There is an extensive Quote2Cash module in the Kodaris system that you can utilize to receive quote requests from customers, quote them, send out quotes to customers, and maintain ongoing quoted contracts long term. As part of this module, you can easily copy existing quotes if you need to create multiple similar quotes, etc.
In this release, we've increased the speed at which large quotes are copied 300X to make the quoting process more efficient and faster for you and your customers!
Receive email alerts every five minutes for orders not in the ERP
Historically, you could receive hourly email alerts with a list of order(s) placed on the website but not yet released to the ERP. With this update, you can now receive the same email alerts every five minutes if you'd like instead of hourly. If you choose to enable this new setting, you will establish the email address(es) that will receive these alerts; the alerts will be sent automatically to the specified address(es).
The first video below provides an overview about monitoring and releasing orders to the ERP that were entered or placed on Kodaris. The second video covers setting up email alerts every 5 minutes!
Mobile App
Save your search filters on the employee mobile app
While using the employee mobile app, you can now save your customized search filters so that those saved filters will be automatically available moving forward. Similar to the desktop experience, you can filter by your desired specifications (input filter values, reorder columns, change their visibility, etc.), select ‘save as’, name the filter, choose its visibility, and add the saved filter.
This new feature allows your team to more easily use the mobile app on the go, the same way they’d use the desktop version. Check out the new ability below!
KOD-17593: Payment Declined - Dashboard
Regression Tests
Case 1
We need to ensure that the list of Business Events is still functioning correctly.
In the Operations portal, navigate to System -> Business Events and verify you get the response.
Case 2
Create a Business Event from the Operations portal and validate it is saved and displayed correctly.
Case 3
We should still be able to successfully generate payments with any provider.
Case 1
Since new fields are not available in the operations portal, we would have to populate new fields from swagger.
Go to swagger and create a new BusinessEvent or update an existing one with the new fields.
Verify it is saved correctly in the response and also you can see it in the operations portal.
To verify the new fields (data, message, username) were populated, use swagger (/api/system/businessEvent/{businessEventID}) or check the network tab when business event are listed in the portal.
Case 2
Verify that the new endpoints work as expected:
/api/system/businessEvent/search/{BusinessEventID} and /api/system/businessEvent/search.
Compare the values and names retrieved from these endpoints with the data displayed in the operations portal..
Ensure that the data from the Solr document matches the data from the database.
Case 3
We have created new fields for indexing. So every time there is a create or update, the entity will be indexed in the database.
To check this feature we need to do any operation mentioned above and then hit /api/system/businessEvent/search or /api/system/businessEvent/search/{BusinessEventID}.
Those new endpoints return data from Solr. Ensure that the new field 'lastIndexed' is updated to the current date every time there is a change in the entity.
Case 4
now endpoint /api/system/businessEvent/{eventId} (DELETE) will delete the document from Solr as well. So, first verify it exists in Solr hitting the endpoint /api/system/businessEvent/search/{BusinessEventID}
Then, go to the operations portal and delete the businessEvent.
Then try to find it using swagger in first endpoint mentioned (/api/system/businessEvent/search/{BusinessEventID}). We should get a 404 error code.
Case 5
Verify that the new endpoint /api/system/businessEvent/index/{businessEventID} functions correctly by updating the lastIndexed field.
You can populate commitWithin with 1.
KOD-17595: Operations Portal - Display invoices that are being paid under a scheduled payment.
Regression Tests
Case 1
On the AR screen, check several invoices. Ensure their Txn types are not Scheduled Payment, Web Account Payment, or Web Order Payment. Any other status will work. You should not be able to access the /detail page for these types of payments.
Case 2
For payments with the txn types Scheduled Payment, Web Account Payment, or Web Order Payment, open their details. You should be able to see their /detail pages.
Case 3
For Web Account Payment you should be able to see it's /detail Tab and data within this table with linked Invoices.
Case 1
On AR screen find payments with status ScheduledPayment.
Open their details.
On their Details Tab you should be able to see invoices that are being paid under this scheduled payment.
