On your Kodaris commerce website, customers have had the ability to customize their product searches by leveraging filters. These filters would be selected using checkboxes and viewable by noting the boxes that were checked.
Customers can still select and view their filters this way; however, the selected filters will now also populate at the top of the page as badges under the product category, making them viewable in a few different ways. Customers can also use the badges to remove filters one by one and “clear all” filters. This new capability provides an enhanced navigation experience to customers and will make the filtering process faster and easier.
Refer to this video to check out the new experience and let us know if you'd like it added to your Kodaris commerce website!
Customer Portal
More text editing options when making comments on tickets
In the Comments section of a Ticket, more text editing options are now available in the toolbar ribbon. This toolbar contains the basic text styling you’ll find in software programs with editable text. The toolbar has the following features: text sizing, bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, text coloring, bullet points, numbered lists, code editor, and tables. This feature provides further customization to the Comments section and allows your team members and customers to effectively communicate using the Kodaris Platform.
Watch the video below to see what new features are enabled.
Operations Portal
Navigate lengthy files with a "Return to Top" feature
Previously, in order to navigate to the top of a CSV or TSV document after scrolling through, you would need to manually scroll to the top. Now, we have implemented a feature that allows you to immediately visit the top of a file by clicking one button, an arrow icon. This simple feature will save time and effort while allowing you to easily navigate lengthy documents.
See this new feature in action in the video below.
View and calculate cash quote totals from the items tab
Previously, when entering and adjusting cash quotes in the operations portal, you could view and calculate final totals from the detail tab on the quote.
As of this release, you can now view and calculate final totals from the items tab as you are adding, editing and removing items. Two actions are available: calculate subtotal and calculate all totals. Calculating all totals may incur extra cost if you are calling an external tax provider for example to calculate tax. You may want to only calculate all totals once you are all done adjusting your items. Calculating subtotal can be performed at any time to see the final subtotal of the cash quote.
Refer to this video to learn how to navigate this new capability.
Add and upload vendor logos
To further customize your company’s business processes within the Operations Portal, you can now upload and save logos to the vendors you have listed under the Vendors section. Each vendor can have one logo or image associated with it, making it simpler to distinguish between vendors and apply proper branding elements throughout your website.
Learn how to add a logo or image to a vendor in this video.
Display and recalculate available inventory on the Order Items screen
In a recent release, we added the ability to view the available inventory for an order item from the order entry screen. In this release, we've added an additional option to re-calcuate the available inventory for each item. You can use this to get the most up to date inventory levels if the order you are looking at has been sitting in Kodaris for a day or more and you'd like to ensure the item did not go out of stock.
Follow the steps in this video to see how you can recalculate inventory when working within the Order Items screen.
KOD-16862: Attributes - User Updating & Clearing
Regression Tests
Case 1
Please check that product list view and grid view are displayed as usual.
Case 2
Please check that we can add and remove filters using checkboxes the same as it was before.
Case 1
Please check that we don’t see ‘clear all’ when we don’t have any picked filters.
Case 2
Please check that selected filters are displayed at the top bar and we can remove one of them, by clicking on it.
Case 3
Please check that button ‘clear all’ removes all filters.
KOD-16977: Data Grid: Allow to select cell editor
Regression Tests
Case 1
Login to the Operations Portal.
Navigate to a page with a Data Grid. In this test we are on Templates page.
Test the default editor for the cell when you double click it.
Try to make some changes and see if it reflects.
Case 2
Login to the Operations Portal.
Navigate to a page with a Data Grid. In this test we are on Orders Data page.
Check the non-editable columns.
This should not open the custom context menu.
Case 3
Login to the Operations Portal.
Navigate to a page with a Data Grid. In this test we are on Orders Data page.
Check the columns with dates, e.g.: Expiration Date and Invoiced Date
Other date cells should popup a date picker when double clicked.
Some date cells should appear as a normal inline text editor.
On editable cells, when right clicked, the custom context menu should popup.
