Your Kodaris system features robust integration capabilities allowing you to seamlessly connect systems, synchronize data, and automate your business processes. As part of this release, you now have the capability to add delivery information to the Order Details Screen in your Customer Portal; this will enhance your customers' overall experience as they will have better visibility into an order's delivery status. Depending on your logistics provider, there is some configuration to enable this so please reach out to your Kodaris Account Manager if you would like to add this feature.
KOD-7709: Plexxis Alerts - Mark Order with automatedSystem Setting
Case 1:
Make sure the integration is activated at Customer Portal and you have apiToken.
Make sure all necessary settings {{plexxisAgentCode}}, {{plexxisCompanyCode}}, {{plexxisDexApiUrl}}, {{plexxisDexWebsocketUrl}}, {{plexxisHelpUrl}}, {{plexxisLogoUrl}}, {{plexxisSecretKey}} are set, as well as setting {{enablePlexxis}} is set to 1 (enabled).
Navigate to /api/account/plexxis/placeOrder endpoint and execute it.
After order is created, verify that setting automatedSystem is present.
KOD-13943: Update CustomerFile Service
KOD-14598: Add BI Script for Order Items
KOD-14928: BI Enhancements
KOD-15016: CSD - Pricing Record (Product Price) Add Update API Call
Case 1:
Check interceptors
Case 2:
Run User Scripts to call new inforCSDProductPriceAdd.js
KOD-16255: Categories in Main Menu Missing in Facet List
KOD-16282: Remove Hyperlinks from Product FAQs
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Go to front site
Choose any of available categories
Choose any of available product
Check if detail page of chosen product looks good
Case 1:
Go to front site
Choose any of available categories
Choose any of available product
Check if top two FAQs on product page appear not to be hyperlinked to nowhere
KOD-16438: Fix Extended Price Rounding Issue
KOD-16439: Remove Default Search Results from Search Bar
Case 1:
Search Results should not show until the user begins typing.
Test on both mobile and home page.
KOD-16453: Post Careers Form Submission Directly
KOD-16506: Update the Order Templates
KOD-16611: Scoping - Restrict Integration to Specific Customers
KOD-16617: Verify Visits KPI in BI Dashboard
KOD-16644: Registration Option for Existing Customers
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Please check that registration form works as expected.
Case 1:
Please go to customer side registration screen and check if everything works and is displayed correctly.
Case 2:
Check that the register for existing customer form works correctly, required fields work, etc.
Also make sure that it has the same fields as the same form on the register account screen except for the password fields.
Make sure that after submitting, it sends the email (Operations ? Emails screen).
KOD-16683: BI Discrepancy
KOD-16688: Auto-Login Analytics - Track Usage
KOD-16776: Error on "Add to Quote"
KOD-16797: Implement SEO in the Website
Case 1:
Go to front side
Choose any of the categories
Verify that title changed to name of chosen category
Case 2:
Go to front side
Choose any of the categories
Choose any of the products that are available in this category
Verify that title changed to name of chosen product
KOD-16803: Configure Inventory
KOD-16822: Company Budget - Set companyID on companyAddress Budget Create
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Test Company Budget API (adding, updating, deleting, listing company budgets, and verifying parent budget logic assignment).
Case 1:
Test creation of company budget assigned to companyAddress.
Case 2:
Test creation of company budget assigned to Customer.
KOD-16903: Ability to Differentiate Between ACH/CC Payments in the Inbound Payment EDI Files
KOD-16948: Update Integration Sync for termsType and termsTypeDescription Fields
KOD-16967: Mobile App - Hide Payments Methods
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Log in as payable user.
On the home screen, you should see “Payments“ button in “Welcome back” section.
When you press on it, it should work as expected.
Case 2:
Log in as payable user.
Go to the “More” tab in nav bar.
You should see “Payments” button after “Order History”.
It should work the same, as in Case 1.
Case 3:
Log in as payable user.
Go to the “More” tab in nav bar.
Press on “Payments Methods”.
