As part of the Kodaris Customer Portal, your customers have the ability to set notifications for themselves and their employees so they receive emails and/or SMS messages when certain actions are taken, such as an invoice is paid, an order is placed, etc.
With this latest release, you now can also set up your customers for the notifications they would like to receive. To do this, navigate to the Customers section of your Operations Portal, then select the Customers screen. Find the username of the customer you would like to set notifications for, then click on the Details icon. On the following screen, select the Notifications tab and choose the notifications your customer would like to receive by clicking the appropriate checkbox.
KOD-14341: Report of Stats Calculations
KOD-14578: Not Receiving New User Added To Your Account Email Notification
KOD-14791: Add Payment Portal Only Install
KOD-14918: Employee Portal - Grid Configuration
KOD-15100: Move Sync Functionality for Querying/Uploading Payloads
KOD-15370: Update All Email Templates on Spinup
KOD-15509: Manage Customer Notifications in the Operations Portal
Case 1:
On Customer page, open Notifications tab
You should see list with checkboxes where you can check the notification’s checkbox to subscribe to it and uncheck to unsubscribe from it
Try checking notification and reload the page; results should be saved
Case 2:
Uncheck notification to unsubscribe from this type of notification; after page reloads, results should be saved
Case 3:
On Notifications screen check the checkboxes with notifications *New user was added to my account* and *Order is out for delivery*
Add a user to account and do all the required steps to trigger the Order is out for delivery notifications
Go to your email inbox; you should be able to get emails for each type of checked activity from the first step
Case 4:
On Notifications screen *uncheck* checkboxes for notifications *New user was added to my account* and *Order is out for delivery*
Add a user to account and do all the required steps to trigger the Order is out for delivery notifications
Go to your email inbox; no email(s) would be sent to you since you aren’t subscribed to these types of notifications
KOD-15535: Support Uploading Images to Internal Content Pages
Case 1:
Need to test endpoints:
POST /api/system/contentPage/{contentPageID}/internalFile/upload
POST /api/system/contentPage/{contentPageID}/internalFile/list
GET /api/system/contentPage/{contentPageID}/internalFile/{internalFile}/view
KOD-15658: Confirmation Email Not Using Host Branding
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Go to user login page and try to login with user you are logging in every day; log in should be as usual
Case 1:
Go to Admin Portal and check {{confirmEmailPeriodInDaysSinceLastLogin}} setting
This is count of days for user without logging in to get confirmation email
Go to user login page and try to login with user that wasn’t logging in for a long time (more days then {{confirmEmailPeriodInDaysSinceLastLogin}} says
Login should be unsuccessful
Go to Admin Portal ? Emails
Check last email, and check its logo and store name
Store name and logo will be taken from Customer's host. If Customer has hostCode empty it will be taken from Customer's Company hostCode
So make sure Customer or its Company has host
KOD-15704: Spend Management
KOD-15726: Last Login not Matching
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Open Employee Portal and login
Go to CRM ? Companies ? Company Details ? Customers Tab
Enable “Created“ entity property if it’s disabled
Make sure this property value displays correct dateTime in your local timezone
Case 2:
Open Employee Portal and login
Go to CRM ? Companies ? Company Details ? Customers Tab
Go to Customer Details page
On right side of the page make sure you can see “Created” property with a right value in your local timezone
Case 3:
Open Employee Portal and login
Go to CRM ? Companies ? Company Details ? Customers Tab
Go to Customer Details page
Go to Development tab
Find “Created” property
Make sure it’s displaying in UTC timezone
Case 1:
Open Employee Portal and login
Go to CRM ? Companies ? Company Details ? Customers Tab
Make sure “Last Login“ property value displays correct dateTime in your local timezone
Case 2:
Open Employee Portal and login
Go to CRM ? Companies ? Company Details ? Customers Tab
Go to Customer Details page
On right side of the page make sure you can see “Last Login“ property with a right value in your local timezone
Case 3:
Open Employee Portal and login
Go to CRM ? Companies ? Company Details ? Customers Tab
Go to Customer Details page
Go to Development tab
Find “lastLogin” property
Make sure it’s displaying in UTC timezone
KOD-15791: Pay Scheduled Payments
Paying open invoices works as expected
COD payments work as expected
KOD-15821: Customer Portal - Open Invoices - Remove Time From Invoice Date and Due Date Columns
Open Invoices: please check if date has 12/31/30 (mm/dd/yy) format
Case 1:
Open Invoices: please check if filtering for invoice date and due date works correctly
Case 2:
Customer Portal ?Orders: please check if filtering for created works correctly
KOD-15833: UX for Customer ProductCrossReferences
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Test as not-logged in user
Open any category
From a category, open any product page
Below *PART* # should not be paragraph *YOUR PART #*
Case 1:
Log in as a customer.
Open any category.
From a category, open any product page.
Below *PART* # should be a paragraph *YOUR PART #:* +_Add_+ _(Word Add should be in italic + dashed underline)._ When data is loading instead of Add you’ll see Loading in italic.