Case 4
Login to the Operations Portal.
In this test, we are checking the default behavior of the grid. There shouldn’t be any other changes besides the context menu.
All the other functionalities should work as expected.
Case 1
Login to the Operations Portal.
Navigate to a page with a Data Grid. In this test, we are on Templates page.
Right click on a cell. A context menu should pop up with options: Text Editor and Code Editor.
Test the Text Editor on a blank cell and input a value. Refresh to confirm changes.
Test the Code Editor on a blank cell and input a value. Refresh to confirm changes.
Case 2
Login to the Operations Portal.
Navigate to a page with a Data Grid. In this test, we are on Templates page.
Edit a cell with a value in it using Text Editor and Code Editor.
Changes should be saved.
Refresh to confirm.
Case 3
Login to the Operations Portal.
Navigate to page with a Data Grid. In this test, we are on Templates page.
Check the behavior of the context menu.
It should not remain open when you right click other cells.
KOD-17433: Catalog View - Grouping
Regression Tests
Case 1
Any category (category page) => grid view => should work the same as before, no errors, correct pricing is set.
Case 2
Any category (category page) => list view => should work the same as before, no errors, correct pricing is set.
Case 3
Search page => grid view => should work the same as before, no errors, correct pricing is set.
Case 4
Search page => list view => should work the same as before, no errors, correct pricing is set.
Case 1 - Infinite scroll general tests
Available on Catalog view only.
Loads a new page when user scrolls to the very bottom.
It’s possible to set quantity and Add item to cart.
It’s possible to open product details by clicking on the link in Part column.
Case 2 - Infinite scroll on the category with no custom query or Search page
User can filter data normally, as on the grid and list views.
Grid view => some filters are applied => change to Catalog view => filters are applied.
There is no ‘Load more’ button at the end of every loaded data set.
Case 3 - Infinite scroll on the category with custom query
No previously selected filters are applied.
Data is loaded according to the custom facet query that is built from filters stored in category.customSearchQuery field.
It’s not possible to filter the data set by selecting the filters on the left.
The loaded data is grouped and data sets are divided by headers.
There is a ‘Load more’ button at the end of every loaded data set.
Pressing of the button does the same as infinite scrolling.
The totals number gets increased as we load, it’ll show the total number at the end.
While loading - the Loading… text is shown.
KOD-17730: aren't displayed instantly
Regression Tests
Case 1
Add items as a guest and verify that you can navigate without logging in.
Log in as a customer, browse across categories, add new products, and then log out.
Add items while logged in without logging out at any point.
Generate the order as a customer.
After logging in, verify that you can access the orders you generated in the previous step.
A fix has been applied to saved user and revoked sessions, so any scenario related to the customer's data is now valid.
Case 1
Log in as a customer and add new products to the cart. Then, log out. Upon logging in again, verify that all the previous items added while you were logged in appear in the cart.
KOD-17825: Company/Customer Catalogs: Add/Edit Form is not being reset when dialog is closed without saving
Regression Tests
Case 1
Log in using your customer account.
In /spcu/list page, you should be able to add a list in Company Favorite Lists and My Favorite Lists without any issues.
In Company Favorite Lists, view a list. Click on Edit. You should be able to edit the list without any issues.
In My Favorite Lists, view a list. Click on Edit. You should be able to edit the list without any issues.
Case 1
Log in using your customer account.
In /spcu/list page, click on Add list in Company Favorite Lists and My Favorite Lists. Edit the details in the form and click on Cancel. Click on Add list again, the form should have reset.
In Company Favorite Lists, view a list. Click on Edit. Edit the details in the form and click on Cancel. Click on Edit again, the form should have reset to its previous content (current form details).
In My Favorite Lists, view a list. Click on Edit. Edit the details in the form and click on Cancel. Click on Edit again, the form should have reset to its previous content (current form details).
If there is an error displays in the pop up, it should reset once you have closed the form and opened it again.
Case 2
Log in using your customer account.
