As a new feature in the Kodaris customer portal, customers can now leave comments on an order in their customer portal for sales reps and employees to review, and sales reps can also comment on customer orders from the operations portal. This is particularly useful if you are utilizing the Kodaris order approval workflow and your customers need to leave comments as to why orders were rejected to the user who submitted the order for approval.
To add a comment on the customer side, navigate to the Orders screen, toggle comments for the order you would like to comment on and type in whatever you would like to add. After clicking Add, the comment will be added to the order. To view customer comments or add as an employee, navigate to the order details screen and then to the Customer Comments tab. Any added customer comments can be viewed here, as well as any needed comments left for the customer.
Operations Portal
Sending account activation email en masse
As part of signing up customers for the Kodaris customer portal, we've added a new feature in this release that allows you to send an account activation email to multiple users at once. This is particularly helpful if you are looking to mass import users, and send them welcome emails in batches.
To utilize, navigate to the Customers>Data screen, select the customers you would like to send an email to and click the email icon. Select the needed template and click Send Email. After sending, you will get a pop-up message notifying of the successful send.
View all attributes assigned to a product
As part of the many ways to view all attributes assigned to an individual product, Kodaris has added a new way in this release. This view is particularly handy if you have over 20 attributes assigned to one product and would like to pull all of them up at once.
To view, navigate to the details screen of the product you would like to view assigned attributes on and navigate to the Attributes screen. From there you can view and add additional attributes to the product.
Sort filter categories by code and position
As part of the extensive PIM features within Kodaris, we've released an update that allows you to sort the code and position of filter categories by ascending or descending order. This is helpful if you are looking to assign a specific position or order to the filter categories on your commerce site. To sort, navigate to the PIM > Filter Categories screen and use the arrows in the Code and Position columns to sort in ascending or descending order.
Display filter categories on product Catalog view
With the many commerce and PIM and Commerce features that Kodaris offers, we also provide the ability to display product attributes directly on the product Catalog view. This is particularly useful if your customers would like to scan a list of items at a glance in a catalog format. To enable, navigate to the filter category you would like to display under the Filter Categories screen and set the value in the Product Display column to Yes. After setting, the attributes will then show up on the product Catalog view in a category where products assigned to those attributes appear.
KOD-13328: Add screen for InforCSD integration
KOD-14348: Show Scheduled Delivery Date
Regression Tests
Case 1
In Customer Portal Orders tab, make sure you are able to see by default 6 columns added to the grid.
Make sure that you can add and remove columns from the grid by selecting them in the columns list
Case 2
In Operations Portal Settings Tab search for *customerPromiseDeliveryDateEnabled* setting. Set its value to 1. Press Save.
In the Customer Portal Orders Tab reload the page. Make sure that column {{Scheduled Delivery}} was added to the list of columns and you can select it and add to the grid.
Case 3
In the Operations Portal Settings Tab search for *customerPromiseDeliveryDateEnabled* setting. Set its value to 0. Press Save.
In the Customer Portal Orders Tab reload the page. Make sure that column {{Scheduled Delivery}} was removed from the columns list and grid.
Сase 4
In the Customer Portal Orders Tab check that Scheduled Delivery Column is filterable and sortable. If it has the date on it, it should be displayed in the format MM/dd/yy
KOD-14739: Error When Sending a Welcome Email from the Operations Portal
KOD-14767: Issues with Re-order on an Invoice in Customer Portal
KOD-17009: Tracking Page for 2Ship + DQ
Regression Tests
Case 1
Make sure tabs on order page still load correctly.
