As part of the customer app capabilities that Kodaris provides, which includes native mobile apps for your commerce sites, we have now released the capability to use a biometric login for the customer app. This is particularly helpful to speed up the app login process for your customers as well as improve security.
Once this feature is released and your customer downloads the app update, your customers will receive a prompt asking if they would like to enable a biometric login. After completing the verification steps, they will be able to utilize their biometric login to get into the app rather than using their password. The biometric login can also be enabled under the app settings screen at a later time. Please contact your Kodaris Account Manager for specifics on when this will be available for your specific customer app.
Operations Portal
Manually add a cross reference
As part of the robust PIM module system within Kodaris, you can create cross references for specific products via importing or pull in your cross references from your ERP; these cross references can be used to denote replacement items for products that have been phased out, customer cross references, interchange codes, etc. In this latest release, a cross reference can now be added manually as well.
To create a new cross reference, navigate to the PIM > Cross References screen. At the bottom of the screen, input the needed values using the 'Add a row' option, then hit Enter to save.
Divisional payment systems
If you are currently using Infor CloudSuite Distribution divisional accounting, Kodaris now supports payment systems per division, so you can work more easily with your company's accounting process. Please contact your Kodaris Account Manager for more information.
Public pricing fields
As part of the extensive pricing capabilities Kodaris provides, we have released a new feature that can be utilized if you display public pricing on your commerce site. You can now choose a SKU / warehouse record field to employ for a public price field, or you can also select a Kodaris-only field if you would like to maintain your public pricing in Kodaris rather than in the ERP. This feature can also be used in a "Shop by Store" feature if that is a functionality you are currently using.
KOD-8165: Update the Error Message for Exceeding Decimal Places
KOD-15048: Add Link to Product Documentation on Contact Page
Case 1:
Go to the website Contact page and check that the product documentation link is in the sidebar. Check if it is working properly.
KOD-15221: Customer Portal - Order Items - Pricing Columns Not Working
KOD-16176: DDA Email Notifications Subject Line - Fix Format
Case 1:
Check DDA Email Notification Subject line date format.
The date format in the subject line should be:
MM/DD/YYYY at HH:MM AM/PM (e.g. 05/10/2023 at 3:58 AM) EST
Before triggering the email please note the following steps:
Log in to the Operations Portal.
Settings → turn {{customerNotificationsOn}} on
Settings → turn {{customerPushNotificationsOn}} off
Subscriptions → make sure you are subscribed to the following subscription lists:
Trigger a DDA email via Driver App by changing an order status. Please make sure the order’s {{extra5}} field is populated correctly.
Afterwards, go to Operations Portal → Scheduler → and run {{fiveMinuteIntervalJob}}
You should receive the email or you can check in the Emails screen for the subject line of the DDA emails.
KOD-16447: Update Category Endpoint to Support Full JSON Results
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Check if this endpoint {{/api/user/category/tools}} works properly for {{applications/json}} content type.
Check if you can open a specific category on UI without any exceptions.
Case 1:
Check if {{includeFilters}} with the state {{true}} return some results. For mobile team we need to check if in the response we have property {{"filters"}}.
Case 2:
Check if {{includeFilters}} with the state {{false}} works like for the Regression Test Case 1.
KOD-16663: Add ImageIdentifier Scheduled Task
KOD-16918: Add Biometric Login to the Customer App
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Log in as a user
Skip dialog about biometric settings if shown
Go to the “three dots on nav bar” → settings
Test if delete account is working
Note: dialog should be only on the first launch of app after reinstallation / first installation.
