List the available top-level variables for the current context
When developing templates and scripts, developers can use a new method to output the variables in the current context. This allows you to see what objects are in scope and what apis are available to you.
Bulk assign products to filter category attributes
You can assign multiple products to a product attribute by using the import option under Filter Categories -> Filter Category -> Attribute. To import products into the attribute, select File -> Import and then choose your csv file containing the list of product codes you'd like to assign.
Pay via credit card when checking out as a guest user
You can now allow public users to pay via credit card when they checkout on the website. This is dependent on your website configuration so please contact your account manager if you'd like to enable the card payment option for guests.
More order and quote pricing optimizations
More speed enhancements have been made to decrease the time it takes to reprice large quotes and orders. This includes: repricing a quote manually, changing the location on an order or quote, adding items to the cart during checkout, etc. If you'd like to turn these enhancements on, please contact your account manager.
Customer Portal
Make payments per company in a linked account setup
Customers who have access to multiple companies in a linked account setup can now pay open invoices based on the company they have selected. The payment they make will be associated with the selected company. Any payment methods they add and edit are also linked to the selected account.
KOD-12997: Add Method to Print Debug Data
KOD-12926: Add Install Script to Website Install Process to Automate Email Template Setup Etc
KOD-12649: Add Re-Order Button to Customer Orders
Send a request to the endpoint: /services?urls.primaryName=Account#/Customer%20Order%20API/startOrderUsingPOST
Items from the order must be added to the cart.
Check whether the delivery address from the source order is set if it was not in the cart.
KOD-11553: Optimize Code for Repricing Line Items to Work in Parallel
Employee portal tests:
Have quote with big number of items (e.g. > 100)
Open quote details in employee portal
Click "Reprice Quote" -> "Reprice All Items"
Note the time of processing
Turn on global setting: repriceOrderItemsInParallel
Go to the same quote
Click "Reprice Quote" -> "Reprice All Items"
Note the time of processing (should be much faster than first time)
Make sure no error occurred
Have order with big number of items (e.g. > 100)
Turned on global setting: repriceOrderItemsInParallel
Open order details in employee portal.
Change delivery address: it triggers items repricing.
Note the time of processing, make sure there was no error.
Customer side tests:
Logged in as a Customer
Have Cart started, add items (at least 10 items)
.Turned on global setting: repriceOrderItemsInParallel
Ideally would be to have 2 different addresses with different pricing set up.
Go to Checkout step 2.
Change delivery address: it triggers items repricing.
Make sure it changed successfully, no error occurred.
Go to setting tab list -> try to find by code the new settings: codPaymentAction-cardAccount and codPaymentAction-bankAccount.
KOD-13493: CenPos Payment Log - Align Details
Tree view in Payments Attempts should be clear and understandable for users. Items should be aligned and their subordination is visible.
KOD-13501: Add Assignee to Tickets in Employee Portal
No tests needed until we have UX.
KOD-13534: Make "Team" Field Facetable on Tickets Screen in Operations Portal
Column Team on Ticket Search tab should be facetable and user can see a list of teams available.
KOD-13554: Tickets Screen State Should be Re-used
Tickets screen state should be re-used; tech task.
KOD-13568: Product Import on Filter Categories
KOD-13682: Create Mapping Service for Company Product Lists
Provided tests via swagger.
KOD-13688: Employee Portal - UX - Add Ability to Change Billing address on Orders & Quotes
Enter to order detail page, go to billing address, override icon should be present in the field.
When icon is green, change billing address -> address should be changed and all related address fields also.
When icon is red, change billing address -> only address field should be changed.
Same logic must be tested for quotes and cash quotes.
User enters quote detail page, change billing address -> address should be changed.
KOD-13697: Company Page Export Produces a Blank CSV File when a Sticky Filter is Applied
Test that the reported issue is resolved.
Also test exporting companies.
KOD-13721: BI - Add DynamicDB Endpoint to List Record IDs and Get Record
KOD-13734: Enable Editing hostCode on Order Grids
Order test:
Updated hostCode with correct value:
In portal go to Order and select any existing one.