In /spcu/catalogs page, click on Add list in Company Favorite Lists and My Favorite Lists. Edit the details in the form and click on Cancel. Click on Add list again, the form should have reset.
In Company Catalogs, view a list. Click on Edit. Edit the details in the form and click on Cancel. Click on Edit again, the form should have reset to its previous content (current form details).
In My Catalogs, view a list. Click on Edit. Edit the details in the form and click on Cancel. Click on Edit again, the form should have reset to its previous content (current form details).
If there is an error displays in the pop up, it should reset once you have closed the form and opened it again.
KOD-17939: Impl - Fixing the quote request template
Regression Tests
Case 1
You need to place the order and check if everything looks good.
KOD-18071: Demo Site - Make the form creation process more straightforward for the user
Regression Tests
Case 1
Open a test page on the Operations Portal.
Add a Form V2 to the page.
Add fields if necessary.
Toggle fields as required via the Toolbar and through Block Settings.
Ensure that fields marked as required are indeed required, and vice versa.
Case 2
Open a test page on the Operations Portal.
Add a Form V2 to the page.
Add fields if necessary.
Save the page and preview.
Test the form by submitting it..
It should work exactly as expected.
Case 1
This test needs the Developer Tools to check.
Open a test page from the Operations Portal.
Insert the new Form V2.
Add fields to the form if necessary.
Open Developer Tools and check each field’s HTML structure.
We should now have a simplified structure for the fields, with no nested inner divs.
KOD-18226: Create CMS Videos for Implementation
KOD-18283: Set up Developer Resources - SSO
KOD-18409: Make video on shipping methods
KOD-18475: UX: Copy Vendor Quote Items to Quote
Regression Tests
Case 1
On the Vendor Quote Items check top Layout.
On the Vendor Quote Items Grid click Edit and check the list of options.
Case 1
On the Vendor Quote Items try copying selected items to Quote.
Try selecting several rows and copy those to the Quote.
Case 2
On the Vendor Quote Items try copying selected items to Quote.
Try selecting all rows and copy those to the Quote.
Case 3
On the Vendor Quote Items try copying selected items to Quote. Choose larger Vendor Quote. That has 50+ and 200+ items.
Try Select All Across Table and copy those to the Quote.
KOD-18544: Add Filter
KOD-18581: Demo site - Create a video how to manage the category and set up category banner
KOD-18766: Shop by category dropdown - Menu creates whitespace at bottom of page
Regression Tests
Case 1
The Shop by Category menu should have no errors/issues.
Case 1
Shop by Category menus longer than the set height should be scrollable for users to view the list of categories. Please check both 2nd and 3rd level menus.
KOD-18791: Re-record the video for user testing
KOD-18799: Items prices are not displayed in customer portal
Regression Tests
Case 1
Review order layouts to ensure there are no issues and that they are loading properly.
Case 1
In the Customer Portal → Orders → Items section, the Unit Price and Total should be displayed.
KOD-19031: Fix issue with exported data display
Regression Tests
Case 1
In the Operations Portal, navigate to the Internal Files screen.
Preview CSV files and verify if they are properly formatted.
Scroll up and down to ensure everything works as expected.
Apply a search in the file and verify if it is working properly.
Attempt to select some rows and copy them.
KOD-19035: Add additional options for editing text
Regression Tests
Case 1
Go to Customer Portal and navigate to Tickets Page.
Open a test ticket.
Go to Comments section and type some text in the comment field.
Test all the other functionalities except the new ones from this ticket.
The text field should work as expected.
Case 2
Do the same tests from above, but for the Description field.
Case 1
Go to Customer Portal and navigate to Tickets Page.
Open a test ticket.
Go to Comments section and type some text in the comment field.
Sample all the Heading levels from 1 to 6.
The text should change to the corresponding heading levels.
The label on the toolbar button should change as well when you highlight a heading. This should work with a Normal Text as well.
Save the comment, and the headings should appear exactly as typed.
