In the Customer Portal, your customers can export their past orders and quotes into a CSV file. They can edit that file directly or import it into another system they might use. Previously, they could only export up to 1000 rows at once. As of this release, they can now export all records at the same time.
Watch the video below for an overview!
Attach files to orders, shiptos, and customer account
Kodaris offers full document storage functionality for both you and your customers. Your customers can easily self-serve via their account; pulling monthly payment statements, proof of delivery documents and much more directly from the customer portal.
In this release, we've added the ability for your customers to upload their own documents to this document storage system. They can attach files to particular orders or shiptos, or just upload them to the customer account under the Documents screen. This feature not only allows your customers to become even more organized by using the Portal but also share important files with you and their internal team.
Learn how to upload documents in the Customer Portal by watching this video.
Import and export attribute languages
In today's global world of commerce and regulated environments, it is important to serve customers in the language required. Kodaris not only offers multilingual commerce, but robust and easy to use visual translator tools. You can translate while looking at the page the user would see. This reduces cost, time, and effort in the translation process. Page, Product, Search, SEO, and Content all one hundred percent supported.
In this release, we've enhanced the process of providing attribute translations with full import / export capabilities. This is handy if you prefer working in Google Sheets or Microsoft excel, or have an external team that will provide the translations to be imported into the Kodaris PIM. Watch the video below to learn more! The full multilingual playlist is also included here:
Operations Portal
Download zip folders with internal and customer order PDF files
On the Orders page, you can now download zip folders containing PDF files and select whether you want to download internal or customer files. Once downloaded, the zip file will be named accordingly based on the selection you made before downloading. The file will read either “internal-order-pdf” or “customer-order-pdf”.
Watch this video to see how you can download zip files under Orders.
Change the from name for all store emails
This new feature allows you to personalize the from name that shows up in user's inboxes for any email sent from your Kodaris system. The name can be anything you’d like (i.e. Kodaris Content Team, Kodaris Inc., Kodaris Sales, etc.) It provides further customization, allowing you to personalize the appearance of your outbound emails.
Watch this video to learn how you can personalize the name.
Maintain & display related products from your ERP
In your Kodaris PIM, you can set up and maintain related products which will appear on your product pages throughout your commerce website. You can use this functionality to show users related items, alternate items, items that are usually purchased in addition to the item the user is currently viewing, etc.
In this release, we've added the ability to show related products you've set up in your ERP instead of those that are set up in Kodaris. This is useful if you already maintain related products in the ERP or prefer to maintain them there. Reach out if you are interested!
KOD-12931: Need UX in Customer Portal for Server-side Export of Orders and Quotes
Regression Tests
Case 1
The order and quotes page in the customer portal should load up without any problems.
Case 1
Within the customer portal, navigate to Orders → Actions → Download all as CSV file.
Verify that the download completes successfully (/api/account/order/exportOrdersAsCsv) and that the columns in the CSV match those displayed on the screen.
Case 2
In the customer portal, navigate to Orders → Spreadsheet View → File → Export.
Confirm that the export process completes successfully (/api/account/order/exportOrdersAsCsv) and that the columns in the CSV match those displayed on the screen.
Case 3
In the customer portal, go to Quotes → Spreadsheet View → File → Export.
Verify that the export process completes successfully (/api/account/order/exportOrdersAsCsv) and that the columns in the CSV match those displayed on the screen.
Case 4
In the customer portal, navigate to Quotes→ Actions → Download all as CSV file.
Verify that the download completes successfully (/api/account/quotes/exportQuotesAsCsv) and that the columns in the CSV match those displayed on the screen.
KOD-12855: Kodaris - Commerce Demo Site - Add DDA App
Case 1
Make sure you're using the app from the staging branch.
Open any site without the web-setting driverDeliveryThemeData set. You should observe the updated default values for the app.
Case 2
Make sure you're using the app from the v2-logistics branch.
Open any site without the web-setting driverDeliveryThemeData set. You should see the updated default values for the app.
KOD-15330: Display Facebook RSS Feed in Footer
Regression Tests
Case 1
Visit the website.
Scroll down to the footer.
Verify that it loads without any errors.
Ensure that all links in the footer are functional.
Case 1
Visit the website.
Scroll down to the footer.
Ensure that the Facebook feed loads without errors.
Verify that users can interact with the plugin, including loading more posts and clicking on links within the feed.
KOD-15840: Filter Categories - Attribute Product Order
KOD-15996: Exporting Not Limited
KOD-16279: Operations Portal: Add ability to download zip pdfs for orders
Regression Tests
Case 1
Navigate to the orders screen in the operations portal.
Utilize the search and sorting functionalities on the table as needed.
Open a specific order. Select the "Data" tab.