You should see 2 tabs “My Account” and “Company Account”.
You should be able to go to the second tab by clicking on it or by swiping.
Case 1:
Log in as non-payable user.
On the home screen, you should see only “My Orders” in “Welcome back” section.
There should not be any “Payments” button.
Case 2:
Log in as non-payable user.
Go to the “More” tab in nav bar.
You should *NOT* see “Payments” button after “Order History”.
Case 3:
Log in as payable user.
Go to the “More” tab in nav bar.
Press on “Payments Methods”.
You should see 1 tab "My Account".
"Company Account" should *NOT* be shown.
KOD-16971: Importing Warehouses with Active/Inactive Field Not Working
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Use the file included with this ticket for uploading. Try to use it with {{false}} and {{true}} value.
KOD-16975: Add Export and Import to Discounts
KOD-16984: Related Products Public API Endpoint
KOD-16992: Find Out Why Category Visits Is So High
KOD-16993: Investigate Spike in Traffic
KOD-16995: Showing In Stock When Quantity Is Less Than 0
KOD-16998: Unable to Request a Quote / Placing Order
KOD-17003: Missing Counts & Remit To State
Case 1:
*Check Order Layouts*
Login to Operations Portal and select a sample order.
Generate an Order Email and an Order PDF and check that the state is showing in the Remit to address. The line total and quantity shipped total should also be showing.
Login to Customer Portal and select a sample order and check that the state is showing in the Remit to address. The line total and quantity shipped total should also be showing.
Case 2:
*Check Order PDF Mailer Layout*
Login to Operations Portal and select a sample order.
Generate Order Mailer PDF using template wrappedOrderPDFMailer-EJS and check that the state is showing in the Remit to address. The line total and quantity shipped total should also be showing.
KOD-17004: Items Not Syncing
KOD-17005: Update Email Address in Welcome Email
Check the contact email address update in the Welcome email.
Log in to the Customer Portal and go to Employees screen.
Add an employee.
Go to the Operations Portal ? System ? Emails.
Check the Welcome email’s contact email address. It should be updated.
KOD-17010: Add Site to Google Maps, Tinymce, and Recaptcha
KOD-17011: Configure Countries and States
Regression Tests
Check address Country and State show correctly when requesting a quote or placing an order
Check Country and State drop-downs at the checkout
KOD-17016: Purchase Order - Copy Purchase Order Functionality
*Important!* This endpoint is available for these roles:
{{administrator}}, {{superuser}}, and {{purchaseOrderEdit}}
KOD-17021: Make Warehouse Fields Filterable and Sortable
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Go to Operations Portal to Locations Page
Try sorting and filtering by: {{code}}, {{name}}
Case 1:
Go to Operations Portal to Locations Page
Try sorting and filtering by all fields *except*:
{{header}}, {{description}}, {{footer}}, {{productsDescription}}, and {{servicesDescription}}
KOD-17024: Issue with Product Counts
KOD-17026: Width Shows Code Instead of Name for Two Filters
KOD-17025: Namespacing Issue
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Click on Shop by Category ? open up a few menus and make sure everything looks fine.
Case 1:
Go to the website.
Click the shop by category dropdown.
Make sure categories look good and are not half on each column.
KOD-17027: Add Show More Button to Warehouses List
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Check inventory when user is not logged in.
User must not be logged in as a customer. Go to the product list/category page and product pages, the inventories should not show.
Case 1:
Check inventory when user is logged in.
Log in as a customer in the site. Go to the Category? Product list page. Inventory should only show the primary warehouse and a "Show More" button. The "Show More" button will take you to the product page.
In the product page, you should see the inventory of the primary warehouse and a "Show More" button below the product price. Once you click the "Show More" button, it should take you to the tabs section where the All inventory tab will open and show all inventories and warehouses and stocks.
KOD-17028: Configure Shipping Options
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Please check that we can create an order, it works as usual and each page is displayed fine.
Case 1:
Please check that shipping and handling field has certain charge which depends on amount of the order.
