As part of the powerful Kodaris PIM module system, you can now add cross references to denote replacement items for products that have been phased out, or are no longer sold in your commerce store. These replacements can be added by either manually importing or via syncing from your ERP, and are particularly useful if your customers have product lists that contain the old items.
The mechanics of this feature are quite simple: a web_replacement record will need to be imported or mapped from your ERP with the following fields filled in.
Type: needs to be “web_replacement”
Product Code: code for the original item
Alt Product Code: code for the new item replacing the original item
As an example, if item # HYD06878 is being replaced by item # KRADW733, the Product Code field will contain HYD06878 and the Alt Product Code field will contain KRADW733.
To do this via manual import, you will need to have the information set up in a .CSV file; a sample import sheet is below. Note that the type column needs to be set to web_replacement.
After your .CSV file is completed, navigate to the Cross References screen in the PIM section. Go to File, then Import, and select the type of import you would like to complete.
Once the replacement cross references have been created and a customer adds the original item to their cart, the new item will automatically be added instead. A note will also automatically be added to the item notifying the customer of the change.
A custom message can also be added instead of the default one. To do this, simply go to the replacement cross reference you would like to add custom information to, go to the Details screen, and enter the custom message into the Alt Product Description field.
Display recently ordered products
As part of the robust Kodaris commerce platform, you now have the capability to display to customers their recently ordered products. As part of this feature, you can display both items purchased online and offline, meaning your customer will receive a full picture of their recent purchases.
To enable this feature, first go to the System > Settings screen and search for jobPopulateRecentlyOrderedItems. Click on the Details icon; on the following screen, set the Value field to "1". Click Save in the upper right corner to save this change.
After enabling, a Recently Ordered catalog will appear as an option in the Categories menu; the customer will need to be logged in to see this option.
After clicking the Recently Ordered category, all recently ordered items will display to the customer.
Operations Portal
Create a SKU
As part of the latest enhancements to Kodaris' PIM and Pricing features, you are now able to generate a SKU directly from your Kodaris Operations Portal rather than from within your ERP.
To use this new feature, simply navigate to Products in the PIM section of the Operations Portal, then locate the product you would like to generate a SKU on. Click the Details icon; on the following screen, click More and select Generate SKU. Select the warehouse you would like the SKU to fall under, click Generate and voila, the new SKU is created!
KOD-11821: Error on Search Products API When Using Contains Operator in Query Fields
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Make sure Products search is working as before
Case 1:
Check {{/api/system/product/search}} with queryFields and operation {{CONTAINS}}. *Value should include whitespaces*
KOD-15434: Style Sample Punchout Success Page
KOD-15827: DeliveryID on Delivery Screen Doesn't Filter
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Log in to Operations Portal
Go to Deliveries screen
Check if page looks good
Case 2:
Log in to Operations Portal
Go to Deliveries screen
Try to add, edit, and delete a record
Case 3:
Log in to Operations Portal
Go to Deliveries screen
Try to find a record using different rows
Case 4:
Log in to Operations Portal
Go to Deliveries screen
Try to sort records using different rows
Case 5:
Log in to Operations Portal
Go to Deliveries screen
Try to sort records using different rows
Case 6:
Log in to Operations Portal
Go to Deliveries screen
Try to go to Details page and check if everything looks good
KOD-16174: Fix the Color of Confirm Email Button
Case 1:
Log in using a customer account that has not been used/logged in for the past >24 hrs to trigger the email.
Check the email in the Operations Portal > Emails screen. It should have the color branding of the site.
KOD-16186: Confirmation Email Not Using Host Branding - UX to Update Templates
KOD-16299: CenPOS Payment Provider - Credentials Per Host
DO all regression tests
Test guest checkout with credit card
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Check if customer still can make payment using CenPOS provider without any host-specific setup.
Case 2:
Check if customer still can make payment using CenPOS provider without any host-specific setup even if assigned to some host.
