The table below contains Address Verification System (AVS) payment responses for each card brand:
AVS Code | Visa | Mastercard | Discover | American Express |
A | Address matches, ZIP does not match | Address matches, ZIP does not match | Address matches, ZIP does not match | Address matches, ZIP does not match |
B | Address matches, but ZIP not verified | N/A | N/A | N/A |
C | Address and ZIP not verified | N/A | N/A | N/A |
D | Address and ZIP match (International only) | N/A | N/A | N/A |
E | AVS data is invalid or AVS is not allowed for this card type | N/A | N/A | N/A |
F | Address and postal code match (UK only) | N/A | N/A | Address matches, card member name does not match |
G | Non-U.S. issuing bank does not support AVS | N/A | N/A | N/A |
I | Address information not verified for international transaction | N/A | N/A | N/A |
K | N/A | N/A | N/A | Card member name matches |
L | N/A | N/A | N/A | Card member name and ZIP match |
M | Address and postal code match (International only) | N/A | N/A | Card member name, address, and ZIP code match |
N | Address and ZIP code do not match | Address and ZIP code do not match | Address and ZIP code do not match | Address and ZIP code do not match |
O | N/A | N/A | N/A | Card member name and address match |
P | ZIP code matches, address unverifiable due to incompatible formats (International only) | N/A | N/A | N/A |
R | System unavailable, retry | System unavailable, retry | System unavailable, retry | System unavailable, retry |
S | AVS not supported | AVS not supported | AVS not supported | AVS not supported |
T | N/A | N/A | 9-Digit ZIP matches, address does not | N/A |
U | Address information unavailable. Returned if the U.S. bank does not support non-U.S. AVS or if the AVS in a U.S. bank is not functioning properly. | Address information unavailable. | Address information unavailable. | Address information unavailable. |
W | 9-Digit ZIP matches, address does not | 9-Digit ZIP matches, address does not | 9-Digital ZIP matches, address does not | Card member name, ZIP, and address do NOT match |
X | 9-Digit ZIP and address match | 9-Digit ZIP and address match | 9-Digit ZIP and address match | N/A |
Y | 5-Digit ZIP and address match | 5-Digit ZIP and address match | 5-Digit ZIP and address match | 5-Digit ZIP and address match |
Z | 5-Digit ZIP matches, address does not | 5-Digit ZIP matches, address does not | 5-Digit ZIP matches, address does not | 5-Digit ZIP matches, address does not |
The following table presents the CVV2/CVC2 Code Response Codes:
CCV2/CVC2 Response Code | Definition |
M | CVV2/CVC2 Match |
N | CVV2/CVC2 No match |
P | Not processed |
S | Issuer indicates that the CVV2/CVC2 data should be present on the card, but the merchant has indicated that the CVV2/CVC2 data is not resent on the card |
U | Issuer has not certified for CVV2/CVC2 or Issuer has not provided Visa with the CVV2/CVC2 encryption keys |
MX Merchant - Payment Response Codes
For merchants using Priority Payments MX Merchant gateway for processing card payments, the following table presents the response codes that will be shown in the Payment Attempts responses.
