In this release, we’ve added the ability to attach video files and play them directly within tickets in the Customer Portal. This addition to the ticketing system will enhance the asynchronous communication between you and your customers.
Check out the video below to see this feature in action!
New “Back to store” link added to Customer Portal
The “Back to store” link, which directs your customers back to your company’s website from the Customer Portal, has been available in the bottom left corner of the menu. It will remain available in this location; however, another “Back to store” link has been added to the company icon/logo located in the top left corner of the Customer Portal menu. This addition offers another way for your customers to easily and intuitively access your company’s website from the Portal.
View the new “Back to store” link in this video:
“Created” and “Last Modified” columns added to the Tickets screen in the Customer Portal
The columns “Created” and “Last Modified” have been added to the Tickets screen in the Customer Portal. While these have been available in the Operations Portal for your internal team to leverage, your customers can now use them, too! These new fields will allow your customers to more easily view and organize their tickets.
Operations Portal
Ship and unship orders from an order’s Details page
You can now ship and unship an order directly from the Details page of an order. This capability is fully integrated with Kodaris and Infor ERPs.
Refer to this image to see where you can set the shipping status of an order on its Details page:
Create a new API customer via the Customers screen & copy the API key
You can now create a new API customer directly on the Customers screen in the Operations Portal. Once you’ve filled out the necessary fields to add an API customer, a pop-up box will appear where you can copy the API Key to your clipboard. At this time, you also have the option to assign user roles and permissions, or you can choose to do this later.
See how you can easily add a new API customer on the Customers screen in this video:
Core charges now available to attach to products
With this release, Kodaris now offers core charges! Core charges allow you to include an extra charge item attached to products on your website. When your customers are shopping and add a product with a core charge to their cart, that extra charge is automatically applied. The core charge is listed as a line item below the main product and cannot be removed without removing the main product itself.
This feature can be used in a number of ways and can be tailored to your company’s needs. One example is if certain parts on your website require a deposit, the core charge can be used to collect this deposit.
Learn more about this feature, how to use it, and what the customer experience is like in the video below!
Specs tab added to the product details page
On your commerce website, a new tab titled “Specs” has been added to your product details pages. This new tab will be located under the “About this item” section on the individual product pages. Under the Specs tab, you can include additional details about your product, like sizing, material, etc.
This feature will allow you to further customize your website to provide customers with much-needed product specification information.
Learn how you can manage your product specs and attributes in the Operations Portal by watching this video!
Adding the robot meta tag to your site
With this release, you can now add a robot meta tag to your website. This is used to control how search engines index and crawl webpages. It can specify whether a page should be indexed, followed, or excluded from search engine results.
Watch this video to learn how to configure the robot meta tag in the Operations Portal:
Purchase date and quantity ordered information now available in “Recently Ordered” catalog
When a customer is logged into their account and browsing the “Recently Ordered” catalog, they can now view the purchase date and quantity ordered information under a recently ordered product. This is visible in both the Grid and List views.
This information is not only viewable in the “Recently Ordered” catalog but also in the individual product pages on your commerce site. This new ability will give your customers immediate insight into their order history.
Check out the feature below:
“Last Updated” information added to the catalog display
When logged into your company’s Commerce site, both you and your customers can now view the “Last updated” information on the Catalogs page. These details will be shown in a column next to the catalog name and description and will indicate the date and time the catalog was last updated. This new feature applies to company and customer catalogs.
Learn more about it in the video below!
“Display” field added to the Products grid
We’ve added a “Display” field to the Products grid. This field shows whether a product is visible or not visible on your company’s website. It is disabled by default, but you can add it to your grid by selecting its checkbox in the list of available columns. The column is both filterable and searchable, so that you can easily customize your search results.
Watch this video to learn how to enable the “Display” field:
KOD-13840: Ship Order After Inserting Tote Order - Next Step
KOD-15179: Add GA4 Tracking Script to
KOD-15815: Searching error when looking for a phone number
Case 1
For each of the screens listed below, please confirm that no errors occur when searching for records using the phone number in the search bar:
pages (under cms)
KOD-16332: Deleting Warehouse Records
KOD-17837: Add pagination to display all catalogs
Regression Tests
Case 1
Verify the Companies → Company → Catalog page loads without any issues. Please review the following actions:
Adding a category
Editing a category
Deleting a category
Adding or deleting products within the category
Case 1
Navigate to Companies → Company → Catalog page. Add categories or open a company with 50 or more categories, and ensure that all categories are visible in the list without any truncation.
KOD-18001: Scheduled Email Reporting from AWS
KOD-18337: SE Add Job Name & Company to Quote Expiration Emails
KOD-18706: Customer Tickets - Status field is not editable
Regression Tests
Case 1
When creating a customer ticket using this endpoint: /api/account/ticket/company/{companyID}, the Status field should not be saved.
Case 1
For the patch endpoint: /api/account/ticket/{ticketID}, we only save the Status if it is allowed in the setting: customerWhitelistedTicketStatusesEdit.
