Kodaris Commerce offers many different options regarding shipping rates at checkout. You can maintain static shipping methods and rates, customize shipping rates down to the customer level and product level, prompt the user to fill in further details based on shipping method selection, and more. In addition, Kodaris Commerce also offers a FedEx integration that you can use to display shipping methods and rates from FedEx at checkout.
The default integration relies on your product weights to be populated in order to fetch accurate shipping rates from Fedex. This means less guesswork and more reliable pricing! You can also customize how the Fedex shipping methods are displayed, which methods are displayed, and adjust the rates in realtime before the rates are shown to the customer at checkout.
The integration is configured directly in the Operations Portal and can be done by your internal team leveraging our library of how-to videos and documentation. The Kodaris support team is also able to configure this on your behalf and always ready to assist whenever needed.
Once your FedEx integration is set up, the shipping options will appear on your commerce site. The checkout process is modern and intuitive with the shipping options listed and available for your customers to choose. Once selected, the chosen method and cost will appear as a separate line item in the Order Totals section.