Case 2
Go to Customer Portal and navigate to Tickets Page.
Open a test ticket.
Go to the Comments section and type in some text in the comment field.
Select a text and change its color.
Mix with headings and other text options.
The color should be applied to the selected text.
Save the comment, and the color should also be displayed.
Case 3
Go to Customer Portal and navigate to Tickets Page.
Open a test ticket.
Go to the Comments section and type in some text in the comment field.
Click the table button on the toolbar. This will insert a table with 3 rows and 3 columns. And the Header row enabled.
When in a cell, a down arrow will popup at the upper-right corner, this is the table and cell options: The icons at the top are the table options and the buttons.
Test the functionality of each button in the dropdown.
Case 4
Go to Customer Portal and navigate to Tickets Page.
Open a test ticket.
Go to the Comments section and type in some text in the comment field.
Select a text and click the Strikethrough button.
his action should strike through the selected text.
Save the comment, and it should reflect the written comment from above.
Case 5
Go to Customer Portal and navigate to Tickets Page.
Open a test ticket.
Go to the Comments section and type in some text in the comment field.
Select a text and apply some text formatting to it.
Click the Clear Formatting button and it should clear all formatting done above.
Save and refresh to confirm.
Case 6
Perform the tests above for the Description text field.
KOD-19118: Demo site - Request quote
KOD-19146: Add host option when pulling payments to ERP
Regression Tests
Case 1
Navigate to the Accounts Receivable screen on the Operations Portal. Verify that everything is functioning correctly.
Case 1
Navigate to the Accounts Receivable screen on the Operations portal. Open the "Pull Payments to ERP" dialog. Verify if the Host option is visible in this dialog. Proceed to pull payments to ERP and verify if the API call is made properly. Select any host and pull payments to ERP again. Verify if the API call is made properly.
Mark as Exported: No
Include Already Exported Data: True
Export Format: CSV
For these settings, add thehost. Verify if the data in these CSV files are different.
KOD-19213: Tottendamt Field Downpayment
KOD-19345: Fix Customer Ticket Types dropdown in employee portal
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check that the ticket detail page still works and the same for the customer ticket type dropdown.
Case 2
Also update the customertickettypes setting to a comma separated list, e.g: Type1,Type2,Type3 and make sure nothing is broken and the dropdown still works correctly.
Case 1
Customer ticket type should now show name and description of type, not the object.
KOD-19466: Disable the ability to copy/paste and download images from pages
Regression Tests
Case 1
On the site on the header section right click on the home-page icon.
Confirm the context menu is visible.
Click on this icon and confirm that user is redirected to the home page.
Case 2
On the site on the home page right click on the every image on page (banner, categories, products).
Confirm the context menus are visible.
Click on recommended product’s image, featured product’s image, top categories image.
Confirm redirecting to the right page.
Case 3
On the category/product screen right click on image.
Confirm context menu is still visible.
Click on the image and confirm that it redirects to the correct page.
Case 4
Add some products to the cart.
Navigate to cart.
Right-click on the product images from the list.
Confirm context menu is visible.
Click on the image.
Confirm that the redirection leads to the correct product.
Case 5
Navigate to the Operations Portal.
Enter Menus and select option under CMS.
Confirm redirection to customizer page.
Find any image in the left-sidebar of the customizer.
Right-click on this image.
Confirm image functionality IS on the context menu.
Case 1
On the site on the header section right click on the home-page icon.
Confirm the context does not contain image functionality.
Case 2
On the site on the home page right click on the every image on page (banner, categories, products)
Confirm the context menus does not contain image functionality.
Case 3
On the category/product screen right click on image.
Confirm context menu does not contain image functionality.
Case 4
Add some products to the cart.
Navigate to cart.
Right-click on the product images from the list.
Confirm context menu does not contain image functionality.
Case 5
Navigate to the product’s screen.
Scroll down to product’s description.
Confirm content of product’s details tab not selectable.
