Customers can now edit the column labels, or titles, on any screen in the Customer Portal. Doing this will change the default column label to whatever is added in its place and saved. This ability allows users to customize the screens and change the labels so that they apply more directly to their business, processes, and operations.
Learn how to edit the column labels by watching this video:
Clickable tracking numbers on the Orders screen
Tracking numbers are now clickable on the Orders screen in the Customer Portal. If a customer has the column titled “Tracking Numbers” added to their grid view, they will be able to select tracking numbers directly from the grid and be taken to the logistics provider’s tracking page. While still available, this eliminates the need to click into an order’s Details page to locate the tracking number.
Watch the video below to see this new feature in action:
Operations Portal
“Revisions” tab added to script screens
A new tab titled “Revisions” has been added to the following screens in the Operations Portal:
API Scripts
User Scripts
The purpose of the “Revisions” tab is to show a log of all revisions, or updates, made to a script. On this tab, you can click to view the details of a revision and opt to reverse a revision if needed.
Learn more about this update in the video below:
KOD-18392: Update Logic infor price engine for new price modifier screen
KOD-19085: Add UX for script revisions
Regression Tests
Case 1
Navigate to the script screen.
Confirm list of scripts is loaded properly.
Add new script.
Confirm script can be added.
On the brand new script press edit button.
Change script detail information.
Confirm change is applied.
Navigate to the script editor page.
Clear logs.
Confirm logs section is cleared.
Double click on the delete button.
Confirm script was deleted.
Case 2
Navigate to the API scripts screen.
Confirm API scripts loaded properly.
Select any API scripts and navigate to its editor page.
Change previous content and press save button.
Confirm API script is saved.
Press “Run“.
Confirm message displayed.
Case 3
Navigate to the user scripts screen.
Confirm user scripts loaded properly.
Add new user script.
Confirm user script is added.
Navigate to the script editor page.
Add some text and press clear.
Confirm all text is removed.
Add line app.log('text').
Open logs screen and run user script.
Confirm user script has been run successfully.
Case 4
Navigate to the interceptors screen.
Select any interceptor.
Navigate to its editor screen.
Copy interceptors content.
Modify interceptor with any comment.
Press “Reset“ button.
Confirm values is changed with removing added comment.
In case content was changed to other value → paste copied content and save interceptor.
Case 1
Script revisions list:
Navigate to the scripts screen.
Select any script and navigate to its detail page.
Confirm page contains two tabs: “Editor“ and “Revisions“.
Select revisions tab.
Confirm data is loaded properly.
Use sorting for revision date and Revision date raw columns.
Confirm sorting is working as expected.
Select any revision and navigate to it’s details page.
Confirm page is loaded properly and data is displayed.
Confirm breadcrumbs are working as expected.
Case 2
Script revisions add:
Select any script from the scripts screen.
Navigate to its editor page.
Open Editor tab and change the content of the script.
Save changes and navigate to script revisions tab.
Confirm new revision displayed on the list.
Case 3
Script revisions restore.
Navigate to the scripts screen.
Select any script and navigate to its details page.
Select “Revisions” tab.
Click on the restore revision button.
Confirm redirection to the editors tab.
Confirm content of the script has changed.
Navigate back to the script revisions.
Confirm new record was added.
Navigate to revisions detail page.
Repeat steps 4-8 from the revisions details page.
Case 4
API script revisions list:
On the operations portal navigate to the API scripts screen.
Select any API script an open its details page.
Confirm there are two tabs: “Editor” and “Revisions“.
Open revisions tab and confirm page is opened and revisions are loaded properly.
For the revision date and revision date raw columns use sorting.
Confirm sorting applied properly.
Navigate to API script revision’s details page.
Confirm page is loaded and data is displayed.
Use breadcrumbs and confirm navigation works as expected.
Case 5
API script revision add:
Navigate to the API scripts screen.
Select any script and update script content.
Press “Save” and navigate to the “Revisions” tab.
Confirm new revision record is added.
Case 6
Restore API script revisions.
Navigate to the API script page.
Select any API script.
Navigate to the revisions tab.
