Standard integrations between purchasing systems and Kodaris allow your customer and you to easily and quickly integrate with Punchout. The integration is seamless and built in to your Kodaris system. Over the past few weeks, we've been working on enhancements to make testing and configuring punchout customers and connections even easier. This week, we've added an Integrations column to the Customers screen where you can track, filter, and find customers who've been configured to use Punchout. Watch out for the rest of the enhancements in the next releases!
Add, remove, and edit custom data documents attached to products
You can attach custom data documents to many entities in your Kodaris system. These documents can be used to store extra information, customize and build additional functionality on top of your Kodaris platform, or anything else you'd like to do. Prior to this release, you could view documents and edit document fields by navigating to an entity and then selecting the Custom Records tab. This week, we've add the ability to add new documents, remove documents, and add document fields for products. This functionality will be coming to all entities shortly.
Manage logistic users from a spreadsheet
Your Kodaris system comes with a full proof of delivery module with real time status updates, tracking, signatures, pictures, and self serve accounts. With connections to the ERP, WMS, and Open API, it is 100% real time and 100% digital. In this release, we've made managing your logistic users a little easier by adding a spreadsheet view where you can add, edit, and delete them in bulk.
KOD-13051: Add FAQ Template to CMS Template Dropdown
KOD-11253: Hook up Search on FAQ section in CMS
KOD-10947: Employee Portal - Add Feature Where Users can View and Translate New Messages From Their Site
KOD-10946: Employee Portal - Add Feature Where Users can View and Translate New Messages from the Apps
KOD-8254: Employee Portal - In Grid Show Errors in Filter Cell
KOD-8252: Employee Portal - Support Filtering Dates in Grid
KOD-7785: Employee Portal - Remove Status Logic
KOD-13574: Orders
Regression tests complete
KOD-13581: VSCode Extension Bug
KOD-14316: BI - Analytics
KOD-14651: Avalara Error when Clearing Cart
Clear cart
Items removed
No error found
KOD-14665: Do not run pricing until after items are added to the cart
KOD-14788: Support Manually Entering Custom Docs on Products or Editing
Go to Custom Records Tab Under Operations ? PIM ? Products ? Product ? Custom Records.
Scenario 1: Add Custom Record:
At the left bottom of the page in the input field insert any ID and click Add button. After the record will be added, it would appear in the custom records list at the left.
Scenario 2: Delete Custom Record:
On the right side of each record there should be a delete button (trash bin icon). On hover it should appear tooltip "Click to delete", after you click on this button, the record would be deleted completely and should disappear from the list of records.
After you delete a record, if this record was previously selected and its content displayed on the right side, it should disappear and no content of the record should be shown on the right side.
Refresh the page and make sure the record was removed from the list.
Scenario 3: Add Custom Field to the Record:
Select any record you've previously added. It will be displayed on the right side of the screen as a list with 3 columns: Field Name, Field Value, and Delete Button.
At the bottom of this section insert any Name and Value and click add. This field should appear in the list of columns.
Add a couple more fields. Check that you cannot submit a field with an empty name and value.
Scenario 4: Delete Custom Field from the Record:
Stay on the same screen as in Scenario 3. Click the delete button (trash bin icon) near the field added (Not the one that was added automatically) The field should be deleted and removed from the list entirely.
KOD-14815: Configuration - Add site to google maps, tinymce, and recaptcha
KOD-14823: Configuration - Release app for internal testing
KOD-14916: Ability to delete Logistic User
Test adding, editing and deleting logistic users
Test logging in to the driver delivery app as a new logistic user
KOD-14938: Configuration - Add site to google maps, tinymce, and recaptcha
KOD-14950: Configuration - Release app for internal testing
KOD-14976: Export Product Lists and Product List Products by External ID
Go to admin portal - Company Product Lists
Export data and test export file contains "externalID" field
Open a Company Product List to view items
Export items list and confirm export file contains "parentExternalID" field that matches the "externalID" of the chosen Company Product List
KOD-15176: Set-up a default sample landing page
KOD-15213: Make Company ID on customer side open invoices screen unfilterable
Test Invoices screen on Customers Portal
Company ID Column to display on the table.
Test Company ID Column is not filterable (and has tooltip Filtering not supported)
KOD-15232: Add customerMayOverrideAddress Setting & Make It Editable
Go to the Companies Address Tab.
Under the Details Tab find the General Info section.
At the bottom of this section find Customer May Override select input with 2 values (Yes/No). Select Yes value. Reload Page.
Go to Development Tab, and search there for customerMayOverrideAddress Setting. If it was set to "Yes" on previous step, in Development Tab it should be set to Yes (true from the right section). Set here this setting to "No". Reload page and return to Details Tab. Customer May Override input should be "No"
KOD-15264: Add generate sample punchout setup request cXML system endpoint
For testing - Use /api/system/integration/punchOut/exportPunchOutSetupRequestCXML endpoint (PunchOut Integration API)
Use existing customerID and execute request
Should get cXML as a result
Also use /api/user/punchOut/setup to test result xml
KOD-15265: Pricing Issue
Add a global setting with code overridePdcustno type integerValue and value 1
Run pricing test
Ensure customer side pricing works logged in
KOD-15267: Add integrationCodes to the customer search grid
On Customers global screen. Select Integration Codes column to show.
Confirm Integration Codes column was added to the Customers Search table.