Case 6
On the Operations Portal find Menus under CMS.
Navigate to customizer page.
Right click on any image from the preview.
Confirm context menu does not contains image functionality.
KOD-19488: Embed Form
KOD-19516: UOM on Pricing Breaks
KOD-19520: Show Subtotal of Line Items as Working on Cash Quotes
Regression Tests
Case 1
In the Operations Portal, verify that you can still add and update items without encountering any issues on the Cash Quote Items screen.
Case 2
In the Operations Portal, verify that you can still add and update items without encountering any issues on the Order Items screen.
Case 1
In Operations Portal → Cash Quote Items screen.
Click on Show sidebar button in the grid. This should show sidebar with Totals and Analysis sections.
In totals section, you should be able to see the same data as in the totals section in the Cash quote detail page.
You should be able to compute for just the subtotals by clicking on Calculate Subtotal button.
You should be able to compute for everything in the totals section by clicking on Calculate All button.
Note: you should be able to add/edit shipping and Tax (if there is not taxesByJurisdiction) same as in Details page totals section.
In analysis section, you should be able to compute for margins, same way as you can in the details screen, by clicking on the Calculate button.
The state of the sidebar (either closed or opened) should be remembered every time you visit the items screen.
Calculating the sub/totals in the items page would also update the totals section in the detail page and calculating in the details total section would also update the totals section in the items page.
Case 2
In Operations portal → Order Items screen.
Click on Show sidebar button in the grid. This should show sidebar with Totals and Analysis sections.
In totals section, you should be able to see the same data as in the totals section in the Cash quote detail page.
You should be able to compute for just the subtotals by clicking on Calculate Subtotal button
You should be able to compute for everything in the totals section by clicking on Calculate All button
Note: you should be able to add/edit shipping and Tax (if there is not taxesByJurisdiction) same as in Details page totals section.
In analysis section, you should be able to compute for margins, same way as you can in the details screen, by clicking on the Calculate button
The state of the sidebar (either closed or opened) should be remembered everytime you visit the items screen
Calculating the sub/totals in the items page would also update the totals section in the detail page and calculating in the details total section would also update the totals section in the items page.
KOD-19569: Overlap on Generated Statement
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check that on the generated statement pdf there is enough room for other columns except PO Number.
Case 2
For PDF statement check long PO Number values. They should fit into the dedicated column.
KOD-19593: Add category banner
Regression Tests
Case 1
Non-logged in users (in operations portal) should not see the Manage Category Button in the categories page.
The categories page should load without any issues.
Case 1
Login to the operations portal.
Go to a categories page. You should see a Manage Category Button in the page.
Click on the button to trigger a popup where you can add a banner image and a banner link.
You should be able to upload a banner image and add a banner link.
You also have the option to display the banner or not (setting is bannerEnabled).
Click Save to see your changes.
The popup should also have a Remove button that removes your Banner Image and link.
If you already have a preexisting banner link for the category, it should prefill the fields in the popup. You should be able to edit these.
If there is an uploaded banner image/link in the category, these should show up in the category custom fields. The banner image should also show up in the category’s public files.
You should be able to see the banner you’ve uploaded as long as bannerEnabled setting is true or null or doesn't exist in the category page (operations portal).
KOD-19616: Migrate orders to Do not display
KOD-19629: Display & Recalculate Available Inventory on Order Items Screen
Regression Tests
Case 1
In Operations Portal → Orders → Order Detail, Items tab, the screen should be loading fine without any errors.
Case 1
In Operations Portal → Orders → Order Detail, Items tab.
You should be able to see the Stock Qty Ordered column in the table.
Clicking on Calculate Inventory button should recalculate inventory and update the Stock Qty Ordered column.
You can go to SKUs page to update the inventory of a line item to test.
KOD-19628: Add Sub-Category Slider and Banner option
Regression Tests
Case 1
Non-logged in users (in operations portal) should not see the Manage Category Button in the categories page.
The categories page should load without any issues.
