As part of the extensive ordering and employee role capabilities within the Kodaris platform, you can now restrict an employee to a specific warehouse when placing and editing an order. After assigning this role, an employee will receive an error message if selecting a non-assigned location.
To utilize this feature, you will need to navigate to Operations > Employees and click on the Details icon of the employee you would like to assign to a specific warehouse. On the following screen, click the Roles tab and enter the 'orderEditRestrictWarehouseChange' role in the Assign Role field at the bottom of the page.
You can confirm what warehouse an employee has access to by reviewing the Location field on the Details tab for that individual.
Embed Vimeo video links on website pages
Your Kodaris platform includes a robust Content Management System (CMS) that empowers you to build and manage the content on your website. As an enhancement to the CMS enabling you to make your content more interactive, you can now embed Vimeo as well as Youtube videos.
To use this feature, simply go to the CMS page you would like to add a video link to. You can select a video block multiple ways:
In the 'Type / to choose a block,' field, type in '/Vimeo' to select the Vimeo block or '/YouTube' to select the YouTube block, then enter the URL you would like to embed and click 'Embed!'
Use the '+' icon to select a block type, then type in either 'Vimeo' or 'YouTube' to select the block; once the block is added, enter the URL you would like to embed and click 'Embed!'
KOD-13804: Customer Side Checkout Should Be Blocked After Three Failed Payment Attempts
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Log in as customer and add some items to cart, then go to cart and try to place the order with credit card payment
Enter valid card data and try to pay (please make sure you entered correct data in the first checkout attempt)
Order should be placed
Case 1:
Log in as customer and add some items to cart, then go to cart and try to place the order with credit card payment
Make some declined payments (for example with wrong card data like CVV)
When you reach the limit try to pay with valid card data
You should see an error message
Case 2
Repeat the step from Case 1, but do it as anonymous user
KOD-13939: Update CompanyAddress Service
Regression Tests
Case 1:
POST /api/system/company/address/list
Case 2:
POST /api/system/company/address/search
Case 3:
POST /api/system/company/address/{companyID}/{companyAddressID}/settings
Case 4:
POST /api/system/company/address/customer/{customerID}/list
Case 5:
serverSide: POST /api/system/company/address/search
Case 6:
serverSide: POST /api/system/company/address/list
Case 7:
serverSide: POST /api/system/quote/\{quoteID}/company/address/search
Case 8:
serverSide: POST /api/system/order/{orderID}/company/address/search
KOD-13949: Update Country and State Services
Regression Tests
Case 1:
serverSide: POST /api/system/state/list
Case 2:
POST /api/system/state/list
Case 3:
serverSide: POST /api/system/country/list
Case 4:
POST /api/system/country/list
KOD-13960: Update Delivery Service
Regression Tests
Case 1:
POST /api/system/delivery/list
Case 2:
POST /api/system/delivery/{deliveryID}/settings
Case 3:
serverSide POST /api/system/delivery/list
Case 4:
serverSide POST /api/system/delivery/{deliveryID}/settings
KOD-15309: Billing - Entering Negative Time Log
KOD-15677: iOS - Cart Number Badge Still Visible After Placing Order
KOD-15959: Assign Customers to Warehouses Outside of ERP
Regression Test
Case 1:
Check that employees with role different than {{orderEditRestrictWarehouseChange}} can select any warehouse
Steps to reproduce:
Go to Employee Menu
Select an employee and enter to the employee detail view
Go to Roles tab
Ensure selected user does not have the {{orderEditRestrictWarehouseChange}} role
Login to the application using the user in the previous steps
Go to company menu; on the Data tab create an order from any company
Go to “Delivery Method” section and click on “Location” drop down list
You should being able to select any warehouse from the list
Regression Test
Case 2:
Check that employees with role different than {{orderEditRestrictWarehouseChange}} can update/create order with location that is not assigned in their profiles
Steps to reproduce:
Repeat Test Case 4, but here you will see that you can select any warehouse to update the order
Case 1:
Check that new role exist
Steps to reproduce
Go to Employee Menu
Select and employee and enter to the employee detail view
Go to Roles tab
Click on “+ Assign role” button and then search for the new role: {{orderEditRestrictWarehouseChange}}
Case 2:
Check that employees with role equal to {{orderEditRestrictWarehouseChange}} can only select the warehouse which is assigned in their profiles
Steps to reproduce:
Go to Employee Menu
Select and employee and enter to the employee detail view
Go to Roles tab
Click on “+ Assign role” button and then search for the new role: {{orderEditRestrictWarehouseChange}}
Assign the new role to the selected user.
Log-in to the application using the user modified in the previous steps
Go to company menu, on the Data tab do a click in the button to create an order from any company.