KOD-17651: UX for add possibility to select the unit when adding to cart
KOD-18771: Large Quotes Timing Out When Being Copied
KOD-18896: Salesforce/ Kodaris integration
Regression Tests
Case 1
Test the customer creation flow in the operations portal.
Case 2
Test the customer creation flow in the Customer portal.
Case 3
Test new order creation.
Case 1
Check if salesforce is configured properly.
KOD-19116: Record a video for Do Not Display orders
KOD-19120: Support for Dropbox videos
KOD-19209: Update Parser
KOD-19515: Fix double scroll in order template - Customer portal
KOD-19669: Implementation - Tracking number
Regression Tests
Case 1
For orders that don’t have order shipments created, check the following:
Customer Portal Order Detail
Operations Portal Order Detail - Email Order
Operations Portal Order Detail - Generate Order (Internal) PDF
For cases 1 and 2, there shouldn’t be any content displayed within the Tracking Info table.splayed.
For case 3, the Tracking Info table shouldn’t be displayed at all.
Case 2
For orders that do have order shipments created, verify the following:
Customer Portal Order Detail
Operations Portal Order Detail - Email Order
Operations Portal Order Detail - Generate Order (Internal) PDF
In all three cases, the overall templates layout shouldn’t be changed.
Case 1
Find the order with pkgID field. To check this field out go to Order → Custom Fields → search for trendCompiledSettings field → within this setting search for pkgID field → set it to any valid tracking number.
For this order check following places and templates:
Customer Portal Order Detail
Operations Portal Order Detail - Email Order
Operations Portal Order Detail - Generate Order (Internal) PDF
For those three cases mentioned above, the Tracking Info table section should be displayed. If there is a tracking link associated with the tracking number, it should be visible and clickable.
KOD-19716: Payments - ACH Terms Document
Regression Tests
Case 1
Ensure that the ACH terms are displayed correctly in the Customer Portal, retrieved from the configuration endpoint and used for generating PDFs.
Verify that the PDF appears identical to its previous version.
Confirm that the agreedToACHTermsTimestamp in CustomerSetting is saved appropriately.
Case 1
EFT terms are displayed in the Customer Portal, retrieved from the configuration endpoint, and are utilized for generating PDFs.
Case 2
The EFT bank transaction PDF has been generated successfully.
Additionally, it has been confirmed that payment will not be initiated without agreeing to the terms.
Input filter values, reorder columns, change their visibility, etc.
Tap Save icon, choose Save As option.
Input filter name, choose public/default options.
Wait for the loading to finish.
Observe dialog title (should be changed to created filter name).
Tap Apply.
Observe filtering results.
Case 2
Go to Activities.
[optional] If Default option was chosen for any filter, it'll be applied right away.
Tap Load button.
Choose your filter.
# Wait until loaded & tap Apply.
Case 3
Go to Activities.
Open Filters dialog.
Tap Load button.
[optional] Tap Edit icon next to your saved filter entry & edit filter title and default/public options.
Choose your saved filter and wait till it's loaded.
Make changes to the filter fields: Input filter values, reorder columns, change their visibility, etc.
Tap Save button.
Choose Save option.
Case 4
Go to Activities.
Open Filters dialog.
Tap Load button.
Tap Delete icon next to your saved filter entry.
Filter will be deleted. If this filter was selected - filters state will reset to default.
KOD-20329: Add option for orders not pushed to ERP alert to be to five minute interval
KOD-20330: Add the order shipment information to order prints/templates
Regression Tests
Case 1
For order which doesn’t have order shipments created for them, check:
Customer Portal Order Detail
Operations Portal Order Detail - Email Order
Operations Portal Order Detail - Generate Order (Internal) PDF
For all the cases mentioned above, the Tracking Info table should not be displayed
Case 2
For order which do have order shipments created for them, check:
Customer Portal Order Detail
Operations Portal Order Detail - Email Order
Operations Portal Order Detail - Generate Order (Internal) PDF
In all three cases, the overall templates layout should remain unchanged.
Case 3
For order which do have order shipments created for them, check:
Customer Portal Order Detail
Operations Portal Order Detail - Email Order
Operations Portal Order Detail - Generate Order (Internal) PDF
Three of them should display the Tracking Info Table section with tracking numbers and links if they have been created.