The initial value should be ‘Done’. The setting values should be a comma-separated list.
When updating the Status:
If the new value is not in the setting, the Status value should remain unchanged.
If the new value is in the setting, the changes should be applied in the database.
KOD-18788: Test Add-on
KOD-18985: Display nice names for template selection in operations portal
Case 1
In the following detail tabs:
Cash Quote
External Orders
Open the "Generate Internal and Customer PDF" modal and verify the template names for templates that have specific names assigned.
Case 2
In the following detail tabs:
Cash Quote
External Orders
Click "Email Order/Quote". In the modal, the Template field should display the template Name, if the template has one.
KOD-19001: Fix user script page loading issue
KOD-19278: Add ability to attach and play videos to customer tickets
Regression Tests
Case 1
As a customer user navigate to the customer portal.
Open tickets screen.
Confirm tickets are displayed properly.
Using search box search for a ticket.
Apply filters.
Apply sorts.
Select any ticket and navigate to it’s details page.
Confirm ticket information is displayed as expected.
Navigate to the Files tab.
Confirm files are loaded and displayed properly.
Case 2
As a customer navigate to the customer portal.
Open tickets screen.
Start a new ticket.
Confirm ticket displayed on that screen and on the operations portal.
Edit ticket information:
Add comment
Delete ticket.
Confirm those actions are visible to the user.
Case 3
As a customer user navigate to the customer portal.
Open tickets screen.
Select any ticket or create brand new one.
Click on the attach file button.
Upload any file.
Confirm redirection to the files tab and your file is displayed.
Case 1
As a customer user navigate to the tickets screen on the customer portal.
Upload mp4 file.
Confirm this file is visible on the files tab with red movie icon.
Click on this file.
Confirm before video loaded, there is spinning circle.
After video loaded, you can watch the video.
Confirm controls are working as expected:
Change volume.
Full screen.
Changing playback speed.
Picture in picture mode.
KOD-19459: Screen shifts when an item is entered
Regression Tests
Case 1
On following tabs:
Quote Items
Cash Quote Items
Order Items
Warehouse Transfer Items
Check that when you’re adding an item to the grid:
A new row is still added to the bottom of the grid.
The new row still flashes briefly after being added.
Even when at the top of the grid, you remain scrolled to the bottom vertically when the item was added.
Case 1
On Companies → Quotes → Quote Items, check the following:
After adding an item, ensure you are not scrolled horizontally to the center. You should remain at the bottom of the grid vertically and at the beginning horizontally.
KOD-19576: Mark the shipDate column on the trips screen sortable/filterable
Regression Tests
Case 1
Navigate to the TRIPS page.
Ensure all columns are displayed correctly.
Verify that columns allowed for sorting and filtering are functioning as expected.
Click on the sorting arrow on the different columns.
Verify that the column sorts in descending order.
Click again to verify that the column sorts in ascending order.
Click on the filter button for the date type column.
Enter a search text in the filter search box.
Verify that the search results match the entered text.
Verify that recent changes did not affect the NGX library functionality.
Open the filter modal window on the TRIPS page or another.
Ensure the modal window opens correctly and functions as expected.
Verify that the filtering functionality works correctly and returns appropriate results for the date filter.
Case 1
Navigate to the TRIPS page.
Click on the sorting arrow for the SHIP DATE column.
Verify that the column sorts in descending order.
Click again to verify that the column sorts in ascending order.
Verify that the filter options are displayed.
Test each filter condition as follows:
EQUALS: Enter a specific ship date and verify that only entries with this date are displayed.
DOESN'T EQUAL: Enter a specific ship date and verify that entries with this date are excluded.
LESS THAN: Enter a specific ship date and verify that only entries with earlier dates are displayed.
LESS THAN OR EQUAL: Enter a specific ship date and verify that entries with this date and earlier dates are displayed.
GREATER THAN: Enter a specific ship date and verify that only entries with later dates are displayed.
GREATER THAN OR EQUAL: Enter a specific ship date and verify that entries with this date and later dates are displayed.
Sorting by SHIP DATE should work correctly, allowing the user to sort the dates in both descending and ascending order.
Filtering by SHIP DATE should provide accurate results for each condition: EQUAL, DOESN'T EQUAL, LESS THAN, LESS THAN OR EQUAL, GREATER THAN, and GREATER THAN OR EQUAL.
KOD-19752: Generate a new account in real time
Case 1
Test registering a new customer without triggering a Salesforce request and verify the ability to use a credit card during checkout.
Case 2
Create a new account with the capability to pay by credit card at checkout, and ensure the customer is successfully created in Salesforce.
KOD-19754: Order Shipment Notification
Regression Tests
Case 1
This rule applies exclusively to the InforCSD erpLogic integrator (erpLogicEngine setting = InforCSD). Therefore, any other erp logic engine set should not trigger any event.