Click Add. There should be a popup window with two buttons Cancel and Save.
Type there any alternative product code and click Save. The popup window should be closed.
Instead of the word Add from step 4, there should be your alternative product code from the previous step. It shouldn’t be in italic font.
Reload product page. After page loaded, alternative product code from the previous step should persist on the page.
Case 2:
Log in as a customer.
Open the same product page from Case 1.
Click on the Alt Product code from the paragraph: *YOUR PART #*: Alt Product code (with dashed underline).
There should be a popup which has in the text area alternative product code prefilled.
Type in the text area a new alternative product code and click Save. The popup window should be closed.
Alternative Product code should be displayed with data you’ve filled in on the fourth step.
Case 3:
Log in as a customer.
Open the same product page from Case 1 and 2.
Click on the Alt Product code from the paragraph: *YOUR PART #*: Alt Product code.
On the popup there should be a Cancel button. Click it.
The popup window should closed.
Case 4:
Log in as a customer
Open the same product page from Case 1 and 2.
Click on the Alt Product code from the paragraph: *YOUR PART #*: Alt Product code.
When popup window opens, click anywhere outside the popup area.
The popup window should closed.
KOD-15875: Adding companyID, companyCode, and companyName Columns to Activity Screens in the Kodaris Operations Portal
Case 1:
Click Home
Open Activities Tab
Check that "Company Code" column is displayed in the grid as a first column
Case 2:
Click Services
Open Tickets page
Select Company Code checkbox in the grid
Check that "Company Code" column is displayed in the grid
Case 3:
Click CRM
Open Activities
Check that "Company Code" column is displayed in the grid as a first column
Case 4:
Click CRM
Open Activity Template
Check that "Company Code" column is displayed in the grid
Case 5:
Click Services
Open Tickets
Open Data Tab
Select Company Code checkbox in the grid
Check that "Company Code" column is displayed in the grid
Case 6:
Click CRM
Click Company
Choose some Company
Click on Tickets Tab
Check that "Company Code" column is displayed in the grid
Case 7:
Click CRM
Click Company
Choose some Company
Click on Activities Tab
Check that "Company Code" column is displayed in the grid
KOD-15898: Product Details Page Image Order Feature Needs to be Added
Case 1:
Pick a product (for example product with code "testCode")
Check if the page is displayed correctly
Case 1:
Go to Operation Portal, pick the product that you will test and add several additional images
Set some order for positioning images (medium size)
Go back to this product on Customer Portal and check if images have the order that you have set to them on the Operation Portal
KOD-15942: Customer Portal Features
KOD-15954: Need to Add storeName Setting to the Employee Configuration Endpoint in Operations Portal
KOD-15971: Updating Latin Verbiage on Product Pages
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Please make sure that page is still displayed
Case 1:
Please go to Category ? choose product and there should be different icons with particular text
Case 2:
Click on the text near envelope and there should be a popup
Case 3:
Try to send email, using contact us form
KOD-15982: Should Not Redirect to Page If Subpage Is Also a Blank Parent Page
KOD-15984: After Trying to Add Ticket Number, There Is an Error
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Open Tickets page
Click "Log Time" button
Click on Ticket field in the dialog
Check that dropdown with tickets is displayed
Select any Ticket in the autocomplete dropdown
Check that Ticket was successfully selected
Fill in all other fields
Press "Log" button
Check that time was successfully logged and dialog was closed
Case 1:
Open Tickets page
Click "Log Time" button
Click on Ticket field in the dialog
Check that dropdown with tickets is displayed
Select any Ticket in the autocomplete dropdown
Check that Ticket was successfully selected
Case 2:
Open Tickets page
Click "Log Time" button
Click on Ticket field in the dialog
Write name of the ticket
Select any Ticket in the autocomplete dropdown
Check that Ticket was successfully selected
Case 3:
Open Tickets page
Click "Log Time" button
Click on Ticket field in the dialog
Write code of the ticket
Select any Ticket in the autocomplete dropdown
Check that Ticket was successfully selected
KOD-16037: Selecting Shipping Option Not Coming Through to ERP
Checkout, select shipping option and ensure that the shipping option stays the same when order is pushed to the ERP
KOD-16040: Need the Second Level Approver Field on Company Details Screen and Also in Customer Portal
Case 1:
Please go to some test company and check if there is a {{Enable Second Approval}} field, it is editable and saves data correctly
KOD-16043: Error Viewing Order Items on Orders
Check if the order items in Customer Portal is working
KOD-16055: Allow Customer Portal Login But Hide Data
KOD-16056: Configure Customer Portal for Payment Portal
KOD-16062: Add a Search API for Tickets
KOD-16063: Add More Options to the Show/Hide Columns Menu in Operations Portal
Case 1:
Open global Customers screen; on the search table in dropdown columns list should be added two new columns: {{External ID}} and {{External Company Code}}
Check these 2 columns were added to the data grid
Case 2
On Companies tab under CRM open Companies Tab
Select any company and open it
Open Customers tab of this company; in the columns list should be added two new columns: {{External ID}} and {{External Company Code}}
KOD-16067: Configuring Cenpos
Case 1:
Go to Employee Portal
Go to Companies screen
Choose any company
Go to payment on details page
Check if {{Card Payment System}} and {{ACH Payment System}} had option {{CENPOS}}
KOD-16070: Update Ooops Payment Message
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Make COD payment that will error.