Case 1
Navigate to the orders screen in the operations portal.
Click on "Actions" → "Download selection as internal PDF files".
Confirm that an error message is displayed.
Close the error message. Repeat steps for "Download selection as customer PDF files".
Case 2
Navigate to the orders screen in the employee portal.
Select some orders.
Open developer tools and go to the network tab.
Click on "Actions" → "Download selection as internal files".
Check if all generateInternalFile requests are called sequentially.
After view request called, check is this request reaches internalFille download endpoint.
Verify if the "" file is downloaded properly.
KOD-17974: Be Able to Update Quantities in Pushed Order
KOD-18157: Add supporting customer product codes on order items to demo site
Regression Tests
Case 1
Verify that all three steps of the checkout process function smoothly without encountering any issues, allowing you to successfully place an order.
Case 2
Make sure that all three templates look great and work smoothly without any glitches.
Case 1
Place an order and verify that in all three templates, you can view 'your part #' details. Also, ensure that in the first step of checkout, 'your part #' is visible."
KOD-18230: Kodaris - Product Documentation Page Needs Home Page Button/Access
KOD-18269: AR Screen fixes
Regression Tests
Case 1
Ensure consistency for scheduled payments with the same details. Additionally, verify that all dates on the Data tab are valid.
Case 2
On AR Search and Data screen for scheduledPayments check scheduled date column.
Case 3
On AR Data tab due date and payment date column reflect dates in the correct format and are the same as on Development Tabs for respective payments.
KOD-18291: Products
KOD-18300: Demo Site - Re-add Your Part #
Regression Tests
Case 1
Verify that both the product list (grid and list views) and product detail pages load correctly, without encountering any errors.
Case 2
Test as a guest user to confirm that you cannot see 'Your Part #' on both the product list (grid and list views) and detail pages.
Case 1
Product Details:
As a logged-in customer, attempt to add and edit 'Your Part #'. Verify that these actions function correctly without any issues.
Case 2
Product Details:
Open the edit dialog for the part number. Verify that clicking outside, selecting 'Cancel' works correctly. Similarly, ensure that clicking 'Save' on the original value functions as expected
Case 3
Product List:
Verify that as a logged-in customer, you can add and edit 'Your Part #' in both grid and list views, and confirm that these actions function correctly
Case 4
Product List:
Open the edit dialog for the part number. Ensure that clicking outside the dialog or selecting 'Cancel' functions properly. Likewise, confirm that clicking 'Save' on the original value behaves as expected.
Case 5
Scroll through both the product list and detail pages, then try opening the part editor. Confirm that the editor consistently appears underneath the part number text."
Case 6
Customers without ‘companyAdmin’ should not be able to edit ‘Your Part #’.
KOD-18634: Label items as Direct Ship/Pickup Only in confirmation
Regression Tests
Case 1
For the Order Confirmation page, Order email, and PDF, ensure there are no issues generating them. Items without 'Ship Direct' and 'Pickup Only' labels should not display them."
Case 2
Ensure that there are no issues generating the Quote Confirmation page, Quote email, and PDF. Items without 'Ship Direct' and 'Pickup Only' labels should not display them.
Case 1
For the Order Confirmation page, Order email, and PDF:
Add items with 'Ship Direct' and/or 'Pickup Only' labels to the cart.
Go through checkout.
Place an order.
Check the order confirmation page: The 'Ship Direct' and/or 'Pickup Only' label should appear for products that have them, and not for products that don't.
Verify the order email: The 'Ship Direct' and/or 'Pickup Only' label should display correctly for products that have them, and not for products that don't.
Generate an order PDF, the Ship Direct/Pickup Only label should also show in the products that have them. For products that don't, they should not show.
Case 2
For Quote Confirmation page and Quote email and PDF:
Add to cart items with Ship Direct and/or Pickup Only label.
Go through checkout.
Place an quote.
Check the quote confirmation page, the Ship Direct/Pickup Only label should show in the products that have them. For products that don't, they should not show.
Check the quote email, the Ship Direct/Pickup Only label should also show in the products that have them. For products that don't, they should not show.
Generate an quote PDF, the Ship Direct/Pickup Only label should also show in the products that have them. For products that don't, they should not show
KOD-18773: Related Products
Regression Tests
Case 1
If a product doesn't have any related products, the slider shouldn't appear on the details page.
Case 1
If the product has related products - there should be a slider on the details page. Also the setting publicWhitelistedCrossReferenceTypes should include type o in it.
KOD-18995: UX for using Avalara for address validation
Regression Tests
Case 1
Operations portal:
Search grid
Detail screen
External Orders:
Search grid
Detail screen
Cash quotes:
Search grid
Detail screen
Order release alert
validateOrderDeliveryAddressWithTaxEngine is off
is on
is off/unset
Expected behavior: The order release logic should not be changed.
