In this release, we've enabled filtering and sorting for the Active column on the Countries screen to make it easier to find only active or only inactive countries in your Kodaris system.
View & manage all multilingual attribute translations
In today's global world of commerce and regulated environments, it is important to serve customers in the language required. Kodaris not only offers multilingual commerce, but robust and easy to use visual translator tools. You can translate while looking at the page the user would see. This reduces cost, time, and effort in the translation process. Page, Product, Search, SEO, and Content all one hundred percent supported.
As part of translating your products, you'll also want to provide translations for your attributes which allow users to refine their category and search results. If you'd like to learn more about this process feel free to watch the video below or any other video in our multilingual playlist.
In this release, we've added an embedded spreadsheet where you can view and manage all the PIM attribute translations in your system across all attributes. Keep an eye out for import/export coming soon!
Nightly invoicing - send all invoices in a single email
You can send invoices to your customers by email and postal mail through the Kodaris platform. This provides a turnkey and seamless way to deliver invoices to your customers.
The nightly invoice emailing feature sends all invoices created in a one-day period by email that same evening. The Kodaris platform maintains a bi-directional connection to your ERP, so all the information within the platform and the ERP is updated in near real-time.
There are now two options concerning how invoices are sent via email. The first option is sending an individual email per invoice with the invoice information in the body of the email and the attached .pdf file. The second option added in this release is that all invoices will be attached to a single email as .pdf files. If there are multiple invoices created in one day, all of those .pdf files will be attached to one email.
When the nightly invoicing is complete, a copy of each invoice will be saved as an internal file on its corresponding order in the Employee Portal. You can access this file in the Employee Portal by clicking on “Orders” on the main navigation bar.
Please reach out to your account manager if you are interested in enabling either option!
KOD-15323: Display Saved Cards at Checkout in Mobile App
KOD-15992: Create server side export/import for customizer widgets
Case 1
Test import with mappingCode=basicCMSUpload*
Case 2
Test import with mappingCode=basicCMSUploadCreateOnly*
Case 3
Test import with mappingCode=
Case 4
All above tests could be run from UI using generic import.
KOD-16836: Purchase OrderCreate: don't allow to pass in vendorID: 0
KOD-17490: Restrict product search specific to site URL
Case 1
{{multiTenantMode}} global setting is enabled, {{hostProductRestrictions}} on host level is disabled
Make sure the customer has access to all products
Case 1
enable {{hostProductRestrictions}} on host level
add filter category and products to this category
make sure only added products are displayed
Case 2
Enable host restrictions, make sure restricted products are not accessible
KOD-17489: Populate category tree specific to site URL
Case 1
Test Categories are working as expected on Employee portal
Case 2
Check Categories are working as expected and nothing changed for not host specific categories
Case 1
Test Category cache endpoint is still working as expected and return valid data
Case 2
Test if Category cache is working as expected according to passed hostCode and langCode
Case 3
Test moving Categories between hosts:
Case 4
Test Category updates are reflected on category cache
go to *subscriptions* page, assign customer to *customerExpiring* event =>
updated template: *ExpiringJob-EJS*
select some company addsress from company address list
go to *custom* fields tab, update setting record: *jobclosedt*, set the date which shift on 30 days
go to schedule page, at first run job: *DailyIntervalJob* and then run job: *FiveMinuteIntervalJob*
after running job: *FiveMinuteIntervalJob* should be sended *email*, check it on email page
KOD-17789: User Dashboard
KOD-17823: Related products screen updates
Case 1:
Open a Product and go to Related Products tab:
The {{Type}} column cell editor should be a dropdown.
The options for the dropdown should be the same as the {{relatedProductTypes}} setting.
Modify the Type in the grid. Changes should be saved automatically.
Refresh to confirm
KOD-18028: Check Changeable/Required
Case 1
Child Order Item fields are editable.
Check the main *Tests* first to have more context here.
Case 1
Related Product Qty Changeable flag takes effect when editing child order item
KOD-18149: InforCSD order insert
KOD-18194: Company Address Budgets UX / Testing
Case 1
On the employee portal on the companies and company address screens check are tabs open properly.
Case 2
On the employee portal on the company budgets screen add, edit and delete budget.
Case 3
On the employee portal on the company budgets screen open details page, verify are all form elements work properly.
Case 1
On the employee portal go to companies screen, select addresses tab and open specific one. Open “More” dropdown menu, select add budget and press “cancel” you have stay on the same tab you were.
Case 2
On the employee portal go to companies screen, select addresses tab and open specific one. Open “More” dropdown menu, press add budget, verify is everything is sets correctly.
After adding budget using this button will be redirected to the budgets screen and message “Budget calculation is in progress“.
Case 3
On the employee portal go to companies screen, select addresses tab and open specific one. Select “Budgets” tab and add and edit some information. Pay attention to “Name”, “Budget Type“ and “Budget Restriction Type”. Delete some budgets.
