A new Services section has been added to the operations portal where you will be able to manage projects, complete tasks, track time, service calls and more. The Tickets screen is the first item under this section with more coming soon!
Enter billable time on order tickets in hours, minutes, and seconds
You can now log time on an order ticket by entering the number of hours, minutes, and seconds spent. For example: 1h 30m 20s. This update is coming soon to all ticket screens.
View more company product list columns and items
On the global company product lists screen, six new columns have been added: Extra 1 - 5 and External ID. You can also view the items on these lists by navigating to the list details.
Import company product lists by external ID
A new import option has been added for importing Company and Customer Product Lists. You can now import using an external identifier which is useful if you are migrating product lists from another system. For example, you can export product lists from another system including the external identifiers and then you can import these into Kodaris. Next, the product list items can be imported using the external list identifier - this will attach the product list items to the correct product list coming from the external system.
Mark filter categories as non-searchable
You can now mark whether a filter category should be searchable or not searchable on your commerce website. If you mark it as non-searchable, it will not show up as an available product filter to customers. You can use this to group products into attributes that show on the product details page for example. This is dependent upon your website implementation so please contact your account manager if you are interested.
Custom MySql database
In the true spirit of being an open, flexible platform, Kodaris has added a custom MySql database where customers can create their own database tables and custom schemas to build applications and modifications on the platform. This can be used with the Kodaris cloud development environments. If you would like a personalized walk through, please reach out to your account manager.
Record system events
Developers can now record their own system events to the Kodaris data lake. These events will show up along with the other system events under System > System Event Information.
Test that search and category pages on a cloud site.
Test the cloud customer app for a cloud site. Make sure search for products works and load more paging works.
Also in the cloud customer app make sure products display correctly and product details display correctly along with pricing etc for logged in users etc
Test product search in general on cloud sites.
KOD-13900: Customer Portal - Fix Button Font Size
Orders => Order => Print and Edit buttons size should be 14px.
KOD-13870: Make Newly Assigned Sales Rep Show on the Quote and Update Quote Assignee
KOD-13867: creditAppStatusChanges - Email not Sending after Submitting Form
KOD-13863: Add DataLake Record to Customer App
KOD-13937: PunchOut Orders Without PostalAddress
Submit PunchOut OrderRequest with no PostalAddress in BillTo.
Check Order is created.
Regression tests:
Submit PunchOut OrderRequest from e-procurement system.
Check order is entered (in employee portal).
KOD-13989: Add Ability to Assign Employees to Tickets as Assignees
Go to ticket detail page.
Assignment type field should be present in sidebar.
Assignment should work like previously but use new employeeAssignment endpoints.
KOD-13994: Do not Require Multi-tenant to be on for Emails on Certain Sites
On sites, test reseting admin password from the operations portal.
Make sure it works and you get the "your password was reset email".
Also test reseting your employee portal password on a non-cloud site. Make sure it works and you get your password was reset email.
KOD-13996: Send Reset Password Complete Email
KOD-14000: Update Last Modified Field When Comment is Added
In portal go to CRM -> Company and select any Company and add to the grid 'Last Modified' field.
Add a comment to this Company using "Toggle Comment" as depicted in attached file from description.
Wait several second, refresh the grid and check whether 'Last Modified' it has to be updated.
Regression test actually the same, just add comment to any Company, all has to work without any disruption.
KOD-14029: Move Tickets Screen to New Services Section in Operations Portal
KOD-14035: Assign Lead to Sales Rep and Track Reps on Lead
Assignee section must be present on company-detail screen.
You should be able to assign/unassign employees to company.
KOD-14044: CMS - Support File Upload in Form Block
Create simple form block and add some input fields.
Select 1 input and select block tab in sidebar.
Now in input type select file input type should be present. Select it.
Input field should be changed on file field.
KOD-14072: Create UX for NON Searchable Product Attributes in Operations Portal
Enter Filter Categories.
Check for the Searchable column.
Test adding a new Filter Category with different searchable values.
Check if dropdown options work and whether the category is created with correct searchable values.
KOD-14077: CMS - Change Update Button Text to Save
KOD-14079: Add UX for Assignees to All Tickets Screens in Operations Portal
Assignee columns should be present under Linked Tickets tab on Ticket details
KOD-14083: Add Interceptor to Search Suggester
Regression Tests: Make sure the suggester works normally when using the type as you search in the search boxes. It should properly display the code and the name like it usually does.
KOD-14091: Create user1 Lowercase Field in Product Document for Indexing
In portal take any Product and populate its field user1-user10 with some test values by using lower and upper cases.
Trigger re-index for Products.
In portal go to the PIM->Product and type in search line values you put to user1-user10 in the previous step, herewith type the same value in both lower and upper cases.
Make sure that your search is able to find the Product in which you populated user1-user10 and the typed values are case insensitive.
Regression test
Trigger Product re-index all has to work as usual without any disruption.
KOD-14098: Open Assigned Addresses in Company Details
Got to Company Details
Go to Customers tab
Choose a customer and proceed to customer details
Test if you can enter the following Company Customer tabs screens:
Assigned Addresses
Custom Records
Custom Fields
KOD-14120: Customer Portal - Allow Reorder on any Order a User has Access to
Use reorder button to add prev order to cart (logged in as Customer1):
Reorder Order placed by Customer2
Reorder Order on company (not tied to Customer)
Basically any order seen by customer in customer portal should now be possible to reorder.
KOD-14132: UX Updates for Company Product Lists Imports
On global Company Product Lists screen and Company => Product Lists screen the externalID and extra1 - extra5 columns were added, not displayed by default.
On global Company Product Lists test the ability to go to the product list products by clicking an arrow button.
KOD-14135: Add Import by External ID Option
Test the new import options by importing by external ID.
KOD-14141: Short Pay - Add shortPayReasons to Configuration Endpoint