MX MerchantResponse Code | Authorization Message | Status |
0 | Approved or completed successfully | Approved |
1 | Refer to card issuer | Decline |
3 | Invalid merchant | Decline |
4 | Capture card | Decline |
5 | Do not honor | Do not honor |
6 | Response Timed Out | Decline |
7 | Duplicate Request | Decline |
8 | Honor with ID | Approved |
10 | Partial Approval | Partial Approval |
12 | Invalid transaction | Decline |
13 | Invalid amount | Decline |
14 | Invalid card number | Decline |
15 | Invalid issuer | Decline |
19 | Re-enter transaction | Decline |
30 | Format error | Decline |
31 | Bank not supported by switch | Decline |
33 | Expired Card | Decline |
34 | Suspected fraud | Decline |
35 | Card Acceptor contact Acquirer | Decline |
36 | Restricted Card | Decline |
37 | Card Acceptor call Acquirer security | Decline |
38 | Allowable PIN tries exceeded | Decline |
39 | No credit Account | Decline |
40 | Requested function not supported | Decline |
41 | Lost card | Decline |
43 | Stolen card | Decline |
51 | Insufficient funds/over credit limit | Decline - Insufficient funds |
53 | No savings Account | Decline |
54 | Expired card | Decline |
55 | Invalid PIN | Decline |
56 | No Card record | Decline |
57 | Transaction not permitted to issuer/cardholder | Decline |
58 | Transaction not permitted to acquirer/terminal | Decline |
59 | Suspected fraud | Decline |
60 | Card acceptor contact Acquirer | Decline |
61 | Exceeds withdrawal amount limit | Decline - Exceeds withdrawl |
62 | Restricted card | Decline |
63 | Security violation | Decline |
64 | Original amount incorrect | Decline |
65 | Exceeds withdrawal count limit | Decline - Exceeds withdrawl |
68 | Response received too late | Decline |
70 | Contact Card Issuer | Decline |
71 | PIN Not Changed | Decline |
75 | Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded | Decline |
76 | Invalid/nonexistent to Account specified | Decline |
77 | Invalid/nonexistent from Account specified | Decline |
78 | Invalid/nonexistent account specified (general) | Decline |
81 | Domestic Debit Transaction Not Allowed (Regional use only) | Decline |
84 | Invalid Authorization Life Cycle | Decline |
85 | Not declined Valid for all zero amount transactions | Approved |
86 | PIN Validation not possible | Decline |
87 | Purchase Amount Only, No Cash Back Allowed | Approved |
88 | Cryptographic failure | Decline |
89 | Unacceptable PIN Transaction Declined Retry | Decline |
91 | Authorization Platform or issuer system inoperative | Decline |
92 | Unable to route transaction | Decline |
93 | Transaction cannot be completed, violation of law | Decline |
94 | Duplicate transmission detected | Decline |
96 | System error | System Error |
99 | PPS Decline | Decline |
002 | Approved for a lesser amount than what was requested | Partial Approval |
101 | Referral | Approved |
102 | Declined | Decline |
104 | Terminal not found | Decline |
105 | File is temporarily unavailable | Decline |
106 | Amount exceeds user limit | Decline |
107 | Service not allowed | Decline |
108 | Host Key error | Decline |
109 | Approved (not captured) | Approved |
110 | AVS Request Accepted | Approved |
111 | Invalid Term ID | Decline |
112 | Please retry | Decline |
113 | CVV2 Declined | Decline |
114 | Reversal rejected cannot parse 400 message | Decline |
115 | Enter lesser amount | Decline |
116 | Cash Back amount greater than total Transaction amount | Decline |
117 | Communications link to debit/EBT network gateway is down | Decline |
118 | Debit/EBT network gateway cannot get through to the Issuer | Decline |
119 | Debit/EBT network gateway cannot route card based on Merchant Entitlement | Decline |
120 | Debit/EBT transaction count exceeds pre-determined limit in specified time | Decline |
121 | Resubmission of transaction violates debit/EBT network frequence | Decline |
122 | Reversal outside window | Decline |
123 | Balance Inquiry | Approved |
124 | Cannot accept Close batch message | Decline |
125 | Close batch successful | Approved |
126 | Deposit Inquiry | Approved |
127 | Closed batch has Out of balance condition | Decline |
128 | Invalid Batch number in transaction | Decline |
129 | Invalid Batch number in Close batch message | Decline |
130 | Invalid Retail Terms | Decline |
131 | Invalid Transaction Code | Decline |
132 | Invalid Transaction Code in Close batch message | Decline |
133 | Invalid Transaction Type | Decline |
134 | Cannot find item to Void | Decline |
135 | Invalid Expiration Date | Decline |
136 | Certificate Not Recognized | Approved |
137 | OS Version Not Supported | Decline |