Make sure you are testing on a site that has Avalara configured:
Make sure in settings taxEngine is set to Avalara.
Make sure validateOrderDeliveryAddressWithTaxEngine is set to true.
Case 1:
Operations portal:
Search grid
Detail screen
External Orders:
Search grid
Detail screen
Cash quotes:
Search grid
Detail screen
Order release alert
validateOrderDeliveryAddressWithTaxEngine is on
validateOrderDeliveryAddress is off
Delivery address is not valid but is provided.
User presses Release to ERP button.
Expected behavior:
The Update Delivery Address dialog appears.
It’s possible to select a suggested address.
On pressing Update button:
The address gets updated
The dialog gets closed
The info messages says to release order manually again.
On the next order release no Update Delivery Address dialog is shown and order gets released normally.
Case 2
validateOrderDeliveryAddressWithTaxEngine is on
validateOrderDeliveryAddress is on
Delivery address is not valid but is provided.
User presses Release to ERP button.
Expected behavior:
The same flow observed in Case 1 should be maintained.
Case 3
validateOrderDeliveryAddressWithTaxEngine is on
validateOrderDeliveryAddress is off
Delivery address is not valid:
A dummy address, city, and postal code are provided.
Some dummy address, city and postal code are blank.
The user presses the 'Release to ERP' button.
Expected result:
A popup with errors will be shown.
Order won’t be released.
Case 4:
validateOrderDeliveryAddressWithTaxEngine is on
validateOrderDeliveryAddress is off
Delivery address is not valid but is provided.
Expected behavior:
Order release alert will appears.
User clicks Retry.
The Update Delivery Address dialog appears.
it’s possible to select a suggested address.
On pressing Update button:
The address gets updated.
The dialog gets closed.
The info messages says to release order manually again.
On the next order release no Update Delivery Address dialog is shown and order gets released normally.
KOD-19008: Create server side export and import for Product Attribute Language API - UX
Regression Tests
Case 1
Go to operations portal → Attribute Languages.
Check if page looks good.
Case 2
Go to operations portal → Attribute Languages.
Check if you can add Attribute Languages without any problems.
Case 3
Go to operations portal → Attribute Languages.
Check if you can update Attribute Languages without any problems.
Case 4
Go to operations portal → Attribute Languages.
Check if you can delete Attribute Languages without any problems.
Case 5
Go to operations portal → Attribute Languages.
Verify if you can still export, and ensure that the exported file appears correct.
Case 1
Go to operations portal → Attribute Languages.
Verify if you can successfully upload a file via import.
KOD-19074: Sync Inventory for Direct Ship
Regression Tests
Case 1
Verify creation of a new SKU without populating the new inventoryLastModified field.
Case 2
Verify update of an existing SKU without populating new InventoryLastModified field
Case 3
Execute: /api/system/product/exportCompanyProductCategoryPriceList and verify you have response without any error.
Confirm that the new field appears in the response when searching for SKUs in the operations portal.
Case 2
This new field behaves similarly to the 'lastModified()' date, meaning the system will update it instead of the user.
Validate that inventoryLastModified is updated with current date every time inventoryLevel changes (Inventory changes also cover quantityCommitted and quantityReserved modifications).
Step 1: Update inventoryLevel field from operations portal.
Step 2: Verify that 'inventoryLastModified' is updated by checking the network tab (using /api/system/sku/bulk) or by accessing the SKU details and checking the development tab.
Case 3
Update an existing SKU without including the 'inventoryLevel' field and confirm that 'inventoryLastModified' remains unchanged.
Case 4
Execute endpoint: api/system/sku/byProduct and populate a warehouseCode and a productCode which doesn't have an Sku.
Verify inventoryLastModified is populated with the same value as lastModified.
Case 5
Update sku's using sync endpoints. Since this is not available from the portal we have to use this endpoint: /api/system/mapped/sku/{mappingCode}/{importType}/{fileType}
where mappingCode could be ‘basicSkuUpload' or 'basicSkuUploadUpdateOnly' (or any other mappingCode which you can see in Script section (operations portal)).
importType might be 'Direct' or 'batch'.
FileType has to be json or tsv format.
skuNumber is required if mappingCode 'basicSkuUpload' is used.
Example of payload:
[{ "inventoryLevel": 75, "skuNumber" : "sku_code_hammer" } { "extra1": "this field was updated in sync process', "skuNumber" : "nut-code_default" }]
Case 6
Make a call to new endpoint: /api/account/product/directOrderList in swagger:
Only required parameter is directOrderCatalogCode which is the company catalog for the company which the customer is associated.