Case 4
On the employee portal go to companies screen, select addresses tab and open specific one. Select “Budget” tab. Open specific budget and verify is Details budget works properly.
Case 5
On the employee portal go to companies screen, select addresses tab and open specific one. Select “Budget” tab. Change parent budget ID for one budget and go to details of that parent budget. Then press “More” dropdown button and press “calculate” after that you will be redirected to the items screen with message “Budget caclulation has starder”.
Case 6
On the employee portal go to companies screen, select addresses tab and open specific one. Select “Budget” tab, using instruction from the Case 5, try to edit and delete budgets from the items screen.
KOD-18262: Order Confirmation Template Updates
Case 1
As a guest user try Request a quote at cart
*Important*! Verify that email subject you are previewing or receive is {{Your Quote is Ready}}
Case 2
As a guest user try to Place an Order at cart. Check order email and order PDF also
Case 3
As a logged in user try placing the order and check order email and PDF.
*Important*! Verify that email subject you are previewing or receive is {{Your Order Details}}
Case 4
As a logged in user try to request a quote and check quote request email.
KOD-18352: Add script revisions
Case 1
API Scripts:
Test revision is saved (test edit and list endpoints)
*Notice*: *to work with API Scripts revision* - {{saveAPIScriptRevisionToDataLake}} *setting should be turned on*
Case 2
API Scripts:
Tests revision read endpoint
*Notice*: *to work with API Scripts revision* - {{saveAPIScriptRevisionToDataLake}} *setting should be turned on*
Case 3
API Scripts:
Tests revision restore endpoint
*Notice*: *to work with API Scripts revision* - {{saveAPIScriptRevisionToDataLake}} *setting should be turned on*
Case 4
User Scripts:
Test revision is saved (test edit and list endpoints)
*Notice*: *to work with User Scripts revision* - {{saveUserScriptRevisionToDataLake}} *setting should be turned on*
Case 5
User Scripts:
Tests revision read endpoint
*Notice*: *to work with User Scripts revision* - {{saveUserScriptRevisionToDataLake}} *setting should be turned on*
Case 6
User Scripts:
Tests revision restore endpoint
*Notice*: *to work with User Scripts revision* - {{saveUserScriptRevisionToDataLake}} *setting should be turned on*
Case 7
Interceptor Scripts:
Test revision is saved (test edit and list endpoints)
*Notice*: *to work with interceptor revision* - {{saveInterceptorRevisionToDataLake}} *setting should be turned on*
Case 8
Interceptor Scripts:
Tests revision read endpoint
*Notice*: *to work with interceptor revision* - {{saveInterceptorRevisionToDataLake}} *setting should be turned on*
Case 9
Interceptor Scripts:
Tests revision restore endpoint
*Notice*: *to work with interceptor revision* - {{saveInterceptorRevisionToDataLake}} *setting should be turned on*
Case 10
Test revision is saved (test edit and list endpoints)
*Notice*: *to work with Scripts revision* - {{saveScriptRevisionToDataLake}} *setting should be turned on*
Case 11
Tests revision read endpoint
*Notice*: *to work with Scripts revision* - {{saveScriptRevisionToDataLake}} *setting should be turned on*
Case 12
Tests revision restore endpoint
*Notice*: *to work with Scripts revision* - {{saveScriptRevisionToDataLake}} *setting should be turned on*
KOD-18377: customer catalogs
KOD-18431: Add List Price UX
KOD-18476: Copy Vendor Quote Items to Quote
Case 1
Check that new interceptor exist:
Case 2
Try new endpoint on swagger to copy items from quote vendor to quote:
check if you can add Attribute Languages without any problems
Case 3
Go to operation portal → Attribute Languages
check if you can update Attribute Languages without any problems
Case 4
Go to operation portal → Attribute Languages
check if you can delete Attribute Languages without any problems
KOD-18906: Kodaris demo site - check multilingual
Case 1
check if each page looks good
KOD-18907: Opening external links in a new tab
Case 1
Make sure parent and child links in the header still work correctly.
Both normal and mobile
Case 2
Check that non-external links still open in the current tab.
Both normal and mobile
KOD-18920: Cache is not being updated when deleting category translation
KOD-18927: Shipvia Table - UX
Case 1
In shipping method page grid view:
Test the other columns, except the 4 new ones, of the grid if the changes are being saved.
Refresh to confirm changes
Check the other functionality of the grid.
Case 2
Open a shipping method detail page:
Check the other fields except the 4 new ones.
Changes should automatically be saved
Refresh to confirm
Further confirm changes by going back to the grid view
Case 1
In Shipping Method Page Grid View:
Edit the 4 new columns
Check if the changes are saved
Refresh to confirm
Case 2
Open a shipping method’s detail page:
Edit the 4 new fields
Changes should automatically be applied.