Select any revision and click on the restore revision button.
Confirm redirection to the editor page.
Confirm API script source is changed to the value of the script revision.
Navigate to the revisions tab.
Confirm new API script revision record was added.
Navigate to the revision detail page.
Repeat steps 4-8.
Case 7
Interceptor revisions list:
Navigate to the interceptors screen.
Select any interceptor and navigate to it’s details page.
Confirm detail page contains editor tab and revisions tab.
Navigate to the revisions tab.
Confirm page is displayed and data is loaded properly.
Apply sorting for the revision date and revision date raw columns.
Confirm sorting works as expected.
Navigate to any revision detail page.
Confirm page is loaded properly and data displayed as expected.
Use breadcrumbs and confirm redirection to the right page.
Case 8
Add interceptor revision:
Navigate to the interceptors screen.
Select any interceptor.
Press save button.
Navigate to the revisions tab.
Confirm new record was added.
Update interceptor’s content.
Repeat steps 3-5.
Case 9
Restore interceptor revision.
Navigate to the Interceptors page.
Select any interceptor and navigate to it’s detail page.
Navigate to the revisions tab.
Select any revision.
Click on the restore revision button.
Confirm redirection to the editor tab.
Confirm source is changed to the revision’s source.
Navigate back to the revisions tab.
Confirm new revision was added.
Repeat steps 4-9 from the revision’s detail page.
Case 10
User script revisions list
Navigate to the user scripts screen.
Confirm this page is displayed and data is loaded properly.
Select any user script and navigate to it’s detail page.
Confirm the editor page is displayed and data is loaded.
Navigate to the user script’s detail page.
Confirm editor page is loaded and revisions tab is visible.
Navigate to the revisions tab.
Confirm revisions are loaded properly.
Navigate to the revision’s detail page.
Confirm information is displayed properly.
Case 11
Add user script revision.
Navigate to the user scripts screen.
Select any script and navigate to it’s details page.
Press Save button and navigate to the revisions tab.
Confirm new revision record was added.
Navigate back to the editor screen.
Update user scripts content.
Confirm new revision record was added to the revisions list.
Case 12
Restore user script revision.
Navigate to the user scripts screen.
Select any script and navigate to it’s detail page.
Navigate to the Revisions tab.
Click on Restore revision button.
Confirm redirection to the editor page.
Confirm content of the user script was updated.
Navigate to the revisions tab and confirm new revision record was added.
Navigate to the revision’s detail page.
Repeat steps 4-7.
KOD-19965: Payment
KOD-21546: Implementation - UPS integration
KOD-22950: Implementation - Alert Invoices
KOD-22984: Pull order updates
KOD-23064: Implementation
KOD-23083: Apply eco fees to skus
Regression Tests
Case 1
Test Cart and applying order discounts.
Case 1
Test newly added public and system /discountAndFees endpoints.
Case 2
Test newly added endpoint : /api/user/cart/calculateSubtotal
KOD-23125: Product Regionality Restrictions
KOD-23163: Set Up Outside Sales Rep Assignments
KOD-23202: setup
KOD-23206: Implementation - updates
KOD-23274: Make Embedded Spreadsheet Available in Tablet View
KOD-23280: Get eco fees from CSD
Regression Tests
Case 1
Please test that the discounts screen works as usual.
Case 1
Please test that we have new discount type - order item and it works as expected.
Case 2
Please test that we have new column - state and it is editable.
KOD-23318: Create a video how to restrict visibility of some products for some customers
KOD-23396: Add Map Markers
KOD-23408: Create Test System
KOD-23464: Hyperlink Tracking Numbers
Regression Tests
Case 1
In the customer portal, make sure the orders grid still loads properly → add in the tracking numbers column and make sure it gets added properly.
Case 1
In the orders grid, find an order that has tracking numbers → notice the numbers are now a link → click on one → if a valid tracking number, you should be routed to the tracking URL in a new tab.
Case 2
Find a tracking number that is not valid (possibly just on test sites with bad data) → click on the link → you should get a little snacker error message saying the tracking URL is unavailable.
