Once payloads are saved in the system, each record is sent through the mapper individually. The system allows you to map fields with a JSON configuration file for each entity we map. Each record also can be manipulated by a pre-processor and a post-processor to make more customizations as necessary. The Javascript processors have full access to our JS toolkit.
Field | Type | Default | Example | Description |
mappingName | String | CSD ICSP Product Mapping | Nice name developers can see on the mapping grids | |
syncClass | String | product | Which Kodaris sync processor to use when processing data. | |
lookupFieldName | String | code, extra1, etc | The Kodaris field to use to lookup an existing record in Kodaris from the incoming payload. The incoming record should have this field as well or use the preprocessor to set it. This is used as a unique identifier so we know whether to add a new record or update an existing one. | |
lookupSettingName | String | uniqueid, erpcode, etc | If the above is blank, lookup can be done via settings (custom fields). This would be a custom field name being saved in the integration. | |
alternateLookupFieldName | String | someotherfield | If the initial lookups based on lookupFieldName and lookupSettingName fail, try looking up the record by this field name. | |
alternateLookupSettingName | String | someothersetting | If the initial lookups based on lookupFieldName and lookupSettingName fail and alternateLookupFieldName is blank, try looking up the record by this field | |
lookupParentFieldName | String | externalOrderNumber | More complicated integrations need to look up a parent entity to relate them in the system. In this case, the order line item sync uses the externalOrderNumber to store the header order number to look up in the Kodaris system to relate the line items to the header order information. See individual table syncs for more information on when to use this. | |
lookupParentSettingName | String | erpordernumber | Same as above where a custom setting on the line item could be used as a way to lookup the parent relation | |
isSourceDeletedFieldName | String | isSourceDeleted | Deleted | If this field exists in the incoming record and the value of the field is true, 1, yes, or y, the record will be treated as a Delete coming from the ERP and will also delete in Kodaris. |
deleteLookupFieldName | String | code, extra1, etc | The field in Kodaris to match to the field in the record to identify which row to delete in Kodaris. | |
deleteLookupSettingName | String | rowpointer | The same as above, but can be looked up by custom setting. Sometimes the code field or normal fields do not come in on deletes, but we do have a rowpointer on the record from the ERP which can be stored in the custom settings for delete lookups. | |
deleteLookupParentFieldName | String | erpordernumber | Will use this to look up the parent record for certain entities like order items -> order. If it is not set, it will use the normal parentLookup settings from above. | |
deleteLookupParentSettingName | String | rowpointer | Same idea as above except using a custom setting value. | |
sourceModifiedTimeFieldName | String | sourceModifiedTime | Name of the field in the payload that tells the system the last time the ERP modified the record. This is important to make sure we do things in proper order. You will most likely want to set this in your payload to the value in the default column here if possible. | |
deleteUserIdFieldName | String | deleteUserId | deletedBy | Optional string on deletes identifying the user that deleted the item in the ERP. This will be logged in Kodaris when doing deletes as well. |
deleteEntryNumberFieldName | String | deleteEntryNumberFieldName | deleteID | Optional delete ID in the ERP which will be logged in Kodaris as well when doing deletes. |
usePlatformLogic | boolean | true | For certain syncs, the system will treat Creates differently than Updates as some fields will only be synced from the ERP during creates and not updates. For example, product descriptions come from the ERP only once and then are updated within Kodaris. If this is false, the ERP will overwrite this every time. It's usually best to keep this value as is. | |