If inventoryLastModifiedSince is set, sku’s updates from that date until now are retrieved.
Verify appear skus for products for the companyCatalog used in parameter.
Verify only skus with trackInventory in true are shown.
Verify appear skus with warehouse active.
Verify only appear skus active.
Verify appear skus with inventoryLastModified > inventoryLastModifiedSince
KOD-19135: Global - Wording in the ERP warning needs updated in the portal
To set erpLogicEngine, go to Operations Portal → Settings and look for erpLogicEngine.
Case 1
"In the operations portal, if the order/quote has a release warning and the erpLogicEngine is blank, Trend, or InforCSD, you should be able to trigger the warning popup and view the release instructions. Otherwise, if you trigger the warning popup, the instructions should not be visible
Check the content of the popup to see that it matches the new wording mentioned in the ticket.
Please check on the following pages:
Orders → Search
Orders Detail page
Cash Quotes
Cash Quotes detail page
External orders → Search
External Orders Detail page
Case 2
In the operations portal, if the order/quote has a release warning and the erpLogicEngine is NOT blank, Trend, or InforCSD, you should be able to trigger the warning popup, but instructions should not be visible.
Please check on the following pages:
Orders → Search
Orders Detail page
Cash Quotes
Cash Quotes detail page
External orders → Search
External Orders Detail page
KOD-19263: Prompt to Select Store
Regression Tests
Case 1
Stores showing in the sidebar/list should still be active warehouses with directShipped = false.
Case 1
Shop by store panel:
Clicking the Shop by store/Selected store link will open the Select a Store panel.
The user can search for stores using a zip code.
Clicking Use Current location would look for the user’s zip code and populate the input field with it. The user has to allow geolocator for this to work.
The list of stores should show up based on their proximity to the zip code provided.
The user can choose a store by clicking the store and then clicking Save.
You should be able to click on the background when the panel is open to close it.
Check everything in tablet and mobile to make sure that it works fine without any issues.
Case 2
In Product list/Category/Search pages:
If there is no selected warehouse yet, Select store to view pricing should open the panel to show the user the list of available stores.
Once you have chosen a store and clicked save, you should be moved to the top of the page so you can see the selected store.
Check everything again in mobile to make sure that it works fine without any issues
Case 3
In Product detail page:
If there is no selected warehouse yet, Select store to view pricing should open the panel to show the user the list of available stores.
Once you have chosen a store and clicked save, you should be moved to the top of the page so you can see the selected store.
Check everything again in mobile to make sure that it works fine without any issues
KOD-19287: Display Tracking # On Customer Portal Orders Grid
KOD-19320: Substitute products
Regression Tests
Case 1
Find any product that doesn’t have Substitute Products.
Go to products page and ensure that you cannot see the substitute products slider.
Case 1
Find any product that has Substitute Products.
Go to the products page and ensure that you can see the substitute products slider with all products.
Click on any substitute product and ensure that you are redirected to the correct product.
KOD-19330: Location Page Mockup
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check if all pages are navigated properly.
Case 1
Navigate to the locations page s/content/locations or spcu/locations
Confirm the brand new design of this page.
Change the language on the location page and confirm that this page is translatable.
Case 2
On the locations page, change the resolution of the page and confirm that the warehouses are displayed properly for any screen size.
Case 3
On the locations page, find a location with an existing website. Click on the warehouse title and confirm redirection to its link. Find this warehouse on the map and click on its marker. Confirm redirection to the warehouse's link.
KOD-19331: Add UX for new campaigns table data
Regression Tests
Case 1
Go to the Operations Portal:
Make sure that the portal is loading.
Make sure that the routing is working as expected.
Case 1
Go to the Operations Portal:
Navigate to Marketing > Campaigns page.
Test the CRUD operations of the grid.
CRUD operations should work as expected.
Case 2
Go to the Operations Portal:
Navigate to Marketing > Campaigns page.
Test all the other functionality of the grid except CRUD operations: filters, search, hide/show columns, etc.
Grid functionality should work as expected.
Case 3
Go to the Operations Portal:
Navigate to Marketing > Campaigns page.
Go to a Campaign’s detail page.
Edit the values in there.
Changes should be applied.
Refresh or go back to the grid view to confirm changes.
KOD-19356: Add UX for uploading documents to Company, Orders and company addresses in Customer Portal
Regression Tests
Case 1
On the customer portal navigate to the orders screen.
Select any order and open it’s details page.
Verify is that page working as expected.
Navigate to the files tab, preview some files.
Verify if everything works properly.
Case 2
On the customer portal navigate to the locations (company addresses screen).
Select any location and open it’s details page.
Verify if everything works properly.