Case 1:
*Delete app* if it was on device before
Install app
Log in as a user
You should see dialog about biometric settings
Case 2:
*Press No* on the dialog or *delete app* and press No after reinstallation
Exit app and delete it from background processes
Open app again
You should not see any biometric prompts
You should not see any dialogs about biometric requests (that was on the start of the app)
Case 3:
*Press Yes* on the dialog or *delete app* and press yes after reinstallation
Exit app and delete it from background processes
Open app again
You should see biometric request
Case 4:
Try to pass biometric request from Case 3
On success the app should load up as normally
Case 5:
Try to fail biometric request from Case 3 (you should put wrong data +- 5 times for it to fail)
On failure, login screen should be shown and user should be logged out from the account
Try to exit app with deletion from background processes
You should not be prompted with biometric request; email and password must be entered to continue using app
Case 6:
*Delete app* if it was on device before
Log in as a user
Press Yes on the dialog
Go to “three dots on nav bar” → settings
Setting about biometric login must be turned on
Case 7:
*Delete app* if it was on device before
Log in as a user
Press No on the dialog
Go to “three dots on nav bar” → settings
Setting about biometric login must be turned off
Case 8:
Log in as a user
Press No on the dialog
Go to “three dots on nav bar” → settings
Turn Biometric Login setting on
Exit app and remove it from background processes
Open app again
You should be prompted with biometric login request
Pass biometric
Go to “three dots on nav bar” → settings
Turn the Biometric Login setting off
Exit app and remove it from background processes
Open app again
You should not see any biometric prompts
Case 9:
Take phone without biometrics
There should not be any biometric settings and there should not be any dialogs about biometric settings
KOD-17043: Don't Show Data If There's an Error
KOD-17071: Update Order Templates to Use the Order termsType/termsTypeDescription Fields Instead of the Company Ones
Case 1:
Check Terms in Order Email and Order PDF if showing order’s termsTypeDescription
Case 2:
Check Terms in Order Layout in Customer Portal if showing termsTypeDescription
KOD-17259: Customer App - Navigation Bar Shows Wrong Item as Active
Regression Tests
Test for any problems in navigation for logged in user
Go between different categories
Go to the “three dots” in navigation and test entering different screens and exiting them; you should be redirected to place, where you started entering them
Case 1:
Log in as a customer
Go to the product lists screen
In the header, try doing something like changing locations
Tap out of the locations popup
Bottom navigation should not change from “lists” tab
Case 2:
Log in as a customer
Go to the product lists screen
Log out
Log in as a customer
You should be redirected to home screen in the view and navigation bar
KOD-17343: Online Customer Acquisition
KOD-17361: Can't Edit Escalation on a Quote
KOD-17376: Customer App - Can't Orders Filter by Status in Mobile App
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Open ‘My Orders’ screen
Default filter ‘status!=Initialized’ is set but not displayed
Orders displayed should satisfy the default filter status!=initialized
Case 2:
Open ‘My Orders’ screen
Default filter ‘status!=Initialized’ is not displayed
User should be able to add a new status filter i.e. status=Invoiced
Orders displayed should satisfy the default filter status!=initialized and status=Invoiced
Case 2:
Open ‘My Orders’ screen
Default filter ‘status!=Initialized’ is not displayed
User should be able to add a new status filter i.e. status=Invoiced
Orders displayed should satisfy the default filter status!=initialized and status=Invoiced
User should be able to update or delete the status=Invoiced filter
KOD-17389: Request to Add New shipto Form
KOD-17391: Request to Add a New User to the Account
KOD-17392: New Customer Forms Navigation Items
KOD-17435: Catalog View - Add Filter Group Columns to Product Table
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Go to a product list page and make sure the list, grid, and table views look fine and nothing is broken.
Case 2:
In the above pages, check that filtering, sorting, and pagination works correctly.
Case 3:
ProductList grid and list view:
Make sure that in a smaller screen size, the table view does not appear at the bottom of the page.
Case 1:
Product list - table view
If there are no filter categories with productDisplay = true, just the standard columns are shown (code, name, price).
You can edit the filter category -> productDisplay in the Operations Portal.
Case 2:
Product list - table view
If there are filter categories with productDisplay = true, check:
Make sure that the page doesn't break.
Each productDisplay = true category shows as a column in the table.
Make sure the product values show up in their respective columns.
If product is not in category, make sure that nothing is shown in the respective column.
