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Product Documentation Commerce Shipping Configure Shipping Import Shipping Methods

Operations Shipping - Import Shipping Methods

  1. Navigate to "Orders"

    Before importing shipping methods, you will want to be sure that all needed fields are in the CSV file you will be importing. You can do this by exporting your data from the operations portal. Navigate to the "Orders" section in the Operations Portal.

  2. Click "Shipping Methods"

    Click "Shipping Methods". In order to access and update “Shipping Methods”, you will need to be set up as an “administrator” or “superuser” or have the roles of: “shippingMethodView” and “shippingMethodEdit”.

  3. Click "Show/Hide Columns"

    Select the data that you would like to export by clicking the "Show/Hide Columns" icon.

  4. Select needed columns

    Then, select the column data you would like to include in your export. For this export we are choosing: code, name, methodType, and active.

  5. Click "File"

    Now, click on the "File" menu.

  6. Select "Export"

    Then, select the "Export" option.

  7. Rename the file if needed

    You can rename the file, if needed.

  8. Click "Save"

    Click "Save" to the export the file. The file will download and save to your computer.

  9. Sample spreadsheet

    Before you import shipping methods, ensure that all needed fields are present in your .CSV file. Here, we have the header row that is needed to import data.

  10. "code" = shipping method code

    The "code" column contains the shipping method code. When importing data, the code is required as it is the identifying factor for matching information. If you are connected to an ERP, code should correspond to the Ship via you have set up in your ERP.

  11. "name" = shipping method name

    The "name" column contains the name of the shipping method - while not required for importing, it can be a helpful reference when updating data. You can also make any needed updates to the names, and update with this import if you would like.

  12. "methodType" = shipping method type

    The "methodType" column contains the type of the shipping method. You can put whatever you like here to designate the method type.

  13. "active" = shipping method status

    The "active" column contains the status of the shipping method -- "TRUE" if available, and "FALSE" if not.

  14. Click "File"

    To import the data, go back to the "Shipping Methods" screen and click the "File" menu.

  15. Click "Import"

    Then, choose "Import".

  16. Choose the import option you'd like to use

    There are three available importing options: "Create & Update by code", "Create Only by code", and "Update Only by code". Choose the import option you'd like to use. Since we only want to update information with this import, we are going to choose the "Update Only by code" option.

  17. Select the .CSV file

    Select the .CSV file with the shipping methods you'd like to import.

  18. Click "Open"

    Then, click "Open" to start the import process. An import message will appear letting you know that the import file is in process and to check back in a few minutes for the imported data. If you are importing large amounts of data, it may take a short amount of time to complete. The import will continue to run in the background.

  19. Import is done

    Once the import is complete, all updates will be displayed in the operations portal.

  20. Import Report

    An email will also be sent with a report of your import.

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