Updates to any order with the setting inforCSDOrderStatusNotifications DISABLED should also not trigger any events, regardless of whether the conditions are met (with or without the setting erpLogicEngine = InforCSD).
Case 1
Setting erpLogicEngine= ‘InforCSD’
Setting inforCSDOrderStatusNotifications enabled.
An order already created from CSD with externalOrderNumber populated and status = Picked.
An OrderShipment with a tracking number and a code populated and also the externalOrderNumber should match with the existing Order it was created.
We will be updating Order and OrderShipment from CSD. The idea here is to try to simulate as much as possible a real scenario but the logic in this tikcet will be executed anytime that an existing order changes the status. So you could probably just use an existing order and play with the status and the tracking numbers and it will be fine for some testing. However, I think the best test would be running a sync from csd and see how it goes.
Update the order status to one of the following statuses:
‘Shipped’ , “Invoiced”, “Paid”.
Verify the event is created and also that a new order setting (outForDeliveryTimestamp) is created.
Go to the order after the event is triggered and verify ‘custom field’ tab to see if exists there
Case 2
Perform the identical test as in Case 1, ensuring all initial conditions regarding the Order and OrderShipments are met, without deleting the previously created Event. Verify that the event is not triggered because an event for the order already exists.
Case 3
Now, update the event to set 'Complete' to 'No' to simulate that it does not exist. Modify the order again with any status; if the previous status is not 'Picked', it should not trigger the event. Then, change it back to 'Picked' and modify it to any status other than 'Shipped', 'Invoiced', or 'Paid'.
KOD-19805: Next steps for Integrate FedEx LTL Rate API
KOD-19836: Configure Site
KOD-19859: Fix large export performance issues
KOD-19896: Wrong prices for rebate records - copied version
KOD-19924: Test the payments
KOD-19969: Back to store link in customer portal hard to notice
KOD-20042: Make Banners, Content Tiles & Top Categories Host Specific
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check that customizer’s look, overall functionality hasn’t changed.
You should still be able to add/remove tiles, sliders, etc. Add/remove links, additional text.
I only adjusted the home slider widget but added and removed slides and everything worked.
Once you add to a host you can’t go back to default so they can adjust home content tiles and top categories when they are ready.
Case 1
Select one host to apply changes to.
Access the customizer and update the Home Slider and Home Slider Mobile components.
Verify that these updates are only visible on your selected host and not on other hosts.
Confirm that both the Home Slider and Home Slider Mobile configurations pass the test.
Case 2
Access the customizer.
Update the Home Content Tiles.
Verify that these updates are only visible on your selected host and not on other hosts in the Home Content Tiles section.
Case 3
Access the customizer.
Update the Top Categories section.
Confirm that these updates are visible only on your selected host and not on other hosts when viewing the Top Categories.
KOD-20119: More brand page updates
KOD-20154: Scope Automated invoice and statement delivery screen and checklist
KOD-20163: Search tweaks
KOD-20166: Creating Default Payment Method Type
Regression Tests
Case 1
Navigate to the Settings Screen and verify that the paymentActionDefault setting is set to SALE.
Go to Order Details and click on "Pay Order". Verify that by default, the Type dropdown option should be set to SALE.
Case 2
Go to Order Details and click on "Pay Order".
Verify that the layout and structure of the modal window remain unchanged and that you can still proceed to pay the order.
Case 1
Go to the Settings Screen and set the paymentActionDefault setting value to AUTHONLY.
Navigate to Order Details and click "Pay Order". Verify that by default, the Type dropdown option should be set to AUTHONLY.
Case 2
Go to the Settings Screen and set the paymentActionDefault setting value to a random string.
Navigate to Order Details and click "Pay Order". Verify that by default, the Type dropdown option should be set to SALE.
KOD-20205: B2C Users / Guest Orders
KOD-20214: Auto Upload Lockbox File
KOD-20219: Add Display flag/field to the search view on Products screen in operations portal
Regression Tests
Case 1
On the operations portal, verify that the fields and flags on the Products search view are functioning correctly.
Case 1
Access the Operations Portal and navigate to the Products tab.. Confirm the presence and functionality of the "Display" field/flag within the search view.
KOD-20273: Configuration - Prepare screenshots for V2 Customer App Listing
KOD-20290: Add Display field to return in the endpoint
Regression Tests
Case 1
Navigate to the Search screen and ensure products are visible and accessible for viewing details.
Case 1
Go to search screen in Products.
Verify that the "display" field is included in the response of the /api/system/product/search endpoint.
KOD-20303: Order templates tweaks
Case 1
Generate an order PDF (Orders → click on an order → generate file → Internal PDF) and observe the improved padding around the logo.
KOD-20321: Sitemap for the products
KOD-20324: Record video how to setup a category tree per host
KOD-20355: Fix an issue with filter options - Demo site
KOD-20370: Support realtime SMTP configuration
Regression Tests
Case 1
Basically we want to validate email sending is not broken. We can use any part of the system where it triggers an email (example using ‘Change password’ in the account portal).
