Create customer group roles and assign the groups to customers
You can now create role groups within the Operations Portal and assign them to customers. This is particularly helpful if users need multiple capabilities or roles within the portal related to the same function. This can also come in handy if, for example, you need to limit a user to only having View permissions versus having editing and deleting permissions. You can add all View capabilities to one group, then assign that group to your customer instead of separately assigning all individual View roles that user.
This feature will save time because it allows you to create groups upfront and add any number of roles to a group instead of adding individual roles to a user’s account. It will also allow you to better organize users’ roles within the Operations Portal.
See how you can create role groups and assign them to users in this video.
KOD-17463: Allow the employee to choose the first and second level filter groups
Regression Tests
Case 1
Make sure the product list pages still look fine as an employee and as a non-employee user.
Case 2
Logged in as employee:
Make sure the Manage Category button and popup work correctly, click around, make sure it looks normal.
Can also test setting up a banner to make sure that still works.
Case 1
Logged in as employee:
Check that the filter groups section is added to the manage category popup.
KOD-17534: Impl - Commerce - Pricing
KOD-17539: Impl - Checkout - Taxes
KOD-17611: Check on Employee App to Be Able to Manage Activities
Make sure layout is not broken and looks the same as previously.
Case 2
As customer and guest user:
Go to Search page.
Make sure layout is not broken and looks the same as previously.
Case 3
As customer and guest user:
Go to Product page.
Make sure layout is not broken and looks the same as previously.
Case 1: As a customer:
Go to the View All catalogs page and make sure all the catalogs are there.
Customer Catalogs
Company Catalogs
Company Group Catalogs
Case 2: As a customer:
Go to View All Catalogs page.
Make sure you can see “Add“ button.
Click on “Add“ button.
Make sure you see modal that allows to create new catalog.
Choose parent catalog, enter name and description and click “Add“ button.
Make sure you redirected on newly create catalog page.
Note: If user doesn’t have “companyAdmin” role, they should only be able to add a customer catalog not company.
Case 3: As a customer:
Go to a Catalog.
Make sure you can see “Edit“ button in top right corner.
Click on “Edit“ button.
Make sure you see modal that allows to edit catalog.
Make sure all values in modal are the same as catalog data.
Change parent catalog, name or description and click “Update“ button.
Make sure modal is closed and all catalog data updated with your new values.
Case 4
As a customer without “companyAdmin” permissions, they should only be able to edit their own customer catalogs.
Same with adding items.
Case 5: As a “companyAdmin” customer:
Go to Category, Search, and Product pages.
Make sure you can see “ADD TO CATALOG“ dropdown instead of “ADD TO LIST“ in all products tiles.
Click on “ADD TO CATALOG“ and choose catalog you’d like this product to be added.
Go to Catalog to which you add a product and make sure product is successfully added.
Case 6: As a customer:
Go to a Catalog.
Make sure your can see “Remove“ button on all product tiles.
Click on “Remove“ button.
Make sure product has been removed successfully.
Case 7: As a customer:
Go to a Catalog:
Make sure you can see “Delete“ button in top right corner.
Click on “Delete“ button.
Make sure you are redirected on “View All Catalogs“ page.
Make sure your catalog was remove successfully.
Case 8: As a customer:
If the catalog has CustomerCanModify set to false, you shouldn’t be able to:
Add items
Case 9: As a customer:
When adding a product to the same catalog twice, there shouldn’t be an error.
Case 10: As a customer:
Make sure that the Company Group catalogs are not editable at all for any user.
They also shouldn’t be in the “Add to Catalog” dropdowns.
Same for Recently Ordered Catalogs.
KOD-18166: Slow Data Tab Searching
KOD-18345: Automatically Display Customer Cross References from the ERP to Customers
KOD-18766: Shop by category dropdown - Menu creates whitespace at bottom of page
Regression Tests
Case 1
The Shop by Category menu should have no errors/issues.
Case 1
Shop by Category menus that are longer than the set height of the menu should be scrollable for user to see the list of categories. Please check for both 2nd and 3rd level menus.
KOD-18844: Driver Delivery App - Add flavor for V3 DDA
KOD-19207: Configure DO via the V4 endpoint
KOD-19283: Issue w/ Images Automatically Pushing to IDM
Case 1
Go to the Operations Portal → Product → Detail → add Primary Images.