Go to “Delivery Method” section and click on “Location” drop down list and select the primary warehouse assigned to current user.
The order should be patched successfully.
Case 3:
Check that employees with role equal to {{orderEditRestrictWarehouseChange}} can only select the warehouse which is assigned in their profiles
Steps to reproduce:
Go to Employee Menu
Select and employee and enter to the employee detail view
Go to Roles tab
Click on “+ Assign role” button and then search for the new role: {{orderEditRestrictWarehouseChange}}
Assign the new role to the selected user
Log-in to the application using the user modified in the previous steps
Go to company menu, on the Data tab do a click in the button to create an order from any company
Go to “Delivery Method” section and click on “Location” drop down list and a warehouse different than the one assigned to current user
The order shouldn’t be patched successfully and the next error should be display in the screen: "*Not valid warehouse selected"*
Check that commissions tab was added to the left navigation bar.
Open Commissions Tab; check that it has kg grid.
Try adding new commission; insert values in the footer of the table and press enter.
Check that new commission was added to the table.
Case 2: Update value of commission from the grid.
Select the value you would like to update and update it.
Save the result.
Case 3: Delete commission
Select a row with the commission data you would like to delete.
In the table header, click Edit ? Delete selected rows.
Check that commission was successfully deleted.
Case 4: Commission Details.
From the table, click the arrow at the right of commission row.
You will go to the Details tab of commission you’ve clicked.
All the details data of the commission should reflect on details.
Try updating the field of your commission. After updating values in the details, check that updated changes are reflected on the kg-grid table.
KOD-16400: Add Message to Login Page for Keep Me Logged In Function
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Try visiting login page and see if everything works
Case 1:
Go to login page and try hovering over ‘keep me logged in' text; a popover should appear with this text '*Stay signed in - Do this to reduce the number of times you are asked to sign in*.’
Also test the remember me when logging in
KOD-16454: Sovos Integration
KOD-16483: Setup and Test the Jobs and Configuration for Nightly Invoicing
KOD-16491: Data for ICSS Conversion on Invoices
KOD-16496: Favicon Is Not Loading in the Customer Portal
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Recheck favicons display logic on storefront
Case 1:
Login to Customer Portal ? check if favicon displayed correctly and matches to the homepage favicon
Case 2
Login to Customer Portal ? check if favicon matches the icon you just loaded
KOD-16616: Employee App - BlockProvider error in lead details
Case 1
Log in to the app
Open burger menu
Click on leads
Pick one lead
Scroll down to the button
There should not be any errors
KOD-16637: New Permission for CMS Create Draft Only
Case 1:
Update role for draft content page endpoints
Select some employee and assign new roles ({{contentDraftView}}, {{contentDraftEdit}}, {{contentDraftPublish}})
Login as current admin (which mentioned above) on Swagger side; try to execute the /draft endpoints, should be executed:
Try to execute non /draft endpoints, should be return access message
Check if current user with three new roles ({{contentDraftView}}, {{contentDraftEdit}}, {{contentDraftPublish}}) have permission to UI side and can see draft content page list, update/delete draft page
KOD-16641: Replace Top Categories Slider with Top Vendors Slider
Case 1:
Check Top Vendor slider in CMS
Login to the Operations Portal and go to CMS > Menus
Click on Top vendors in the sidebar
Add tile/s, click on activate/publish button; there shouldn't be any errors
Go to homepage and check the Top vendor slider if the tiles have been added
Try to remove a tile in the CMS and check for any errors; check the slider on the homepage to see if it reflects the changes properly
Case 2:
Removal of top categories slider in homepage
Go to homepage and check that the top categories slider is already commented out
KOD-16645: Configure Terms and Conditions Agreements
Case 1:
Checkbox appears for new users at the checkout page
Case 2:
When resetting password, user should “Agree to Terms and Conditions” form
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Clicking Agree to Terms and Conditions; should link to content page
Login as a customer and make sure the Customer Portal loads fine
KOD-16657: Block Spacing Setting not Working in Kodaris CMS
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Please make sure that few from this blocks works correctly:
socialList and socialLink
Case 1:
Login to Operations Portal ? CMS ? Pages
Edit page in Gutenberg Editor by selecting several blocks ? group them
Go to block tab and check dimensions ? margin property must be present
Change margin property value and check if margin will be changed ? check the page preview and check if margin will be change there as well
KOD-16696: ERP Line #'s Start at 1001
On a system that is set to sync orders into SX, change the “{{sxStartingLineNumber}}" system setting from 1001 to 1.
Create a new order and release it to SX.
Confirm that the resulting order in SX has a line number starting at 1 and not 1001.
