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Customer Roles

The below information covers the different roles you can assign to users on your customer accounts. These are standard, out-of-the-box roles that are immediately available to assign. However, if you need to add additional roles that pertain to your business and processes, you can work with our team to create new user roles.

Superuser Roles

In this section, we cover two roles which grant complete access to a customer account. Before assigning either of these roles to a user, you'll want to ensure the user has the access level required to fully manage the account. They'll be able to see everything in the account (order history, accounts receivable, etc) along with the ability to grant other users access to the account and set their roles.

Note: if you grant a user either of these superuser roles, there is no need to assign them any other roles described below. These roles automatically grant full access.


This role grants full access to the account including but not limited to:

  1. View all order history
  2. View and edit all shiptos (only commerce only fields are editable, such as delivery contact info)
  3. View all quote requests
  4. View contracted pricing
  5. Place orders via credit card (if credit cards are enabled for the customer account)
  6. Place orders via purchase order (if the PO payment method is enabled for the customer account)
  7. Fully manage other users on the account; including adding new users and assigning roles
  8. Fully manage tickets


This role is what you'd assign to the accountant for the customer account. It gives complete access to order history, accounts receivable, paying open invoices for the account, making deposits, etc. This is another superuser role that can pretty much do anything on the customer account aside from managing and granting access to other users on the account.

Note: companyAdmin users have full access to manage the customer account and therefore they can grant themselves the accountsPayable role and thus manage accounts receivable.

Location (Shipto) Roles

In Kodaris, shiptos and billing addresses are often referred to as "Locations". You'll see "Locations" throughout the operations portal as well as on your commerce website and customer portal. In this section, we'll cover all the possible roles you can use to control how much access users have to the shiptos and billing addresses on their account. If you do not assign any of these roles to a user, they will not be able to see any shiptos or billing addresses in their customer portal and will not be able to select a shipto during checkout.


Granting this role allows a user to view all shiptos under their assigned customer account(s). They can view all shiptos in the customer portal and also select any shipto at checkout when placing an order.


Granting this role allows a user to edit all shiptos under their assigned customer account(s). This role also automatically grants view permissions for all shiptos on the customer account. If you assign this role, there is no need to also assign the viewAllLocations role above. They can select any shipto at checkout when placing an order and also edit designated shipto fields in the customer portal.


Granting this role allows a user to see only shiptos they are assigned to. They can only choose their assigned shiptos at checkout and also view their assigned shiptos in the customer portal.


Granting this role allows a user to view and edit only shiptos they are assigned to. They can only choose their assigned shiptos at checkout and also view and edit their assigned shiptos in the customer portal. If you grant this role, there is no need to also assign the viewAssignedLocations role above. This edit role automatically grants view access to the assigned shiptos as well.

Order Roles

In this section, we cover each role you can use to grant different levels of access to order history on a customer account. This includes order history from your ERP and orders placed by users on your Kodaris commerce website.

If you do not assign one of these order roles to a user, and they do not have the companyAdmin or accountsPayable roles, then the user can only view orders that they have placed.


Granting this role allows users to see all orders placed on the customer account(s) they are assigned to. This includes orders placed on any shipto and by any user on the customer account.


Granting this role allows users to see only orders that were placed under their assigned shiptos.

For example, let's say you have a customer account with two shiptos: A and B. John is assigned to shipto A and Jane is assigned to shiptos A and B. John and Jane place orders on shipto A. Jane can view John's orders on shipto A and likewise John can view Jane's orders on shipto A because they are both assigned to A. However, when Jane places an order on shipto B, John cannot see this order as he is not assigned to shipto B.

Commerce Roles


Grant this role to a user to allow them to view contracted product pricing on your commerce website.


Grant this role to a user to allow them to checkout on your commerce website and pay for the order via credit card. Please note that placing an order via credit card must also enabled for the customer account the user is assigned to.


Grant this role to a user to allow them to checkout on your commerce website and pay for the order via purchase order. Please note that placing an order via purchase order must also enabled for the customer account the user is assigned to.

Operational Roles


Grant this role to a user if you want them to view other users on the account. This includes full information about each user including username, first name, last name, position, assigned roles, etc.


Grant this role to a user if you want them to manage users on the customer account. They can add new users, assign roles to users, etc. Only grant this role if the user should be allowed to grant other users access to the customer account. If a user has this role, they can also edit their own user account and grant themselves higher access to the account.

Ticket Roles


Grant this role to a user to allow them to view any tickets that users under the customer account have submitted for the account.


Grant this role to a user to allow them to view, edit, and submit tickets for their assigned customer account(s). If you grant this role, view access is automatically granted. No need to also assign the viewTickets permission above.

In this article