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Product Documentation Commerce Shipping Explore Shipping Shipping Methods, Rules, and Rates

Shipping Methods, Rules, and Rates

With Kodaris Commerce, you have the ability to customize the order shipping methods you offer customers at checkout or during order entry in the Operations Portal. The shipping methods available on your website are based on what your company supports, whether those are with your own fleet, integrated carriers, or a mix of both.

Shipping methods are normally configured in your ERP and synced to Kodaris, but you can configure shipping methods in the Kodaris Operations Portal as well. These can also include customer pick up options.

Once your shipping methods are set up, they will be available to your customers on your live commerce site.

Setting Up Shipping Methods in Kodaris

Shipping Methods can be synced from your ERP, or you can use the Operations Portal to configure the shipping methods you offer on your commerce website. Common methods are delivery and customer pick-up/will call, but you can also add carrier shipping methods.

Shipping Rates in Kodaris

Kodaris Commerce offers the ability to automatically calculate shipping.

Once your shipping methods are set up and they properly correspond to the shipvias in your ERP, they will appear on your commerce site. The checkout process is modern and intuitive with the shipping options listed and available for your customers to choose. Once selected, the chosen method will appear as a separate line item in the Order Totals section.

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