KOD-16715: There Is No Search on the Lists Tab on Customer App
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Login into customer app
Click on “My orders” button
On initial loading of orders the text {{No orders available}} should not be shown
Case 2:
Login into customer app
Click on “My orders” button
If no orders shown, then text {{No orders available}} has to be displayed at center of screen
If orders exist in step 3, then make search request, that won't include in any orders
Case 3:
Login into customer app
Click on “My orders” button
Orders should be loaded
Make search request for the text {{No orders available}} to be shown
Clear search field
While loading back to the list of orders in step 3, text {{No orders available}} should not be shown
Case 4:
Login into customer app
Click on “My orders” button
Enter search text; wait orders or {{No orders available}} to be shown
Enter space to search request (to the end of request); loading should not begin
Case 5:
Login into customer app
Click on “My orders” button
Enter search text with spaces in it; search should not fail
Case 6:
Test Cases 1-5 in “three dots on main screen” –> Locations
Case 7:
Test Cases 1-5 in “three dots on main screen” ? Locations ? open any location ? scroll down to bottom ? add user
Case 8:
Test Cases 1-5 in “three dots on main screen” –> Quote
Case 9:
Test Cases 1-5 in “three dots on main screen” –> Employees
Case 1:
Press second button in navigation panel on main screen named ”Lists”
Test option 3 of this case in searches: My Lists, Company Lists
After search request user should receive some results; results should not be the same as no search happened
Case 2:
Add any item to the cart
Go to cart, press “CHECK OUT” button
Press “Deliver” under Delivery Method
Press “Select” field under “Shipping address”
Press “Select” field under “Shipping address” (again)
After search request user should receive some results; results should not be the same as no search happened
Case 3:
Add any item to the cart
Go to cart, press “CHECK OUT” button
Press “Deliver” under Delivery Method
Press “Select” field under “Billing Address”
Press “Use company info” field under “Billing Address”
Test search here; after search request user should receive some results; results should not be the same as no search happened
Case 4:
Go to each place in Cases 6-9 and Case 1 in *Regression Tests*
For each of the places enter search text for results to be shown
Test different search strings to get different results in each of the searches
KOD-16730: Product CustomerFiles Import Bug
KOD-16735: Kodaris CMS Will Not Allow Video Embed
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Login to Operations Portal ? CMS ? Pages
Open page in Gutenberg Editor ? try to add new block
Select YouTube ? add video URL and click embed ? YouTube embed should appear in blocks list
Case 2:
Save page and click Preview
Check if YouTube embed displayed correctly on both the editor and the page
Case 1:
Login to Operations Portal ? CMS ? Pages
Open page in Gutenberg Editor ? try to add new block
Select Vimeo ? add video URL and click embed ? Vimeo embed should appear in blocks list
Case 2:
Save page and click preview
Check if Vimeo embed displayed correctly on the page
KOD-16743: Hide Open Invoices and Payment Methods
Case 1:
Make sure to test with user without accountPayable role on.
Login to site and click manage account.
User should be taken to Customer Portal; there, make sure there’s no module for Open Invoices or Payment Methods.
KOD-16756: SEO Portal Page Updates
KOD-16765: Replace Web Order # w/ ERP Order #
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Please test if email works and is sent as usual after configuring on Operations Portal
Case 2:
On Customer Portal please check if order is displayed fine and PDF is generated and can be opened
Case 1:
Please check on Customer Portal ? order page on the top right bar ‘invoice no’ is changed to ‘order no’ and there is displayed data from field 'extra5'
In case 'extra5' is null it will display data from orderNumber field
Case 2:
Generate PDF on the Customer Portal ? Order ? Print
There should be displayed same data as described above
Case 3:
On Operations Portal ? Orders ? Order ? Generate email
There should be displayed same data as described above
KOD-16769: Display Taken By Info on Orders and Order Details Screen
Regression Tests
Case 1:
On Customer Portal please check if order page and PDF work as expected
Case 2:
On Operations Portal please check if order email is configured as usual
Case 1:
Please check that we have takenBy field displayed on order, PDF and email (Operations Portal) pages
KOD-16775: Check Info is Up to Date for AWS Charts
KOD-16787: PurchaseOrder Vendor Comments - UX
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Login to the Operations Portal
Open AR / AP ? Purchase Orders
Choose Order and Open Details page
Check that fields on Details tab are successfully displayed
Case 1:
Login to the Operations Portal
Open AR / AP ? Purchase Orders
Choose Order and Open Details page
Open Customer Comments Tab
Check that Customer Comments Tab contains a text area field and button ‘Add’
Add some comment to the text area and click ‘Add’ button
Check that comments were successfully submitted
Case 2:
Login to the Operations Portal
Open AR / AP ? Purchase Orders
Choose Order and Open Details page
Open Customer Comments Tab and confirm it contains comments which you have already submitted
KOD-16788: PurchaseOrder Customer Files - UX
Case 1:
Go to Purchase Orders ? Details page, then select Customer Files tab.
