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Product Documentation Operations Portal AR & Payment Solutions Configure AR & Payment Solutions Issue an ACH Credit to a Company

Operations AR/AP - Issue an ACH Credit to a Company

  1. Navigate to "Customers" section

    To issue a general credit to a company's ACH account, navigate to the "Customers" section in the Operations Portal.

  2. Click "Companies"

    Then, click "Companies". In order to access "Companies" you will need to be set up either as an "administrator" or a "superuser", or have the appropriate roles: "companyView and companyEdit", or "crmCompanyView and crmCompanyEdit". Just a reminder, "crmCompanyView and crmCompanyEdit" access only allows employees to view companies that are assigned to them.

  3. Search for the company

    Now, search for the company. Enter its company name or code in the "Search..." field.

  4. Click the more details icon

    Click the company's more details icon.

  5. Click the "Issue a Credit" icon

    Click the "Issue a Credit" icon.

  6. "Issue a credit" dialog box will appear

    "Issue a credit" dialog box will appear.

  7. Fill in all the required (*) fields

    Fill in the following fields: Amount, Account Name, Account type, Transit (Routing) number, and Account number.

  8. Select the "Bank Account" option

    Under "Select payment method", make sure to select "Bank Account".

  9. Click "Issue"

    Once all the required fields are filled in, click "Issue".

  10. Success message

    You will receive a success message that says "The credit has been issued" in the bottom-left corner.

  11. Navigate to "Accounts Receivable"

    If you would like to view credits issued to the company, go to the "Accounts Receivable" page. In order to access "Accounts Receivable" you will need to be set up either as an "administrator" or a "superuser", or “accountant” or have the following roles: "paymentEdit and paymentView”.

  12. Search for the company

    Search for the company. Enter company name or code in the "Search..." field.

  13. Filter down the result

    If there are a lot of transactions, you may want to narrow down the result by utilizing the column filters. Click on the "Txn Type" filter.

  14. Select the "WebRefund"

    Then, select the option named "WebRefund".

  15. Web Refund transactions

    The credits will show as "WebRefund" on the screen for that company.

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