KOD-23477: Check Credit Application Status Notification Email Format
KOD-23487: Add import update processes to include entity deletions
KOD-23535: Customer Portal - Update Parent/Child Company to Show Shipto Information
KOD-23544: Add the correct vendor product when vendor credit request is submitted - Catalog CSD Table
KOD-23551: Add Revisions to Scripts screen in the Operations Portal
Regression Tests
Case 1
For this test, we will navigate to the Scripts screen.
Make sure everything loads properly.
We will click on the Edit Script Details button, a pop up should appear. We will modify the values and click on Save.
Your changes should be saved correctly.
Case 2
Also on the Scripts screen, we will click on the Add Script button and create or own script.
After you click on Add you should be taken to the Code editor and logs screen.
If you go back to the grid screen you should see your new script there.
Finally, we will delete the script we created by double clicking on the Delete button.
The script should disappear from the list.
Case 3
We will go to the Scripts screen and click on the right arrow of an item. We should be taken to the “Content” tab.
This should behave the same way as the previous screen that wasn’t inside a tab did.
We should be able to edit the script and save the changes by pressing the Save Script button or CTRL + S keys.
Writing more lines of code than they fit in the screen should start a scroll functionality.
You should see logs appearing at the bottom.
You can clear the logs by pressing the Clear logs button.
Case 1
For this test, we will go to the Scripts screen and select a script.
You should see two tabs: Content and Revisions.
Clicking on them should switch the page between /content and /revisions .
We will go to the Revisions tab where we should see a grid with all the revisions for that script.
The columns there should be Code, Name, Description, Type, Value, Revision Date and Setting ID as a hidden column.
This grid is non-editable, filterable or sortable.
Test the Show / Hide Columns button and the dragging of the column.
Case 2
For this test we will go to the main Scripts screen and edit the details of one script. We will change the code, name and language.
We will select the script we modified and also change the code in the Content tab.
Then we will go to the Revisions screen of that script.
We will test the Restore Revision button.
We will select one of the rows we want and take a look at the values it has on all fields, since these are the values the script will have after the restore occurs.
We will click the Restore Revision button. This should take us to the Content page and after it reloads you should see the value from that revision being displayed on the Content screen.
Also, if you go back to the main Script screen, the values for Code, Name and Language (Description on the Revisions screen) should match the one from the revision you used for the restoring process.
Case 3
For this test, we will go to a script revision details screen by clicking on the right arrow on the Revisions grid.
This should take us to a new screen where we display the information of that revision.
Please test the breadcrumbs to make sure they work as they should.
We will test the Restore Revision button at the top by following the steps of Case 2 but using this button instead.
The result should be the same as in previous test.
KOD-23555: Custom Parser
KOD-23571: Geocode Addresses on Leads - Next steps
Case 1
When the setting enableGeocodingLeadsAddresses is turned on, a process for updating all existing leads with latitude and longitude null should be triggered.
This will update all existing leads if they have address fields populated.
To identify if everything works as expected, open operation logs before turn it on and check the order ids that are being updated.
This will only work when the latitude/longitude are null. So if you turn setting off and turn it again it will only update those records that don’t have coordinates yet.
KOD-23574: Auto-Assign Employees to Companies Configuration
Case 1
For this test, we will use the navigation menu to look for a new screen called Employee Assignment it should be under CRM.
You should only be able to access this screen if you have one of the following permissions:
For this test we will navigate to Employee Assignment screen.
We will test the first field “Auto-Assign Employees to Companies”.
On a different tab, we will open the Settings screen and search for “jobAssignSalesRepsToCompanies”.
We need to test that the setting is being updated whether we change it on the Employee Assignment screen or on the Settings screen.
Case 3
On the same screen as on Case 1, we will test test the second field “Assign By”.
On a different tab, we will open the Settings screen and search for “assignOutsideRepsInsideOrBoth”.
We need to test that the setting is being updated whether we change it on the Employee Assignment screen or on the Settings screen.
I will provide the value and what label it should match and be displayed:
justInside : Inside Sales Rep
justOutside: Outside Sales Rep
both : Inside or Outside Sales Rep
Case 4
On the same screen as on Case 1, we will test test the third field “Auto-Unassign Employees from Companies”.
