short pay reasons were added.
- KOD-13935: Digital Credit App Validated Fields
- - Test adding an incorrect phone number for the physical or billing address on the form. It should show an error.
- KOD-14022: Add name field to sscTemplate
- Regression tests.
- Go to the employee portal and test viewing templates, template details, adding a template, editing a template, and removing a template. Also test resetting your password and confirm you receive your emails.
- KOD-14146: Prepare Screenshots for App Listing
- KOD-14178: cart quantity and pricing updates
- Tests:
- Test that the reported issue is fixed. E.g.
- Log into your customer account
- Pull up a product that has a quantity discount
- Add a product quantity that triggers the discount to the cart
- Go to the cart and view the product - the price should be the reduced price
- Reduce quantity in cart so the quantity discount no longer applied - the item price should change back to the default price
- Increase the quantity to trigger the quantity discount once again - item price should update to the reduced price
- Regression tests:
- Add items to your cart
- Go to cart and test removing items, adding item notes, etc
- Test also changing item quantities.
- KOD-14183: PIM Category Not Populating on Product Details
- KOD-14223: TBD Product Price but Total Appearing Issue
- Items with Total should have Price as well
- If Price is TBD, the total will also be TBD
- KOD-14253: Add Company Assignment Types
- Use GET /api/system/setting/{settingCode} - with companyAssignmentTypes as param, to see setting value
- Use PATCH /api/system/setting/{settingCode} - to update setting value
- KOD-14255: QBI Enhancements
- KOD-14266: Check Cenpos Tendering Using API Script
- KOD-14276: OAN Items Note UX
- Case 1: On the site
- Open any OAN product details.
- Make sure the message is displayed under the price.
- Test that the product pages on the website work fine. Both as logged in and public user
- KOD-14277: OAN Items Note UX
- Subject to change in price will show up under price in product page when product is an OAN item and if the user is logged in
- KOD-14310: Add useCustomerOperationInValidateCart setting
- Go to setting list -> confirm new setting useCustomerOperationInValidateCart is there
- KOD-14319: Create CSD Page to Test Connection
- Added endpoint: /api/system/integration/checkConnection.
- KOD-14335: Add Site Logo Dimensions to Theme Setup Panel
- KOD-14347: Permission to Set Assignee on Tickets
- KOD-14352: Remove Product Count for Company Catalog Facet
- Products count for catalog pages must be hidden
- Regression:
- Check category and search pages, product count should be visible
- KOD-14380: Add customerReorderingEnabled Setting
- User /api/account/customer/configuration endpoint, response should include customerReorderingEnabled field
- KOD-14406: Deleting Company List Redirects to My Lists
- Open any company list in the customer portal.
- Press the delete button at the top right corner of the page. Delete the list.
- Check the URL of your page after deletion. URL should remain the same (/company-lists).
- KOD-14411: Add Better Visual to "Waiting for Approval" Status
- If order status is ‘waiting for approval’, the text in the box should be red and bold. For other order statuses, the test should be normal both color and weight.
- Please test order in the website, order email and order pdf as well
- KOD-14415: Add view assigned tickets permission - Need to display under the search tab
- KOD-14423: Populate inventory data in order item when adding to cart
- KOD-14446: Add Additional Charges Line to Invoice PDF
- Make sure that both order email and PDF file contain Additional Charges line below Subtotal.
- Also test generating order email and order pdf in employee portal. Also test checking out and confirm you get the thank you email.
- KOD-14470: New User Added to Your Account Email Logos Not Visible in Outlook
- Test and confirm the store logos in the “New User Added to Your Account” emails are displayed in outlook.
- KOD-14482: Error Running paymentMadeEmail
- KOD-14488: Email Templates on Gmail and Outlook
- Test the emails, customer portal buttons, and checkout headers
- KOD-14504: Login Page Updates
- KOD-14506: Invoice Templates
- KOD-14507: Invoice Layouts
- KOD-14518: InforCSD role
- Create an Employee with just the new role: inforCSDEdit. Log in as that employee. Go to /services#/Infor CSD API/getApiSpecificationUsingGET. Click "Try it now" and then "Execute". Ensure the user was allowed to do it.
- KOD-14521: Line comment fix for realtime insert CSD order
- Place an order and sync it to erp using the realtime CSD connector. Verify there are no errors sending the order.
- KOD-14523: Capture Prior Auth with Force transactionType
- Complete checkout with CC
- Find prior auth payment in employee portal
- Capture prior auth
- KOD-14565: handle when Template does not exist