Check if you can any tabs and be redirected to right page
Case 4
Go to employee portal
Go to product screen - Data tab
Go to product details page
Check if you can any tabs and be redirected to right page
Case 1
Go to employee portal
Go to product screen - Search tab
Go to product details page
Check if you can see new tab {{attributes}} and you can go to this page
Case 2
Go to employee portal
Go to product screen - Data tab
Go to product details page
Check if you can see new tab {{attributes}} and you can go to this page
Case 3
Go to employee portal
Go to product screen
Go to product details page
Go to {{attributes}} tab
Check if you can see list of attributes, assign and delete attribute
Case 4
Go to employee portal
Go to product screen - Data tab
Go to product details page
Go to {{attributes}} tab
Check if you can see list of attributes, assign and delete attribute
Case 5
Go to employee portal
Go to products - Attribute Assignment
Choose one of available product, assign to this product attributes
From step 4 remember code of choosen product and go to data tab
Find choosen product
Go to details page
Go to {{attributes}} tab
Verify that you can see assign attributes
KOD-17341: Second level approval minor issues
Regression Tests
Case 1
companyCustomerSpendingLimitEnabled is disabled
Company Details => Enable Spending Limit is enabled
Customer Spending Limit > 0
When placing an order with subtotal > spending limit, the place order button should be “Place Order”
Case 2
companyCustomerSpendingLimitEnabled is enabled
Company Details => Enable Spending Limit is enabled
Customer Spending Limit is not set/set to 0
When placing an order with subtotal > spending limit, the place order button should be “Submit for Approval”
Case 3
companyCustomerSpendingLimitEnabled is enabled
Company Details => Enable Spending Limit is enabled
Customer Spending Limit is set to something like 10
When placing an order with subtotal > spending limit, the place order button should be “Submit for Approval”
Case 3
companyCustomerSpendingLimitEnabled is enabled
Company Details => Enable Spending Limit is enabled
Customer Spending Limit is set to something like 100
When placing an order with subtotal < spending limit, the place order button should be “Place Order”
Case 4
On waiting for approval and waiting for final approval orders, the status text on the email, pdf, and customer portal order details should be red.
Case 5
On on normal status orders (Received), the status text on the email, pdf, and customer portal order details should be normal.
Case 6
As a guest user, go to checkout screen and make sure nothing is broken.
KOD-17701: Filters are taking a while to process
Regression Tests
Case 1
Login to Operations portal:
Go to Emails page
Check the string columns where we have removed the fuzzy filters and
Try to filter the columns with the current options such as {{EQUALS}}
Filter the datagrid and it should work as expected.
Filter the datagrid as well by typing through the filter textfield.
Case 2
Login to Operations Portal:
Go to any other page with a data grid;
We are checking the datagrid with fuzzy filters enabled are working as expected.
We are in Orders page, filter the Billing Address with {{CONTAINS}}
It should work as expected
Case 3
Login to Operations portal:
Go to Emails page
Check the other functionality of the grid
It should work as expected
Case 4*
Login to Operations Portal:
Check the other grids with search bar enabled.
Make sure that searching is working and should return expected results
Case 5
Login to Operations Portal:
Check the sticky filters of the grids other than Emails grid.
Apply different filters and it should return expected results.
Case 6
Login to Operations Portal:
Check the sticky filters of the Emails grid
Apply different filters and it should return expected results.
Also add save a default filter and refresh the page: default filter should load as expected.
Case 1
Login to Operations Portal:
Go to Emails page
Inspect the filters on string columns such as: To, Subject, Bcc, Cc, Body Text and more
The options there should be: *Equals, Doesn’t Equal, Empty and Not Empty*
Case 2
Login to Operations portal:
Go to Emails page
Try to filter the string columns by typing through the filter textfield by adding a prefix such as {{~}} for {{contains}}.
The filter should default to {{EQUALS}}. Check this by opening DevTools and see the payload of the call on the network tab. The {{operation}} property should be {{IS}}
KOD-17941: Adding comments to the order screen
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check customer portal Orders Table.
You should be able to scroll, drill into orders details. Layout should remain the same
Case 2
In order details tab in employee portal try to email order. (Find the order which doesn’t have comments)
Case 3
Run /api/system/order/{orderID}/customerNote/list without specifying version. Should work and return v1 response
Case 4
Check customer portal Orders Table. Toggle comments. Leave several comments under the order.
Case 5
Check the same order detail in employee portal. Email this order and check customer comments in this email.
Check that order page looks good without any problems
Case 1
Check that {{shippingMethod}} is sortable and filterable on order screen
KOD-17965: Add Additional Product Code Field - UX
Case 1
In Product detail page, MODEL - {{manufacturerProductCode}} should show up beside PART
Check the page, there should be no issues if there is no {{manufacturerProductCode}}
KOD-18073: Pages - Fixing invalid class
Regression Tests
Case 1
Login to Operations Portal:
Go to Pages and open a test page
The page should load without any issues
Edit the page by adding blocks and check the layout if it has any irregularities
Preview the page and check the layout
Case 1
Login to Operations Portal:
Go to Pages and open a test page
Try to change the template of the page to a different one. In this test, we chose {{Full Page}}
Open up Developer Tools and find the div with class {{k-editor-layout__content}}. Ctrl + F to find it.