On a different tab, we will open the Settings screen and search for “unassignSalesReps”.
We need to test that the setting is being updated whether we change it on the Employee Assignment screen or on the Settings screen.
I will provide the value and what label it should match and be displayed:
none : No
autoAssigned : Yes
Case 5
On the same screen as on Case 1, we will test test the fourth field “Notifications".
On a different tab, we will open the Settings screen and search for “notificationSettingsToAdd”.
We have three checkboxes here, each of which adds a string to a comma-delim list.
We need to test that the setting is being updated whether we change it on the Employee Assignment screen or on the Settings screen.
I will provide the value and what label it should match and be displayed:
EmployeeExpiringJob : Notify employee when a job is about to expire.
CreditStatusChanges : Notify employee when the credit status changes for a company.
NewWebOrderPlaced : Notify employee when an order is placed for a company.
We will try with every combination of checkboxes and reload to make sure there are no errors when loading the page specially when there are no checkboxes selected.
Case 6
For this test, we will go to Employee Assignment screen.
On a different tab, we will go to Settings screen.
We will delete all of the settings related to this ticket.
When the settings don’t exist, updating the value on the Employee Assignment screen should create the setting we are modifying.
If the setting is already created, it should be patched.
KOD-23575: Create sx mapping for price modifiers
KOD-23579: Add Rebate Pricing
KOD-23587: Design adjustments requested - Part 2
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check that footer still looks good and links work fine.
Case 2
Check that header still looks good.
Case 3
Check that product list still looks good.
Case 4
Check that home page still looks good.
Case 1
Check if you can see an additional logo in the footer.
Case 2
Check that you see new link in footer and you can navigate to sitemap.
Case 3
Check that logo on home page is from comments section.
Case 4
Check that borders around products have same width.
KOD-23601: Check/update integration for consumer integrations
KOD-23610: Add Data tab for Ticket Template screen
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check that the Ticket Templates page looks good.
Check that only tickets with ticketType = 'Ticket Template' are displayed on the page.
Check that there are no errors in the console.
Case 1
Check that there are 2 tabs on the Ticket Templates page - Search and Data.
Check that the tabs look good and only contain tickets with ticketType = 'Ticket Template'.
Check that when you select sorting, go to the ticket page and return to the Ticket page, the sorting values are saved.
Check that the Customer Project field is present on the page, it is sortable and filterable.
KOD-23616: Paid On Date not Showing
Regression Tests
Case 1
Make sure that, if there is a payment record associated to the order, the paymentDate that shows up is taken from the payment record and not from the setting.
Case 1
If there is no associated payment to the order, paymentDate should be populated from paiddt setting.
Check new setting: sxPaymentTypeACH whether is exist in setting list.
KOD-23648: Design adjustments requested Part 3
Regression Tests
Case 1
Navigate to the customer Portal. Go to home page and check if footer is displayed correctly
Case 2
Navigate to the customer portal. Go to catalog screen and check if it is displayed correctly.
Case 1
Navigate to the customer portal → Welcome page. Scroll down to the footer. Check that info is on right side and logo’s section on left side.
Case 2
Navigate to home page and scroll to the bottom. On contact form there are catalog and product sections. Check if there is autocompletes when you try to enter something.
Case 3
Navigate to home page and scroll to the bottom. On contact form there are catalog and product sections. Enter and select any catalog. Check if you can see in autocomplete for products only such products that are under chosen category or its subcategories.
Case 4
Navigate to home page and scroll to the bottom. On contact form there are catalog and product sections. Enter and select any catalog. Try to enter product from different category and verify that autocomplete don’t show such option.
Case 5
Navigate to customer portal and go Catalog that has title. Check if the title on the title is divided for two lines and the first line is a little shorter than the second one.
Case 6
Navigate to customer portal and go Catalog that has title. Try to modify and enter another few words. Check if division is still the same: the first line is a little shorter than the second one.
KOD-23650: Company Group, Company, and Customer Catalogs
Regression Tests
Case 1
We should test that product list/grid/table pages work as usual. Also product details and cart items pages.