KOD-20331: Implementation - Branding
KOD-20332: Push Direct Ship Order
KOD-20335: Direct items in ERP
Regression Tests
Case 1
Test adding products to the cart.
Test pricing ONLY with priceEngine inforCSDV3.
Case 1
Test ErpDirectShipped flag is set as expected.
Test ONLY with price engine: inforCSDV3.
KOD-20341: Populate discount code
KOD-20344: Update company address screen
Regression Tests
Case 1
Navigate to the company-addresses screen in the operations portal.
Verify that the page displays correctly and that data is loaded.
Switch to the Data tab.
Ensure the page displays correctly and that data is loaded.
In the Search tab, apply filters and sorting.
Verify that all functionalities work as expected.
Navigate back to the Data tab and update some values.
Confirm that the update was successful.
Use search bars to ensure data is displayed correctly.
From the Data and Search Tab navigate to the company-address details page.
Case 1
Navigate to the company-addresses screen in the operations portal.
Add new columns for Inside Rep and Outside Rep.
Confirm these fields are facetable and sortable.
Navigate to the Data tab.
Add Inside Rep and Outside Rep columns.
Change values for them.
Confirm values are changed.
Case 2
On the operations portal navigate to the locations page.
On the Search tab confirm there is Start Order button for every company address.
Click on this button and confirm:
Redirection to the new order page if company code exists.
Confirm that billing address contains information of the company address order was started.
KOD-20348: Bill to and ship to on checkout step 1 (read only)
Regression Tests
Case 1
Make sure that the first page of checkout (cart) is not broken.
Case 1
Log in as a customer, then add products to the cart and proceed to checkout. At the first step of checkout, verify the presence of a new section displaying billing and shipping information (read-only). If the customer does not have a shipping address selected (shipto), the section should display the text "Shipping Address Is Not Set". Once a shipping address is selected, it should be displayed in this section. Note that this new section will not appear for guest users.
Case 2
Make sure that design is mobile responsive.
Case 3
If a customer updates their billing or shipping address in checkout step 2, these changes should also be reflected in checkout step 1.
KOD-20356: Implementation - Install the templates
KOD-20360: Customer Mobile App
KOD-20363: New Customer App
KOD-20375: Update queries
Regression Tests
Case 1
Verify that the following entity can be deleted without any issues.
Case 2
Check that when a record is deleted, it is removed from the Search view (typically within 20 seconds).
Case 3
Test the original issue where a record created and then deleted within less than 20 seconds does not appear on the Search screen.
KOD-20378: Show Selected Store Inventory
Regression Tests
Case 1
Make sure product list page and inventory still shows correctly.
Case 1
As logged in customer:
Go to product list page.
Select a store filter.
Inventory shown should match that store and not necessarily the store from header dropdown.
Case 2
As logged in customer:
Go to product list page.
If no store filter is selected or ‘All’ is selected.
Inventory should be taken from selected store in header not store filter.
KOD-20379: Rearrange Filter Order on Company Catalogs
Regression Tests
Case 1
Product list and catalog filters are functioning correctly.
Case 1
Make sure filters are displayed in the right order on Company Catalog and Group Catalog page.
Case 2
Ensure that the warehouse filter is labeled as "Store" if the customer can select a store.
Customer can select a store when setting enableShopByStore is on and there are active warehouses.
KOD-20380: 2SHIP integration - Improve logging
Regression Tests
Case 1
Verify if the 2Ship ShippingRates are functioning correctly in the order checkout process. The shipping list should be displayed. Prior to testing, ensure that the shippingEngine setting is configured as 2SHIP.
KOD-20381: Fix problem with represent start/end date on rebate grid page
KOD-20391: Inventory tweaks
Regression Tests
Case 1
Access the category page as a non-logged-in user.
Confirm that above the quantity, the text 'Log in / Call for Pricing' is displayed.
Log in as a customer.
Navigate to the category page.
Ensure that the page loads correctly.
From the category page, navigate to a product page.
Confirm that the product page loads properly."
Case 2
As a non-logged-in user, use the search function to find some products.
