Depending on how you want your customers to find products, you will want to arrange your Categories in a specific way on the commerce website.
By default, Categories are listed in alphabetical order, but you can choose to arrange the Categories differently by entering a numeric value in the Order column. The closer the number is to 0, the closer to the top of the list the Category will appear. You can update the order the Categories appear in using one of these methods.
Note: we suggest using values such as 5, 10, 15, 20, etc. as you update the Category order so that if a new Category is added or one is updated, the entire order is not affected. For example, if a Category needs to appear before the one assigned a value of 10, the number 9 can be used. If you are using values of 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., every time a new Category is added or an adjustment is made, the entire Category order will need to be redone.
When updating a large number of Categories, the best method is to use the import feature. In order to do this, you will need to first export the current order.
Note: your export will include a header row which is needed for importing.
Now that you have your category order exported, it is time to go through and update the order value assigned to each Category.
The best way to fill in the Order is by sorting so that the Categories are grouped together.
As you reorder your Categories, we suggest using values such as 5, 10, 15, 20, etc. as you update the Category order so that if a new Category is added or one is updated, the entire order is not affected. For example, if a Category needs to appear before the one assigned a value of 10, the number 9 can be used. If you are using values of 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., every time a new Category is added or an adjustment is made, the entire Category order will need to be redone.
You can also reference the Category Tree to see the order of the categories to get a visual representation of how the Categories are ordered.
Once you have completed updating the order, save as a .CSV file.
The import function is quick - once you upload the selected file, the data in the file is created or updated. Please be sure you select the correct file to import, and have your file prepared correctly.
Once you have imported your Category order, updates or additions can be made at any time in the Portal.
Important! Any category data included in the spreadsheet will be updated with this import - if you only want to update the category order with this import, keep only the code and product order columns in the spreadsheet import.