Developers can now add custom options and controls to Gutenberg blocks using block filters. These are applied to the editor via the hooks api. You can add settings, controls and attributes to any block allowing you to customize the editor to suit your needs. The example below shows three custom settings added to hide or show blocks based on screen size. Read about the available block filters here.
Set the customer status and employee status on quotes
Customer and employee status dropdowns have been added to the quote detail screen. You can use these to set statuses for your employees and customers. The dropdown options are fully customizable to your workflows and can be changed by updating the global settings: "Order Employee Status" and "Order Customer Status". These fields are also available on the quote data screen.
Navigate to company details directly from an order or quote
From the quote and and order screens, you can now easily navigate to the company details by clicking the company code or company name.
View and add ticket comments directly from the ticket data screen
To streamline ticket workflows, the comments for a ticket can now be viewed directly from the ticket data screen. You can also add comments to a ticket from the data screen as well.
Filter and sort by creator on the ticket data screen
You can now filter and sort the creator column on the ticket data screen which allows you to generate reports based on creator and also track tickets by creator.
Track account pricing quotes
When account pricing is setup from a quote, the quote is tagged as a "Company Quote" so you can easily find and track these quotes. You can find the "Company Quote" tag under the summary section on the quote detail screen or on the search and data screens in the "Quote Type Details" column.
Configure global ACH and Card payment methods for payments on account
You can now configure global ACH and/or global Card payment methods for customers making account payments. If you would like all of your customers to be able to pay via ACH, turn the global setting on: Enable Global Settings For Payment Processing - Bank Account. If you would like all of your customers to be able to pay via Card, turn the global setting on: Enable Global Settings For Payment Processing - Card Account. You can enable both settings to allow all of your customers to pay with both payment methods.
Customer Portal
View and filter orders by warehouse count
Customers can now view and filter orders by the number of orders per warehouse in their order history.
KOD-13308: UX for Job Variables
Custom Records section is added for jobDataMap.
All fields in Custom Records sections are editable, both field name and field value.
User can add a new field and value.
KOD-13283: Convictional - Add Button to Vendor Details Screen to Sync Products
Case 1:
Go to the Vendor details screen.
Make sure fields user9 and user10 are set.
Make sure orderFrom setting is set.
Initiate synchronization.
Make sure it started successfully.
Case 2:
Go to the Vendor details screen.
Make sure fields user9, user10 or orderFrom setting was not set.
Initiate synchronization.
Make sure the error appeared and synchronization hasn't started.
KOD-13256: Server-side Export of Orders and Quotes
Check if orders and quotes are exporting as expected without any errors.
KOD-13128: Warehouse Filter Upgrade in Customer Portal
UX: Go to Customer Portal -> Orders.
Filter through the warehouse.
Also please check warehouse facet fields.
KOD-13089: Make SMS Customer Notification Events Multisite
To test it through the EVENT API:
KOD-12666: Content Page History UX Needs Restore Function
Hasn't been implemented in UI yet. Check in swagger with these steps:
Check if setting exists and is turned on: saveCategoryRevisionToDataLake.
Update an existing content page on the UI side or you can use a patch endpoint in the swagger.
Use endpoint for checking if revision record has populated in list. POST: /api/system/contentPage/{contentPageUUID}/revision/list
Use the new endpoint for getting current revision(by revisionDate) and getting DB record and then patch it(getting values from revision and then update DB record). PATCH: /api/system/contentPage/{contentPageUUID}/revision/{revisionDate}
KOD-11488: Customer Feedback Tool
Clarity code should be present on the page.
No testing for now.
KOD-13389: Gutenberg CMS - Support Block Filters
Create page using Gutenberg editor and add custom blocks on the page w/hero, w/basic-section, w/features-section, w/benefits-section.
Custom visibility attributes should be present in block settings in sidebar area.
When enable custom attribute, custom class name should be added in editor area and for published page.