allowOutOfOrderSyncs | boolean | false | Works together with the source modified setting above to determine if the synced record is older than the current one so old data does not overwrite new data. Some syncs may allow this, but normally this is left as false. | |
settingsFieldNames | Array | [“field1”,”field2”] | Fields in the payload record that should be stored as custom settings in Kodaris. If these are also fields mapped to actual fields in Kodaris, in the mapping be sure to also add keepFromField attribute to the copy operation otherwise this will not happen. | |
textValueSettings | Array | [“field1”,”field2”] | Same as settingsFieldNames except will save the value as a text value instead of normal medium value. This should only be used for large values. | |
skipFieldNames | Array | [“field1”,”field2”] | A list of fields to ignore in the payload. By default, the system will try to map any field named in the payload to an existing same name in Kodaris even if it is not directly mapped. This is a way to skip any field you just want to completely ignore. It is also a fast way to stop saving data without altering the mappings themselves. | |
mappingFields | Array | Mapping Fields - See examples | A list of mapping fields and operations telling the system how to map the payload fields to Kodaris fields. | |
patch | boolean | true | Only update the fields that are sent in instead of assuming any not sent in should be treated as NULL in Kodaris. Normally this would be true. | |
skipAllRecords | boolean | false | Used to ignore all records without retrying which can be used to temporarily turn sync processing off. | |
ignoreMissingFields | boolean | false | Ignore missing fields even if the field is added as a mapping field. The default is false, but usually this is set to true to avoid errors. | |
autoAddSettings | boolean | false | Automatically adds all unmapped fields in the record as settings without the need to declare them in the settingsFieldNames list. This is a good option when using only Kodaris fields without the need to map many fields. | |
dbSync | boolean | true | Used to signal that a sync should be persisted into the db | |
s3Sync | boolean | false | Used to signal that a sync should be persisted into s3 | |
documentDbSync | boolean | false | Used to signal that a sync should be persisted into the document db tables | |
dynamicDbTableName | String | null | Will use the mappingCode if this is not set. Normally this would be blank. | |
dynamicDbUseIdentifier | boolean | true | Normally this should be left as is. | |
update | boolean | true | Signals that the sync should be allowed to update records. This is usually true. | |
create | boolean | true | Signals that the sync should be allowed to create records. This is usually true. | |
saveLogFile | boolean | false | Adds fileLogs list of strings object to js context to add to while running records and then if this is on will save the entire log file for viewing later. | |
settingsCaseInsensitive | boolean | false | When creating or updating settings, should the check for the setting code be case-insensitive? Since some ERPs like CSD are case-insensitive, some settings may be present with mixed case like "Securefl" whereas in the incoming payload they will be all lower-case like "securefl". Without this flag set to true it causes duplicate key exceptions. | |
propagateProductCodeChanges | boolean | false | If true and the sync processor detects that the product code is changing, this signals it to change the product code in all the dependent tables such as sku, product cross reference, product price, etc. |
The mappingFields list allows you to map a field from the name in your incoming record to a field name in Kodaris. It also allows you to perform operations when copying it into the Kodaris field. Optionally, you can use pre-processors to manipulate the data and create the exact field names to match Kodaris in Javascript. Both ways will work.
fromField | String | custpo | The field name in the incoming record. Note: JS can add/remove fields from the incoming record which can also be used here. | |
