Once you have this information, you can navigate to System > Settings to configure
Search “storeSMTP” - this will display the needed settings to update
To click into the details of a setting, click the arrow next to it
On the Details screen, you can update the value and then click Save
Once your credentials are configured, you can update the store email to your specified email address you have set up in Office 365
Search for “storeEmailAddress” under Settings
Similar to the steps above, you can click into the details of the setting to update
Once you have made these updates, any emails sent from the system, such as order confirmations and email notifications, will come from this email address. You can run a test with your new email set-up by emailing an order from the Operations Portal.
Go to an order’s Details and click the “Email Order” icon
Compose to send to your email address
You should receive an email to your inbox with the newly updated email address. You can also check the Emails screen in the Operations Portal. Emails sent out will have a “Sent” timestamp.