Open files tab, then preview and download some files.
Check if previewing and downloading work as expected.
Case 3
On the customer portal navigate to the Documents screen. Note: to do this, you need to set customerCustomerFilesEnabled setting to 1 or use routing.
Download and preview some files.
Confirm that everything work as expected.
Switch account to another company account.
Repeat steps for new company account.
Case 1
On the customer portal navigate to the orders screen.
Select any order and open it’s details page.
Press Attach file button and select any acceptable file type. Note: you can find it on the operations portal → Settings screen → allowedCustomerFileTypes setting.
After uploading this file you should be navigated to the files tab.
Upload one more file on the files tab – control should automatically refresh.
Case 2
On the customer portal navigate to the locations (company addresses screen).
Select any location and open it’s details page.
Press Attach file button and upload any file that is allowed by setting allowedCustomerFileTypes.
Confirm redirection to the files tab after uploading.
Preview this brand new file.
Repeat steps on the files tab.
Case 3
On the customer portal navigate to the Document} screen. Note: to do this, you need to set customerCustomerFilesEnabled setting to 1 or use routing.
Press Attach file button and upload any file that is allowed by setting allowedCustomerFileTypes.
Confirm that brand new file is visible on the control.
Switch company account.
Repeat steps for another company account.
Case 4
On the customer portal log in as new user without any roles.
Navigate to the orders screen.
Confirm that there is no any orders displayed.
On the operations portal for that user give any of this roles:
Confirm that orders are displayed.
Navigate to the orders detail screen.
Confirm that “Attach file“ button is visible.
Case 5
On the customer portal log in as new user without any roles.
Navigate to the Documents screen. Note: to do this, you need to set customerCustomerFilesEnabled setting to 1 or use routing.
Confirm redirecting to the error page.
On the customer portal add any of these roles:
Navigate back to the documents screen. Confirm that the 'Attach File' button is visible.
Case 6
On the customer portal log in as new user without any roles.
Navigate to the locations screen.
Confirm access error on this screen.
On the operations portal assign any of these roles to the user:
Navigate back to the locations screen.
Open the details page for any location. On the customer portal, find the customerCompanyAddressFilesEnabled setting.
If the setting is 1, the 'Attach file' button should be visible. If the setting is 0, the 'Attach file' button should not be visible."
KOD-19374: Updated payment options when oan item is removed from cart
Regression Tests
Case 1
Go through the checkout tabs, make sure there are no errors in the console and everything works as expected.
Case 2
Place order via PO, there shouldn’t be any issues.
Case 3
Request a quote, there shouldn’t be any issues.
Case 4
Place order via ACH, should work as expected.
Case 5
Go through the checkout with card flow. Try both existing and new card. The inputs should work as expected and the order should be placed.
Can void the payment afterwards.
Case 1
Add a OAN item and item with price to your cart.
The checkout with card option shouldn’t show.
Case 2
After Case 1, remove the OAN item from your cart and the card option should be back
KOD-19385: Multilingual tweaks for few pieces that were missed when developing Substitute Product
KOD-19394: Add Ship and Unship Functions to Orders
Regression Tests
Case 1
If order is cancelable, make sure the Cancel Order button shows up under More.
Check button on:
Order details screen.
External Orders screen.
Quotes → Orders → Order Details screen.
Company → Orders → Order details screen.
Case 2
If order is not cancelable, you will not see the cancel order button.
Check button on:
Order details screen.
External Orders screen.
Quotes → Orders → Order Details screen.
Company → Orders → Order details screen.
Case 3
Cancelling an order still works
Check on:
Order details screen.
External Orders screen.
Quotes → Orders → Order Details screen.
Company → Orders → Order details screen.
Go to an order that is cancelable → click on cancel order → notice ERP# becomes Release Disallowed, status says cancelled, and if you click the More button you will see the Cancel Order button is no longer present.
Case 1
Check on:
Order details screen.
External Orders screen.
Quotes → Orders → Order Details screen.
Company → Orders → Order details screen.
Log into operations portal and navigate to the right screen (from options above)
Click the More button.
You should now see Ship Order and Unship Order present.
Click on Ship Order.
On success, you should see a message saying: Shipping has been started successfully.
Click on Unship Order.
On success, you should see a message saying: Unshipping has been started successfully.
KOD-19408: Update setting descriptions
KOD-19418: Demo Site - Update payment options for oan items
Regression Tests
Case 1
Go through the checkout tabs, make sure there are no errors in the console and everything works as expected.
Case 2
Place order via PO, there shouldn’t be any issues.
Case 3
Request a quote, there shouldn’t be any issues.
Case 4
Place order via ACH, should work as expected.