Check the the additional class name if it has no forward slashes {{/}}.
KOD-18097: [UX] Add product display attributes
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check that the product list page isn’t broken on all three options (grid, list, table)
Case 1
Go to the operations portal and make productDisplay = true on some filter categories.
Check in the product list pages that filter category columns show on the table view.
KOD-18203: Generating a Quote with Auto Reprice Feature Turned on gives 504-OK Error
Regression Tests
Case 1
Run repricing and generate a file. Make sure both operations were successful
Case 1
Quote with big number of items. Run reprice, make sure it was successful
Case 2
Generate a PDF, make sure it is created
KOD-18229: Add ERP logic engine for DMSI to Insert Orders
KOD-18236: Subtotal is not updated when adding from a product list
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check whether subtotal updated when adding from a product list on customer portal
setting → {{postponeCartItemsPricing}} need to be turned off
Log in as customer
Select some product
Add to cart some product
Go to *customer* wish list page
Should go to cart and add current product from customer wish list and include the price of product to *Subtotal*
setting → {{postponeCartItemsPricing}} need to be turned off
KOD-18237: Add direct ship flag to warehouse entity - UX
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check Locations and locations details screens to make sure that there is no error in the pages
Case 2
Check Shop by store dropdown in the website and make sure selecting a warehouse still works
Case 1
Check Local and Direct Shipped columns in Locations page
In the operations portal, go to the Locations page. Check the Local and Direct Shipped columns in they are in the table.
Add/Edit Local and Direct Shipped and check if it saves without any issues
Case 2
Check Local and Direct Shipped columns in Location Detail page
In the operations portal, go to the Locations page and choose a sample location to go to the detail page. The Local and Direct Shipped fields should be there.
Edit a Local and Direct Shipped and check if it saves without any issues
Case 3
Check Locations with directShipped true are not shown on a dropdown
KOD-18245: Breadcrumbs don't work for Product lists - Operation portal
Regression Tests
Case 1
Test ticket details page, you should still be able to navigate from the tickets header section to other tabs without any issues.
Test the Ticket Product list page to make sure that adding, editing and deleting product list in the table has no issues
Case 2
Test ticket page in other screens as well to check that there are no issues
Test the Ticket Product list page to make sure that adding, editing and deleting product list in the table has no issues
Case 1
In Tickets, check Product list page.
There should be 2 tabs now, Detail and Items.
Detail screen should show details of the product list. You should be able to update Name and Description of product list.
Items screen should show the list of products in the products list. Test adding, editing and deleting an item, there should be no issues.
Check the arrow leads to product details page, it should not show an error.
Case 2
Test ticket page in other screens as well and check Product list page.
There should be 2 tabs now, Detail and Items.
Detail screen should show details of the product list. You should be able to update Name and Description of product list.
Items screen should show the list of products in the products list. Test adding, editing and deleting an item, there should be no issues.
Check the arrow leads to product details page, it should not show an error.
KOD-18281: Update Angular App for Mobile
Regression Tests
Case 1
Test the embedded layout to check that the look and scrolling hasn’t changed in desktop and smaller screens (screen height of 768px)
Case 2
Test the standard layout to check that the look and scrolling hasn’t changed, both desktop and mobile
Case 1
Test the embedded layout in mobile screens
In the operations portal, make sure that the {{customerShellLayout}} setting is set to tabs
Login to the an embedded customer portal
At a mobile resolution (max-width is 600px), test Open Invoices and other tables and check that it is set to 800px height, so user can reach the needed records.