fromValue | String | When doing a normal copy operations, if the field is null, will use this value instead when mapping. | ||
targetField | String | purchaseOrder | The Kodaris field to copy the record value into | |
operationType | String | copy | copyNumeric | copy, copyNumeric, concatenate, formateDate, concatenateAndFormatDate, uuid, createSetting |
operationPayload | Object | Data telling the system what to do based on the operationType |
copy | keepFromField (boolean) | true | The keepFromField tells the system to copy the field but also does not remove it from the record in case it is needed for custom settings. Without this, it will not be added as a setting. |
copyNumeric | keepFromField (boolean) | false | Same as above |
concatenate | prefix (String) | AB- | Any hardcoded prefix |
fieldNames (array) | [“field1”,”field2”] | A list of fields in the record you want to concatenate the values of. | |
suffix (String) | -CD | Any hardcoded suffix | |
delimiter (String) | , | This can be any string or a blank string. I will be used between the field values when concatenating. | |
formatDate | incomingDateFormat | mm/dd/yy | The date format of the incoming field value |
saveAsDateFormat | yyyy-MM-dd | The date format to save in Kodaris, defaults to the format to the left with optional time as well. | |
concatenateAndFormatDate | Combines both formatDate and concatenate into one operation | ||
uuid | Creates a UUID in the Kodaris field | ||
createSetting | Creates a blank setting with the name as the targetName in Kodaris. This can then be used in JS post processing script to update as needed. |
"mappingName": "Infor CSD - ICSP Product Mapping",
"syncClass" : "product",
"deleteLookupSettingName": "rowpointer",
"lookupFieldName": "code",
"alternateLookupSettingName": "rowpointer",
"propagateProductCodeChanges": true,
"patch": true,
"isSourceDeletedFieldName": "Deleted",
"preProcessingScript": "pre-icsp",
"postProcessingScript": "post-icsp",
"ignoreMissingFields" : true,
"textValueSettings": [
"settingsFieldNames": [
"mappingFields": [
{"fromField": "prod", "targetField": "code"},
"targetField": "name",
"operationType": "concatenate",
"operationPayload": {
"delimiter": " ",
"fieldNames": ["descrip_1", "descrip_2"]
"targetField": "shortDescription",
"operationType": "concatenate",
"operationPayload": {
"delimiter": " ",
"fieldNames": ["descrip_1", "descrip_2"]
"targetField": "description",
"operationType": "concatenate",
"operationPayload": {
"delimiter": " ",
"fieldNames": ["descrip_1", "descrip_2"]
{"fromField": "cono", "targetField": "cono"},
{"fromField": "height", "targetField": "height"},
{"fromField": "weight", "targetField": "weight"},
{"fromField": "width", "targetField": "width"},
{"fromField": "length", "targetField": "length"},
{"fromField": "priceonty", "targetField": "priceOnType"},
{"fromField": "prodtype", "targetField": "productType"},
{"fromField": "unitsell", "targetField": "unitSell"},
{"fromField": "termspct", "targetField": "termsPercentage"},
{"fromField": "unitstock", "targetField": "unitStock"},
{"fromField": "bolclass", "targetField": "bolClass"},
{"fromField": "statustype", "targetField": "statusType"},
{"fromField": "unitcnt", "targetField": "unitContainer"},
{"fromField": "unitconvfl", "targetField": "unitconversion"},
{"fromField": "msdssheetno", "targetField": "msdsSheet"},
{"fromField": "termsdiscfl", "targetField": "hasTermsDiscount"},
{"fromField": "mfgprod", "targetField": "manufacturerProductCode"},
{"fromField": "sellmult", "targetField": "intervalOrderQuantity"},
{"operationType": "createSetting", "targetField": "trendCompiledSettings"},
"fromField": "DCTransDate",
"targetField": "sourceModifiedTime",
"operationType": "formatDate",
"operationPayload": {
"incomingDateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSz"
This script is normally used to manipulate the incoming record before it gets sent to processing by Kodaris. It can also be used to do other things as it is just a normal javascript file in Kodaris. The following are added in scope for the pre-processor to use.
