Your robust Kodaris platform includes the ability for your customers to schedule a payment directly in their Customer Portal, allowing them to schedule out payments and have them automatically run instead of logging in and making them when needed. As an enhancement to this feature, we have made it easier for you to determine why a scheduled payment failed or errored out.
Firstly, an internal comment will be added to the Scheduled Payment record in the Operations Portal. You can view this comment by going to the AR / AP >Accounts Receivable screen and clicking the Details icon of the scheduled payment you would like to view; the comment will indicate that the payment has failed to process and the reason why. An event will also be added under the System > System Event Information screen in the Operations Portal indicating why the payment failed.
KOD-14687: Create UX for the Creation of Customer Side Catalog
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Log in as a customer.
Go to Category page.
Make sure layout is not broken and looks the same as previously.
Case 2:
Log in as a customer.
Go to Search page.
Make sure layout is not broken and looks the same as previously.
Case 3:
Log in as a customer.
Go to Product page.
Make sure layout is not broken and looks the same as previously.
Case 4:
For not logged in users.
Go to Search page.
Make sure layout is not broken and looks the same as previously.
Go to Category page.
Make sure layout is not broken and looks the same as previously.
Go to Product page.
Make sure layout is not broken and looks the same as previously.
Case 1:
Log in as a customer.
Go to Order Guide → View catalogs page.
Make sure you can see all catalogs sorted by parent.
Case 2:
Log in as a customer.
Go to Order Guide → View catalogs page.
Make sure you can see “Add“ button in top right corner.
Click on “Add“ button.
Make sure you see the modal that allows to create new catalog.
Choose parent catalog, enter name and description and click “Add“ button.
Make sure you are redirected on newly create catalog page.
Case 3:
Log in as a customer.
Go to Order Guide → View catalogs page → Catalog.
Make sure you can see “Edit“ button in top right corner.
Click on “Edit“ button.
Make sure you see the modal that allows to create edit catalog.
Make sure all values in modal are the same as catalog data.
Change parent catalog, name or description and click “Update“ button.
Make sure modal is closed and all catalog data updated with your new values.
Case 4:
Log in as a customer.
Go to Category/Search/Product page.
Make sure you can see “ADD TO CATALOG“ dropdown instead of “ADD TO LIST“ in all products tiles.
Click on “ADD TO CATALOG“ and choose catalog you’d like this product to be added.
Go to Catalog to which you add a product and make sure product is successfully added.
Case 5:
Log in as a customer.
Go to Order Guide → View catalogs page → Catalog.
Make sure your can see “Remove“ button on all product tiles.
Click on “Remove“ button.
Make sure product has been removed successfully.
Case 6:
Log in as a customer.
Go to Order Guide → View catalogs page → Catalog.
Make sure you can see “Remove“ button in top right corner.
Click on “Remove“ button.
Make sure you are redirected on “View catalogs“ page.
Make sure your catalog was removed successfully.
KOD-15901: Issue Pulling Orders Over on Driver App
Regression Tests
Case 1:
{{/api/system/order/driverDelivery/order/{externalOrderNumber}}} API call with existing order.
Verify the response is successful
Case 1:
Perform the same API call, but for not existing in DB order {{/api/system/order/driverDelivery/order/{externalOrderNumber}}}
KOD-16106: Filter Categories - Default Columns for Importing
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Check if you can import records without any exceptions.
Use Operations Portal and wait approximately 5 minutes to check it or for immediately uploading use Swagger.
Case 1:
Check if you can import records without columns: {{multivalued}} {{hardend}} {{showNumberOfEmptyValues}}
Use Operations Portal and wait approximately 5 minutes to check it or for immediately uploading use Swagger
KOD-16116: Set Up IDM REST API Integration
KOD-16385: Master Order Budget
Case 1:
Create/Update CompanyAddress budgets by using customer endpoint
Case 2:
Create/Update CompanyAddress from budgets by using system endpoint {{POST /api/system/companyBudget/companyAddress/{companyID}/{companyAddressID}}}
KOD-16509: Allow SyncPayloadJob to Also Filter by entityAction
KOD-16972: If notificationEmailTO, CC, or BCC Is Blank, Don't Send Emails
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Emails should be sent to customers and administrator if property {{notificationEmailTO}} has valid value.