Case 2:
Please check that if amount of order is > $2000 we will have shipping and handling field = $0 and on the thank you page will be a disclaimer.
Disclaimer shows in the Thank you page to the bottom.
Case 3:
Please check that we will never have 2 WillCall shipping options.
KOD-17035: Mobile - Attributes Are Running Off the Page
Regression Tests
Case 1:
In mobile view, make sure the page looks fine and nothing looks broken.
Case 1:
Go to the Attributes section. Make sure that for a smaller screen size the attributes are fixed so they do not run off of the page.
KOD-17044: UX - Fix Data Alignment On Tracking Tab For Mobile Resolutions
Case 1:
Open Customer Portal ? Orders ? Order ? Tracking
Check how tracking information displays on different resolutions
Make sure that it displays correctly without overlapping
KOD-17066: Integration Next Steps
KOD-17068: Support URL Rewrites for Saturn
Test that adding and updating URL rewrites in the Operations Portal still works.
KOD-17073: Ensure We Are Syncing Order termsType/termsTypeDescription to the termsType/termsTypeDescription Order Fields in Kodaris
Need to have a new order synced and validate the terms are taken off of the order.
KOD-17076: Incorrect Work of /api/system/payment/searchOpenInvoicesWithPeriods Endpoint
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Check that Open Invoices in Customer Portal work as usual and date fields are shown correctly.
Case 2:
Check that {{POST /api/account/payment/searchOpenInvoicesWithPeriods}} works and date-related field ({{created}}, {{paymentDate}}, {{discountDate}}, and {{invoiceDate,dueDate}}) values in ISO format.
Case 3:
Test paying open invoice with a discount.
Case 1:
Check that {{POST}} /api/system/payment/searchOpenInvoicesWithPeriods}} works.
KOD-17078: Emails Per Host
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Test existing email sending functionality in non-multi-tenant mode.
Case 1:
Test Order host-branded (order host code) email sending.
Case 2:
Test Order host-branded (order warehouse code) email sending.
Case 3:
Test Order host-branded (warehouse order setting) email sending.
Case 4:
Test Customer host-branded email sending.
Case 5:
Test Company host-branded email sending.
Case 6:
Test method from user script.
KOD-17117: Add Payment Information to pullNewOrderToErp Endpoint
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Get order with included payment, use endpoint: /pullNewOrderToErp
You can log in as a customer, select some product, complete checkout and then pay it.
Case 2:
Get order without payment, use endpoint: /pullNewOrderToErp
Create some order from company.
Then click the button above "release to ERP".
KOD-17119: User Session Expired Issue with External Systems / Payment Portals
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Make sure that session expiration logic works as expected without errors.
Case 1:
Login to Operations Portal ? System ? Settings ? externalCustomerURL
Set the URL for redirection to value field.
Log in as customer ? for example go to order screen ? clean cookies ? and try to go to quotes ? you must be redirected to your externalCustomerURL.
Case 2:
Fill externalCustomerURL with empty string.
Log in as customer ? for example go to order screen ? clean cookies ? and try to go to quotes ? expiration dialog must be shown.
KOD-17120: Add externalCustomerURL to Config Endpoint for External Customer Payment Portal Implementations
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Check whether Customer Portal loads successfully
Case 1:
Check added new setting, *employee side*
Check whether setting: *externalCustomerURL* exists in setting list
Select current new setting and then update the value
Go to Swagger endpoint: /api/account/customer/configuration
Check whether the new setting exists and has updated value
KOD-17128: Bug with Quote Conversion
KOD-17138: App - Cannot View Saved Order
Regression Tests
No regressions
Case 1:
Log in as a customer
Add some products to cart
Go to cart
Press three vertical dots on the right from search bar
Press on the option “Save Cart”
Press button “Save”
Press button “View Order“
It should work normally
Case 2:
Complete Case 1
Go to home screen
Press “My Orders” button
Look for your “Saved” order (gray text under price)