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Product Documentation Operations Portal PIM Configure PIM Product Maintenance Working With Product Data Add Square Footage Display Feature to Commerce Products

Operations PIM - Add Square Footage Display Feature to Commerce Products

  1. Navigate to "System"

    To add the square footage display feature to products on your website, you first need to follow a few steps in order to add the feature to products. First you will need to turn on the setting. Navigate to the "System" section in the operations portal.

  2. Click "Settings"

    Then, click "Settings". To access and edit settings, you will need to be set up either as an “administrator” or a “superuser”, or have the following roles: “settingEdit” and “settingView”.

  3. Search for the "documentDBenabled" setting

    Search for the "documentDBenabled" setting.

  4. Click on the more details icon

    Then, click on the more details icon to update the setting details.

  5. Enter "1" in the "Value" field

    Enter "1" in the "Value" field to turn this setting on.

  6. Click "Save"

    Click "Save".

  7. Click "PIM"

    Once the setting is set up in the system, you will need to create a specific filter category for the feature. Navigate to the "PIM" section.

  8. Click "Filter Categories"

    Click "Filter Categories". In order to access and update “Filter Categories” you will need to be set up either as an “administrator” or a “superuser”, or have the roles of: “facetGroupView” and “facetGroupEdit”.

  9. Click "Show / Hide Columns"

    Click on the "Show/Hide columns" icon to adjust the grid view.

  10. Select "Searchable"

    Select "Searchable" by checking the checkbox.

  11. Add a Filter Category

    Add the new filter category by entering the needed details in the "Add a row" fields.

  12. Enter "fg_displayFootageCalculator" in the Code column

    Enter "fg_displayFootageCalculator" in the Code column.

  13. Display = "Yes"

    Select the "Yes" option in the Display column.

  14. Active = "Yes"

    Select "Yes" in the Active column.

  15. Searchable = "No"

    For the Searchable column, select "No". Then, hit Enter on your keyboard to add the row to the grid.

  16. Search for "fg_displayFootageCalculator"

    Now that we have added the filter category that is needed for this feature, we will need to add the needed attribute.

  17. Click on the more details icon

    Click on the more details icon of the "fg_displayFootageCalculator".

  18. Select the "Attributes" tab

    Select the "Attributes" tab.

  19. Click the "Add Attribute" icon

    To start adding the attribute, click the "Add Attribute" icon.

  20. Enter "fg_displayFootageCalculator" in the Code field

    Enter "fg_displayFootageCalculator" in the Code field.

  21. Enter "Display Footage Calculator" in the Name field

    Enter "Display Footage Calculator" in the Name field.

  22. Click the "Add"button

    Click the "Add" button.

  23. Attribute has been added

    Now that you have added the needed attribute, you will be able to assign any products to the attribute that should have this feature.

  24. Click the "+Assign product" field

    To assign products to this attribute, click the "+Assign product" field and use the type as you search feature to find and add products to the attribute. You can also assign products to this attribute by using the import function on this screen. This is covered in other help documentation.

  25. Enter the product code or name

    You can also enter the product code or name to search.

  26. Select the product

    Select the product to be added to the attribute, and repeat to add more products.

  27. Go to "Products" menu

    Another way to assign products to this attribute is by going to the "Products" screen under the PIM section.

  28. Select "Attribute Assignment" tab

    Then, click on the "Attribute Assignment" tab.

  29. Search for the product you want to assign an attirbute

    Search for the products you would like to assign to the attribute.

  30. Enter the attribute code "fg_displayFootageCalculator"

    In an empty attribute column, enter the attribute code "fg_displayFootageCalculator".

  31. You can do mass import to assign attributes

    You can also mass assign products by using the import function on the "Attribute Assignment" tab and by following the help documentation on assigning attributes by import.

  32. Search for the product on the website

    Now that products have been assigned to the square footage display, we can check the square footage calculator by searching for one of the products on your website.

  33. Click on the product tile

    Then, click the product tile to see the details.

  34. Click the "CALCULATE YOUR NEEDS" button

    Click on the "CALCULATE YOUR NEEDS" button to utilize the Square footage calculator.

  35. The square footage will be shown as Option 2

    The square footage calculator will be shown as Option 2.

  36. Enter the number in square foot

    In the box, enter the amount of square footage that you need.

  37. Click "Continue"

    Then, click "Continue".

  38. The quantity will be updated automatically based on the calculation

    The product quantity will be updated automatically based on the calculation.

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