Confirm that the search function worked as expected.
Verify that above the quantity, the text "Log in / Call for Pricing" is displayed.
Log in as a customer.
Use the search function again to find some products.
Confirm that the search function worked as expected.
Navigate to the product page.
Verify that the product page loads properly.
Case 1
Navigate to the product list page.
Confirm Branch is changed to the delivery address name.
Change delivery address from the dropdown.
Confirm data is changed on the product.
Repeat steps 2-4 from the product page.
Case 2
Navigate to the product page.
Confirm under the region there are branch names assigned to this region.
Change branch from the header section.
Confirm data has changed.
KOD-20392: Shipto dropdown tweaks
Regression Tests
Case 1
As a logged user click on the company address dropdown.
Confirm company addresses displayed properly.
Confirm search on the dropdown is working as expected.
Select any item from the list.
Confirm page is reloaded and text has changed.
Case 2
As logged user navigate to the cart page.
Select location tab.
Confirm shipping address dropdown works as expected.
Case 1
As a logged user click on company Address dropdown on the header section.
Confirm addresses that contains asterisk displayed only as location name.
Repeat this step for company addresses on the location tab of the cart page.
KOD-20394: syncs - fix lastModified
KOD-20395: Display Total Only on cashQuoteEstimatePDF
KOD-20396: Apikeylogin
KOD-20397: Implementation - a tag tweaks
KOD-20398: Implementation - Add warning
Regression Tests
Case 1
As a guest user navigate to any product list page or product page.
Press the "Add to cart" button.
Confirm user is redirected to the login page.
Case 2
As a logged user navigate to any product list page.
Press the "Add to Cart" button.
Confirm product was added to the cart.
Navigate to the cart page.
Change some quantities, remove products, add location notes.
Press Next button.
Confirm second tab is opened.
Enter needed data in the form fields.
Press next.
Complete the checkout.
Confirm checkout was completed.
Case 1
On the operations portal navigate to the settings screen.
Add setting checkoutUnavaliableMessage.
Navigate to the cart page.
Confirm checkout is still available.
Set checkoutUnavaliableMessage value.
Confirm checkout page contains message "Checkout is Unavailable".
Confirm next button is not clickable.
Confirm tabs can not be changed.
Confirm cart items could be modified and saved for later.
KOD-20399: Disable billing address from UX
Case 1
In this test, need to verify that all fields in the billing address are always disabled for editing.
Add a couple of products to the shopping cart.
Navigate to the Location section.
Change the address in the Shipping Address.
Ensure that all billing address inputs are disabled, except for First Name, Last Name, Email, and Phone #.
KOD-20403: Every line item should be hand-priced for Trend
KOD-20406: Implementation 1 - Spin up system
KOD-20407: Implementation 2 - Spin up system
KOD-20408: Implementation 3 - Spin up system
KOD-20413: Inventory tweaks part 2
Regression Tests
Case 1
As not logged user, navigate to the category page.
Confirm above the quantity displayed “Log in / Call for Pricing“ text.
Log in as a customer.
Navigate to the category page.
Confirm page is loaded properly.
Navigate to the product page from the category page.
Confirm this page is loaded properly.
Case 2
As not logged user, using search find some products.
Confirm search worked as expected.
Confirm above the quantity displayed “Log in / Call for Pricing“ text.
Log in as a customer.
Using search find some products.
Confirm search worked as expected.
Navigate to the product page.
Confirm this page is loaded properly.
Case 1
Navigate to the product list page.
Confirm Branch is changed to the delivery address name.
Change delivery address from the dropdown.
Confirm data is changed on the product.
Repeat steps 2-4 from the product page.
Case 2
Navigate to the product page.
Confirm under the region there are branch names assigned to this region.
Change branch from the header section.
Confirm data has changed.
Case 3
As a logged user, navigate to the product list page.
Navigate to the details page of product with “Branch“
Confirm that there is no warehouses providing this product.
KOD-20414: Category tree marker fix
KOD-20417: Fix shipping address
Regression Tests
Case 1
As a logged user, add some products to the cart.
Navigate to the cart page, on the locations tab.
Confirm delivery address is editable.