If not, we can use endpoint: /api/system/email/sendTestEmail to test as well.
Case 1
Here we want to do the same test as regression but modifying the port.
Switch the setting storeSMTPPort to 587 or 465 and test sending any email using for example the change password email from customer portal.
KOD-20377: Item count of recently ordered catalog stuck at 24
Regression Tests
Case 1
Navigate to any category page or perform a search.
Confirm that the results number at the top of the page accurately reflects the total number of results.
Navigate to the second page and verify that the same number is displayed at the top.
Case 1
Navigate to the "Recently Ordered" catalog.
Verify that the results number at the top now displays the full item count in the catalog.
Go to the second page and confirm that the same number is still displayed at the top.
Case 2
Repeat the steps from Case 1 but use a different catalog.
KOD-20383: Kodaris Demo - Add UX for recently ordered and qty ordered data
Regression Tests
Case 1
Log in → Navigate to any product list page or any catalog page → nothing should have been changed (prices should still be present, as well as the add to cart, add to catalog, and inventory).
Case 2
While on the product list page, you should still be able to add an item to your cart and/or add to a catalog.
Case 3
Don’t log in → navigate to any product list page → notice page still renders and you see the price as well as the add to cart button.
Case 4
Log in → navigate to any product list page → change to catalog view → notice page still renders and nothing has changed.
Case 1
Log in → Navigate to the recently ordered catalog → notice on all the items there is a recently ordered date and quantity under the add to catalog button (in grid view).
Case 2
Log in → Navigate to any category page → notice the items that are in the recently ordered catalog should have recently ordered date and quantity under the add to catalog button (in grid view) while the other items don’t have anything under.
Case 3
Follow case 1 or case 2 but change to list view → notice the recently ordered date and quantity is under add to cart for list view.
KOD-20400: Product availability messaging issue
Regression Tests
Case 1
We need to make sure that the product page and the details of the product continues working as before.
Case 1
When user is logged out and the store has ‘enable shop by store' feature activated, and the user has not selected any store yet, the user should see ‘Select store to view availability’ instead of 'Call for Availability’ for all products (products with special order and products without special order).
Case 2
When user is logged out and the store has NOT 'enable shop by store' feature, the user could see a mix between ‘Select store to view availability’ and 'Call for Availability’.
For this scenario, put attention to products with special order.
Case 3
When user is logged out and the store has 'enable shop by store' feature, and the user already selected any store the user should not see ‘Select store to view availability’ instead the user should see 'Call for Availability’ for both kind of products (products with special orders and products without special orders)
KOD-20427: Change branding in Customer portal
Regression Tests
Case 1
Go to the customer portal and navigate to the home screen.
Verify that the home screen layout appears correctly.
Confirm that the logo and user profile are visible.
Case 1
Enable the setting customerHomeLogo.
Update the value of storeCustomerPortalLogo to the image URL.
Confirm that the specified image appears on the customer portal home page.
KOD-20442: Display Quantity in Unit Dropdown
Regression Tests
Case 1
Find a product with the unit conversion dropdown and ensure that its appearance remains consistent.
Case 2
Find a product with the unit conversion dropdown and verify that you can still add this product to a cart regardless of the selected values in the unit conversion dropdown.
Case 1
Find a product with the unit conversion dropdown in the operations portal by searching for the product code. Check the Unit Conversion value and Unit value. Then, in the store, verify that near the Unit, the Unit Conversion value is displayed in the unit conversion dropdown.
KOD-20483: Add companyID to Companies screen in the operations portal
Regression Tests
Case 1
On the operations portal, verify that the columns in the Companies search/data view function correctly.
Case 1
Navigate to the Companies tab in the operations portal. Confirm that the "Company ID" field/flag is available in the search/data view.
KOD-20491: Configure customer portal
KOD-20492: Countries / States
KOD-20494: Replace productCode with code2 on related, recently viewed products and product slider
Regression Tests
Case 1
Find a product with a related products slider.
Verify that when you open the product details page, all information about the product is displayed correctly without any issues.
Confirm that the slider containing related products is visible and functions properly. Ensure that clicking on a product in the slider opens its details page correctly and displays all information accurately.
Case 2
Find a product with a related products slider and open its details page.
Navigate to a product from the slider and verify that the product code displayed on its details page matches the product code shown on the slider.
Case 1
Find a product with the related products slider and open the the details page of that product.
Confirm that if the product in the slider has a code2 value and directShipped = true, then the value of the code2 field should be displayed on the slider, not code.
If the product does not have code2 or directShipped = false, then the value of the code field should be displayed on the slider, not code2.
The code on the slider must be the same as the code on its details page
KOD-20500: Demo Site - Product details page - Add the 'Specs section'
Regression Tests
Case 1
Navigate to Product Category.
Open the main page of the website.
Select any product category.
Choose any product from the selected category by clicking on it.