KOD-18301: Promotion / Coupon on Checkout - UX
KOD-18353: Filter out directShipped warehouses from public endpoints
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check activeWarehouses endpoint works without directShipped param
Case 1
Check Locations with directShipped true are not shown on a dropdown
Case 2
Check activeWarehouses endpoint works with directShipped param as true
Case 3
Check activeWarehouses endpoint works with directShipped param as false
KOD-18415: Add field to shipping screen operations portal
Regression Tests
Case 1
Please test that shipping screen page works as usual
Case 1
Please test that we have {{displayOnCheckout}} field on shipping methods screen and it is editable (yes/no values)
KOD-18414: Add field to shipping screen
KOD-18425: Add "Powered by AWS" logo to footer of Kodaris website
Regression Tests
Case 1
Make sure the footer looks as normal and nothing is broken. Also check this in mobile view.
Case 1
Check that the powered by aws logo is added to the footer and looks good. Also check in mobile.
KOD-18428: Add API for image/file upload to order files
Case 1
Use the new endpoint to upload file/image from account endpoints.
KOD-18504: Filter Categories - Sort by Code and Position UX
KOD-18508: Order Approver Updates
Regression Tests
NOTE: all regression test should run with settings
allowApproversToEditOrders and limitApprovalEmailsToCompanyAddresses
Case 1:
Setting companyCustomerSpendingLimitEnabled is disabled
Expected result:
Store front: It’s not possible to send an order for review
Case 2:
Setting companyCustomerSpendingLimitEnabled is enabled
Company Details => Enable Spending Limit is disabled
Expected result:
Store front: It’s not possible to send an order for review
Case 2.1:
Setting companyCustomerSpendingLimitEnabled is disabled
Company Details => Enable Spending Limit is *enabled*
Company Detail → Checkout with Purchase Order is *disabled*
Expected result:
Store front: It’s not possible to send an order for review
Case 3:
Setting companyCustomerSpendingLimitEnabled is enabled
Company Details => Enable Spending Limit is enabled
Company Details => Checkout with Purchase Order is disabled
Expected result:
Store front: It’s not possible to send an order for review
Case 4:
Setting companyCustomerSpendingLimitEnabled is enabled
Company Details => Enable Spending Limit is enabled
Company Details => Checkout with Purchase Order is enabled
Customer Details => Spending Limit is not set / set to 0
Expected result:
Store front: It’s not possible to send an order for review
Case 5:
Setting companyCustomerSpendingLimitEnabled is enabled
Company Details => Enable Spending Limit is enabled
Company Details => Checkout with Purchase Order is enabled
Customer Details => Spending Limit is set.
Store front
Order total < Customer Spending limit
Expected result:
It’s not possible to send an order for review
Case 5.1:
Setting companyCustomerSpendingLimitEnabled is enabled
Company Details => Enable Spending Limit is enabled
Company Details => Checkout with Purchase Order is enabled
Customer Details => Spending Limit is set.
Store front
Order total > Customer Spending limit
Expected result:
It’s possible to send an order for review
Case 6:
Setup as in Case 5.1
Store front
Customer sends order for approval.
Expected result:
Customer gets order details by email
Order status is Waiting for Approval
orderApprover gets a notification that order needs approval
Case 7:
Customer Portal
Expected result:
orderApprover can approve order
orderApprover can unapprove order
On (un)approving, customer gets an email that order status was changed
Order status changes in Customer portal
Case 7:
Employee Portal => Company Details
Expected Result:
It’s possible to update the Enable Second Level Approval field.
Enable Second Level Approval value is Yes/No.
For the next regression test please complete the *Order Second Level Approval Flow* as follows:
Global settings:
companyCustomerSpendingLimitEnabled => 1
Company Details:
Enable Spending Limit => Yes
Checkout with Purchase Order => Yes
Customer Details => set Spending Limit, should be greater then 0.
Enable Second Approval => Yes
Approver 1 - should have roles: orderApprover, companyAdmin
(This user is going to place the order) A customer that has a limit set - should have roles: placeOrderWithPurchaseOrder, viewAssignedLocationOrders, viewAssignedLocations, viewPricing
Approver 2 - should have roles: secondOrderApprover, companyAdmin
Case 8:
Store front
Customer sends order for approval.
Expected result:
Customer gets order details by email
Order status is Waiting for Approval
orderApprover gets an email notification that order is waiting for approval
secondOrderApprover does not get a notification
Case 8.1
Order from Case 1 was sent for approval.
