In your Kodaris PIM, there are a few ways you can manage filter categories and attributes.
Filter Categories Screen
Navigate to PIM > Filter Categories
Here you can see all the filter categories that are configured for your commerce website
If you select a filter category, you can view its details along with the attributes within the filter category
You can add, update, and remove attributes from the filter category using the embedded spreadsheet or via the import/export tools
Attributes Screen
Navigate to PIM > Attributes
This screen displays all the attributes across all your filter categories in your Kodaris PIM
You can manage these attributes using the embedded spreadsheet or by selecting an attribute and editing its details
In this release, we've added an export that exports all the attributes from this screen. You can use this to add and edit attributes across all your filter categories via import/export.
KOD-13248: Silently Re-login After Employee's Session Expires Using Google Sign-in
Case 1:
We need to test that logging into the Employee Portal using username/password works fine.
As a logged out employee
Navigate to the operations portal
Sign in
You should be signed in and re-directed to the home screen
Case 2:
We need to make sure that the employee password reset flow works fine.
As a logged out employee
Navigate to the Operations Portal
Click "Forgot password?" link
You should be re-directed to the recover password screen
Enter your username
Click the "Send" button
Go to your email inbox.
You should see a lost password email
Open it
Click on the reset password link
Enter your new password and then confirm your password
Click the submit button
It should redirect you to the login page
Sign in
Sign in should be successful
Case 3:
We need to test that logging into the Employee Portal using Google works fine where Google sign-on is enabled.
As a logged out employee
Navigate to the Operations Portal on a site that has Google sign-in enabled
Click the Google sign-in button; you should automatically be logged in and directed to the home screen
Case 4:
We need to test that logging into the Employee Portal using Google gives you a valid error message if the Operations Portal is not setup to use Google sign-in.
As a logged out employee
Navigate to the Operations Portal on a site that has does not have Google sign-in enabled
Click the Google sign-in button; you should see an error message that tells you that Google sign-in is not configured
Case 5:
We need to test that when your session expires from logging into the Employee Portal using username/password, you get a session expired dialog and it works.
As a logged out employee
Navigate to the Operations Portal on a site that has does not have Google sign-in enabled.
Sign in
You should be signed in and re-directed to the home screen
Navigate to some screen like Orders
Open a new tab
Go the Operations Portal
Logout from that tab
Go back to your other tab with screen on Orders
Navigate to a different screen like Quotes
A dialog should open that says your session has expired, please login again
Login using this dialog
The dialog should disappear
Go to the Cash Quotes screen
It should load successfully
Case 6:
We need to test that the Operations Portal generally works. Suggested tests are viewing data in grids, filtering, assigning employees, adding order items, and other common activities you do.
Case 1:
We need to test that you are silently re-logged in behind the scenes after you’ve signed in with Google sign-in and your session expires.
As a logged out employee
Navigate to the Operations Portal on a site that has Google sign-in enabled
Click the Google sign-in button; you should automatically be logged in and directed to the home screen
Go to a screen like Tickets; make sure it loads fine
Now we need to expire your session
Open a new tab
Go to the Operations Portal and logout
Go back to your other tab with the Tickets screen
Apply a filter to your tickets screen
It should work
Open a new tab and go to the Operations Portal; you should now be logged in automatically
KOD-14345: Port Order Statuses to a Setting
GET /api/user/employee/configuration
KOD-14413: Order Notes Duplicated on Order Edit
Test 1: Make sure contact info is still populated into the order note upon placing the order without a note.
Test 2: Make sure contact info is still populated into the order note upon placing the order with a note.
Test 3: Confirm user story:
Make sure the setting to add the customer name and phone to the order notes is off
Setting name is {{doNotCopyShiptoContactToOrderNotes}}, if “1” - will not add notes, otherwise - will add; you need to make the setting to *add* notes
Set up order to test order approval
When order is placed, order approver should un-approve the order
Customer should have to pull up order in Customer Portal and hit "Edit" to test making changes
If delivery data wasn’t changed and the possible contact info note will look same as before - note should not be duplicated; if delivery data was changed - it will add another contact info note, so user should edit order notes to delete old data
KOD-15116: Comment Out Company Category API in Swagger
Go to Swagger -> System tab
Make sure Company Category API is not there
KOD-15241: Employee Portal: Set plainNote Field on Order Child Line Item
KOD-15340: Identify Items in the Cart
KOD-15477: Create Server Side Import/Export for Content Pages
1) Export testing
Currently UX not using server-side export, but it is implemented
Use POST {{/api/system/contentPage/export}} endpoint
2) Import
Important detail that import and export should be compatible, so you can use export file for import testing
POST {{/api/system/mapped/any/file/{mappingCode}/{importType}/{fileType}}} endpoint
mapping-basicContentPageUpload - Create & Update
mapping-basicContentPageUploadUpdateOnly - Update only
mapping-basicContentPageUploadCreateOnly - Create Only
{{importType}}: direct
{{fileType}}: CSV
Identifier for this import is {{code}}, so Content Page will be identified by {{code}} field (if code already exists record will be processed as update import)
You can visit Pages data tab on admin portal to check imported Content Pages
KOD-15493: View and Download Documents at the Company Address Level
Go to Swagger
Test new endpoint: GET /api/account/customerCompanyAddress/{companyID}/{companyAddressID}/customerFile/{customerFileID}/view
Should be able to download CustomerFile attached to Company Address
Please make sure that endpoint is secured; try to put companyID and companyAddressID which customer should not have access to and it should return an error
KOD-15503: UX - Syncing New Tracking Number
Please check tracking information if added in all order layouts: Order Email, Order PDF and Order (customer portal/thank you page after checkout); make sure the order has available tracking info.