Case 3:
If there are a lot of filter categories, make sure the table is scrollable instead of extending across the page.
KOD-17491: Custom Side Navigation
KOD-17597: Pull Payments to ERP AR Export Contains Null Discount Column
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Operations Portal -> Check if you can export data without any exceptions for the .CSV format
Case 1:
Operations Portal -> Check if you can download ERP report without null values in the {{discountAmount}} column
Probably can be tested by customers, like it was tested in linked tickets for ship/unship and delete/cancel orders in CSD.
KOD-17606: Deleted Customers Appearing On Search Screen
KOD-17615: Update Ship Date on Invoice
Case 1:
Check Ship date in invoice layouts if showing {{invoicedt}}.
Log in to Operations Portal and go to Orders.
Pick a sample order with {{invoicedt}} and generate an order email.
Check that the Ship Date field is updated with Invoice Date and that it is showing {{invoicedt}}.
Generate an order PDF and check that Ship date field is updated with Invoice Date and that it is showing {{invoicedt}}.
Log in to the Customer Portal and go to Orders.
Pick a sample order with {{invoicedt}} and check the order detail layout if Ship Date field is updated with Invoice Date and that it is showing {{invoicedt}}.
Should be tested on Prod|Passed for email and order PDF and also updated for Mailer PDF.
KOD-17630: Assigning Employee Issues in Customer App
Case 1:
Press “+user” icon on the right from “Assigned Employees”
Choose one employee
Press “DONE”
The employee should be added to the list
Case 2:
If you don’t have assigned employees, do *Case 1* before this case
Exit location screen on top left “←”
Enter the same location screen again
You should have the same assigned employees, as was before
Case 3:
If you don’t have assigned employees, do *Case 1* before this case
Press “+user” icon on the right from “Assigned Employees”
Choose another employee (not the same as the one that is assigned)
Press “DONE”
The employee should be added to the list
Old employee should not be deleted
Case 4:
If you don’t have assigned employees, do *Case 1* before this case
Press “x” near each employee
All employees should be deleted
Case 5:
If you don’t have assigned employees, do *Case 1* before this case
Press “+user” icon on the right from “Assigned Employees”
Deselect checkboxes with already assigned users (you can leave some selected)
Press “DONE”
Wait for loading
All deselected users should be unassigned
Case 6:
If you don’t have assigned employees, do *Case 1* before this case
Press “+user” icon on the right from “Assigned Employees”
Deselect checkboxes with already assigned users (you can leave some selected)
Select other not assigned users
Press “DONE”
Wait for loading
All selected users should be assigned, all deselected users should be unassigned
Case 7:
If you don’t have assigned employees, do *Case 1* before this case
Press “+user” icon on the right from “Assigned Employees”
Press “DONE”
Loading process should not start, as no changes were made
Case 8:
Test Case 6 multiple time with different users assigned and unassigned
While doing this case, Test Cases 8 and 9 as well
Case 9:
When you press “+user” icon, there should either of two scenarios (expecting you have internet connection):
Users should be already loaded
Loading of users should start after entering selection screen
Case 10:
When you press “+user” icon, any already assigned users should be automatically chosen
KOD-17635: Company Catalogs - Entering Invalid Company ID Error Message
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Check that we can add company/customer catalogs with and without parent catalog
Case 1:
Check that endpoint {{POST /api/account/companyProductCategory}} returns user friendly message in case of wrong data type provided
Case 2:
Check that endpoint {{POST /api/account/customerProductCategory}} returns user friendly message in case of wrong data type provided
KOD-17637: Add Ability to Manually Add a Cross Reference in Operations Portal
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Edit/Delete Cross References manually
On the Cross Reference page, check Editing and Deleting a product cross reference and make sure that there are no errors
Case 1:
Add Cross References manually
Log in to the Operations Portal and go to the Cross Reference page
Check adding a product cross reference and make sure that there are no errors
KOD-17639: Additional Security Changes for Catalogs
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Check if you can add/edit/remove company catalogs
Case 2:
Make sure that we can’t *add* a new catalog with restrictions
Error message has to be: {{Unable to create catalog.}}
Case 3:
Make sure that we can’t *edit* a new catalog with restrictions
Error message has to be: {{Unable to edit catalog.}}
Case 4:
Make sure that we can’t *delete* a new catalog with restrictions
Error message has to be: {{Unable to delete catalog.}}
Case 5:
Use Swagger to test it or UI: {{POST /{companyProductCategoryID}/product/byCode/{productCode}}}
Make sure that we can’t *add* a product to the catalog with restrictions
Error message has to be: {{Unable to add the product to the catalog.}}
Check that the company catalogs and my catalogs text on the view all catalogs screen matches what is in the first screenshot in the description
Case 2:
Make sure that related products is renamed to alternative products
Case 3:
Check that if alternative and complementary product names exceed 80 characters, they are cut off with ‘…’ added.