Case 2
In the category page of the website:
If the slider is set to display = No (category setting subcategorySliderEnabled = false), the subcategory slider should not show up.
If there are less than 6 subcategories the subcategory slider should not show up.
If there are 6 or more subcategories but they do not have primary images (mediumImage), the slider should not show up.
If the slider title is not set up, the slider should not show up.
Case 1
Login to the Operations Portal.
Go to a Categories page. You should see a Manage Category Button in the page.
Make sure that the category has at least 6 subcategories and that these subcategories have primary images.
Set Display to Yes (category setting subcategorySliderEnabled = true)
Add subcategory slider title.
Click save. The slider should show up.
Please check in tablet and mobile as well to make sure everything looks good and has no issues.
KOD-19643: Basic Order Entry Video
KOD-19660: Add Top Brands slider
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check the Homepage of the site to make sure everything loads and there are no issues.
Case 1
Go to Operations Portal → CMS → menus → top brands.
Choose the host that you want the top brands to appear in.
Test adding, editing, and deleting top brands.
Check the host to make sure that the top brands are reflecting without any issues/errors.
The uploaded top brands should only show in the host.
KOD-19661: Add Featured Products slider
Regression Tests
Case 1
If there are less than 5 (0-4) products in the "featured_products" category, the slider shouldn't show.
Case 1
In the Operations Portal → Categories, go to "featured_products" category (if none yet, create one for the slider). Add more than 4 product to see the slider in the homepage.
Check that the slider looks good and works properly.
Click on a product on the slider and make sure it links to the product.
Check the tablet and mobile views to make sure it looks good and there are no issues
KOD-19678: Add New Payment Templates to Base Install
KOD-19680: Relate Direct Ship product to stocked product
Regression Tests
Case 1
If you run dailyIntervalJob it should behave as usual.
Case 1
If you run dailyIntervalJob with the new setting jobLinkDirectOrderProducts=1, then you should check that the products with attributes active=true and directShipped=true should be related to other products that match next condition:
product(A).code2 = product(B).code
KOD-19690: Order History Page not Loading
KOD-19695: UX to Access Encrypted Fields Digital Credit App
Regression Tests
Case 1
In Operations Portal → Companies -> Detail tab, please check that the page is working and you are able to edit without any issues.
Case 2
In Operations Portal → Customers -> Detail tab, please check that the page is working and you are able to edit without any issues.
Case 1
In Operations portal → Companies -> Detail tab, please check that the following fields are removed from it:
License #
Case 2
In Operations portal → Customers -> Detail tab, please check that the following fields are removed from it:
Drivers License #
Government #
Case 3
In Operations portal → Companies -> Confidential tab, please check that you are able to see and edit the following fields:
License #
Federal Tax ID #
Tax Exemption Certificate #
Needed permissions:
Case 4
In Operations portal → Customers -> Confidential tab, please check that you are able to see and edit the following fields:
Drivers License #
Government #
Needed permissions:
KOD-19709: Automated release notes updating on kodaris homepage
Regression Tests
Case 1
Make sure the homepage still works as expected, and the latest releases section works without errors.
Case 1
Check that the releases section now pulls the latest three releases.
Case 2
Also check that the releases section is mobile responsive.
KOD-19722: Kodaris customer user roles and permissions list
KOD-19737: Update Parser to take into account the Discount Percentage
KOD-19779: Implement SX API call to replace lockbox
KOD-19780: Campaigns table data - issues with filtering
Regression Tests
Case 1
On the operations portal navigate to the Campaigns screen.
Add all columns.
Filter an sort by all sortable and filterable columns.
Case 2
On the operations portal navigate to Campaigns screen.
Apply some filters and sorts.
Navigate to any Campaign's detail screen.
Confirm details screen opened properly.
Case 1
On the operations portal navigate to Campaigns screen.
