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Defining Kodaris: Our Shared Decision-Making Framework

Published on May 21, 2023
Written by Kodaris team

This story defines Kodaris as a company. It’s what we live by – as humans, team members, customers, and vendors. It outlines the qualities we need to succeed. Kodaris uses this framework as criteria for decision-making, hiring, promoting, and guiding us to have a positive impact on the world around us.

Build relationships through trust and radical transparency

As humans, we exist because of relationships. A key to success is the relationships we have with each and every person we interact with. Relationships are a result of trust; trust is built over time; and the cornerstone of trust is honesty.

Keys to building trust through honesty:

  1. Do not ask or expect people to trust you; tell them not to. Instead, ask if you can have the opportunity to earn their trust
  2. It is okay to say, “I do not know.” DO NOT give the wrong answer or act like you know when you do not.
  3. Own what you do. Own your mistakes and the company’s mistakes. Capitalize by being humble, and make it up to the person you’ve failed. Invest in making your mistakes right; it will come back to you.
  4. Deliver what you say you will deliver - therefore, do not over-promise or promise what you do not know can be delivered. If you deliver, it builds trust. Trust is earned one success at a time.
  5. Don’t be greedy with success or money. Everyone works hard. Take less, share; it will pay back 50X in the long run.
  6. We value those who value relationships.

We believe in the golden rule

Building on a relationship through trust, we need to enhance and drive that relationship deeper by following what some refer to as the golden rule or the second great commandment. It must be implemented through the lens of focusing on the other person.

  1. Embrace and love different cultures, views, all people. We are all equal.
  2. Do unto others as you would have done to you. If you would not like it, why would someone else? View your decisions through the lens, “what would the other person want?”
  3. Help others succeed. Love it, cheer when others do. When one succeeds, we all succeed.
  4. Expect failure; none of us are perfect. We are all trying to get better.
  5. When issues are encountered, answer softly but firmly. If we are honest and transparent, expect the same from others.
  6. If you are willing to work hard and learn, we will find an opportunity for you. We all would like the chance, but it is up to each of us, given the chance.

Try to matter less, try to matter more

Building on the first two tenants, consciously work on putting others first. Through driving success for others, you will find a path of success for you and others.

  1. The way to succeed is hard work, dependability, and taking initiative.
  2. The more someone trusts and depends on you, the more valuable you are.
  3. Do not personalize work to yourself; it is prideful and selfish. BE Kodaris. We all have different backgrounds and experiences, but we come together to be Kodaris.
  4. When thinking about the product, a process, anything, always remember the user. When we hear, “I think it should work this way,” that is automatically not accepted due to the focus on “I.” When we hear, “The user is doing X, they are trying to accomplish X, the best experience could be this…” We know we are thinking through the correct viewpoint. It does not matter what we think; it matters what the user thinks.

Humility and hard work is the only work

Built on the first four tenants, humility is required for work to be successful. We are all part of the team contributing to success for everyone.

  1. Never ask someone to do something you would not be willing to do.
  2. Be a servant to those around you, ready to jump in and help when needed.
  3. Expect to work hard. Expect others to work hard. Hold yourself to this standard. Those who want to coast are not tolerated; it is not fair to the rest of the team.
  4. Actions are greater than words and are the true measure.
  5. Measuring work matters. It helps us improve and others improve.

Passion is welcome, but calm heads prevail

Passion is electric, excites us, and pulls people together. Be passionate, but build on the first six tenants. Passion harnessed is unstoppable.

  1. Be passionate—it is contagious to employees and customers. Love what you do.
  2. Passion pulls teams together. Be passionate about being the best, and you will attract and retain the best.
  3. We are all people driving toward the same goal. When solving problems together, debate, argue, and be passionate. When the decision is made, come together, own it, and be passionate about executing on the goal. This is one of the most important qualities you can possess.
  4. Logic is greater than passion. Recognize when what you are passionate about may be wrong or not a good fit. Change, and be passionate about the change.
  5. Passion is about listening. Listen, listen, understand, and then react to the situation or provide an answer calmly and deliberately. If we are “logically” passionate, we understand.
  6. Clarity about what we are passionate about communicates confidence.

Small bets mean quicker feedback loops

Entrepreneurship, relationships, and life are all trial and error. No one does it perfectly; no one figures it out the first time. Whether it is school, sports, or anything in life, we all get better through practice. In life, practice does not exist; therefore, we must try (bet) on a small scale, get feedback, and try again.

  1. Limit liability by making small bets.
  2. Expand on what worked, and learn from what did not.
  3. Accept small failures; we fail by design.
  4. Move fast; speed is everything.
  5. Deliver a product that works. Judging success or failure cannot happen if it does not work.
  6. Solving large complex problems happen one iteration at a time learning from each step.
  7. Every success is a long journey of success and failure.

The future is ours to create (together)

When we each think about the future – as human beings, as an employee, as a customer, as a business – we determine our future. We do not determine that in a vacuum. We determine that based on the strengths of the relationships we build and everything encapsulated in our tenants. Together, we determine the future.

  1. Innovate at all costs. You are moving forward or backward in technology. There is no stasis.
  2. Accept what is good enough for today as long as you have plans to improve and conquer the next iteration. Small wins matter and we learn from them.
  3. Every partnership requires a win/win. Be passionate about finding the win/win between employees, customers, and each other.
  4. Want something new? Find how to make it an asset, and show the value.
  5. Kodaris sells the future, what could be, even if not there today. Kodaris partners with customers and users for the long-term win together.
  6. Kodaris loves customers who want to lead their space.
  7. Kodaris loves customers that want to adopt the future.
  8. Kodaris loves customers that want to be different and invest in their future.