Refresh to confirm
Further confirm changes by going back to grid view
KOD-18941: Pull data
KOD-18946: Stocking Notes
KOD-18980: Convert serverside Product Api
Case 1
GET endpoints
Case 2
POST endpoints
Case 3
PATCH endpoints
Case 4
PUT endpoints
Case 5
DELETE endpoints
KOD-18983: Create template for email with multiple invoice attachments
Case 1
Check daily job that is sending multiple invoices.
The layout should look like this, with multiple invoice PDFs attached
KOD-18990: orders function
Case 1
Verify the Orders page in customer portal works fine - listing all orders, filtering, opening order details page
Case 1
Update customerStatus to Do Not Display for some order(s), make sure these orders are not shown in list and search, can’t be accessed by id
Case 2
Update customerStatus to Do Not Display for some order(s), make sure these orders are not present in exported file
KOD-18992: Shop by store dropdown select issue
Case 1
Make sure the shop by store dropdown is working as expected and there is no errors
Case 2
If you click on both bolded text, whitespace, and normal text, the option should be selected.
KOD-18995: UX for using Avalara for address validation
KOD-18998: Remaining Items for Cross References
KOD-19004: Add state to the address in footer|
KOD-19005: fix button title display
KOD-19014: test Terms&Conditions page
KOD-19015: Add space between picture and title
KOD-19016: Add Privacy Policy link
KOD-19019: Updated form button css to fix color issue
KOD-19021: Update Parser
KOD-19022: Performance improvements on /list endpoints
KOD-19027: Public Comments - Name Entered in Name Field not Displayed on Customer Comments Tab
Case 1
In Customer Note page, you should be able to load the screen/add/edit notes without any issues
In any other Customer Comments screen (ie order, quotes, etc) there should be no issues adding and loading comments
Case 1
In Page Detail → Customer Comments, the comment should show the name(nickName) of the commenter or author if there is no name. You shouldnt see any Public User authors in the comment list. The names should show the same way as in the comment list in the website
KOD-19032: Customer Tickets - Selecting text to add text decoration issue
Case 1
On Activities page:
Open an activity
Edit the fields in Details page except the Description field
Changes should be applied
Refresh to confirm.
Case 2
Do the same test as above for Ticket Detail Page
Case 3
On a test Ticket:
Test the Add and Cancel buttons on Customer and Internal Comments tab
Cancel button should empty out the field.
Add should append the comments list below the field.
Refresh to confirm.
Case 1
Open an Activity from Activities page.
In Details page, check the Description field.
Test the highlighting options from the toolbar.
Everything highlighting option should work and be applied on the text when clicked.
Changes should be saved as well.
Refresh to confirm.
Case 2
Open a ticket from Tickets page.
Test the Description field in the details page.
Follow the test from Case #1
Case 3
Open a ticket from the Tickets page.
Do the same test from Case #1 for Customer Comments and Internal Comments.
Add the comment to confirm|[Passed]
KOD-19037: Change default columns on ticket screan
Case 1
Test Tickets screen and make sure that it is loading and there are no issues in general
Case 2
Go to ticket detail screen and update a field. Go back to tickets screen. Check that the columns remains the same columns as before
KOD-19041: Add a Test Platform
KOD-19048: UX updates: If debit card you should not get charged a convenience fee
Case 1
Customer Portal
Open invoices screen
Deposit screen
Employee portal
company => Open invoices screen
Expected behaviour:
it’s possible to make a deposit
payment methods work as expected
Case 1
Customer Portal
Open invoices screen
Deposit screen
Employee portal
company => Open invoices screen
Expected behaviour:
convenience fee is shown only for credit cards
when card type is changed via selector - convenience fee is shown only for credit value
KOD-19056: Fix endpoint for displaying ticket comments
Case 1
Goto employee portal
Goto Tickets page
Click on comments button.
Make sure panel with comment s is open and all displayed comments relane to this ticket.
Click on some other ticket comments button.
Make sure comments are changing based on ticket you’re chose.
KOD-19057: Fix notes going outside of the Description field
Case 1
Goto employee portal
Goto Activities page
Open Activities details
Add very long description.
Make sure page is not broken and text is not overlaping other content.
KOD-19068: Fix Contact US page
KOD-19072: Tracking where an order was placed
Case 1
We must that Place and order using different methods still working fine:
Methods to check:
Pay with Credit Card
Pay with PO
Request a quote
Pay with ACH Account
If you go to the employee portal, and you look for the order recently created, it must have the setting ORDER_SOURCE = {{"Web Order"}}
Note: It must be checked with logged and no-logged user
Note: Quotes setting should be check on menu “*Quote Requests”*
KOD-19087: Fix sync bug with certain entities and lookup options