Case 1
Guest user:
Can see ‘catalogs’ at the top right corner of header and after clicking on it should be redirected to sign in page.
Case 2
Logged in user:
When clicking the 'Catalogs' URL - we should be redirected to our company/ group/ user catalogs. We can enter any of them to see the contents of the catalog. We can also remove/ add items to selected catalog if the field “customer can modify” is set to yes on it.
We should also test editing the existing catalog.
Case 3
Logged in user, catalog creation from commerce:
Try creating and editing a new catalog from commerce.
Case 4
Catalog creation from the cart.
This is only available for logged in users. Add some items to the cart and on a first step of checkout there should be an actions dropdown with customer and company catalog options. Test creating a catalog from the cart.
KOD-23661: Implementation
KOD-23662: Improve performance in /list endpoints
KOD-23672: Stocking Instructions not on Orders in DDA
Regression Tests
Case 1
Go to Trip → delivery → deliver items.
The button to open/close order should work correctly.
Case 1
On the same page, as for used for regression text case, please confirm that orderNotes are displayed correctly, if they are present on the web for this order.
Test Deposit Payment in Customer portal via new Terminal flow.
Setup Terminal, paymentFlows on it should be empty or contain “Account“ value (paymentFlows is a comma-delimited string with payment flows this terminal can/should be used).
Validate setting customerPasswordRequiresSpecialCharacter appears in the setting screen with default value = 0.
KOD-23703: Add a drop down on the order item entry screens
Regression Tests
Case 1
On the Order Detail and Cash Quote Detail Screens:
Make sure screen is not broken.
If order or cash quote is editable → you should be able to edit those successfully.
Case 1
On the Order Detail and Cash Quote Detail Screens:
Check Delivery Method Section:
Make sure there is new field with dropdown called Pricing Location.
Make sure values for this dropdown are taken from warehouses.
Try selecting values in this dropdown. Refresh the page.
Make sure value you’ve selected is saved for Pricing Location.
KOD-23704: Implementation - Sync inventory
KOD-23712: Remove Duplicate Attributes
KOD-23714: Add import/export for Pricing Modifiers
Case 1
Test newly added PricingModifiers export endpoints.
Case 2
Test PricingModifiers import.
KOD-23731: Add ability to edit column label on the Orders screen in the Customer portal
Regression Tests
Case 1
In order to test that you have to have set canCustomizeCustomerPortal setting to true.
Make sure there is only one custom definition for table with specific ID. For example if this happening, you won’t be able to correctly setup new custom columns.
Case 1
Check if you can edit label for default columns.
Check if you can edit any other column that was already created or displayed by default.
Check if your changes are saved after page reload.
KOD-23732: Update Parent/Child Company to Show Shipto Information
Regression Tests
Case 1
Test POST /api/account/customer/myCompanies working as expected.
Case 1
Test newly added interceptor customerCompanySearchPostProcessor.
KOD-23738: Modify product content display - WPAK code vs description
Regression Tests
Case 1
Confirm that the product and product list pages open without any errors and the content is visible.
Case 1
Confirm that the api/user/product/pricesByCodes request is sent on the product page and product list page, and:
If the unitConversions in the response is not empty, the selected description of this unit is displayed on the screen.
If the unitConversions in the response is empty, the unitSellForPrice field is displayed on the screen.
Case 2
Confirm that if we change the unit of a product on these pages, the displayed description updates accordingly to match the selected unit.
KOD-23740: og image is not showing on Facebook
KOD-23745: Link all Payment Emails to a Payment record
Case 1
Test emails for :
Deposit payment
Open Invoice Payment
Scheduled Payment
Need to test that those emails are successfully sent to customer and linked to appropriate paymentID.
Case 2
Test emails for :
Employee Internal comment on invoice
Employee Customer comment on invoice
Test emails are sent as expected to all subscribed users and they are linked to appropriate paymentID.
Case 3
Test emails for :
Customer comment on open invoice in customer portal.
Test emails are sent as expected to all subscribed users and they are linked to appropriate paymentID.