Custom visibility attributes should be present in block settings for core blocks.
KOD-13444: Include Unapplied Cash in Statements
Find a company that has unapplied cash in its Payments.
In the portal go to this company's Accounts Receivable screen and make sure you see unapplied cash.
Generate statements PDF report for this company.
Check if unapplied cash is included in report.
Regression test:
In portal go to the company from above test and send Generate Statement PDF report.
Check company email address (email1 in Company) it has to get email notification.
KOD-13451: Add Logistics Employee Login Endpoint in Spring
Create Driver
Get authToken /api/user/employee/authToken
Try to login:
put authToken to headers -> x-csrf-token:{authToken}
KOD-13479: Convert Billable Time on Tickets
To test enter a number in seconds like 89000 in the Billable Time field. It should format to days h m.
The Billable Time now displays in format: days h m for all Tickets tabs:
Jobs => Lead = > Tickets
Orders => Order => Tickets
Quotes => => Quote => Tickets
Companies => Company => Orders => Order => Tickets
Companies => Company => Tickets
Company Addresses => Company Address => Tickets
KOD-13492: Let Admins Pay Immediately after Saving an ACH Account
Regression tests:
Test making an ACH and card payment on account in the customer portal.
Test adding an ACH and card payment method in the customer portal.
Test making an ACH and card payment on account on a Canadian site in the customer portal.
Test adding an ACH and card payment method on a Canadian site in the customer portal.
Test issuing a charge in the Operations portal.
Feature tests:
On a canadian site test issuing a charge in the Operations portal and select vault the method.
Then issue a second charge and make sure you can use your vaulted method for it.
KOD-13505: Convictional - Make Location Management # Field Editable for Order Details
Case 1:
Go to any order details.
Update Location Management #.
Make sure the value was saved.
KOD-13530: Multiple ERPs - Display the User's ERP Product Code for Order Items
When the user is logged in and has items in the shopping cart, the product code displayed should be the user's ERP product code.
KOD-13529: Multiple ERPs - Display the Product Code Belonging to the User's ERP on Product Pages
When the user is logged the product code visible on the product list and the product details page should differ from the one user sees when not logged in.
Check that the default product code is shown if you are a public customer.
Login to website as a customer and make sure the product code changes to the version tied to the user's ERP product code.
KOD-13531: Multiple ERPs - Don't Allow User to Add Products to Cart that Are not from Their ERP
If the user is logged in and the product is not in the user's erp, it should be impossible to add it to a cart.
KOD-13547: Convert Dates to UTC Before Sending to Server for EDI File
On the AR screen, filter by Web Account Payments. Note the date when one of the payments was created. We want to do an export and make sure that the payment is included in the export file.
Click the button to "Export to ERP".
Select "No" for Mark Payments as Exported.
Select "Yes" for Include Payments previously export.
For the End Date select the same date the above Payment was created.
For the Start Date, just select any earlier date.
Export the payments in EDI format.
Search the file for evidence the above payment was included.
The dates should be displayed properly in user's local timezone.
KOD-13548: Create Endpoints to Restore Category Revision and See Revision Details
KOD-13553: Add Unapplied Cash to Customer Balances
Find a company that has a Payment with a "transaction type" of "Unapplied Cash" in the portal. Log in as a customer of that company and visit the page where the AR balances are shown. Ensure that the balance for the period in question for the Unapplied Case payment, is taking that payment into account now.
Or what might be easier: for a customer account you already have access to, log in and take note of the customer account period balances. Then if possible in the Portal, create a new AR record with a "transaction type" of "Unapplied Cash". After 5 minutes to allow to index the new Payment, check the customer account balances and make sure the new payment you created is taken into account.
KOD-13567: Update All Systems With Order Types
Open System -> Settings.
Check if externalOrderTypes exists.
Among the values should be: Sales Order, Direct Order, Future Order.