Confirm columns
Not sortable:
Not filterable:
KOD-19781: PIM Products tables - issues with filtering fields
Regression Tests
Case 1
As a regression, please check that you can still update next fields: generalLedgerDivisionNumber, generalLedgerDepartmentNumbe, generalLedgerAccountNumber, generalLedgerSubAccountNumber
on data and category assignment.
Case 1
Please check that next fields are not sortable and filterable:
KOD-19783: Kodaris journal updates - update general fields
Regression Tests
Case 1
On next screens:
Products → Search tab
Products → Data tab
Products → Category Assignment
Products → details page
Companies → Details page → Orders → Choose order → Order Items
Orders → Details page → Order Items
External Orders → Details page → Order Items
you can see or update these fields:
General Ledger Account #
General Ledger Department #
General Ledger Division #
General Ledger Sub Account #
Case 1
On next screens:
Products → Search tab
Products → Data tab
Products → Category Assignment
Products → details page
Companies → Details page → Orders → Choose order → Order Items
Orders → Details page → Order Items
External Orders → Details page → Order Items
Verify that the fields have been updated/modified:
General Ledger Account Number → General Ledger Account #
General Ledger Department Number → General Ledger Department #
General Ledger Division Number → General Ledger Division #
General Ledger Sub Account Number → General Ledger Sub Account #
KOD-19795: Implementation - Cores
Regression Tests
Case 1
You can refine it like this: "Ensure that the cart and order creation logic functions correctly by performing the following steps: adding items to the cart, deleting some items, creating an order, and then viewing both the order and its items. Conduct tests with the 'erpLogicInterator' setting set to 'InforCSD' and also with a different setting, such as 'KodarisErpLogicIntegrator'. Note that the setting can be configured at the Company, Customer, or global level, with precedence given to the Company and Customer settings over the global setting.
Case 1
one product with product.productType = R
product.productSetting.impliedcoreprod with the core product as a value (it should be a valid product code)
product.productSetting.implyqty with the conversion rate as a value (this conversion will be used to calculate the quantity of the child product associated. If no setting is set, it will be set as 1 as a default)
one product which will be used as a child. the product code should match with the impliedcoreprod setting from the original product.
set the erpLogicInterator to be InforCSD → You could set it in the company settings, customer settings or as a global setting. In company settings and customer settings you need to set ‘erpLogicEngine’ in the customFields with value ‘InforCSD’. To use as Global setting you need to use ‘erpLogicEngine’ in the settings.
Add the original product in the cart.
Verify that the core product is added as well and the quantity is convertion rate (prodcut.productSetting.implyqty) times the original quantity. Eg, if the setting is 5 and we add 2 items, we expect quantity to be 10.
Verify that if you update the original product, the core product is updated as well.
Verify if you delete the original product, both items disappear from the cart.
Verify you can create the invoice and the quantities are correct.
KOD-19815: AUTHONLY for payment against an order in the Operations portal
Regression Tests
Case 1
Verify the functionality of paying an order from the Operations Portal using a new credit card. Confirm that this process is still operational.
Case 1
Go to swagger and run this endpoint :/api/system/paymentProcessing/pay/orderWithPaymentInfo with the new parameter authOnly= true.
You should check that now the payment was not type “Sale”, but should be “Authorization”.
KOD-19818: Put in override not to use CSD tax logic
To enable the feature we have to change inforCSDUseTaxCodesFromSKUForSovos setting to 1.
If it cannot obtain warehouse that means we cannot obtain the Tax Exempt codes from Sku Setting and therefore, it will return "totalTax", 0.00 automatically.
If the Tax Exempt code from the product-warehouse couldn’t be found, that product will not be sent to Sovos and it will just continue with the next product.
Settings should exist as common settings in Sku, not in TrendCompiledSettings.
KOD-19822: Calculated Price not Matching CSD
KOD-19824: Scope PIM Field
KOD-19830: Kodaris - Tickets - Update LastModified field
KOD-19832: Check for Customer Insights Dashboard
KOD-19837: Due date is not set properly
Regression Tests
Case 1
In operations portal → Companies → Company detail page, tickets tab → tickets detail page, everything should be loading correctly with no issues.
