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CMS Multilingual Website Translation Capabilities

Your website content can display virtually any language so that you can seamlessly communicate with your intended audience. You can choose one language for your website or as many as you see fit.

A multilingual website is particularly useful if your customer base speaks multiple languages or if your product offerings are available in various countries.

If your Kodaris website is set up to display more than one language, your customers will be able to toggle between them. To do this, they will click on the language that’s shown at the top of your website. Once clicked, it will reveal a dropdown with the other available languages. When a new language is selected, the website will refresh automatically. The language translation will apply to all website pages, navigations, headers, footers, and widgets.

With Kodaris’s multilingual capabilities, you can translate your website to not only different languages but also different language dialects if you wish. All pages built in the CMS can reflect a different version with each of the languages you choose to display. Likewise, every menu item and widget in the CMS can be easily updated per language.

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