Also check property {{doNotSendOrderConfirmationEmail}} which should be equal to 0.
Case 2:
Emails should be sent to customers and not to administrator if property {{notificationEmailTO}} has no value.
Also check property {{doNotSendOrderConfirmationEmail}} which should be equal to 0.
Case 3:
If property {{doNotSendOrderConfirmationEmail}} is 1, then no emails should be send.
Case 1:
With property {{doNotSendOrderConfirmationEmail}} which should be equal to 0.
Emails should be sent to customers and not to administrator if property {{notificationEmailTO}} has no value. No errors should be logged.
Case 2:
With property {{doNotSendOrderConfirmationEmail}} which should be equal to 0.
Emails should be sent to customers and to administrator if property {{notificationEmailTO}} has valid value.
KOD-17045: Customer Site -Display a Proper Error Asking the User to Confirm Their Email
Regression Tests
Test that customer login works fine
Case 1:
Any login error that is not related to a user needing to confirm their email would show the default error message: “{{Something went wrong, please try again or contact us at {{storeEmail}}}}"
Login error when the setting {{confirmEmailPeriodInDaysSinceLastLogin}} is off should also return the default error message.
Case 1:
Please turn on setting {{confirmEmailPeriodInDaysSinceLastLogin}}
Use an account that has not been used for >24hours to be able to trigger the error.
Log in using the account in the login panel in the header and the login page (/spcu/login).
The error message should ask the user to confirm their email instead of showing the default error message.
Case 2:
Please check if {{Login failed}} message is without square brackets.
KOD-17070: Ensure We Are syncing Order termsType/termsTypeDescription to the termsType/termsTypeDescription Order Fields in Kodaris
KOD-17291: Public Product pricesByCodes Endpoint
KOD-17293: Scoping - CRM / Contact Us Form
KOD-17298: Show Quantity Price Breaks
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Go to product Details page.
Check if Details page looks good.
Case 1:
Log in as a customer.
Go to product .
Check if “buy” is shown on Details page.
Case 2:
Log in as a customer.
Go to product.
Check if “buy” not shown on details page.
Case 3:
Don't log in as a customer.
Go to products that were tested in Case 1 and 2.
Check if “buy” is not shown on Details page.
KOD-17330: Add the ability to Search Company Catalogs
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Check if we can save products on Company Categories and Companies → Catalog pages on UI without any exceptions.
*Note*: throw an exception in case if product already added to the catalog.
Case 2:
Check if page can be opened without any exceptions by this URL: {{/api/account/company/category?code={code}}}
Case 3:
Check if page can be opened without any exceptions by this URL: {{/api/account/company/group/category?code={code}&group={groupCode}}}
Case 1:
Check if we can save more than 500 products on Company Categories and Companies → Catalog pages on UI without any exceptions.
*Note*: throw an exception in case if product already added to the catalog.
Case 2:
UI → Company Category Page.
Check the default search behavior without modifying an interceptor.
Test scheduled payments from DailyIntervalJob paid successfully.
Case 2:
Test internal comment added to scheduled payment when payment failed to process from DailyIntervalJob.
Case 1:
Test if log is created in s3 with error reason when scheduled payment failed from DailyIntevalJob.
KOD-17616: Lockbox File Empty when Enabled to Include Deposits
KOD-17617: Prevent Exception if Company Not Found in Notification Job
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Make sure that customer notifications still work.
Add a new user to your account and get the notification.
KOD-17626: Customer Flutter App - Disappearing product description after user closes and opens app
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Test all functionality of the app
Case 1:
Log in to the app
Go to any category
Press on any product to open its details
Minimize app by going to the home screen without closing app
Return to the app
Product description should not disappear after return
KOD-17632: Product Url - SEO Version Added to the Sitemap
KOD-17633: Capture Email Addresses in Forms
Case 1:
Test the Subscribe popup if working.
In the website, click on the {{Subscribe to mailing list}} link to show the popup.
Enter an email address and click on Enroll. There shouldn't be any errors.