Customer Portal
Expected result:
Order status is Waiting for Approval
orderApprover can (un)approve order
secondOrderApprover can (un)approve order
Case 8.2
Order from Case 1 was sent for approval.
Customer Portal
orderApprover approves the same order
Expected result:
Order status changes in Customer portal to Waiting for Final Approval.
secondOrderApprover gets email notification that order is waiting for approval
secondOrderApprover can approve/unapprove order
Case 8.3
Order from Case 1.2 was approved by secondOrderApprover.
Expected result:
Order status changes in Customer portal to Received
customer gets an email that order status was changed.
It’s no longer possible to approve/unapprove the order for both approvers
Case 8.4
Order from Case 1 was sent for approval.
Customer Portal
orderApprover unapproves the same order
Expected result:
Order status changes in Customer portal to Not Approved
customer gets an email that order status was changed.
It’s no longer possible to approve/unapprove the order for both approvers
Case 8.5
Order from Case 1 was sent for approval.
Customer Portal
secondOrderApprover unapproves the same order
Expected result:
Order status changes in Customer portal to Not Approved
customer gets an email that order status was changed.
It’s no longer possible to approve/unapprove the order for both approvers
Case 9
Store front
Customer sends order for approval.
Customer Portal
orderApprover does not approve the order
secondOrderApprover approves the order
Expected result:
Order status changes in Customer portal to Received
customer gets an email that order status was changed.
orderApprover is not able to approve the order any more
Case 9.1
Store front
Customer sends order for approval.
Customer Portal
orderApprover does not approve the order
secondOrderApprover unapproves the order
Expected result:
Order status changes in Customer portal to Not Approved
customer gets an email that order status was changed.
orderApprover is not able to approve the order any more
Case 10:
Enable Second Approval is false
Company has both orderApprover and secondOrderApprover users
Store front
Customer sends order for approval.
Expected result:
Customer gets order details by email
gets email notification that order is waiting for approval
can (un)approve the order.
Does not get email notification that order is waiting for approval
can (un)approve the order.
Case 10.1:
Order from Case 3 was approved by orderApprover.
Expected result:
Order status changes in Customer portal to Received
Customer gets an email that order status was changed.
secondOrderApprover is not able to (un)approve order
Case 10.2:
Order from Case 3 was unapproved by orderApprover.
Expected result:
Order status changes in Customer portal to Not Approved
Customer gets an email that order status was changed.
secondOrderApprover is not able to (un)approve order
Case 10.3:
Order from Case 3 was approved by secondOrderApprover.
Expected result:
Order status changes in Customer portal to Received
customer gets an email that order status was changed.
orderApprover is not able to (un)approve order
Case 10.4:
Order from Case 3 was unapproved by secondOrderApprover.
Expected result:
Order status changes in Customer portal to Received/Not Approved
Customer gets an email that order status was changed.
orderApprover is not able to (un)approve order
Feature Tests
We need to turn on the new settings:
allowApproversToEditOrders and limitApprovalEmailsToCompanyAddresses
Case 1:
Approvers now can edit an order with status:
"Not Approved"
"Waiting For Approval"
"Waiting For Final Approval"
NOTE: This feature is not available form UI since it was not developed yet. But we can use the endpoint in swagger {{[POST]/api/account/order/{orderID}/putOrderInCart}} and use an orderID with the status mentioned above. Be sure to be authenticated as a approver
Case 2:
Approver 1 get notified of final approval when approver 2 rejects/approve the order.
Case 3:
Submitter, firstApprover and secondApprover gets notified by email if they were not when order is released to erp.
Case 4
From employee portal you must check that new comments appear under order → customer comments section when approvers approve or reject the order.
From employee portal you must check that new setting appear under order > custom fields when first and second approver approves an order
KOD-18534: Update PCI logo on Kodaris
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check that the homepage looks good and isn't broken.
Case 1
Check that the new logo attached in the ticket is a footer logo on the website.
KOD-18538: Showing the edit button for order approvers
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check that Edit Order button is shown only when the customer on the order is the same user that checks the order and order is saved or order is unapproved. In other cases this button won’t be shown.
Case 2
Check that the Edit Order button is shown for users with permission {{orderApprover}} or {{secondOrderApprover}}
KOD-18541: Record a video for sending an activation email to a user