138 | Original Transaction Not Found | Decline |
201 | Internal Server Error | Decline |
202 | Invalid Message Format Refer to the corresponding chapter in this document for details on formatting Card Rate and Merchant Rate request messages | Decline |
203 | Unknown Acquirer or Merchant The value provided for Merchant ID or the Acquirer ID is unrecognised by DHS. Verify the format of these fields | Decline |
204 | Unrecognised Card – DCC not available | Decline |
205 | Socket connection timed out | Decline |
206 | Unsupported card type. FEXCO Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) is supported only with VISA and MasterCard credit cards | Decline |
207 | Card ID and Foreign Currency are both invalid | Decline |
208 | Invalid Base Amount The value provided for the Base Amount field is unrecognised by DHS. Verify the format of this field | Decline |
209 | Invalid Reference Number The value provided for the Reference Number t field is unrecognised by DHS. Verify the format of this field | Decline |
210 | Invalid Merchant ID The value provided for the Base Amount field is unrecognised by DHS. Verify the format of this field | Decline |
211 | Invalid Acquirer ID The value provided for the Acquirer ID field is unrecognised by DHS. Verify the format of this field | Decline |
212 | Invalid Foreign Currency Code The value provided for the Foreign Currency Code is unrecognised by DHS. Verify the format of this field is correct. Also note that not all currencies are available for DCC | Decline |
213 | Invalid Card ID The value provided for the Card ID field is unrecognised by DHS. Verify the format of this field | Decline |
214 | Invalid Base Currency The value provided for the Base Currency field is unrecognised by DHS. Verify the format of this field | Decline |
215 | Domestic Card, DCC not available The Merchant currency is the same as the currency of the cardholders card and therefore, DCC does not apply | Decline |
216 | Foreign Card, DCC not available DCC is not supported for the particular currency of the card | Decline |
300 | Declined for Loss Prevention | Decline |
302 | Invalid Merchant Status | Decline |
303 | In Progress | Decline |
400 | Reversal Success | Approved |
401 | Decline for AVS or CID mismatch | Decline |
402 | PIN change/Unblock failed | Decline |
403 | New PIN not accepted | Decline |
404 | Decline | Decline |
405 | Network unavailable | Decline |
406 | System up | Decline |
407 | Soft down | Decline |
408 | System down | Decline |
Elavon Converge - Payment Response Codes
For merchants using the Elavon Converge gateway for processing card payments, the following table presents the response codes that will be shown in the Payment Attempts responses.
Converge Response Code | Error Name | Default Message |
3000 | Gateway not responding | Error, no response. |
3001 | Gateway generated error | #. |
3002 | Adapter generated error | #. |
3003 | Processing error | There was an issue while processing your request. If this issue persists please contact Technical Support at 1-800-377-3962 |
4000 | VID Not Supplied | The Converge ID was not supplied in the authorization request. |
4002 | HTTP Trans Not Allowed | HTTP POST transactions are not allowed for this account. |
4003 | HTTP Referrer Invalid | HTTP POST transactions are not allowed for this HTTP Referrer. |
4005 | E-mail Address Invalid | The e-mail address supplied in the authorization request appears to be invalid. |
4006 | CVV2 Not Requested With Data | The CVV2 indicator was not identified in the authorization request. |
4007 | CVV2 Requested But No Data | The CVV2 request failed due to missing one or more pieces of required data. |
4009 | Required Field Not Supplied | One or more required fields were not included. |
4010 | Invalid Transaction Type | The authorization request included an invalid Transaction Type |
4011 | Receipt URL Missing | The Receipt URL supplied in the authorization request appears to be blank or invalid. |
4013 | PIN Not Supplied | The PIN was not supplied in the authorization request. |
4014 | Not Permitted | This terminal or user ID is not permitted to process this transaction type. |
4016 | Permission Denied | This account does not have permission to process # transactions. |
4017 | Time-Out | The request has timed out. The allotted time to complete the request has ended. Please try again. |
4018 | Settlement is in progress | Settlement is in progress, Void failed. |
4019 | User ID not supplied | The User ID was not supplied in the authorization request. |