Case 5
Go through the checkout with card flow. Try both existing and new card. The inputs should work as expected and the order should be placed.
Can void the payment afterwards.
Case 1
Add a OAN item (or item without price) and item with price to your cart.
The checkout with card option shouldn’t show.
Case 2
After Case 1, remove the OAN item from your cart and the card option should be back.
KOD-19470: 404 page customization
Regression Tests
Case 1
Test header section:
Press on the contact us → redirected to the contact us.
Saved list, order history & status, Invoices → sign In page.
On this sign in page press Forgot Password → forgotten password page.
Press shop by Category and select any category → proper category page. Use Filters on this page.
Press trending → trending page → select any blog post.
Press About > Locations, Careers, Contact US.
Press on “Quick order”, add some products and “Add to cart“ → Cart page.
Move back and press “My cart“ → Cart page.
Case 2:
Test footer section:
Top Categories → opened selected categories page.
Company → opened selected page.
Resources → opened selected page.
Case 3
Test search page:
Search for some product.
Change search view.
Navigate to the product page.
Confirm that the correct pages are displayed.
Case 4
Enter to the operations portal.
Navigate to the customizer.
Press Activate and Publish
Confirm that the page refreshes.
Case 1
Navigate to the non-existent page.
The error page should updated.
Use “home” and “locations” buttons.
Verify they redirects user to the proper pages.
Move back to the error page.
Use search bar to select any product.
Confirm redirection after selection to the proper search page.
Change language and confirm that “Home“, “Location“ are changed.
In the routing line type “search“ and press enter.
Confirm that the error message has changed.
Repeat these steps for a logged-in user.
Case 2:
Type an invalid URL containing the 'spcu' route.
Confirm that the user is redirected to the error page.
Case 3:
Navigate to the menus section. Enter the customizer and find the error page. The error page should contain a brand new style. Press 'Activate and Publish'. After refreshing, you should see the same error page.
KOD-19475: Add OEEHP mapping for SX for tracking numbers
KOD-19490: Terminals Management - UX
Case 1
On the operations portal, navigate to the 'AR/AP' section in the navigation menu.
Find “Terminals“ and navigate to the terminals screen.
Create terminals. Note: Terminal cannot be created without payment system and provider terminal ID info.
Verify if they are properly created.
Confirm that without providing payment system and provider terminal ID, terminals cannot be created.
Case 2
On the operations portal navigate to the Terminals screen.
Use sorting and filtering on different terminals properties.
Confirm that everything works as expected.
Case 3
On the operations portal navigate to the Terminals screen.
Edit some records.
Confirm that the edited terminals are properly saved and displayed in the control.
Case 4
On the operations portal navigate to the Terminals screen.
Select some records.
Delete them using Edit → Delete selected rows.
Select some rows and delete unselected rows.
Case 5
On the operations portal navigate to the Terminals screen.
Navigate to the Terminal details screen.
Change some values.
Confirm that LastModified field in the summary has updated.
Navigate back to the terminals screen.
Confirm that changes are saved.
Case 6
Log in to the operations portal as user without any roles.
Navigate to the terminals screen.
Confirm there is access error.
For this user add one of these roles:
Navigate back to the terminals screen. Open the detail page of the terminal. Remove the added role from the user and refresh the page. Confirm that an access error occurred.
Check that page looks good and you can assign/unassign fields.
Case 2
Go to PIM → Products → Data Tab.
Check that page looks good and you can assign/unassign fields
Case 3
Go to PIM → Products → Category Assignment Tab.
Check that page looks good and you can assign/unassign fields.
Case 4
Go to PIM → Products → details page
Check if you can update here information.
Case 5
Go to companies → Start Order → Order Items.
Check if you can assign products and update some fields.
Case 1
Go to PIM → Products → Search Tab.
Check that you can see new fields:
General Ledger Account Number
General Ledger Department Number
General Ledger Division Number
General Ledger Sub Account Number
Case 2
Go to PIM → Products → Data Tab.
Check that you can see new fields:
General Ledger Account Number
General Ledger Department Number
General Ledger Division Number
General Ledger Sub Account Number
Case 3
Go to PIM → Products → Category Assignment Tab.
Check that you can see new fields:
General Ledger Account Number
General Ledger Department Number
General Ledger Division Number
General Ledger Sub Account Number
Case 4
Go to PIM → Products → details page.
Check that you can see new fields under Attributes:
General Ledger Account Number
General Ledger Department Number
General Ledger Division Number
General Ledger Sub Account Number
Case 5
Go to Orders → Details page → Order Items
Check that you can see new fields:
General Ledger Account Number
General Ledger Department Number
General Ledger Division Number
General Ledger Sub Account Number
Case 6
Go to Companies → Details page → Orders → Choose order → Order Items.