KOD-17859: getSelectedWarehouse Method - It Shouldn't Throw an Exception
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Execute /api/user/customer/selectedWarehouse endpoints, make sure it does not throw an exception
KOD-17865: Customer App -- Facets Should Be Minimized
Case 1:
Open search
Search for something (you want full search to be performed)
Press on “filter” button under search bar
All filters should be minimized
KOD-17866: Customer App - Checkout Form Inputs Missing Borders
Case 1:
Log in to any app
Add items to cart and press checkout at the cart
Open Edit Billing Address
You should see beautiful light thin border around each text field
Case 2:
Log in to any app
Add items to cart and press checkout at the cart
Open Edit Billing Address
Scroll down to State and Country selectors
You should see beautiful light thin border around each select field
KOD-17873: Customer App - General View Update
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Test proper work of the login screen (it should have updated view):
Test sign in to the existing account (basics)
Test skip sign in (it should work fine)
Test forgot password screen (try request password change)
Open and test request account screen (try to request account for test purpose)
All screens are working besides request account
Case 2:
Open cart
Press on + Custom Item
Create custom item
It should be created
Try to change added note and save it
Try to cancel in any time while editing
For any other item in the cart without note:
Press 3 dots near item and press “Add note”
Try to add it by that way
Case 3:
Sign in to the app
Press on any category
Try adding a product to the cart or adding more products to the cart from opened list of products
Buttons for addition products to the cart should have updated view
Case 4:
While testing this ticket, you should not find any black text on dark backgrounds or white text on white background
Case 5:
While testing this ticket you should not see buttons with a light silver color.; it’s hard to differentiate between white and light silver colors, so notify if you notice it
Case 6:
Every tab view in the app should have full colored tab, not only colored text in the tab
First tab can be found in lists – tabs company and personal (second button in navigation)
Second tab can be found in:
Press “my orders” at main screen
Press on any order
Tabs for details and files
Third tab can be found in:
Press “…“ on nav bar
Go to “Payments Methods”
For non-payable account you will see one-tab only; for payable you will see both tabs
Case 7:
Test other features of the app that were not mentioned here
Look for any other design issues
Case 8:
Test view all possible screens as unauthorized user
All accessible screens should work and look as expected
KOD-17875: Branch Updating Question
KOD-17877: Filter Categories - Default Columns for Importing 2
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Check if you can import records without any exceptions
Use Operations Portal and wait approximately 5 minutes to check it or for immediate uploading use Swagger
Case 1:
Check if you can import records without columns: {{hideGroupWhenEmpty}} {{position}}
Use Operations Portal and wait approximately 5 minutes to check it or for immediate uploading use Swagger
KOD-17892: Mobile View Search Results Position
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Make sure that the product list pages work correctly
Case 1:
When viewing the screen in mobile view, make sure that the results counter is on the left instead of the right
KOD-17898: Site Rearranging Issues
Regression Tests
Case 1:
Go to the category or search grid view and check that when you add an item to cart with a quantity more than 1, it works
KOD-17920: CMS Help Section Link Not Working in Left Nav