Verify that the “About this item” section is displayed correctly.
On the product page, ensure the presence of the following sections: Product Details, Resources, Specs
Click on the “Product Details” tab and verify that the corresponding details are displayed.
Click on the “Resources” tab and verify that the corresponding resources are displayed.
Click on the “Specs” tab and verify that the corresponding specifications are displayed.
Each tab should display the appropriate content when clicked.
“Product Details” tab should show product details.
“Resources” tab should show relevant resources.
“Specs” tab should show product specifications.
Expected Results:
The “About this item” section is displayed correctly on the product page.
Clicking on each tab (“Product Details,” “Resources,” “Specs”) should display the appropriate content for that section.
No issues or incorrect displays should be observed after recent changes.
Case 1
Navigate to Product Category.
Open the main page of the website.
Select any product category.
Choose any product from the selected category by clicking on it.
On the product page, verify the presence of the following sections:
Product Details
Click on the “Specs” section/tab.
Review the text displayed under the “Specs” section.
If the “Specs” section contains specifications, confirm that they are displayed correctly.
If the “Specs” section is empty, verify that the following message is displayed: “There are currently no specs for this product.”
Navigate to the Operations page.
Use the search panel on the left to find “Products” (Ensure you have one of the required permissions: ‘administrator', 'superuser', 'productView', 'productEdit').
Select the necessary product or enter its name in the search bar.
Click the “>” button for the selected product.
Find the “Specs” tab and add several properties for testing purposes.
Return to the website’s main page.
Use the header search to find the updated product.
Review its details to ensure that the specs entered via the Operations page are now displayed correctly.
Expected Results:
The “Specs” section should be visible and accessible on the product page.
If specs are added via the Operations page, they should appear correctly on the product page.
If there are no specifications available initially, the message “There are currently no specs for this product.” should be shown.
KOD-20517: Implementation - Order templates
KOD-20520: Kodaris Demo: Update Add Payment Method Language
Regression Tests
Case 1
On the checkout page make sure that layout hasn’t changed, and any of the wording hasn’t changes except the feature changes.
Case 1
On checkout page please make sure there are no mentions for “Credit Card” and “Ach Account”.
And instead of them are “Card” and “Bank Account”.
KOD-20536: Add blackout days to shipping UX
KOD-20569: UX update for direct ship order tracking notifications
KOD-20573: Calculate Inventory button not working on some orders but works on others
KOD-20572: Google Analytics - record a video
KOD-20574: PLP Pages Incorrect Decimal Display
Regression Tests
Case 1
Open category list page.
Add several products to the cart.
For each product minicart should display relevant quantity of the product that you’ve added to a cart.
Case 1
Open category list page.
Add several products to the cart. Reload the page.
For each product minicart should display relevant quantity of the product that you’ve added to a cart without additional decimals.
KOD-20582: Additional mailer template updates
KOD-20590: PIM Explore - Default Category View on Commerce Site
KOD-20599: Add UX for lastModified on catalogs to demo site
Regression Tests
Case 1
Navigate to Catalogs
Go to the Catalogs page.
Click on the “Add Catalog” button.
Try to add a new list.
Name the list and navigate to the categories.
Attempt to add a product to this new list.
Click on Catalog again.
Check if the newly created catalog appears correctly and is displayed properly.
Click the “View” button.
Verify that the redirect to the catalog works as expected.
Case 1
Go to the Catalogs page.
Verify that the “Last Updated” column is present in the table.
Click on the “Add Catalog” button.
Create a new catalog by entering a name and clicking the “Add” button.
Navigate to the categories.
Add one or more products to this new catalog.
Return to the Catalogs page.
Check that the newly created list appears in the table.
Verify that the “Last Updated” column displays the correct timestamp for the new list.
KOD-20603: Add page for help content on new google analytics to kodaris site
KOD-20609: LTL issue
KOD-20621: Set Industry Type field automatically when customer creates a shipto
KOD-20626: Set up MX Merchant Payment Credentials for Card Payment on Account
Regression Tests
Case 1
BIN lookup (automatic card type detection) still works.
On a non multitentant system (single host system, multiTenantMode = 0) with PriorityPayments configured.
As a logged in Customer , add Company payment method via customer portals. Add Debit card and select Card Type = Credit in the new card form.
After card was added - open details by clicking “Edit“ and check what the Card Type is displayed now: it should be Debit
This way making sure automatic BIN lookup (card type detections) still works.
multiTenantMode = 1
Have at least 1 [Host] created / set up
2 MX Merchant credentials set: one for global settings, one for the [Host] (set as Host settings).
priorityPaymentsMerchantId = [merchantId]
priorityPaymentsUsername = [username]
priorityPaymentsPassword = [password]
priorityPaymentsIsLive= 1
2 Companies/Customer: one not linked to any host, one - tagged with [Host] code.
Case 1: Checkout
As logged in Customer that belongs to Company on your [Host]:
Add items to cart, populate all needed info and checkout with card.