4022 | The system is unavailable | The system is unavailable. Please try again later. |
4023 | Settlement is not allowed for this terminal | Settlement is not allowed for this terminal. |
4025 | Invalid Credentials | The credentials supplied in the authorization request are invalid. |
5000 | Credit Card Number Invalid | The Credit Card Number supplied in the authorization request appears to be invalid. |
5001 | Exp Date Invalid | The Credit Card Expiration Date supplied in the authorization request appears to be invalid. |
5002 | Amount Invalid | The amount supplied in the authorization request appears to be invalid. |
5003 | Approval Code/No Force | This transaction supplied a Force Approval Code for a non-Force transaction |
5004 | Invalid Approval Code | The Force Approval Code supplied in the authorization request appears to be invalid or blank. The Force Approval Code must be 6 or less alphanumeric characters. |
5005 | Field Character Limit Exceeded | The value for the # field is too long. You can enter # characters (maximum). Your entry contains # characters.If you entered the value for this field, use the browser BACK button to return to the order form and change the field value to an acceptable amount. Otherwise, contact Customer Service at 1-800-377-3962. |
5006 | Refund Amount Exceeds Limit | The refund amount for this transaction ($#) may not exceed $#. |
5007 | Sales Tax Invalid | The Sales Tax supplied in the authorization request appears to be invalid. |
5008 | Invalid Account Type | This PINless Debit Transaction contains invalid account type. Account type can be checking or saving. |
5009 | Invalid Surcharge Amount | Invalid Surcharge amount for the PINless debit transaction. |
5010 | Invalid EGC Transaction type | An invalid EGC Transaction type has been supplied with this request. |
5011 | Invalid EGC Tender Type | An invalid EGC Tender type has been supplied with this request. |
5012 | Invalid Track Data | The track data sent appears to be invalid. |
5013 | Invalid Track 2 data | Transaction requires Track2 data to be sent. |
5014 | Missing Pin Data | Transaction requires a PIN entry or encrypted PIN device. |
5015 | Invalid Voucher Number | The value for the Voucher Number (ssl_voucher_number) field should be 15 digits in length. This value must be numeric. |
5016 | Invalid MICR Data | The MICR Data sent appears to be invalid. |
5017 | MICR data and image mismatch | The image uploaded doesn't match the MICR data sent for that check. |
5018 | Missing MAC value | The MAC value sent appears to be incorrect. |
5019 | Minimum Length Error | Minimum Field Character Limit not reached. |
5020 | Invalid Field | The Field does not apply to this transaction type. |
5021 | Invalid CVV2 Value | The value for the CVV2 (ssl_cvv2cvc2) field should be 3 or 4 digits in length. This value must be numeric. |
5022 | Invalid CVV2 Indicator Value | The value for the CVV2 indicator (ssl_cvv2cvc2_indicator) field should be 1 Numeric Character only. Valid values are: 0, 1, 2, 9. |
5023 | Invalid card present indicator | Card Present indicator sent is invalid. |
5024 | CashBack Amount Invalid | The Cash back amount supplied in the authorization request appears to be invalid. |
5025 | Invalid Key pointer | The value for the key pointer (ssl_key_pointer) field should be 1 Character only. Valid value is: T for Triple-DES DUKPT. |
5030 | Invalid Billing cycle | The billing cycle specified is not a valid entry. |
5031 | Invalid Payment date | The next payment date specified is not a valid entry. |
5032 | Invalid installment number | The installment number specified is invalid. |
5033 | Invalid recurring ID | The recurring ID is not valid. |
5034 | Invalid installment ID | The installment ID is not valid. |
5035 | Recurring Limit exceeded | The recurring batch has exceeded the 20,000 transactions limit. |
5036 | Installment payments completed | Installment payments completed. |
5037 | Invalid end of month value | Invalid end of month value. |
5038 | Invalid half of month value | Invalid half of month value. |
5039 | Half of month and next payment date combination mismatch | The half of the month value provided [value] doesn’t correspond with the next payment date of [value]. |
5040 | Invalid Transaction ID | Transaction ID is invalid for this transaction type. |
5041 | Exceeded the 10 minutes window | Unable to void transaction, exceeds the 10mn window. |
5042 | Swipe data is not allowed for this market segment | Swipe data is not allowed for this market segment. Please rekey the card data. |