Verify Last Modified date from Product was updated correctly.
KOD-19286: List Pricing Not Always Displaying
KOD-19315: Brand page creation
KOD-19360: Filter by inventory during search (P1. Indexing)
Regression Tests
Case 1
When a product is modified or added, the indexing process should still work fine.
Case 2
When a SKU associated with a product is modified or added, both the product and SKU should continue to work properly.
Case 3
SolrReindexJob should still work fine
Case 4
In the customer portal, you should verify that all types of searches work correctly:
ByProduct with text
ByCategory with text
Case 1
If you have a product with an SKU associated and the SKU record has value in the next fields:
Then, if you modify some value in the product, when the reindex is triggered for that product, you should see new fields in the 'development' tab of that product. "inventoryByLocation": { "2554": 484, "52545": 82 }, "inventoryTotal": 566,
In inventoryByLocation , you will see the quantity of inventory for a specific SKU in a specific warehouse,and inventoryTotal should be the sum of all previous numbers of inventories by warehouses.
If the 'showAvailableInventory' setting is turned off, the inventory amount will always be based on the value in the 'sku.inventorylevel' field
If the 'showAvailableInventory' setting is turned on, to calculate the inventory for each warehouse, you must:
inventory = sku.inventoryLevel
Case 2
Now we need to check if the SolrReindexJob is reindexing all products that have an SKU modified after the product was reindexed. We can follow the setup from the previous test, but in this case, we will not modify anything in the product directly. We can stop the job previously mentioned above to ensure that it is not reindexing the product we want to test. Then, we should modify an SKU associated with a product. After waiting for a while, perhaps 31 minutes, we can run the SolrReindexJob and wait for the product associated with the modified SKU to be reindexed. To ensure accuracy, it's a good idea to modify some of the values previously mentioned, such as 'sku.inventoryLevel'.
The criteria for reindexing a product based on the SKU are:
sku.lastModified < currentTime - 30min
and sku.productId not null
Note: Ensure that you modify one of the fields related to inventory: quantityReserved, quantityCommitted, or inventoryLevel. Also, make sure that the job did not run after the product you want to test was modified.
Case 3
There are two new parameters added to the search and category endpoints to identify products with or without stock in a specific warehouse or any warehouse. To test this, please navigate to Swagger and try out the endpoint.: api/user/search/product/text and the endpoint: /api/user/category/code
For both endpoints, you must check the following behavior:
If inStock = true and warehouseCode is sent in, in addition to filtering on warehouse, also make sure the inventory level is greater than 0 on the filter.
If inStock = true, but no locations are sent in, check that inventoryTotal > 0
if inStock = false and warehouseCode, then check that you see products that has that warehouseCode associated, does not matter what quantity is there.
NOTE: After update, we can filter for one warehouse code at a time.
KOD-19383: Direct Items Front End
Regression Tests
Case 1
We need to make sure that product list page and product pages are still working as expected.
Case 1
Now we will check the product list page view of direct shipped products.
Case 2
In this case we should check the checkout changes. If the cart contains an direct shipped item, the shipping label on order totals should say 'Charges Apply'.
KOD-19464: Polish Category Grouping
Regression Tests
Case 1
Go to any category that has no "groupingEnabled" and "infinitePagingEnabled".
Ensure that the page looks and functions as expected.
Case 1
Go to any category that has "groupingEnabled" and "infinitePagingEnabled".
Ensure that you do not have the ability to group or ungroup products.
Case 2
Make sure you don’t have "companyAdmin" role.
Go to any category that has "groupingEnabled" and "infinitePagingEnabled".
Ensure that you do not have the ability to group or ungroup products.
Case 3
Login as a user with the companyAdmin role.
Go to any category that has "groupingEnabled" and "infinitePagingEnabled" and has no grouping applied.
Ensure that you have the ability to group and ungroup products.
Check the behavior of product loading.
Ensure that there are no flickers during the process.
Verify that product scrolling functions as expected.
Case 4
Login as a user with the companyAdmin role.
Go to any category that has "groupingEnabled" and "infinitePagingEnabled" and has grouping applied.