Once the form has been submitted, go to the Operations Portal > Emails to check if the form was sent as a contact form email.
The link text and text on the popup should also be translatable.
KOD-17634: Caching Bugs on the Customer API
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Check if you can see the list of company catalogs on this page.
The number of company catalogs has to be the same as we declared it in Operations Portal.
Case 2
Check adding/updating/removing operations to be confident everything works without any exceptions.
Case 1:
Check adding/updating/removing operations.
Case 2:
Check adding operation first from Operations Portal and check if the cache will be triggered to see a new record on a Customer Portal.
Case 3 (Global):
Check each endpoint in Swagger for Customer Company Product Category.
KOD-17638: Remove Error when Attempting to Add Product to Same Catalog
KOD-17643: Include manufacturerCode -- User API /api/user/product/{code}
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Check that endpoint [POST]{{api/user/product/relatedProducts/list}} still working as expected.
Case 2:
Check that related product page in Product detail still working fine.
Case 1:
Check that endpoint [GET]{{/api/user/product/}} now return the field “manufacturerCode”.
KOD-17647: Filters and "Sort By" Dropdown
Regression Tests
Case 1:
The session should save the expansion state of the filters>
Once the user changes the expanded rows, the preference is saved even after refreshing.
Case 1:
The different categories should be '+underlined+' to draw attention.
If the product list page has a Categories filter, the Categories filter would be expanded and the rest of the filters are retracted. If there is no Categories filter, the filters would be expanded.
KOD-17655: Update Search on with Latest Security Updates or Drop
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Verify that value of company level setting {{declinedAttempts}} is lower than value of global setting {{declinedPaymentAttemptsLimit}}
Make a payment using {{/api/account/paymentProcessing/pay/orders}}, confirm it was successful.
Case 1:
Verify that value of company level setting {{declinedAttempts}} is greater than or equal to value of global setting {{declinedPaymentAttemptsLimit}}
Try to make a payment using {{/api/account/paymentProcessing/pay/orders}}. It should return an error.
KOD-17666: Related Product Filtering
KOD-17669: Add Unit of Measure
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Check that product detail page is displaying correctly, prices are okay.
Case 2:
Check that prices are displayed correctly in the category view, both grid and list view.
Case 3:
Check that prices are displayed correctly in order templates.
Case 1:
Go to any category page. You should see now the unit sell just to the right of the price on each product for both views, grid and list.
Case 2:
Pick a product from the catalog.
On the product page, you should see the unit sell just to the right of the price.
Case 3:
Add products to your cart.
Go to the cart page to see those products.
You should see the unit sell just to the right of the price for each one.
KOD-17671: Add Interceptor Search for Customer Item Numbers
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Log in as a customer.
Open any category.
From a category open any product page.
Below PART # should be a paragraph *YOUR PART #:* +_Add_+ _(Word Add should be in italic + dashed underline)._ When data is loading instead of Add you’ll see Loading in italic.
Click Add. There should be a popup window with 2 buttons Cancel and Save.
Type there any alternative product code and click Save. The popup window should be closed.
Instead of the word Add from step 4 there should be your alternative product code from the previous step. It shouldn’t be in italic font.
Reload product page. After page loaded, alternative product code from the previous step should persist on the page.
Case 2:
Log in as a customer.
Open the same product page from Case 1.
Click on the Alt Product code from the paragraph: *YOUR PART #*: Alt Product code (with dashed underline).
There should be a popup which has in the textarea alternative product code prefilled.
Type in the textarea new alternative product code and click Save. The popup window should be closed.
Alternative Product code should be displayed with data you’ve filled in the 4th step.
Case 1:
Check if search params can be adjusted/updated in newly added interceptor.
KOD-17676: Order Approval - Configure Emails
Case 1:
Prerequisite: As normal user, without companyAdmin role, place two orders.
As a user with role orderApprover: login and approve and un-approve the orders.
Check and make sure the email templates are updated and look good.
KOD-17677: Add Setting - holdPickupWebOrders
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Create an order logged as a customer and request a quote.
Case 1:
Check new setting {{holdPickupWebOrders}} exists and has default value = 0.
KOD-17684: Add Missed Endpoints for Customer Catalogs