KOD-23747: Automatic customer registration
Regression Tests
Case 1
Test that the registration page still works correctly.
Also test that register links in header work, both in mobile and desktop view.
Case 1
After submitting the registration form, a company should be created in the operations portal and an email should also be sent to notify the email addresses in the contactFormEmailTo setting.
KOD-23750: Rerun Importer to bring in additional data
KOD-23753: Auto-Deleting and Uploading SASGE Table
KOD-23756: AP Automation Config Screen Updates
Regression Tests
Case 1
On AP Automation Screen:
Make sure page is not broken.
Make sure you’re able to update settings with dropdown values and after pressing Save button and page reload results are saved.
Case 2
On Vendor Detail Screen:
Make sure page is not broken.
Make sure you’re able to update fields on the page with no issues.
On the Automation section make sure settings are synced with the corresponding company settings (you can check Vendor → Custom Fields).
When there are no company settings, make sure fields within the Automation section are initialized with “No”.
Make sure when you’re editing them, they will be created and also added to the Custom Fields tab.
Case 1
On the AP Automation Screen: Make sure there were added 3 new fields with dropdowns:
uploadVendorInvoiceDocument (integerValue)
apAutomationProcessEnabledVendors (integerValue)
vendorInvoiceStatuses (textValue)
Those 3 settings on the AP Automation Screen should reflect global settings with the same code.
If there is no such global settings, they should be displayed as blank inputs.
Edit settings fields which were not existent and pressed Save button. Make sure those settings were created with your selected or typed values.
Try selecting different values for uploadVendorInvoiceDocument and apAutomationProcessEnabledVendors. Press Save button. Make sure values were updated on the AP Automation screen and within the global settings.
Case 2
On the AP Automation Screen. Make sure there was added input field for
Vendor Invoice Statuses. Which also contains value from the global setting vendorInvoiceStatuses. This is textValue setting which value could be empty or could contain comma-separated list of statuses. For example:
On the AP Automation screen each status should be displayed as a chip, you should be able to remove status by pressing on the arrow icon.
You should be able to add new status by typing value and pressing Enter buton/comma, semicolon.
Add some new values (chips). Press save. Make sure vendorInvoiceStatuses setting was updated correctly and is storing correct statuses.
Case 3
On the Vendor Detail Screen:
Check Automation Section. Make sure there was new field with dropdown Enable Automation added to the top of this section.
On the custom fields check company settings. Make sure there is no such company setting as
enableAutomation. Or remove it.
Refresh Vendor Detail Page. Make sure Enable Automation field stores value of the apAutomationProcessAllVendors global setting.
Select other value in the dropdown for the Enable Automation. In the custom fields make sure enableAutomation company setting was created.
Make sure when you update enableAutomation setting value on the Custom Fields tab, it is shown updated on the Vendor Details Tab.
Case 4
On the Vendor Detail Screen Automation Section:
Make sure Split Merged Invoices Dropdown field is located at the top of the second column.
KOD-23758: Add new logo on the Partners and Home pages
KOD-23760: Update category search for kodarisdemo
Regression Tests
Case 1
Make sure search is working with no issues.
You should be able to see product suggestions with valid queries.
Make sure if the character count that you’ve typed is more than 3 (3 and more without spaces) category search should begin. If there are any matched in categories, category suggestions should be displayed at the top. And after category suggestions, product suggestions should be displayed.
KOD-23761: Add type field to Price Modifier Screen
Regression Tests
Case 1
To to global Pricing Modifiers Screen.
Make sure it is loaded with no issues.
Make sure you’re able to edit editable cells within the grid with no issues.
Case 2
Open Detail Tab of Pricing Modifier record.
Make sure Pricing Modifiers Details Tab is working with no issues. You should be able to update values on the details tab with no issues.
Case 1
On the global Pricing Modifiers Screen make sure there was new column Type added to the column list. Add it to the grid. Make sure you’re able to update value in this column with no issues.
Case 2
Open Pricing Modifiers Details. Make sure there is new input field Type added to the details screen. Edit value in this new field.