Ensure that you have the ability to group and ungroup products.
Check the behavior of product loading.
Ensure that there are no flickers during the process.
Verify that product scrolling functions as expected.
KOD-19507: UX to View Status on Customer & Internal Files
Regression Tests
Case 1
On the operations portal navigate to activities screen.
Select any activity and confirm proper navigation to this screen.
Navigate through all tabs from this screen.
Case 2
On the operations portal navigate to Vendors screen.
Select any company and navigate to it’s invoices.
Select any invoice and navigate to the emails tab.
Confirm that emails tab opens properly.
Case 3
On the operations portal navigate to the products screen.
Select any product and upload internal file.
Confirm that file is uploaded.
Repeat steps for product data and product category assignment screens.
Case 1
On the operations portal navigate to the cash-quotes screen.
Select any cash-quote that contains any customer and internal file.
Navigate to the details page of this cash-quote.
Navigate to the customer files tab.
Add column status.
Confirm this column is read-only, not filterable and sortable.
Repeat steps for internal-files tab.
Navigate to the emails tab.
Select any email and navigate to it’s detail page.
Repeat steps for customer and internal files under emails.
Case 2
On the operations portal navigate to the companies screen.
Select any company with customer and internal files
Navigate to this company details page.
Navigate to the customer files tab.
Add column status.
Confirm this column is read-only, not filterable and sortable.
Repeat steps for internal-files tab.
Select Emails tab.
Navigate to any email under this company.
Repeat steps for selected email.
Navigate to the company address tab.
Repeat steps for selected address.
Case 3
Navigate to the categories screen.
Select any category.
Navigate to public files.
Add “Status” column
Confirm that status column is read-only, not filterable and not sortable.
Repeat steps for internal files.
Case 4
Navigate to the pages screen
Select any page and navigate to it’s details page.
Open public files tab.
Add “Status” column
Confirm that this column is read-only, not filterable and not sortable.
Repeat steps for page drafts, page-layouts screens.
Case 5
Navigate to the customer files screen.
Add Status column.
Confirm this column is read-only, not filterable and not sortable.
Repeat steps for internal files.
Navigate to the customer screen.
Select any customer.
Navigate to it’s details page.
Navigate to the customer files.
Repeat steps for this customer.
Repeat steps for delivery, email and employee screens.
Case 6
Navigate to the orders screen.
Select any order.
Navigate to the customer files tab.
Add “Status” column.
Confirm this column is read-only, not filterable and sortable.
Repeat these steps for internal files.
Repeat this test case for order-emails, quotes, purchase orders, summary orders and quote-emails screens
Case 7
Navigate to the tickets screen.
Select any ticket.
Navigate to the customer files tab.
Add “Status” column.
Confirm this column is read-only, not filterable and sortable.
Repeat these steps for internal files.
Repeat this test case for vendors, vendor-invoices, vendor-invoice-email screens
Case 8
Navigate to the Accounts-receivable screen.
Select any payment.
Navigate to the customer files tab.
Add status column.
Confirm this column is read-only, not filterable and not sortable.
Repeat steps for internal files.
Repeat this test case for products screen.
Case 9
Navigate to the media screen.
Add status column.
Confirm this column is read-only not filterable and sortable.
Case 10
Navigate to the jobs screen.
Select any lead detail page.
Navigate to the internal files tab.
Add status column.
Confirm this column is read-only, not filterable and sortable.
KOD-19536: Figure out why we can't parse and save the order number from response
KOD-19597: Enable Paying Orders w/ Saved Cards
Case 1
Check paymentMethodSubmitted field is added to /api/system/order/readDetails endpoint.
Case 2
Check paymentMethodSubmitted field is added to /api/system/vendorInvoice/readDetails/{vendorInvoiceID} endpoint.
Case 3
Check paymentMethodSubmitted field is added to /api/system/vendorInvoice/readDetails/{vendorInvoiceID} endpoint.
KOD-19617: Add ability to send in warehouse code and in stock out of stock flags to company catalogs
Regression Tests
Case 1
We want to make sure that the new filters doesn’t affect the endpoint when we don’t send them.
Log in as a customer in the portal.