5043 | End Of Month and Next Payment Date combination mismatch | The end of the Month value provided [value] doesn’t correspond with the next payment date of [value]. |
5050 | Invalid tip | Tip Amount is invalid. |
5055 | Missing response file name | The response file name is missing. Please provide a response file name and try again. |
5056 | Invalid response file name | The response file name is invalid. Please make sure the response file name doesn’t contain any of the characters : \ / : * ? " < > | |
5057 | Missing batch file | The batch file is missing. Please make sure the file exists and try again. |
5058 | Invalid batch file name | The batch file name you provided is too long. The file name cannot exceed 30 characters. |
5059 | Invalid batch file format | The batch file you uploaded is invalid. Please make sure that the file is properly formatted. |
5060 | Invalid batch file extension | The batch file you uploaded has an incorrect extension. Please make sure the file is in either CSV or XML format and try again. |
5061 | Import Batch in Progress, retry later | Import Batch in Progress, retry later. |
5062 | File Exceeds Max Number of Transactions | File Exceeds Max Number of Transactions. |
5063 | File already imported | File already imported. |
5064 | Invalid fields in the batch file | The batch file you uploaded is invalid. Please make sure that the file is properly formatted and file doesn't contain any (fieldname) field or values. |
5065 | Invalid response file length | The response file name you provided is too long. The response file name cannot exceed 30 characters. |
5066 | Batch Import Limit exceeded | The number of import batch files has exceeded the limit allowed within 24 hours. |
5067 | Invalid transaction type present in batch file | The batch file you uploaded is invalid. Please make sure that the file contains valid and supported transaction types. For a complete list of all supported transaction types please consult manual. |
5068 | Error processing batch | There was an error in processing your batch. If this issue persist please contact Technical Support at 1-800-377-3962, option 2 then option 2 (in Canada you are asked to choose either English or French for you language). |
5069 | Invalid Batch Import Request | Only Multipart Form Data request are accepted. |
5070 | Signature already in System | Transaction ID sent has a signature associated to it in the system. |
5071 | Signature format Invalid | All signature images must be BASE64 encoded. |
5072 | Signature type Invalid | Signature image type valid values (JPG, GIF, TIF, or PNG). |
5073 | Signature image exceeds size limitation | Signature image exceeds the 10K size quota. |
5074 | Signature is not allowed for this market segment | Signature is not allowed for this market segment. |
5078 | The MasterPass wallet is unavailable | The MasterPass wallet is currently unavailable, please retry at later time. |
5079 | MasterPass is not setup for this terminal | You must setup your terminal to accept MasterPass before sending this value. |
5080 | Values for ssl_3dsecure_value and ssl_xid are required | Values for ssl_3dsecure_value and ssl_xid are required. |
5081 | Value for ssl_xid is required | Value for ssl_xid is required. |
5083 | Invalid DBA name | The DBA name cannot contain special characters and based on the DBA prefix setup for your terminal, this value cannot exceed 21 , 17 or 12 characters long. |
5085 | Invalid Token | The token supplied in the authorization request appears to be invalid. |
5086 | Invalid card information | The card information supplied in the authorization request appears to be invalid. You cannot provide both token and card number for processing. |
5087 | Transaction currency is not allowed for this terminal | Transaction currency is not allowed for this terminal. You must be setup with Multi-Currency to specify a transaction currency. |
5088 | Transaction currency is not allowed for this Card Type | In order to process Multi-Currency you must use either a Visa or a MasterCard, you can also process this card type in the merchant local currency. |
5089 | Invalid Transaction Currency | The transaction currency sent is not correct. Please provide the correct 3-digit ISO code. |
5090 | Invalid BIN Override Value | Invalid BIN Override Value. |
5091 | Invalid Amount | The amount exceeds the original transaction amount. |
5092 | Invalid country code | Invalid country code. |
5093 | Transaction Time Exceeded | Transaction has timed out, you may retry at later time. |