Go back to the grid. Make sure your updates reflect on the grid for this record.
KOD-23763: Add email on a vaulted payment method
KOD-23762: Fix checkbox label position
Regression Tests
Case 1
Create a new Gutenberg page, add a form block, and confirm that the block appears without errors.
Confirm that you can add radio buttons and checkboxes, and they function and display correctly.
Confirm that in the checkbox settings, we can change the "name" attribute, and update the checkbox label.
Case 1
Add a checkbox section with multiple options to the form section, save it, and confirm that on the live site, the section label and checkboxes are displayed vertically (each element on a separate line).
If we select "inline-checkbox" in the block settings, confirm that on the live site, the label will still be displayed vertically, but the checkbox options will be arranged horizontally.
If the checkbox section contains only one option, confirm that the label will not be displayed on the page.
KOD-23765: Update customizer to respect v2 SEO URLs
Regression Tests
Case 1
Check that when you add pages to menus (header, footer, etc.), that the links, both in the CMS and on the website, still work fine and are correct.
Case 1
On sites with useV2SEOFilterUrls and seoContentMarker settings setup, check that when adding pages to menus in the customizer, the URLs are correct and reflect the setting values instead of something like ‘/s/content/some-page’.
KOD-23771: Add the URL for Custom Dashboard
KOD-23772: Set New Products to Not Display
KOD-23775: Speed up rebate pricing
KOD-23776: Thank You page - Fix display
KOD-23777: Fix error when previewing an Order Customer File with restricted roles
Regression Tests
Case 1
For this test, we have to log in the operations portal as an employee with one of the following permissions: 'administrator', 'superuser', 'customerFileView', 'customerFileEdit'.
We will go to the Customer Files screen.
Make sure everything loads properly. Also make sure that you can preview and download any type of item.
Case 1
For this test, we will log in as an Employee with only “orderView” and “deliveryCustomerFileView" roles.
We will go to Orders - Select an order - Customer Files tab.
For this test, we will look for customer files with entityType = “Order”.
This should work with any fileType.
Now, you should be able to see a preview of the item, Open in Split View and download the item since now we are using the order/{orderID}/customerFile/{customerFileID}/view endpoint instead of the global customer file view endpoint.
Case 2
Still on the same screen as in the previous test, we will now look for a customer file where entityType equals “Delivery”.
This should work with any fileType.
Now, you should be able to see a preview of the item, Open in Split View and download the item since now we are using the {{delivery/{deliveryID}/customerFile/{customerFileID}/view}} endpoint instead of the global customer file view endpoint.
KOD-23780: Fix issue to display Vendor Name and Code on Vendor Invoices Details screen
Case 1
For this test, we will go to a Vendor Invoice details screen and check the right sidebar.
Now, you should be able to see the Vendor Code and Name links. The values should match the response from the endpoint.
Clicking the links should send you to the Vendors details screen.
If the vendor doesn’t exist, you should see error “Vendor with id not found“.
KOD-23781: Display status of the product
Regression Tests
Case 1
Make sure that product list page (grid and list) and product details page work without any errors.
Check for guest and logged in users.
Case 1
For guest users nothing should change, since they can’t see inventory. But for logged in users - the product tiles will now contain the information about primary sku status. If it’s s, o or d - the status should be “Order as needed“, if x - “Discontinued“ else - “Stock“.
It should be on product list page (grid and list views) and product details page.
KOD-23782: Display a sale tag on the listing and the product details pages
Test pay open invoices in the operations portal via card and via ACH (old, non-terminal flow) on any regular site w/o Terminals setup.
KOD-23790: Add vendorApplies to Discount
KOD-23799: Send orderNote in api/system/order/driverDelivery/getSingleTripDetails endpoint
Regression Tests
Case 1
In mobile application, you need to continue seeing the Trip / Shipments and so on even if the order associated to the OrderShipment does not contain a notes.
If the order contains a value in ‘notes’ field, that should come in the ‘shipments’ as ‘orderNotes’ field.
You need a trip code to send as parameter in the request.