Select any company catalog which is linked to the company for the current customer (If there isn’t any, we need to create one from Operations Portal→ Companies → Catalog)
Confirm that you receive all products regardless of the warehouse and stock availability.
Also validate the same requests but using swagger: /api/account/company/category
Case 1
When viewing company catalog for a logged in customer, include the new parameter "inStock" in the URL and corroborate that the products which appears are actually in stock or out of Stock (If the Sku inventory Level is grather than 0, it means in Stock)
Example of the URL: /company-catalog?code={companyCatalog}&inStock={booleanValue}
Send inStock in true and verify only products in Stock appear.
Send inStock in false and verify only products which has inventoryLevel in null or 0 appear.
Case 2
When viewing company catalog for a logged in customer, include the new parameter "warehouseCode" in the URL and corroborate that the products which appears are from the specific warehouse.
Example of the URL: /company-catalog?code={companyCatalog}&warehouseCode={warehouseCode}&inStock=false
Case 3
For this case we want to tests both parameters at the same time. For example, products for specific warehouse which are out of stock. In this case url would be: /{company-catalog?code={companyCatalog}&warehouseCode={warehouseCode}
Case 4
In this feature tests we want to corroborate exactly the same cases before (1,2 and 3) but using swagger.
Go to swagger and use the new parameters defined for:
This will print an HTML so after executing it, we can copy the URL which appears under ‘Request URL’ title and paste in the browser.
KOD-19639: Requested Field Updates
KOD-19650: Bring Back Log In Dropdown
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check if the header is still functioning properly.
Case 1
Ensure that the link in the account section does not navigate the user to a separate page; instead, a login dropdown should appear. Test whether the links within it redirect users to the correct pages. Additionally, attempt logging in with both correct and incorrect login information.
KOD-19653: Updates to Services Form
KOD-19655: Add UX to view and assign group roles
Case 1
In Operations portal → Customers → click Customer Group Roles.
The page should have a table of Customer Permission Groups/Group Roles.
You should be able to add/edit/delete permission groups here.
You should be able to click on the > arrow of a permission group to go to the detail page.
The detail page has 2 tabs:
"Details" where you can edit/update details.
"Roles" where you can add/delete customer roles in the permission group.
Case 2
In Operations portal → Customers → click Customers.
Click on a sample customer. There should be a new tab called Group Roles where you can assign the customer a group role. You can also delete group roles here.
To access, you need to have either of the following roles: 'administrator', 'superuser', 'customerView', 'customerEdit'.
KOD-19663: Hidden products
KOD-19674: Add Internal Comments to PDF
KOD-19676: Cookies issue investigation
KOD-19686: Wrong prices for rebate records
Case 1
Test swagger endpoints:
POST: /api/system/rebate
GET: /api/system/rebate/{rebateID}
PATCH: /api/system/rebate/{rebateID}
DELETE /api/system/rebate/{rebateID}
POST: /api/system/rebate/list
After creating a few rebate records, utilize the endpoint:
POST: /api/system/rebate/export
This endpoint retrieves all records and saves them in a CSV file. Ensure that you remove fields from the "fieldsToReturn" parameter to return all columns in the CSV file.
Case 2:
Attempt to import the current rebate records into the database.
Use the current endpoint: /api/system/mapped/any/file/{mappingCode}/{importType}/{fileType}
KOD-19688: Default view for certain categories
Regression Tests
Case 1
Open any category on the customer portal and ensure that it functions properly.
Open any category details page on the operations portal and verify that it works correctly.
Case 1
Make sure the required setting is created;
Confirm that the "defaultViewLayout" field is available on the operations portal. - present in GET endpoint, may be updated.
Case 2
Ensure that the value of the setting is included in the operations portal configuration endpoint.
KOD-19708: PIM Integrations
Regression Tests
Case 1
Test the functionality of adding and updating products in the operations portal.
Case 2
Test the import and export flows for products.
Case 1
Test the creation of products with vendorID included.
Case 2
Test the process of updating a product with an assigned vendor.
Case 3
Test product /list endpoint.
Case 4
Test the importing and exporting of products that are assigned to vendors.
Case 5
Test other modified endpoints.
