Suppose you are working with large amounts of product data and need to remove all attributes or categories assigned to products. In that case, you can mass delete this information using the "Default Category Assignment Delete Mapping" import feature in the product portal.
The "Default Category Assignment Delete Mapping" import will remove all attributes assigned to imported product codes.
Important! The import function is quick. Once you upload the selected file, the data in the file is created or updated, so please be sure to choose the correct file to import and have your file prepared correctly.
It may take a couple of minutes to complete an import if it is a large file. You may see a time-out notification if the file is large, but this does not mean the import failed. It will still be running in the background.
This import can be used for any products in the portal (i.e., all products, products pulled from specific categories, or specific product codes). However, if many product category assignments need to be removed, you will want to export the product information from the portal before importing. You can learn more about exporting product data here.
When using the import function to delete category assignments, you only need "code" as the header row and the product codes for which you would like to delete assignments.