Case 1
In operations portal → Companies → Company detail page, tickets tab → tickets detail page,
Check due date field, the date that you have entered in the field should still be the date that shows up when you reload the screen (it should be returned in the field to your time zone).
KOD-19842: Record a video how to import images which are external sources
KOD-19845: Tracking for related products slider
KOD-19857: Update parsers to collect the Product code off line items
KOD-19864: Add Upload Logo option to vendor details
Regression Tests
Case 1
Make sure the vendor details screen still works as expected.
Case 1
Go to the vendor details page, try uploading a logo. It should work fine.
KOD-19865:Video Outline
KOD-19867: Guest checkout
Regression Tests
Case 1
As log in customer, check that you can add products from next pages:
category view (list, grid, catalog)
product detail page
You can be redirected to the cart by clicking on the cart icon.
Case 1
As a guest, check that you cannot add products from next pages:
category view( list, grid, catalog)
product detail page
You cannot be redirected to the cart when clicking on the cart icon.
KOD-19868: Install commerce
KOD-19876: Choose warehouse on checkout with CPU method
KOD-19877: Remove geolocation services for inventory
Regression Tests
Case 1
Please test to ensure that users can still view inventory.
Case 1
Please test whether the branch inventory changes according to the region.
KOD-19882: UX - Add new page
KOD-19884: Tweaks to direct shipped items
Regression Tests
Case 1
We need to verify if the status for non-direct shipped products remains unaffected by our changes.
Case 1
The label for direct shipped products should display as 'Non-Returnable'.
Case 2
The status for direct shipped products should be 'Available for Order' on list and product pages, for guest and logged in customers.
KOD-19888: Short codes
Regression Tests
Case 1
Make sure product list (both grid and list views) and product detail pages load correctly without errors.
Case 2
Test as guest user that you can’t see “Your Part #” on product list (both grid and list views) and detail pages.
Case 1 - Product Detail
As a logged in customer:
Try adding and editing “Your Part #”
It should work correctly.
Case 2 - Product Detail
Open the edit dialog for the part number, clicking out, cancel should work fine.
Same with clicking “Save” on the original value.
Case 3 - Product List
Both grid and list views.
As a logged in customer:
Try adding and editing “Your Part #”
It should work correctly.
Case 4 - Product List
Open the edit dialog for the part number, clicking out, cancel should work fine.
Same with clicking “Save” on the original value.
Case 5
Try scrolling on both product list and detail pages and opening the part editor.
The editor should always appear underneath the part number text.
Case 6
Customers without ‘companyAdmin’ should not be able to edit ‘Your Part #’
KOD-19887: Required ShipTo selection for the user
KOD-19898: Demo Site - Fix Invoiced order details error
KOD-19899: Impl - Interchanges
KOD-19907: Related products: some images are stretched out
Regression Tests
Case 1
Clicking on a product that has related products should still display the related products.
Case 2
Ensure that you have viewed at least 4 products. Then, when you view the fourth or any subsequent product, you should see the recently viewed products slider.
Case 1
Click on a product that has related products → notice the related products are not stretched out.
Case 2
Make sure you view at least 4 products → then on the fourth or higher product viewed you can see the recently viewed products slider → notice the images for those are not stretched out
KOD-19911: Dashboard Refresh
KOD-19918: Remove button from global screen
KOD-19920: Issue with double quote character stopping pricesByCodes function
Regression Tests
Case 1
Search for any product.
Code is just a number.
Code can have special characters.
Notice the price, in/out of stock, and pack sizes are still present!
Case 2
Search for any product.
Code is just a number.
Code can have special characters.
Click into a product.
Notice the price, in/out of stock, pack sizes, manufacture item number, and item number are still present.
Case 1
Search for a product that has double quotes (“) in the product code.
Notice the price now shows up on the tile.
Case 2
Search for a product that has double quotes (“) in the product code.