Check in operations portal logs that merchantId used for this transaction is exactly the same as is configured on [Host].
Check in Customer Portal if Order created and PaymentMethod is saved as Customer private payment method.
Case 2: Add, update, delete Customer Card Payment Method
As logged in Customer that belongs to Company on your [Host]:
Add Customer private card payment method via Customer Portal.
Edit card payment method.
Delete card payment method.
Check in operations portal logs that merchantId used for this transaction is exactly the same as is configured on [Host].
Case 3: Add Company Card Payment Method
As logged in Customer that belongs to Company on your [Host]:
Add Company card payment method via Customer Portal.
Check in operations portal logs that merchantId used for this transaction is exactly the same as is configured on [Host].
Case 4: Pay open invoices in Customer Portal
As logged in Customer that belongs to Company on your [Host]:
Pay open invoices with saved Company payment method.
Check in operations portal logs that merchantId used for this transaction is exactly the same as is configured on [Host].
Case 5: Void Payment
As logged in Employee:
For you test Company that is tagged to your [Host].
Find “Web Account Payment” payment record on Accounts Receivable screen that corresponds prev test case (payment for open invoices) and void it.
Make sure status has changed to “Voided“
Check in operations portal logs that merchantId used for this transaction is exactly the same as is configured on [Host].
Case 6: SALE Order payment as Employee
As logged in Employee
Start Order on a Company that is tagged to your [Host]
Add items, populate info, calculate totals.
Pay Order: Make a SALE payment.
Check in operations portal logs that merchantId used for this transaction is exactly the same as is configured on [Host].
Case 7: AUTHONLY Order payment as Employee with further Capture Prior Auth
As logged in Employee:
Start Order on a Company that is tagged to your [Host].
Add items, populate info, calculate totals.
Pay Order: Make a AUTHONLY payment.
Check in operations portal logs that merchantId used for this transaction is exactly the same as is configured on [Host].
Go to Payments tab of given Order and do Capture Prior Auth.
Check in employee portal logs that merchantId used for this transaction is exactly the same as is configured on [Host].
Case 8: Deposit payment in Employee Portal
As logged in Employee:
For you test Company that is tagged to your [Host].
Make a Deposit Payment.
Check in operations portal logs that merchantId used for this transaction is exactly the same as is configured on [Host].
Check in operations portal logs that merchantId used for this transaction is exactly the same as is configured on [Host].
Case 9:COD Payment
As logged in Employee:
For you test Company that is tagged to your [Host].
Create Order and request COD payment.
Open COD payment form, fill data and make a payment.
Check in operations portal logs that merchantId used for this transaction is exactly the same as is configured on [Host].
Case 10: Issue a Credit on a global Accounts Receivable screen
As logged in Employee on your [Host] operations portal:
Go to Accounts Receivable screen and do “Issue a Credit“.
Since there is no Company or Customer context - MX merchant credentials should be taken off the [Host] where Employee is logged in in the operations portal.
Check in employee portal logs that merchantId used for this transaction is exactly the same as is configured on [Host].
Case 11:Issue a Credit on Company details screen
As logged in Employee on main site operations portal:
Go to Company Details screen, company that is linked to [Host] and do “Issue a Credit“.
MX merchant credentials should be taken off the Company’s [Host].
Check in operations portal logs that merchantId used for this transaction is exactly the same as is configured on [Host].
KOD-20630: New Arrivals not rendering
KOD-20639: Scoping of building in Kodaris
KOD-20645: Restrict add to cart on DS products when zero inventory
Regression Tests
Case 1
This change applies to both guest and logged users.
Go to the store, and everything should be working same as before, the only difference should be that when a product has direct ship and no availability the add to cart button should be disabled, and the title should be 'On Order'
Function all seems normal but the one oddity I did see is something we already have a ticket out for so it is an issue hanging out there.
Case 1
Enter to the site being logged out, go to the store and find a product with 0 availability and with DIRECT SHIP.
The title should say “On order“, instead on “In stock“, and the add to cart button should be disabled.
Case 2
Enter to the site being logged in, go to the store and find a product with 0 availability and with DIRECT SHIP.
The title should say “On order“, instead on “In stock“, and the add to cart button should be disabled.
KOD-20650: Public Pricing needs to reflect QTY breaks that are setup in CSD - Investigation
KOD-20684: Customers Can't Access Documents
KOD-20683: Create Product Views Dataset for Analysis
KOD-20688: Saved Lists 2.0: updates
Regression Tests
Case 1
Navigate to the main page.
Verify that on the Dashboard all buttons and icons are displayed.
Click on each button and icon to ensure they redirect to the correct pages.
Ensure the design is responsive. Check that all elements are visible and correctly displayed on various screen sizes.
Navigate to Saved Lists Page: click on Saved Lists icon or nav link.
Review all sections on the Saved Lists page and ensure the following:
The new client’s banner is displayed correctly.
