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Product Documentation Commerce SEO Configure SEO Product Category SEO Category SEO Structured Data

Operations SEO - Category SEO Structured Data

  1. Navigate to the category on your website

    Kodaris automatically generates structured data for your product categories and includes the required fields by default. There are many other optional fields that can be included. Please refer to the official documentation if you’d like to find out more. Google does not show rich search results for categories, however it will use the structured data to determine what you are offering on your category page. To view the category structured data, navigate to the category on your website.

  2. Right-click and select "Inspect"

    Right-click on the page and select "Inspect".

  3. Developer Console Elements tab

    This developer console should appear and you should be in the "Elements" tab.

  4. Press "Ctrl+F" and type in "json" to search

    Press " Ctrl+F " or " Cmd+F " if you're using Mac, then type in "json" to search.

  5. Category Structured Data Snippet

    Make sure to click on the expand arrow on json script to show the generated category structured data snippet which also contains all of the products in your category page. The generated fields include Type, URL, Number of Items, and Item List Element.

  6. Verify your category page’s structured data on Schema

    If you would like to verify your category’s structured data schema, you can navigate to the structured data validator

  7. Click the "Enter a URL" field and paste category link

    Click the "Enter a URL" field and then paste category link.

  8. Click "RUN THE TEST" button

    Initiate the test by clicking on "RUN THE TEST" button.

  9. Sample Test Result

    The screen will show you the results containing the generated fields and list of items from your category page.

  10. Verify your category page's rich search results

    If you would like to verify your category page's rich search results, navigate to the rich results tester here:

  11. Click "Enter a URL to test" field and paste category link

    Click "Enter a URL to test" field and then paste the category link.

  12. Click the "TEST URL" button

    Click the "TEST URL" button.

  13. Rich Results Test

    The screen will now show you the rich test results containing the detected structured data of your category page.

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