5094 | Invalid Travel information | The travel departure or completion dates specified are not valid. Dates should be formatted as MM/DD/YYYY and cannot be in the past. |
5095 | Invalid Search Criteria | Too many search criteria were entered for this query. Modify the search and try again. |
5096 | Invalid Transaction Currency | The currency sent doesn’t match the original transaction currency. |
5097 | Missing Travel information | The Departure Date and the Completion Date must be sent together. |
5098 | Invalid Transaction Currency | The transaction currency sent is not supported for this terminal. |
5099 | Invalid Search Date | Search dates must be formatted as MM/DD/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY hh:mmAM/PM, the end date must be greater than the start date and the range cannot be greater than 31 days. |
5100 | Account Closed | This account has been closed by Account Updater. |
5101 | MICR/Image Data is not allowed for this terminal | MICR read or check image is not allowed for this terminal. Your terminal must be setup for ECS Paper Check. |
5102 | Keyed Check is not allowed for this terminal | Key entered check is not allowed for this terminal. Your terminal must be setup for ACH ECheck. |
5103 | Invalid bank account type value | The value for the check type (ssl_bank_account_type) field should be 1 Numeric Character only. Valid values are: 0 for Personal, 1 for Business. |
5104 | Invalid agreement indicator value | The value for the agreement indicator (ssl_agree) field should be 1 Numeric Character only. Valid values are: 1 for Agree, 0 for Do not agree. |
5105 | Invalid Bank Account Number | The bank account number supplied in the authorization request appears to be invalid. The bank account number must numeric and up to 16 characters long. |
5106 | Invalid Bank Routing Number | The bank routing number supplied in the authorization request appears to be invalid. The bank routing number must be numeric fixed value of 9 characters. |
5107 | Invalid Check Number | The Check number supplied in the authorization request appears to be invalid. The check number must be numeric. |
5108 | Missing check holder information | The check information supplied in the request appears to be missing. You must provide first and last names for a personal check or a company name for a business check. |
5121 | Invalid Mobile indicator | The mobile indicator appears to be missing or invalid. |
5122 | Invalid Merchant IP Address | The IP Address appears to be missing or invalid. |
5123 | Email is not setup for this terminal | Email is not setup for this terminal. You must enable the email options under the email setup form. |
5125 | Invalid POS, entry mode and card data combination | POS entry and entry mode combination is invalid for this transaction. |
5126 | Invalid mobile source | Invalid mobile source. |
5130 | EMV processing is not allowed for this card type. | You can process this card type swiped or keyed. |
5131 | Swiped without fallback is not allowed | Chip read must fail before fallback to swipe is allowed. You must attempt to insert card first. |
5132 | Signature is not allowed for this card | Card verification method for this card does not require a signature |
5133 | Invalid Card Type. | Transaction not supported with this card type. |
5135 | Invalid Search Transaction Type | Transaction type provided in the request is not valid. Valid values are: SALE, VOID, FORCE. |
5136 | Invalid Search Amount | The amount supplied in the search appears to be invalid. All amounts must be formatted correctly and max amount must be greater than the min amount if supplied. |
5137 | Invalid Search Card Type | The card type supplied in the search appears to be invalid. Valid values are: CREDITCARD, DEBITCARD. |
5138 | Invalid Search Card Brand | The card brand supplied in the search appears to be invalid. Valid values are: VISA, MC, JCB, DISC, AMEX. |
6038 | System is Temporarily Unavailable | It appears that the system is temporarily unavailable. Please try your transaction again in a few minutes or contact the merchant you are trying to order from for further assistance. We apologize for this inconvenience. |
6042 | Invalid Request Format | XML request is not well-formed or request is incomplete. |
7005 | Invalid Token Request | The information supplied in the request is invalid. A token cannot be added unless one has been requested. |
7022 | Invalid Service Fee Transaction | Service Fee transaction is not allowed. |
7028 | Invalid Settlement Batch ID | Settlement Batch ID has invalid size or format. |
7029 | Duplicate Settlement Batch ID | Batch ID number already exists. |