The frequently ordered icon is visible and functional.
The “Shared Lists” section is displayed and works correctly.
The “My Personal Lists” section is displayed and works correctly.
Case 1
Click on the "Saved Lists" icon or nav link.
Verify that it redirects to the Saved Lists page.
Ensure the new client's banner is displayed correctly for both localizations: `fr-ca` and `en-us`.
Click on the "Frequently Ordered Products" icon.
Confirm that it redirects to the `companyRecentlyOrderedItems` page.
Ensure the new client's icon is displayed correctly for both localizations: `fr-ca` and `en-us`.
Navigate back to the main page.
Verify the updated dashboard design:
Check for new clickable icons:
"Saved Lists"
"Frequently Ordered Products"
Ensure clicking these icons redirects to their respective pages and displays the new client's icons.
Expected Results:
The Saved Lists page displays the new client's banner correctly for both localizations.
The Frequently Ordered Products section redirects correctly and displays the new client's icon for both localizations.
The main page shows the updated dashboard with new clickable icons that redirect correctly and display the new client's icons.
KOD-20689: Disable first/last name on checkout
Regression Tests
Case 1
Navigate to the customer portal and add any product to the cart. Proceed with the order. On the step where you set the addresses, verify that the first and last names for both billing and shipping addresses are disabled (uneditable). Then, complete the order to ensure everything works correctly.
KOD-20709: Changes to statements
Regression Tests
Case 1
Verify that the statement and statement mailer PDFs are correctly formatted and display all necessary information.
Case 1
On the statement and statement mailer PDFs, verify that the shipto name is displayed next to the shipto number.
KOD-20718: Implementation - Remove guest checkout
KOD-20717: Implementation - Countries and states
KOD-20720: Account
KOD-20722: Sending delayed emails to customer who placed the order
Regression Tests
Case 1
Release an order (this can be done manually or by using the operations portal under the Order menu and pressing the button "Release Order").
Check that an email is sent to the address specified in the field order.email1 if you have the following settings:
For the feature test, repeat the regression test with the new setting sendDelayedOrderEmailConfirmationToCustomerWhoPlacedOrder = 1.
Now, you need to check that the email is sent to the address specified in the order field order.userName.
KOD-20724: Implementation - Setup a host
KOD-20723: Auto tag companies to the correct host
KOD-20725: Add server side controller to get order notes
Case 1
Try the new endpoints under the Order Note API.
[GET] /api/system/orderNote/{orderNoteID}
Roles: 'administrator' or 'superuser' or 'noteView' or 'noteEdit'
[POST] /api/system/orderNote
Roles: 'administrator' or 'superuser' or 'noteEdit'
[PUT] /api/system/orderNote/{orderNoteID}
Roles: 'administrator' or 'superuser' or 'noteEdit'
[PATCH] /api/system/orderNote/{orderNoteID}
Roles: 'administrator' or 'superuser' or 'noteEdit'
[DELETE] /api/system/orderNote/{orderNoteID}
Roles: 'administrator' or 'superuser' or 'noteEdit'
[POST] /api/system/orderNote/list
Roles: 'administrator' or 'superuser' or 'noteView'
KOD-20726: erpDirectShipped Updates
Regression Tests
Case 1
Make sure regular products remain the same on the product list page and details page.
Case 2
For a logged out user, make sure the erpDirectShipped product still shows the charges may apply icon on the product details page.
Case 3
For a logged in or out user, make sure you still see the quantity displayed for a regular product.
Case 1
For a logged in or out user, make sure you do not see the quantity displayed for an erpDirectShipped product on the list and details page.
Case 2
For a logged in user on the details page for an erpDirectShipped product, make sure you see ‘Canada wide shipping. Charges may apply. ’ as well as the $ icon.
Case 3
For a logged in/out user, on the product list page, the erpDirectShipped products should have the $ icon of charges may apply.
KOD-20728: Change placement of clearance tag on plp (list view)
Case 1
The clearance tag for list view should now be relocated.
To find products with this tag simply go to clearance center category.
KOD-20729: Set up system for the second cono
KOD-20730: Install the app for second cono
KOD-20736: Guest orders didn't create in Leads in Saleforce
Case 1
Testing “request quote“ option on guest checkout.
Please also test placing orders for guest with credit card and purchase order options.
KOD-20737: Order templates tweaks
Regression Tests
Case 1
Please test each order template to ensure it functions as expected.
Case 1
Please verify that the package ID field is not present.
Case 2
Please verify that the terms line is present at the bottom.
KOD-20744: Push Bag to Trend as a Bag unit
KOD-20752: Display Downpayment on Invoices in the Paid Stage
KOD-20753: Map Warehouse
KOD-20759: Pricing Rework
KOD-20764: Update Email in Error Messages to Customers
KOD-20766: Add Page Numbers to Bottom of Statement Mailer
KOD-20772: Change Color of Web Address to Black on Mailers
KOD-20774: API user in the operation portal
Regression Tests
Case 1
Verify that on the global Customers screen and the Companies → Company screens, the layout of the top section remains unchanged. Confirm that all buttons are displayed as usual.