KOD-19727: Imp - Customer portal
KOD-19732: UX for Save Order to ERP
Regression Tests
Case 1
Navigate to the orders screen.
Select any order and navigate to its details page.
Confirm page is opened properly.
Repeat this steps for cash-quotes and external-orders screens.
Case 1
Navigate to the orders screen.
Find “save to ERP” on the row actions list.
After this button pressed, confirm message “Order saved to ERP“ appears.
Select any order and navigate to its details page.
Find “Save to ERP“ button and repeat steps 2 and 3.
Repeat these steps for cash-quotes and external-orders screen.
KOD-19741: Display & Recalculate Available Inventory on Order Items Screen - Platform
Case 1
Verify that the new POST /api/system/order/{orderID}/inventory endpoint correctly populates calculated inventory to the "stockQuantityOrdered" field on Order Items.
Calculate taxes with "useProductTaxCodes" setting off and then with this setting off for order with taxable charge amount. Compare the tax amount (and total); they should be the same.
taxEngine = Avalara (global setting)
Have at least one product with a "Tax Code" set (e.g., default code "U0000000").
Ensure that both the Company/ShipTo and the Order itself are taxable.
Taxable order charge should be added on Order.
Case 2
Calculate taxes with "useProductTaxCodes" setting off and then with this setting off for order with taxable discount amount. Compare tax amount (and total), should be the same.
Same order from Case 1 could be used. Now instead of charge amount - use discount.
KOD-19771: Porting SASGE Logic to Kodaris
KOD-19772: Locations page tweaks
Regression Tests
Case 1
Navigate to the locations page.
Verify that the map is loaded correctly with extra space under.
Ensure that the warehouses are displayed properly.
Case 1
On the operations portal. navigate to the locations screen.
Select any active location.
Navigate to its detail page.
Select custom fields tab.
Add new custom field.
Navigate to the locations page on the customer site.
Confirm location with set custom field has blue marked on the map.
Case 2
On the locations page open developer tools.
Resize screen and confirm there is always space under the map for any screen size.
If screen height is not enough to properly display map - map becomes not visible.
Case 3
Navigate to the locations page.
Select any warehouse.
Find this warehouse on the operations portal on the Locations screen.
Remove information for:
Confirm all data displayed properly.
KOD-19776: Pricing Fix
KOD-19785: Move Manufacturer Back to a Column
Regression Tests
Case 1
In the generated PDF using the "loadingListPDF-UPDATED" template, confirm that the PDF layout remains unchanged.
Case 1
On the Cash Quote generate internal PDF using loadingListPDF-UPDATED template.
In the generated PDF check that 2 changes were added:
Ship to block was added near the Sold To block.
Manufacturer field was moved to the Items Table and was removed from the table above the items table.
KOD-19784: Fix Display Mobile App Icons on V2 Site Homepage
Regression Tests
Case 1
Hosts without any uploaded mobile app icons would not show any in the site.
Case 2
Mobile app icons uploaded in the 'Default' host will not appear on any of the host sites.
Case 1
In the Operations portal, navigate to CMS → Menus.
Select the desired host where you want the icons to appear.
Access the Mobile App Icons link and upload icons or URL.
Click Publish.
The uploaded icons should only be visible on the selected host.
KOD-19793: Parser Request
KOD-19796: Updates - Order confirmation layouts
Case 1
Ensure that there is no value set for the "orderTerms" setting in the commerce.
Add an item to the cart and proceed to checkout.
Verify that the following pages have been modified:
Checkout thank you page
Order email
Order details page
Order pdf
You should only see "Merchandise Total" instead of all the charges. Additionally, at the bottom of the page, you should see the message: "This is not an invoice. All applicable charges will apply on your final invoice!.
Case 2
Log into the commerce and ensure that there is a value set for the "orderTerms" setting.
Add an item to the cart and proceed to checkout.
Verify that the following pages have been modified:
Checkout thank you page
Order email
Order details page
Order pdf
You should only see "Merchandise Total" instead of all the charges. Additionally, at the bottom of the page, you will see what is set in the "orderTerms" setting.
KOD-19798: Ndjson export option
Case 1
Run the endpoint /api/system/productFacet/export
With the option exportAsNdjson=true and check that we have the same data result as the normal import.