For testing, you need OrderShipments associated to that trip (Trip > Deliveries > OrderShipments ) and at least one orderShipment must contain externalOrderNumber to link to an order.
KOD-23801: Guest User is not able to open the Product List and Product Detail page
KOD-23805: Customer App - Send extra headers with every HTTP request
KOD-23808: Implementation - Parser Issue
KOD-23813: Add overridePricingWarehouse as an entity setting to OrderCreateUpdate
Case 1
Check whether the new field: overridePricingWarehouse can be updatable and readable from patch and /readDetails endpoints.
Create or select some exist order, copy current order ID.
Use patch endpoint: PATCH: api/system/order for updating field: overridePricingWarehouse.
KOD-23814: Fix file connection
KOD-23824:Make vertical alignment of filter category position default
Regression Tests
Case 1
Confirm that the category page (product list) loads without any errors.
Case 2
Confirm that on the category page, you can switch the page layout from horizontal to vertical by clicking the corresponding button.
Сase 3
Confirm that on the category page, you can change the view between grid, list, or catalog by clicking the respective icon.
Case 4
Confirm that if a user selects a filter and then changes the layout, the selected filter remains applied.
Case 5
Confirm that if we open a page with layout=vertical and then navigate to another category page, it will also open with a vertical layout, meaning we retain the layout preference for the user.
Case 1
For this test, we will go to the Product List page.
We will clear cookies to make sure we see the default alignment the first time we enter this screen.
If there is no layout query parameter declared in the URL, the defined layout should be “vertical”.
You can verify this by inspecting the filter container element and also by checking the button tooltip.
Case 2
Still on the products list page, make sure that the switch alignment button tooltip switches depending on the layout you are currently on.
If you are on the vertical alignment, the tooltip should say “Switch to horizontal layout”.
If you are on the horizontal alignment, the tooltip should say “Switch to vertical layout”.
KOD-23828: Platform - Copy PO terms onto invoice
KOD-23832: UX - Updates to terms on invoice & status display
Vendor Invoice status is not in the vendorInvoiceStatuses setting.
Expected: Vendor Invoice status is visible in the Status field.
KOD-23833: Add logo on the Partners and Home pages
KOD-23836: Add prefix to Employee Assignment setting
Case 1
For this test, we will navigate to Employee Assignment screen.
We will test test the fourth field “Notifications".
On a different tab, we will open the Settings screen and search for “AssignSalesRepsToCompaniesJob-notificationSettingsToAdd”.
If the setting doesn’t exist, make sure it gets created once we update one of the fields.
We have three checkboxes here, each of which adds a string to a comma-delimited list.
We need to test that the setting is being updated whether we change it on the Employee Assignment screen or on the Settings screen.
I will provide the value and what label it should match and be displayed:
EmployeeExpiringJob : Notify employee when a job is about to expire.
CreditStatusChanges : Notify employee when the credit status changes for a company.
NewWebOrderPlaced : Notify employee when an order is placed for a company.
We will try with every combination of checkboxes and reload to make sure there are no errors when loading the page specially when there are no checkboxes selected.
KOD-23837: Eco Fees
KOD-23839: Implementation - Set up Commerce website
KOD-23843: Return payment receipt in the response for invoice payments and deposits
Regression Tests
Case 1
Deposit Payment in Customer Portal.
Make a Payment - should be successful.
Case 2
Open Invoices Payment in Customer Portal.
Make a Payment - should be successful.
Case 1
Deposit Payment in Customer Portal.
API call response data now should not be null, it should return a customer side payment model, including generatedReceipt receipt html.
generatedReceipt should be returned (should not be null) for a Payment via NEW Terminals flow. For old payments - data in response will not be null, but generatedReceipt will not be populated (it will be null).
Case 2
Open Invoices Payment in Customer Portal.
API call response data now should not be null, it should return a customer side payment model, including generatedReceipt receipt html.
generatedReceipt should be returned (should not be null) for a Payment via NEW Terminals flow. For old payments - data in response will not be null, but generatedReceipt will not be populated (it will be null).
KOD-23855: Customers Able to Bypass Min Qty Requirements
KOD-23857: Extra image added when uploading primary image