Check that you can see new fields:
General Ledger Account Number
General Ledger Department Number
General Ledger Division Number
General Ledger Sub Account Number
Case 7
Go to External Orders → Details page → Order Items.
Check that you can see new fields:
General Ledger Account Number
General Ledger Department Number
General Ledger Division Number
General Ledger Sub Account Number
KOD-19534: Recording user requests
KOD-19555: Related products platform
Case 1
Check new endpoint is working both with the new global setting publicWhitelistedCrossReferenceTypes.
Note: While testing make sure your environment is using Infor CSD as ERP Logic Integrator.
Case 2
Check the result is empty for the new endpoint when publicWhitelistedCrossReferenceTypes setting is empty.
Note: While testing make sure your environment is using Infor CSD as ERP Logic Integrator.
KOD-19572: UX for Line Items have UX Fields
Regression Tests
Case 1
In the Operations portal, add or modify items from an Order Item Screen, there should be no errors/issues.
Case 1
In the Operations portal, add or modify items from an Order Item Screen, you should be able to see and edit the Customer Received column. There should be no errors/issues.
KOD-19574: Change email name in users inbox
Case 1:
Check whether email “From Name” populated on sent email.
First, check the setting 'storeEmailFromName' to see if it is populated.
Then create email and send it from email page.
Should come email with “From Name”.
KOD-19579: Hours update for warehouse
KOD-19587: Display Featured and Recommended Products
KOD-19591: Need to Index Products For Interchange Product Cross References
Regression Tests
Case 1
Verify that the productCode is reindexed when updating cross-references.
KOD-19601: Add Store Listing/Screenshots for Mobile App
KOD-19602: Mobile app testing
KOD-19618: Order Confirmation Email with Tracking Link
KOD-19619: Order Tracking Information Unavailable
KOD-19620: Overriding the company.hostCode
KOD-19623: Add column "Net" to the inventory
Regression Tests
Case 1
Go to the Operations portal → Orders → Items tab.
There should be no issues loading items in the table. You should be able to add products without any issues.
Case 2
Go to the Operations portal → Price Check.
There should be no issues loading the screen. You should be able to do a price check by adding a company and a product.
Case 1
In the Operations portal → Orders → Items tab.
Add a product, in the Inventory popup, you should be able to see the Net column (it should sum up to Level - Committed - Reserved)
Case 2
In the Operations portal → Price Check.
You should be able to do a price check without a company as it is not required anymore.
In the Inventory section, you should be able to see the Net column (it should sum up to Level - Committed - Reserved)
KOD-19626: Update Fedex Rates Returned
KOD-19627: Rounding Issue on Portal Orders
KOD-19630: Display Mobile App Icons on V2 Site Homepage
Regression Tests
Case 1
If there are no icons uploaded, the widget should not show in the website.
Case 1
In the operations portal, go to CMS → Menus and click on Mobile App Icons.
Upload the icons and add the URLs and click Publish/Save.
These should now show up in the website.
Please check in tablet and mobile as well to make sure they look fine.
KOD-19631: Error when Clicking on Product Link from Order History Details
Regression Tests
Case 1
In Customer Portal, Order history page.
The details screen should load without any issues.
Case 1
In Customer Portal, Order history page.
The item names in the Items table should not be clickable.
KOD-19632: Calculation
KOD-19635: Import Fixes
KOD-19636: Sending email with both order confirmations
Case 1
Need to turn on the global setting: doNotSendOrderConfirmationEmail.
Create first order (create and save order from Magento) then go to swagger endpoint: /api/system/integration/magento/webhook/order to place order from Magento in Kodaris side(in DB), we have to put orderID from Magento api for pulling to DB.
After creating the current order should have order setting: doNotSendEmail.
Create second order, simply create order from some company on the employee side.
Fill in the 'extra5' and 'externalOrderNumber' fields in both orders
Then go to the second swagger endpoint: /api/system/order/{orderID}/release.
First, input the orderID of the Magento order. After executing, check the email page. It shouldn't send the order email.
Then input the orderID created from the company and execute the endpoint. After executing, check the email page. An email should be sent.
KOD-19639: Requested Field Updates
KOD-19642: More Variable Tax Issues
Regression Tests
Case 1
For company that has taxableType “y“ - Order w/o shipto selected - taxes are calculated.
Case 2
For company that has taxableType “n“ - Order w/o shipto selected - he taxes should be 0.
Case 1
For Order on Company with “V” (variable) tax -he taxes should be 0.
KOD-19664: Fix margin
Regression Tests
Case 1
Verify that the home page still looks good.
Case 1
Check that there is no extra margin for the mobile view.
