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Product Documentation Commerce Customer Mobile App for Commerce Configure Customer Mobile App Using Locations When Checking Out

Customer Mobile App - Using Locations When Checking Out

  1. Open the app

    When checking out using the Customer Mobile App, you can select pre-saved locations for your shipping and billing addresses to expedite the checkout process. To begin, start by opening the app.

  2. Select the "Shopping Cart" icon

    Select the "Shopping Cart" icon.

  3. Select the "Check Out" button

    To walk through the checkout process, please note that you must have at least one item already in your cart. Once your cart contains an item or multiple items, select the "Check Out" button.

  4. Select "Change"

    On the checkout screen, you will see a "Shipping Address" section and a "Billing Address" section. This is where you will be able to use your existing locations. To begin, select "Change" under the "Shipping Address" tile.

  5. Select "Change"

    The shipping address information will appear. Select "Change" on the address tile.

  6. Tap on any tile

    A list of your existing locations will appear. Tap on one of the location tiles to select it.

  7. View the updated location

    Once you select a new location, it will appear under the "Shipping Address" section.

  8. Tap on any contact field

    On this screen, you can also update the saved contact information if needed. To do so, select any of the fields. In this example, we will edit the phone number.

  9. Type your updates

    Use your device's keyboard to type any updates.

  10. Tap on the "Save" button

    Once you are finished making edits to the page, select the "Save" button.

  11. View the saved changes

    The saved changes to the contact information and location will reflect under the "Shipping Address" section.

  12. Select "Change"

    You can follow that same process for the billing address information. To do this, select "Change" under the "Billing Address" tile.

  13. Select "Change"

    The billing address information will appear. Select "Change" on the address tile.

  14. Tap on any tile

    A list of your existing locations will appear. Tap on one of the location tiles to select it.

  15. View the updated location

    Once you select a new location, it will appear under the "Billing Address" section.

  16. Tap on any contact field

    On this screen, you can also update the saved contact information if needed. To do so, select any of the fields. In this example, we will edit the email address.

  17. Type your updates

    Use your device's keyboard to type any updates.

  18. Select the "Save" button

    Once you are finished making edits to the page, select the "Save" button.

  19. View the saved changes

    The saved changes to the contact information and location will reflect under the "Billing Address" section.

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