KOD-19800: Level 3 quantity data issue on converge
Case 1
To test paying orders with Converge level 3 data turned on, follow these steps:
Ensure that the "convergeLevel3" setting is turned on with the value "saveAndSend".
Set up Product Groups: in ERPSettings, look for "kod" records (Code ID).
Navigate to the Company screen and open the Invoices tab.
Pay orders. The payment should go through successfully.
Check the Payment Attempts screen:
If there is not just a single pair of request-response, but 2 pairs like on the screenshot above - that would mean that first request with level 3 data has failed and only the second request (with amount only, w/o level 3 data) wend through.
KOD-19808: Rounding Issue on UOM
KOD-19812: Add controller method for json from webhook
KOD-19814: Global Order notes - shipping instructions currently not included
KOD-19816: Add ability to specify export row limit
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check that the next list of export is working properly, remember to use always the data tab:
Products With Categories
Products With Attributes
Products With warehouses filter
Company Product Category
Product Price
Pricing Type
Product Languages
Content Page
Filter Categories
Product Cross Reference
Shipping Methods
Shipping Methods Rate
Tax Rates
URL rewrite
Case 1
For all export mentioned in the regression test, now we have the ability to limit the number of row to export adding the attribute “limit” to the search params. Check that this attribute is working properly.
Case 2
If you run this endpoint POST /api/system/productFacet/export using "exportAsNdjson"=true, you must to check that there is a new field called lastModifiedEpoch, and the value should be the current date time for example: lastModifiedEpoch:1714440771170.
KOD-19817: Spin Up System
KOD-19822: Calculated Price not Matching CSD
KOD-19828: Add a new url
KOD-19831: Add ability to specify export row limit - UX
KOD-19833: Add logo field on Vendor
Regression Tests
Case 1
In the Operations portal, navigate to the Companies screen and ensure that you can see results under the Search tab. Then, go into the details of a company and verify that no errors appear.
Do exactly the same validation but this time under Vendors screen (Both screens use the same object which I modified in the response)
Case 1
Navigate to the Operations portal, then go to Vendors. Check the network tab for the endpoint "api/system/vendor/search" and verify that the field 'logo' is included in the response with the corresponding data.
KOD-19840: Sliders tweaks on home page
Regression Tests
Case 1
Please test if the home page works as usual.
Case 1
The price on products should be displayed in color #D11947.
Case 2
The guest user should see log in/ call for pricing.
Case 3
Logged in user should see call for pricing if price is not available.
KOD-19853: Remove Part Text
KOD-19854: PC - Setup system
KOD-19863: Add Upload Logo endpoint to vendor api
KOD-19869: Create new setting to populate order items in mobile app from shipment
Regression Tests
Case 1
For the scenario we need at least this related structure: 1 Trip code → 1 delivery → 1 OrderShipment - 1 or more OrderItemShipment.
With new setting in false: "driverDeliveryUseOrderItemsAsShipmentItems" go to swagger and hit endpoint: api/system/order/driverDelivery/getSingleTripDetails passing a trip code as a parameter.
We expect success result and the field ‘items’ under 'deliveries → shipments → items to be populated with information from OrderItemShipments
Case 1
For the scenario we need at least this related structure: 1 Trip code → 1 delivery → 1 OrderShipment → no orderItemShipment associated.
We need an Order with ExternalOrderNumber be the same than OrderShipment.externalOrderNumber.
We need that order to have at least 1 or more OrderItem associated.
With new setting in true: "driverDeliveryUseOrderItemsAsShipmentItems" go to swagger and hit endpoint:
api/system/order/driverDelivery/getSingleTripDetails passing a trip code as a parameter.
We expect success result and the field ‘items’ under ‘deliveries → shipments → items to be populated with information from OrderItems (from the Order).
If orderShipment.externalOrderNumber were null or with a value that doesn’t match to any Order from database, the items field should be empty.
If the OrderShipment has no OrderItemShipment and the setting was false, items field would be come empty
KOD-19872: Change the way the profile is loaded
Regression Tests
Case 1
As a customer, log in and navigate to the Profile section. Confirm that the profile image is loaded correctly. If no image was uploaded previously, attempt to change the profile picture and verify if the change is reflected successfully.