KOD-19675: Add Internal Comments to Load List PDF
Regression Tests
Case 1
Try generating internal PDF using test-loadingList template.
Check that whole layout of the template wasn’t changed.
For the cash quotes or orders which don’t have internal comments on them, you should’t be able to see internal comments table section within the generated PDF.
Case 1
On the cash quote leave several internal comments. Generate Internal PDF using test-loadingList template. Check that generated PDF includes those internal comments.
KOD-19681: Add related products slider to repo
Regression Tests
Case 1
Products without related products should not display the widget.
Case 1
Add related products to a product.
In operations portal, make sure "relatedProductTypes" setting is set and value has "RelatedProduct".
Add/Delete Related Products in the Related Products tab in the Product page.
In the website, check the product page, it should be showing the related products slider/widget.
Check the tablet and mobile layouts to make sure they aren't broken.
KOD-19687: Add pricing to the dynamic product on home page
KOD-19691: Billing company code and Ticket Type not populated for new customers
Case 1
Check if the billable company code is displayed on the company ticket list page after creating a ticket under the company.
Select a company, go to the ticket tab page, and create a ticket from the company.
Check if the billable company code is populated on the new record after creation.
KOD-19692: Show UOM for customers
KOD-19697: Roll out Updated Product Ranking
KOD-19698: UOM type incorrectly showing up in CSD
Regression Tests
Case 1
Test if Magento orders are still being created via webhook endpoint: POST /api/system/integration/magento/webhook/order
Case 1
Check if unitSell is set on OrderItem from the incoming Magento order item.
KOD-19701: CMS fixes
KOD-19703: No image in Satellite mode
Regression Tests
Case 1
Go to the Locations page and verify that the map can now be viewed in satellite mode. Additionally, ensure there aren't any content security errors in the console.
KOD-19705: Set up and send link for app
KOD-19706: Home page tweaks v2
Regression Tests
Case 1
Please test that the home page looks the same as usual.
Case 2
Please test that the Operations Portal -> Menus -> Home Tiles page looks as usual.
Case 1
Please test that on Operations portal-> Menus->Home tiles we can see checkbox ‘open in new tab’ and if it is checked, the tab will be opened in a new page.
Case 2
Please test that on the Home page, the arrow buttons are not visible when there are no more products to display.
KOD-19707: Set up and send link for app
KOD-19715: Pricing Warehouse Specific Records
KOD-19725: Warehouses configuration
KOD-19726: Countries/ States configuration
KOD-19728: Customer App - upgrade versions
KOD-19729: Kodaris company tickets screen requested updates
Regression Tests
Case 1
On the operations portal navigate to the companies screen.
Select company and navigate to its details page.
Navigate to tickets tab.
Select any ticket and navigate to its details page.
Confirm proper ticket’s detail page openned.
Case 1
On the operations portal navigate to the companies screen.
Select company and navigate to its details page.
Navigate to tickets tab.
Add “Ticket ID column“
Check are “Ticket #” and “Ticket ID” columns sortable and filterable.
Navigate to the ticket’s detail page.
Confrim that code field and ticket ID field contains valid information.
KOD-19730: Drag and Drop in Operations Portal Video
KOD-19734: When pipe collapses turn off the valve
KOD-19735: Integrate FedEx LTL Rate API
Regression Tests
Case 1
Test existing FedEx rates returned as expected from FedEx on checkout.
Case 1
Test new LTL rates returned from FedEx as expected.
KOD-19757: Add confirmation popup
Regression Tests
Case 1
On the operations portal navigate to the companies screen.
Select any company and navigate to its details page.
Select "Tickets" tab.
Add new ticket.
Confirm redirection to ticket’s detail page.
Navigate back to the company tickets' tab.
Wait until ticket be visible in the control.
Confirm ticket displayed in the and has navigation to detail page.
Repeat steps for "activities" tab.
Case 2
On the operations portal navigate to the tickets screen.
Add test ticket.
Confirm redirection to ticket’s detail page.
Navigate back to the tickets screen.
Confirm ticket was added to the control.
Navigate to the ticket’s details page.
Press on Comment button for brand new ticket.
Confirm add comment sidebar opened.
Repeat this steps for activities and activity templates screens.
Case 1
On the tickets' screen under company press “delete“ icon on specific ticket.
Confirm “Delete ticket” dialog appears.
After pressing “Cancel” button nothing happens.
After pressing “Delete” button ticket is deleted from list.
Repeat these steps for activities screen under company.
Case 2
On the operations portal navigate to the tickets screen.
Select test ticket and press “Delete“ button.
Confirm delete dialog opens.
After pressing “Cancel” nothing happens.
After pressing “Delete“ ticket is removed from the control.
Repeat these steps for activity templates and activities screens.