KOD-13583: Add Customer Status and Employee Status to Quotes and Orders Details Screen
Make sure that orderEmployeeStatus and orderCustomerStatus settings are set and not empty.
Customer Status select field should be present on quote detail screen.
Employee Status select field should be present on quote detail screen.
KOD-13584: Add Way to Tag Quotes with Account Pricing Set Up
It's not possible to test it manually until UX is done.
Currently it has been tested using endpoint: POST: /api/system/quote/{quoteID}/productPrices
Regression test:
In the portal choose any company and create normal quote.
Set up account pricing for this quote.
Check that whole flow works without any disruption.
KOD-13587: Link the Company Code and Company Name on the Order Detail Screen to the Company Detail Screen
On Quote/Order detail page company name and company code now should navigate to company detail page.
KOD-13586: Multiple ERPs - Set the Order.hostCode from the Company when Starting an Order
Start new order using UX or swagger POST /api/system/order/start:
Login by the user who has assigned host(hostCode), and pass company code (company should have existing hostCode) and check if order's hostCode was set to user's hostCode.
Login by the user who has an assigned host(hostCode), and pass company code (company should NOT have hostCode) and check if order's hostCode was set to user's hostCode.
Login by the user who does not have an assigned host(hostCode), pass company code (company should have existing hostCode), and check if order's hostCode was set to company's hostCode.
Login by the user who does not have an assigned host(hostCode), pass company code (company should not have hostCode), and check if order's hostCode was not populated.
KOD-13588: Add Host Code to Quote and Order Grids
Host Code field should be available on Search and Data grids on Orders and Quotes tabs.
KOD-13589: UX to Add "orderTypeDetails" to Order & Quotes Screens
Quote/Order Type Details info should be present in sidebar area at Summary section on detail pages.
Quote/Order columns should be also present on all quote/order search and data pages as readonly fields.
KOD-13594: Add Preview to Media Import on Customer Files
KOD-13596: Employee MFA Issues
Check if login still works as expected - successfully login with valid username and password.
When MFA is turned on - check 400 Bad Request (instead of 500) Response is returned when trying to log in with an Invalid security code.
KOD-13613: Add Comments to Data Grid on Tickets Screen
Go to Tickets Data screen.
Click 'Toggle Comments' button.
The comments sidebar is opened, where user can observe comments and add new ones.
KOD-13618: Content Page Status on Content Page Details
Go to Pages -> Page details -> now status field should have options to select.
KOD-13620: Install Gutenberg Option to Hosts Application Screen
kodaris-gutenberg should be available under install menu in the topbar on Hosts ? Host ? Applications screen
KOD-13623: Add Intereceptor to ShippingMethodAndRatesTableService
To test in swagger we can use endpoint: /api/system/order/{orderID}/getShippingOptions before calling this endpoint need check in your company have company setting: shippingEngine = RATETABLES but it returns empty result because we call empty js file: shippingMethodAndRate.js via interceptor, so need to add some logic to empty js file
Regression tests:
In Operations portal test selecting a shipping method on an order.
KOD-13642: Footer Copyright Text Update Process
Please check if the footer year is already reflecting the current year (2023).
KOD-13686: Missing Content Page Status
Check if this setting with name: contentPageStatuses exist in setting list ? select it and then set some values ex: “test1,test2”.
Go to page: page list ? go data tab ? find column: status and then select content page statuses which you added in the previous step.
KOD-13689: Tickets / Creator Sortable & Filterable on Data Grid
KOD-13701: Allow User to configure the system with either global ach method or global card payment for people paying on account
On site configured for payments:
- Test making a COD payment
- Test adding an ach payment method
- Test adding a card payment method
- Test making a payment on account with ach
- Test making a payment on account with card
AFTER the above testing:
Update the configuration with global setting:
- Test making a COD payment
- Test adding an ach payment method
- Test adding a card payment method for customers who have it turned on at the company level
- Test making a payment on account with ach
- Test making a payment on account with card for customers who have it turned on at the company level