Move to Development tab and find field 'hostCode'.
Type in it VALID 'hostCode' then click to any other tab and go back to Development.
Check that 'hostCode' is populated by your previously entered value.
Remove hostCode:
Remove existing value then click to any other tab and go back to Development.
Check that 'hostCode' is empty.
Updated hostCode with incorrect value:
Type in it INVALID 'hostCode' then click to any other tab and go back to Development.
Check that portal shows error about invalid hostCode, make sure the 'hostCode' is not updated and keeps old value.
The same test scenarios for Quote was also done.
Populate 'shiptoStartDate' and 'shiptoEndDate' with value where 'shiptoStartDate' < 'shiptoEndDate' then click to any other tab and go back to Development.
Make sure you didn't get any error messages and check that provided dates are stored into Order-Customer Fields.
After that Populate 'shiptoStartDate' and 'shiptoEndDate' with value where 'shiptoStartDate' > 'shiptoEndDate' then click to any other tab and go back to Development.
You have to get error the follow message: "End Date should be after Start Date".
KOD-13737: Convictional - Additional Product Data Mapping
KOD-13764: CMS - Page Action Button Updates
On a site that has been deployed for it, test editing and saving a content page.
Test that save as layout works too, and that the requested changes have been done
KOD-13773: Data Not Appearing in Clarity
Browse around the site and make sure everything looks and loads fine. Check content pages, home page, category page, product page, search pages. Test checking out. Test the v2 customer portal.
Log into the Clarity project. You should be able to see yourself browsing around. Make sure you do not see yourself on the cart page and login page or cod page.
KOD-13801: Add or Update Respective Endpoint for Lead Details
No need regression test due to the new endpoint: api/system/lead/readDetails.
KOD-13802: GMS - Add Search Endpoint for ERP Setting Details
Case 1:
Open browser developer console.
Go to Erp Settings => Details for any setting.
Make sure that there is no /api/system/erpSetting/search/{erpSettingCode} call that returns 404.
KOD-13803: Save Ticket Dates in Mysql Format
Enter Tickets Data.
Set the Due Date for the ticket.
Check if the same date is displayed on Tickets Search screen.
The time should be in UTC format.
KOD-13807: UX for Endpoint for Lead Details
Case 1:
In Employee portal, go to Jobs => Lead details.
Make sure that:
/api/system/lead/readDetails/{orderID} endpoint was called
All the fields are displayed properly.
KOD-13823: Payment Integrations (CENPOS) Do not Store Response in S3 when Exception is Thrown
To test changes you need to:
Do some payments with CENPOS provider.
After payment go to Payment Attempts page.
Check if:
Request is saved.
Response or error message is saved.
You still have to see request and response/error saved.
KOD-13833: Copy All Fields Over to Shipping from Billing when Needed
*Please note, that for all the cases you have to:
Login to the store front as a customer.
Add a product to the cart, proceed to cart address tab.
Fill in/select billing address.
Case 1:
From the shipping address select box, select some company delivery address.
Observe all the shipping address fields except first name, last name, email and phone to be disabled.
Check the Shipping same as billing checkbox.
Make sure that shipping first name, last name, email and phone became the same as billing ones.
Case 1:
From the shipping address select box, select Add new shipping address option.
Observe all the shipping address fields to be enabled.
Check the Shipping same as billing checkbox.
Make sure the shipping address is the same as billing.
Case 2:
Perform Regression.Case 1 for One Time Delivery option.
Case 3:
Perform Regression.Case 1 without selecting any options in shipping address select box.
KOD-13835: Company Read for Every Product Reducing Performance
KOD-13908: Convictional - Map MPN to Manufacturer Product Code
KOD-13854: Category Revisions Not Accessible from Data View
Path Categories ? Data ? Revisions should be accessible.
KOD-13926: Add erpSyncMessages Field to /api/system/order/readDetails/{orderID} Endpoint