Case 1
On the global Customers Screen check that new icon button "Create API User" was added to the top of the screen.
Case 2
Click the "Create API User" button.
Verify that a new modal window appears on the screen after clicking the button.
Ensure that the Name and Company input fields are clearly marked and displayed as required.
Confirm that the form cannot be submitted without filling in the required fields.
Case 3
Fill in the form from 2nd case.
Description should be optional.
Click "Create User" button.
After click another one modal window should be opened.
Check that you can copy Username and API key by clicking on the copy icons.
Click "Assign Roles" button.
After that click you should be redirected to your customer’s page Roles Tab. You can assign roles for your newly created user here.
Case 4
Open Companies → Company → Customers Tab.
To the top section should be added button "Add API Customer". Click on it.
In the modal window should be only 2 fields to fill. Name field should be required, description should be optional.
Type API customer’s name and click create user.
Check that your API customer was created on your company.
KOD-20782: Setting up email sending for orders not sent to ERP
KOD-20783: Tracking Numbers with Links Don't Show as Clickable
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check orders with Tracking Data in following places:
Customer Portal Order Details
Operations Portal Order Email and Order PDF
In the tracking info section, tracking numbers without links should be displayed as plain text in black, with no underline and should not be clickable.
Case 1
Check orders with tracking data in the following places
Customer Portal Order Details
Operations Portal Order Email and Order PDF
In these locations, ensure that tracking numbers with links are displayed in blue with an underline.
KOD-20785: AD Images
KOD-20786: Implementation - noindex
Regression Tests
Case 1
Make sure everything on the SEO page still looks/works correctly.
Case 2
Click around the site and make sure all pages still load.
Case 1
Log into the operations portal → Marketing → SEO → notice new section called Meta Robots → Click on the dropdown and select any of the options → click save → now go to the website → open dev tools and load the page → in the head section notice the robot tag with whatever value you selected
Case 2
Do the same thing as above but select the empty value in the dropdown → now when you go to the website notice there is no robot tag.
KOD-20787: Add Additional Columns to Customer Portal Ticket View
Regression Tests
Case 1
On the customer portal, check that the columns at the Tickets view work correctly.
Case 1
On the customer portal view tab Tickets. Verify there are available “created” and “last modified” columns.
KOD-20793: Issue with exporting orders
Regression Tests
Case 1
In the Operations Portal, verify that all exports are functioning correctly. Specifically, ensure that the order of the columns in the grid matches the order of the columns in the export file.
Note: For NDJSON exports, you do not need to check the column order, only verify that the export is working.
KOD-20798: COD payment issue
Regression Tests
Case 1
Navigate to the Operations Portal → Orders → Select any order → Configure Email. Verify that the email body is still displayed correctly.
Case 2
Navigate to the Operations Portal → Orders → Select any order → Configure Email. Verify that the email subject line is displayed correctly.
Case 3
Navigate to the operations portal → orders → choose any order → Request Payment → you still can see page and pay order.
Case 1
Navigate to the Operations Portal → Orders → Select any order → Configure Email. Verify that the email subject line displays the Order ID with a two-character suffix “-00” rather than “-0”.
Case 2
Navigate to the Operations Portal → Orders → Select any order → Click on Request Payment → Pay the order with ORDERID.
Check that pay order ORDERID Order ID shows the two-character suffix “-00” instead of “-0”.
KOD-20809: Add date picker to new system event page
KOD-20814: Ship / Unship Orders
KOD-20816: Make trip API server side API an S controller
KOD-20822: InforOS Datalake Integration - Add server side API
Case 1
We need credentials for Infor to get data from there and create the events in Kodaris.
In this case, I used the mapping code ‘oeehp’ and therefore the EventType is related to OrderShipment
Use the new server side to export new sync data from User Script.
To test we need to execute the following call from User Script:
KOD-20827: Show all shiptos in company address dropdown
KOD-20828: Spin up system US
KOD-20830: Spin up system CA
KOD-20833: Make delivery API server side API an S controller
KOD-20834: Fix Cart Issue Bug in base install
KOD-20835: Null Email on Sales Rep COD
KOD-20849: Implementation - SSO Link
KOD-20852: Script Editor not loading intermittently
Regression Tests
Case 1
On the login page, confirm chatlio is loaded.
After entering the operations portal, confirm chatlio is loaded.
Navigate through the website and confirm chatlio is loaded.
Refresh the page, confirm chatlio is loading properly
Case 1
As a logged user navigate to the script page:
User script
API script.
Confirm those pages are loaded after two seconds delay.
Confirm chatlio is loaded too.
Refresh the page and confirm code-editor is loaded as expected.
KOD-20859: Fix android app
KOD-20862: Create video on meta robots tag
KOD-20872: Some Interchange Cross References are not Working