Case 3:
Check if customer still is able to make order payment using old CenPOS ERP setting when cenposUseGlobalSettingByDefault setting is off.
Case 1:
Check if CenPOS integration can be configured on global settings level.
Case 2:
Check if CenPOS integration can be configured on specific customer’s host.
KOD-16490: Characters in SEO Fields Converted to HTML Codes in Layouts
Regression Test
Case 1:
Go to Operations Portal
Go to CMS → Pages
Choose one of available pages
Click on preview
Check if page load without any problems
On this page click on ‘view page source’
Check if everything looks good
Case 1:
Go to Operations Portal
Go to CMS → Pages
Create your page
In these fields put name with symbol &:
Meta Title
Meta Description
Save this page and click on button ‘preview’
On this page, click on ‘view page source’
Check if this_(title, description, keywords)_ meta data looks good
KOD-16755: Make ScheduledPaymentCreated-EJS Template Pretty
Case 1:
Test if scheduled payment email sent when customer schedules a payment has the pretty layout.
KOD-16978: Sale Pricing
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Please check that we can see product list/grid view and product page displayed correctly with prices and inventory where it is available for both guest and logged in users
Case 1:
Please check that we have sale price flag on products with promo prices (and where onSale:true)
We also want to see "Valid until" message (end date for promo price)
Case 2:
We want to see sale flag and "Valid until" on list/grid view and product page
KOD-17007: Item Replacements
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Add items to cart from Category, Search, Quick Order List, Product List, Company Catalog, and Checkout
Make sure all is same as normal
Case 2:
Need to test receiving an Order from Punchout if possible
KOD-17046: Confirm Email Button Color Branding
Case 1:
Log in using a customer account that has not been used/logged in for the past >24 hrs to trigger the email.
Check the email in the Operations Portal > Emails screen. It should have the color branding of the site.
KOD-17140: B2C Orders Not Linking to Company Account
Regression Tests
KOD-17311: Add Delete Endpoints for Company Address Files
Case 1:
Check new delete customer/internal file endpoints for companyAddress
For uploading customer/internal file, you can use UI side, go to companyAddress list, select some companyAddress, go to customer/internal File tab and then upload some file
Go to Swagger side and use endpoints for getting ID of customer/internal file:
Go back to current company wish product list page, then start the order
Case 2:
Add some product to *customer* wish product list and then create order from current wish product list with *locations*
Do the same action as in previous case but use customerWishList side endpoint: [/api/system/customerWishList/{customerWishListID}/product/{productID}
KOD-17417: Issue with Back Button
Regression Tests
Case 1:
In the product list page, pagination arrows (prev and next) should work properly
Case 1:
In the product list page, browser back button should take you to the previous screen and the pagination input should reflect the page you were previously viewing before using the browser back button
KOD-17461: Create Custom Pages in the Angular Customer Portal
Case 1:
Log in as a customer
Copy any URL from website without hostname (/spcu/contact)
Go to Customer Portal
Now create URL using {hostname}/c/{url from website}
Open this URL
Make sure page displays the same as on webpage
KOD-17472: Ticket CustomerWishList APIs
Case 1:
Test Create for Ticket CompanyWishList
POST {{/api/system/ticket/{ticketID}/companyWishList}}
Case 2:
Test Read for Ticket CompanyWishList
GET {{/api/system/ticket/{ticketID}/companyWishList/{companyWishListID}}}
Case 3:
Test Update for Ticket CompanyWishList
PUT {{/api/system/ticket/{ticketID}/companyWishList/{companyWishListID}}}
POST {{/api/system/ticket/{ticketID}/companyWishList/list}}
Case 7:
Test Create Ticket Wish List
Case 8:
Test Read Ticket Wish List
Case 9:
Test Update Ticket Wish List
Case 10:
Test Patch Update Ticket Wish List
Case 11:
Test Delete Ticket Wish List
Case 12:
Test List Ticket Wish Lists
Case 13:
Test Create Ticket Wish List Product
Case 14:
Test Update Ticket Wish List Product
Case 15:
Test Patch Update Ticket Wish List Product
Case 16:
Test Delete Ticket Wish List Product
Case 17:
Test List Ticket Wish List Product
KOD-17478: Related and Complementary Products Part 2
Note: Please make sure that RelatedProduct and Complement are in the {{relatedProductTypes}}
Case 1:
Check Related Products Slider Updates
In product page where product has related products assigned:
Title has been updated to Item # same as in other parts of the site
Slider would only show up for logged in users
Only products with type 'RelatedProduct' (assigned in Operations Portal) will show up in the related products slider
Appropriate userN, based on host, is displayed in the item #
Products with no userN for appropriate host will not show in the slider
If there are no products assigned to the slider, the slider will not show up
Case 2:
Check Complementary Products Slider
In product page where product has complementary products assigned:
Title has been updated to Item # same as in other parts of the site
Slider would only show up for logged in users
Only products with type 'Complement' (assigned in Operations Portal) will show up in the complementary products slider
Appropriate userN, based on host, is displayed in the item #
Products with no userN for appropriate host will not show in the slider
If there are no products assigned to the slider, the slider will not show up
KOD-17483: Remove Validation on Federal Tax I.D. in Digital Credit App
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Sign up for credit application
You should be able to fill in all the required fields and submit the credit application successfully
Case 1:
Sign up for credit application by following the steps in the video
Once you complete those steps in the _CREDIT APPLICATION FORM_ go to the *Federal Tax I.D* field
You should be able to input any value and don’t get any format error when you leave the field
KOD-17515: UX - Fix Related Products Slider
Case 1:
Check Related Products slider to make sure that it is showing and there are no errors
KOD-17529: Email Confirmation Error Message
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Check that the whole functionality about confirm user email is still working
Case 1:
Try to log in with a not confirmed email user and you should get this payload in the response:
"success": false,
"code": 400,
"messages": [],
"errors": [
"Please check your email for your verification link."
"data": null
KOD-17560: Scheduled task Errors
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check whether endpoints return populated {{customFields}} from DTO
Use endpoint: POST: [*/api/system/product/list*
Result => should return empty field: *customFields*
Use endpoint: POST: [/api/account/productList/companyList/{companyProductListID}/
Result => should return *not* empty field: *customFields*
KOD-17566: Customer Portal - Edit Order Process
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Check whether Customer Portal works well
Case 1:
Check customer order edit process
Check whether return the new value ({{customerEditableOrderFields}}) form customer configuration endpoint: [/api/account/customer/configuration
KOD-17574: Review Add Recently Purchased Products to a Platform Default Option
Regression Tests
Case 1:
{{DailyIntervalJob}} should still working as always with new setting {{populateRecentOrders}} = 0
Case 1:
Check new interceptor {{populateRecentOrders}}.js and new setting {{populateRecentOrders}}
The filter should not contain this block of code:
"boost": null,
"fuzzy": null,
"name": "hostCode",
"not": false,
"operation": "IS",
"tagged": true,
"value": "3"
Case 2:
New endpoint [POST]{{/api/system/order/populateRecentlyOrderedItems}} should not run interceptor {{populateRecentOrders.js}} with setting {{populateRecentOrders}} = 0
Case 3:
New endpoint [POST]{{/api/system/order/populateRecentlyOrderedItems}} should run interceptor {{populateRecentOrders.js}} with setting{{populateRecentOrders}} =1 and no parameters provided.
Case 4:
New endpoint [POST]{{/api/system/order/populateRecentlyOrderedItems}} should run run interceptor {{populateRecentOrders.js}} with setting{{populateRecentOrders}} = 1 and parameters provided
Note: startTime and endTime parameters should follow next format: 'yyyy-mm-dd'
KOD-17581: Add Site to Google Maps, Tinymce, and Recaptcha