KOD-15584: Add Log Time Dialog to the Employee Portal
Case 1:
Open Ticket page
Click "Log Time" button
Check that Log Time dialog was opened
Select Ticket or you can leave it empty
Select Date
Set Hours
Write Description for the ticket
Click "Log" button
Log Time dialog was closed
Case 2:
Open Ticket page
Click "Log Time" button
Check that Log Time dialog was opened
Select Ticket or you can leave it empty
Select Date
Set Hours
Write Description for the ticket
Click on checkbox Log more time
Click "Log" button
Check that time was logged successfully
Log Time dialog was not closed
User can fill form one more time (repeat steps from Case 1)
Case 3:
Open Ticket page
Click "Log Time" button
Check that Log Time dialog was opened
Select Ticket
Click "Cancel" button
Check that Log Time dialog was closed
Case 4:
Open Ticket page
Click "Log Time" button
Check that Log Time dialog was opened
Select Ticket
Select Date
Set field Hours as empty (click on it)
Write Description for the ticket
Click "Log" button
Observe that Hours field is invalid
Log Time dialog is still opened and request was not sent
Case 5:
Open Ticket page
Click "Log Time" button
Check that Log Time dialog was opened
Select Ticket
Select Date
Set Minutes
Click on Description and leave it empty
Click "Log" button
Observe that Description field is invalid
Log Time dialog is still opened and request was not sent
KOD-15666: Add Files Endpoints to /api/system/email
Need to implement endpoints for UI side, added new endpoints on swagger side:
{{/api/system/email/{emailID}/customerFile/{customerFileID}/view}} ? get
{{/api/system/email/{emailID}/customerFile/{customerFileID}}} ? get
{{/api/system/email/{emailID}/customerFile/list}} ? post
{{/api/system/email/{emailID}/internalFile/{internalFileID}/view}} ? get
{{/api/system/email/{emailID}/internalFile/{internalFileID}}} ? get
{{/api/system/email/{emailID}/internalFile/list}} ? post
KOD-15682: Approval Workflows for Customer: Models and Service for CustomerRule and CustomerAction
Go to the header company options in the window and open the dropdown
Test searching a company name in both uppercase and lowercase and the exact term of the name you are looking for
KOD-15748: Add Quantity Price Breaks to Product Details Page
Case 1: Logged-in user
At the store find a product that is available (which has a price) and has available quantity price breaks
Open the product page
Below the product price in the next paragraph, the quantity price break should be displayed in the following format:
quantity at price$
Case 2: Not logged-in user
Test on the product page from Case 1 step 1 (since we know it has quantity price breaks available)
Open the product page
Below the product price, there shouldn’t be a paragraph with the quantity price breaks
Regression Tests:
Check that products that don’t have price breaks, won’t be displayed along with the word “Buy“ for both logged-in and not logged-in users
Test Case for logged-in and not logged-in users and for products that have price breaks and don’t have price breaks:
At the store find a product that is available (which has a price) and has (doesn’t have) available price breaks
Open the product page
Below the product price, there shouldn’t be a paragraph with the quantity price breaks
Make sure pricing still displays on products
KOD-15754: Remove Nav OrderItem Settings
KOD-15761: Update Site Templates to Respect the Site Palette
Case 1:
Test resetting your password as an employee; ensure the branding matches the site
Case 2:
Test resetting your password as a customer; ensure the branding matches the site
Case 3:
Test emailing a COD link from the employee portal; ensure the button branding matches the site
KOD-15765: Check Why Quote Request for Logged-in Customers Is Not Working
Case 1:
Make sure the setting “{{enableCustomerQuoteRequestInCart}}" is turned on in the Operations Portal
Login on website
Go through checkout process
At the payment options screen, there should be the option to place a quote request
Go ahead and check out with quote request and make sure it works fine
KOD-15824: Order/Invoice Document Updates
Please check order layout in Customer Portal/checkout thank you page, order email, and order PDF.
