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Product Documentation Commerce Shipping Configure Shipping Set Up Will Call / Customer Pickup as a Shipvia

Operations Shipping - Set Up Will Call / Customer Pickup as a Shipvia

  1. Search for "Shipping Methods"

    You have the ability to customize the shipping methods that are offered at checkout on your commerce site. One of the commonly used shipping methods is Will Call. This is also known as Customer Pick-Up. To set up this shipping method, start by logging into the operations portal and use the search bar to find "Shipping Methods".

  2. Click "Shipping Methods"

    Access the Shipping Methods section. In order to access "Shipping Methods" you will need to be set up either as an "administrator" or a "superuser", or have the appropriate roles: "shippingMethodView" and "shippingMethodEdit".

  3. "Add a row" fields

    Shipping methods are configured in the Operations Portal and correspond to the shipvias set up in your ERP. The Shipping Methods screen is where shipvias are configured in the Operations Portal using the "Add a row" fields. Set the code associated with the shipvia in your ERP, the name of the shipping method that will display on your website, the type of shipping method, the base charge of the shipping method, if applicable, and more.

  4. Enter your ERPs Shipvias code

    Enter your ERP Shipvias code under the "Code" column.

  5. Enter the Shipping Method name

    Under the name column, enter the shipping method name that your customers will see at checkout.

  6. Enter the Shipping Method type

    You will need to designate the type of shipping method.

  7. Select "Yes"

    Select "Yes" to make it active and display to the customer commerce site.

  8. Press the "Enter" key to finally add the row to the grid

    Press the "Enter" key to finally add the row to the grid.

  9. If you would like, enter a base cost for this shipping method

    If you would like, enter a base cost for this shipping method in the "Base" cell.

  10. Search for "Settings"

    Next you will need to search for the "Settings" screen.

  11. Click "Settings"

    Click "Settings".

  12. Type in "shippingEngine" in the "Search..." field

    Type in "shippingEngine" in the "Search.." field.

  13. Click on the more details icon

    Go into the setting's details by clicking its more details icon.

  14. Enter "RATETABLES" in the "Value" field

    Enter "RATETABLES" in the "Value" field.

  15. Click "Save"

    Click the "Save" button.

  16. Customers can now select "Pickup" as a shipping method at checkout

    Customers can now select "Pickup" as a shipping method at checkout.

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