Add a column 'deleted' and remove the filter.
Try to sort or filter the table if there is any data.
Case 2:
Try to attach a new customer file, view it, download and delete.
KOD-16790: PurchaseOrder Settings - UX
Regression Tests
Case 1:
No regression for this task - this is a new feature
Case 1:
Go to purchase orders screen.
Open Details of any Purchase Order.
Check that Custom Fields tile was added to the tabs at the top of the details page.
Open Custom Fields.
Check that this page contains the kg-grid table with 6 columns by default.
At the bottom of the table fill in all the cells to add new Setting and hit Enter.
Check that new setting was successfully added to the settings list.
Case 2:
On the custom fields tab of the purchase order, select any row with the setting.
At the top of the table, click Edit ? Delete Selected Rows.
Check that Custom Field was successfully deleted.
Case 3:
On the custom fields tab of the purchase order, select any cell that you would like to edit.
Edit the cell and click outside of it.
Check that setting was successfully updated.
KOD-16793: Remove the FAQs from Checkout
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Please check if cart pages are displayed as usual
Case 1:
Please check if FAQs section is not displayed
KOD-16795: UX Changes to Form in Branch Services
Case 1:
Check a page in the CMS editor
Go to the Operations Portal > CMS > Page
Open a sample page in the Gutenberg Editor
Check the form (labels, inputs) and button if the styling matches how it is styled in the website, it should be similar.
Styling is correct and matches that of website’s
Case 2:
Check a page in the website
Go to a content page in the website
Check the form (labels, inputs) and button if the styling matches how it is styled in the editor, it should be similar and the button should have white text
KOD-16798: Make Footer Sections Editable on CMS
Case 1:
Check Footer logo in CMS
Go to Operations Portal > CMS > Menus
Click Footer Logos in the sidebar
Add/Update the logos in the footer; click Publish and there should be no errors
Check the footer if the logos changes are reflecting
Try removing logos; there should also be no errors
KOD-16801: Update Privacy Policy
KOD-16812: Test Embedded Signature on Invoice
KOD-16816: Update Inventory Display
KOD-16817: Ship To Selection Updates
KOD-16818: Check icssConversionUnit
KOD-16821: Set Reply-to Email
KOD-16824: Display Order Items Unit Price on Invoice
Case 1:
Check order email and order PDF
Go to the Operations Portal > Orders screen
Choose a sample order
Generate an order email; look for the Unit Price and check if it matches the piece price in the order’s items table
Generate an order PDF; look for the Unit Price and check if it matches the piece price in the order’s items table
Case 2:
Check order layout
Go to the Customer Portal > Orders screen
Choose a sample order; look for the Unit Price and check if it matches the piece price in the order’s items table
KOD-16850: CMS Templates by HostCode - Menus
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Go to Operations Portal ? CMS ? Menus.
Add and edit the “Menus” and make sure it works properly.
Also try editing the slider and make sure that works correctly.
Note: when adding an image to the slider, you shouldn't be able to edit the details.
Case 2:
Go to Operations Portal ? CMS ? Menus.
Go to the French version of the page and make a French menu and slider version.
Then make sure it looks good on the actual website.
Case 3:
Also on the French version, check multilingual and make sure it is working.
Case 1:
Try to add new menus for different host ? check if menus are displayed in the customizer.
Try to reload the page and check if menus are display.
Case 2:
Check if menus are displayed on website.
KOD-16851: Option to Link Custom Privacy Policy
KOD-16852: Customers Get Email About Deposit Payment Note
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Make Deposit payment
Case 1:
Make sure that customer doesn’t get email notification after creating Deposit payment with note
KOD-16867: Add Button/Dropdown for Uploading Purchase Orders to a Vendor
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Please go to Vendors > Vendor and check if upload invoices button works as usual
Case 1:
Please check that button upload purchase order works and doesn’t throw any errors
KOD-16872: PurchaseOrder Internal Comments - UX
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Login to the Operations Portal
Open AR / AP ? Purchase Orders
Choose Order and Open Details page
Check that fields on Details tab are successfully displayed
Case 1:
Login to the Operations Portal
Open AR / AP ? Purchase Orders
Choose Order and Open Details page
Open Internal Comments Tab
Check that Internal Comments Tab contains a text area field and button ‘Add’
Add some comment to the text area and click ‘Add’ button
Check that comments were successfully submitted
Case 2:
Login to the Operations Portal
Open AR / AP ? Purchase Orders
Choose Order and Open Details page
Open Internal Comments
Check that Internal Comments Tab contains comments which you have already submitted