mappingSyncUtils | Helper methods for use in sync JS, but may be deprecated at some point as the normal server side API can be used for almost everything needed. |
scriptServiceUtils | Used to run API methods. See developer docs. |
record | JS object holding the name and value of the incoming record that was synced from the ERP. This record can be manipulated as needed before sending it to the processor. |
mapping | Object containing the mapping script information (the JSON defined above) |
fileLog | Optionally contains this if defined in the JSON mapping above. |
// Compile a list of fields to be saved into a single json setting
var trendCompiledSettingsList = record.keySet().toArray();
var trendCompiledSettingsMap = {};
for (var s=0, sLen=trendCompiledSettingsList.length; s<sLen; s++) {
var key = trendCompiledSettingsList[s];
var value = record[trendCompiledSettingsList[s]];
if (value == null || typeof value == 'undefined' || value === '') continue;
trendCompiledSettingsMap[key] = value;
record['compiledSettings'] = trendCompiledSettingsMap;
// Handle isActive
var statusTypeUpperCase = isNotEmpty(record["statustype"], true) ? record["statustype"].toUpperCase() : '';
var activeStatusTypes = ['A', 'L'];
var inactiveStatusTypes = ['I', 'S'];
if (activeStatusTypes.indexOf(statusTypeUpperCase) !== -1) record['active'] = true;
else if (inactiveStatusTypes.indexOf(statusTypeUpperCase) !== -1) record['active'] = false;
// Set display = false if product is inactive
if (record['active'] === false) {
record['display'] = false;
// Uppercase to match uppercase unit conversions as a standard
if (record['unitstock']) {
record['unitstock'] = record['unitstock'].toUpperCase();
if (record['unitsell']) {
record['unitsell'] = record['unitsell'].toUpperCase();
// Remove the user1 through user10 fields
// --- Helper Functions
function isNotEmpty(str, trim) {
return !isEmpty(str, trim);
function isEmpty(str, trim) {
if (trim != null && trim === true) {
return str == null || str.trim().length === 0;
} else {
return str == null || str.length === 0;
// Compile a list of fields to be saved into a single json setting
var trendCompiledSettingsList = record.keySet().toArray();
var trendCompiledSettingsMap = {};
for (var s=0, sLen=trendCompiledSettingsList.length; s<sLen; s++) {
var key = trendCompiledSettingsList[s];
var value = record[trendCompiledSettingsList[s]];
if (value == null || typeof value == 'undefined' || value === '') continue;
trendCompiledSettingsMap[key] = value;
record['compiledSettings'] = trendCompiledSettingsMap;
// Handle isActive
var statusTypeUpperCase = isNotEmpty(record["statustype"], true) ? record["statustype"].toUpperCase() : '';
var activeStatusTypes = ['A', 'L'];
var inactiveStatusTypes = ['I', 'S'];
if (activeStatusTypes.indexOf(statusTypeUpperCase) !== -1) record['active'] = true;
else if (inactiveStatusTypes.indexOf(statusTypeUpperCase) !== -1) record['active'] = false;
// Set display = false if product is inactive
if (record['active'] === false) {
record['display'] = false;
// Uppercase to match uppercase unit conversions as a standard
if (record['unitstock']) {
record['unitstock'] = record['unitstock'].toUpperCase();
if (record['unitsell']) {
record['unitsell'] = record['unitsell'].toUpperCase();
// Remove the user1 through user10 fields
// --- Helper Functions
function isNotEmpty(str, trim) {
return !isEmpty(str, trim);
function isEmpty(str, trim) {
if (trim != null && trim === true) {
return str == null || str.trim().length === 0;
} else {
return str == null || str.length === 0;
This script runs after Kodaris saves the mapped record in the system. It is used to do further work on the record as needed. It can also be used to do other things as it is just a normal javascript file in Kodaris. The following are added in scope for the post-processor to use.
mappingSyncUtils | Helper methods for use in sync JS, but may be deprecated at some point as the normal server side API can be used for almost everything needed. |
scriptServiceUtils | Used to run API methods. See developer docs. |
record | JS object holding the name and value of the incoming record that was synced from the ERP. This record can be manipulated as needed before sending it to the processor. |
mapping | Object containing the mapping script information (the JSON defined above) |
originalEntity | A JS object representing the Kodaris object before it was updated by the processor. |
entity | The current representation of the Kodaris object after the mapping processor saved it. |
if (entity) {
// create seo code from code if null
if (entity.seoCode == null) {
entity.seoCode = entity.code;
// update seo code to remove non url friendly chars
entity.seoCode = entity.seoCode.replaceAll('/', '_');
// Create the compiled settings list
// Save the trendCompiledSettings text value setting
fixSettingAndUpdate('trendcompiledsettings', 'trendCompiledSettings',
JSON.stringify(record['compiledSettings']), true);
// Used for creating a setting by exact code
function fixSettingAndUpdate(badCode, correctCode, val, isTextValue) {
if (entity.getProductSettings().get(correctCode) == null) {
// create the correct setting code
entity.getProductSettings().put(correctCode, entity.getProductSettings().get(badCode));
if (isTextValue) {
} else {