Change ship to from the header dropdown.
Confirm delivery address is changed on the cart input.
Case 1
As a logged user, add some products to the cart.
Navigate to the cart page, on the locations tab.
Confirm symbols like <, & and > are properly displayed
KOD-20431: Add code2 to Product Document
Regression Tests
Case 1
Test Category page and Search page generation, check products “data” and “search” tabs in the operations portal work as expected.
Case 1
Test the new indexed field "code2" has been added to the Solr Product Document and can be retrieved successfully.
KOD-20433: Parse invoiced date from invoices
KOD-20458: Mobile view tweaks
Regression Tests
Case 1
As a guest user click on the header menu section.
Confirm next items works as expected.
Shop by Category
Under the hood
Case 2
Open developer tools and turn on mobile view.
Confirm header is displayed porperly.
Resize page and confirm header is displayed properly for any sizes.
Case 3
Log in to the portal from the header section.
Confrim user is logged in.
Case 1
As a guest user open mobile view.
Confirm “person“ icon is displayed on the header.
Click on this icon and confirm redirection to the sign in page.
Log in to the portal.
Confirm clicking on this brand new icon redirects to the customer portal.
Case 2
As a guest user and logged user open menu, using burger button.
Confirm menu is displayed properly.
Confirm next items has arrow before text and text is underlined:
Shop by category
Click on one of this element.
Confirm under this element inner elements displayed.
Reopen menu.
Confirm items are openned as expected.
Open menu.
Click on the text of underlined item.
Confirm user is redirected to the right page.
Confirm inner items is not displayed after clicking on the text.
KOD-20459: Inventory tweaks part 3
Regression Tests
Case 1
As a logged user navigate to the product list page.
Confirm page is loaded from the catalog and search.
Confirm that In Scock orders contains proper messages for the Branch, Region and Network.
Change ship to from the header section,
Confirm messages was updated for each product.
Case 2
Navigate to the product details page.
Confirm page is loaded properly.
Confirm data under region is displayed.
Change shipto from the header dropdown.
Confirm data under the region has changed.
Case 1
Navigate to the product detail page.
Confirm data under the region is indented.
KOD-20460: Delivery instructions
Regression Tests
Case 1
As a logged user add some products to the cart.
Navigate to cart, confirm cart page loaded properly.
Change quantities, remove products, add notes on the first cart tab (Your Order tab).
Confirm everything works as expected.
Click on Save for Later button.
Confirm order added to the order list.
Click on View Order button.
Confirm redirection to the order detail page was completed.
Click on the Reorder button.
Confirm redirection to the cart.
Clear cart.
Confirm all products are removed.
On the order list screen find saved order from the step 5.
Proceed reorder.
Click next.
Confirm user redirected to the to the second cart tab (Location).
Case 2
On the second cart tab set up delivery and billing address.
Confirm user can not be redirected to the third tab (payment) if fields First Name, Last Name, Phone and email are not set.
Confirm user can be redirected to the third tab (payment) once those fields set.
Case 3
On the third card tab enter needed information.
Confirm every collapsible block are independent.
Click on Place Order button.
Confirm order has been placed.
Case 1
As a logged user add some products to cart.
Navigate to the cart page.
Confirm on the first cart tab there is no order notes.
Open developer tools and turn on mobile view functionality.
Confirm page is displayed properly.
Complete checkout to the Payment section.
Confirm Order Notes is displayed on this page.
Enter some information.
Click on Place Order button.
Confirm order was confirmed and order notes are visible on the checkout-thank-you page.
Navigate to the order detail page.
Confirm notes are included for the order.
Open email.
Confirm message contains order notes.
KOD-20469: Fix query params sending in kd.http.fetch request
KOD-20476: Generate all recently ordered catalogs
KOD-20479: Catalog pages breadcrumbs update
Regression Tests
Case 1
Ensure that catalog pages display correctly with both settings turned on and off.
Case 1
When the setting is turned off, the breadcrumbs should be displayed.
Case 2
When the setting is turned on, no breadcrumbs should be displayed.
KOD-20481: AP Automation - Upload Invoice PDF to IDM after releasing the Invoice BOD