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Product Documentation Commerce Multilingual Configure Multilingual Translate Product Information

Operations Multilingual - Translate Product Information

  1. Navigate to "PIM"

    To translate product information, navigate to the "PIM" section in the Operations Portal.

  2. Click "Products"

    Then, click "Products". In order to access and update “Products” you will need to be set up either as an “administrator” or a “superuser”, or have the roles of: “productView” and “productEdit”.

  3. Search for the product

    Search for the product that you would like to upate in the "Search" field.

  4. Click the more details icon

    Click the more details icon.

  5. Click the language dropdown

    Click on the language dropdown.

  6. Select the language

    Select the language that you would like to translate. For this example, we are choosing to add the "French (Canada)" translation for this product.

  7. Enter the translation

    You can see that the fields with the Canadian flag are multilingual text fields and can be updated. We have chosen to update the product name, and have entered the french-canadian translation in the "Name" field.

  8. Add the equivalent translation for "Keywords", "Short Description", "Description", if available

    In addition to the "Name" field, you can also add the translations for "Keywords", "Short Description", and "Description" if you would like.

  9. Click the preview icon to preview the product page

    Click the preview icon to preview the product page.

  10. Translation has been applied

    You will be redirected to a new tab for the product page, and can verify that the translation for the product information has been applied.

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