Make sure that COD error message is shown
Case 2:
Check/update the {{useSplitPayment}} setting to not being set or being set to 0
Check/update the {{arEmailAddress}} setting email to be set
Make COD payment
Make sure that:
The {{arEmailAddress}} setting is being shown in the message
The message is the same
Case 1:
Check/update the {{useSplitPayment}} setting to be 1
Check/update the {{arEmailAddress}} setting email to be set
Make COD payment
Make sure that:
The {{arEmailAddress}} setting is being showed in the message
The message is the same as it is on v2
Case 2
Check/update the {{useSplitPayment}} setting to be 1
Check/update the {{arEmailAddress}} setting email to not being set
Check/update the {{storeEmailAddress}} setting email to be set
Make COD payment
Make sure that:
The {{storeEmailAddress}} setting is being showed in the message
The message is the same
KOD-16071: Cenpos - Support Voiding Transactions
Case 1:
Void or refund payment with Converge payment provider
Case 2:
Void or refund payment with Priority payment provider
Case 3:
Void or refund payment with ACH payment provider - if refund, then error should be returned
Case 1:
Try to void payment with Cenpos provider
KOD-16072: Update the TX Type 94 to Say Convenience Fee
Case 1:
Open Accounts Receivable screen
In TXN TYPE column, search for Convenience Fee, which should replace 94 type
KOD-16077: Invoice Updates
Case 1:
Go to the Employee Portal ? *Generate an Order Email and an Order PDF* and check the following:
Page # has been removed
Shipping point shows warehouse name
If Discount is 0, the cash discount sentence is removed
URL has been updated
Go to the Customer Portal ? *open an order* and check the same points as above
KOD-16087: Customer Portal - Don't Allow Scheduled Invoices to be Paid Again
Regression test
Case 1:
Go to Customer Portal
Go to open invoices
Check if you can choose invoices with statuses except scheduled
Case 1:
Go to Customer Portal
Go to open invoices
Check if you can not choose invoices with status scheduled
KOD-16088: Customer Portal - Display Status Column on Open Invoices Screen by Default
Case 1:
Go to Customer Portal
Go to open invoices
Change view to default view
Check if status column shown by default
KOD-16089: Employee Portal - Clear statusDetails Field When Creating a Back Order
Regression Tests
Create cash quote, check the field: *statusDetails* in original quote, should be “quote in process”
Add item to quote and set field: “create B.O 1“, before creating back order
Click the button: back order
Check the new record: back order, whether the field: *statusDetails* is empty
KOD-16090: Ticket for Recaptcha, Maps, and TinyMCE
KOD-16092: Review Amount to Pay Box in Embedded Portal
Regression Tests
Case 1:
In Customer portal:
Do the check for different tables
Make sure that:
Font size in the cells is the same everywhere
Font size in the column filter is the same and matches cell font size
Case 1:
In Customer Portal:
Open Invoices Table, Amount to Pay column
Make sure that Amount to Pay input font size matches cell font size
Case 2:
In Customer Portal:
Open Invoices Table, any column filter.
Make sure that column filter input font size matches cell font size.
KOD-16103: Employee Portal - Add System API for Journal
KOD-16104: Employee Portal - Add System API for Account
KOD-16111: Create Zip from Internal Files
Regression Tests
Case 1:
No regression testing, brand new functionality added
Case 1:
Testing new endpoint through Swagger
KOD-16112: Make InternalFile.extra1 Editable Via API
KOD-16120: Add From Name Global Setting for Emails
Regression Tests
Step 1
Log in as an employee and navigate to the /api/user/employee/configuration endpoint in Swagger under the user API definition
Step 2
Ensure that this endpoint works as expected (returns data)
Case 1:
Step 1
Log in as an employee and navigate to the /api/user/employee/configuration endpoint in Swagger under the user api definition
Step 2
Call the configuration endpoint and ensure that the {{enableFromNameInEmails}} at the bottom is “false“
Case 2:
Step 1
Create a setting called {{enableFromNameInEmails}} with an integerValue of 1
Step 2
Log in as an employee and navigate to the /api/user/employee/configuration endpoint in Swagger under the user API definition
Step 3
Call the configuration endpoint and ensure that the {{enableFromNameInEmails}} at the bottom is “true“
Case 3:
Step 1
Create a setting called {{enableFromNameInEmails}} with an integerValue of 0
Step 2
Log in as an employee and navigate to the /api/user/employee/configuration endpoint in Swagger under the user API definition
Step 3
Call the configuration endpoint and ensure that the {{enableFromNameInEmails}} at the bottom is “false“