KOD-15825: Add Convenience Fee to Account Payments
Regression test
Test paying open invoices in the Customer Portal; make sure you receive both the customer and employee payment made emails
Test making a COD payment; make sure you receive both the customer and employee payment made emails
Test checking out via credit card
Regression Tests
Make sure that global settings {{enableShortPayments}}, {{openInvoicePaymentsEnabled}}, {{paymentOnAccount}} are turned ON
Login as a customer and to Customer Portal ? Open Invoices
Select any invoice and click "Make Payment" ? "Pay Selected Invoices"
Make a payment using a credit card
Make sure that Total Amount is showing properly and whole payments process behaves normally, and you got success payments message
Feature tests
Case 1:
In Employee Portal set {{0.01}} value to global setting {{percentageCreditCardFee}}
Do the exact same steps as Regression Tests to pay any invoice.
In Employee Portal go to AR/AP ? Account Receivable and make sure two recently created payments match to paid invoice amount and its convenience fee (1% of invoice amount) and have depicted transaction types
Case 2:
In Employee Portal set {{3}} value to global setting {{dollarCreditCardFee}} and delete preset value for {{percentageCreditCardFee}}
Do the exact same steps as for Regression Tests to pay any invoice
In Employee Portal go to AR/AP ? Account Receivable and make sure two recently created payments match to paid invoice amount and its convenience fee ($3 - fixed amount) and have depicted transaction types
KOD-15837: Fix PIM Attribute Export Only Allowing "First 1000 Rows" or "Current Page" in Portal
Case 1:
Go to Attributes page
Click on “File”
Click on “Export“
Click on “Save“
File should be downloaded
KOD-15876: Update Endpoints for Editing Activities with Limited Permissions
Next endpoints were implemented on the backend side:
POST /api/system/company/{companyID}/ticket/{ticketID}/employeeAssignment
POST /api/system/company/{companyID}/ticket/{ticketID}/employeeAssignment/list
Test updating, viewing information, downloading files, etc.
Test clicking as many buttons as you can; test the popups if they open popups, test date pickers
Test assigning employees roles and removing roles
Test subscribing to notifications
KOD-15908: Title of Recently Viewed Products Widget Needs to be Multilingual
Go to the website
Visit five or more products for the recently viewed section on their product detail page
After this the recently viewed section should appear
Try switching the language
“Recently Viewed Products” should switch languages
Also make sure that switching back to English works
KOD-15926: Page Sidebar Fix
In sidebar, pages without content should not redirect to the page link
If it has subcategories, it will toggle the dropdown and show subcategories, otherwise clicking on it will do nothing
The test only passed on the first level parent page; if the parent page has a subpage that's also a (blank) parent page, clicking its label on the sidebar redirects to the blank page link instead of just toggling the list of subpages under it
KOD-15930: During SKU Sync in the Mapping Need to Use hostCode if it Exists in the Record When Creating a Warehouse
Go SKU page on admin portal and export data to have an import file template
Update “{{erpWareHouseCode}}" field with new warehouse code (this code should not be present in system
Add “hostCode” field to file and fill this field for some records
Do import at the same portal page
Check new SKU record warehouse ID
Go to Locations page and open data about new-created warehouse
Check host code of new warehouse, should be set with “hostCode” import record file
KOD-15931: Company # Missing from Account Payment Notification Emails
Make sure you test COD payment, paying open invoices; make sure you get the notification emails
KOD-15947: Different UOM Showing When You are a Guest/B2C User vs When You Are a Logged-in B2B User
Regression Tests
As both logged-in customer and a public customer, navigate to product pages and category pages in the commerce website and make sure you see pricing for the products
Case 1:
Search for product - unitSell and unitStock fields should be present for /api/user/product/pricesByCodes endpoint (/api/system/product/pricesByCodes isn’t being used)
Leave 5+ comments so that you would be able to scroll this page
Scroll to the very bottom of the Internal Comments page
Open Customer Comments or Internal Files of Custom Records Tabs
Go back to Internal Comments page
Scroll position should remain the same (if you’ve scrolled to the bottom of this page on the step 4, you should see the same position)
Regression Test - Case 2:
Go to Accounts Receivable -> Search
Open any AR record internal comments
Leave 5+ comments so that you would be able to scroll this page
Scroll to the very bottom of the Internal Comments page
Open any global screen (you can open Accounts Receivable -> Search from the 1st step)
From Accounts Receivable -> Search, open AR record that you’ve edited in step 3
On Internal Comments page, scroll position should *not* remain the same as on the 4th step and you should be scrolled back to the top
Testing - Case 1:
Verify that Accounts Receivable Search screen in the Operations Portal is not losing any filters set when you navigate to Data tab and return to the Search screen
Testing - Case 2:
Verify that Accounts Receivable Search screen in the Operations Portal is not losing any filters set when you navigate to Accounts Payable tab and return to the Accounts Receivable screen
Testing - Case 3:
Verify that Accounts Receivable Search screen in the Operations Portal is not losing any filters set when you navigate to any global screen (for example Orders) tab and return to the Accounts Receivable screen
KOD-15957: Update Line Items on Order, Not Updating on PDF
KOD-15958: Stop Job Populating the Company Web Location Field / Delete Data
Make sure UpdateDefaultWebWarehouseJob is turned off
Make sure defaultWebWarehouse is blank on search/data company screens in portal