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Product Documentation Operations Portal PIM Configure PIM Categories Exporting Categories

Exporting Categories

Exporting categories is a powerful way to extract as much or as little information as you would like from the portal and manage it. The exported data can also be used as part of the importing process, which will enable you to update large amounts of data at one time.

  • Navigate to “Categories” from the PIM section in the Portal
  • Select the “Data” tab
  • Click the “Show / Hide Columns” icon

From the list, click the box to select the columns that you would like to export. If you are using this export to import data back into the portal, choose any columns you will need to import back into the portal. The below options can be helpful when working on product data.

  • Code - the code entered should be unique. Also, keeping the same code format will help streamline this process (i.e. insulation, insulation_unfaced, insulation_rigid, etc.).
  • Name - this is what the customer will see on the commerce site.
  • Parent Category Code - if you create a parent category, the parent should be left blank. If you create a child category, you will need to enter the parent of the child category (i.e. insulation = parent, insulation_unfaced = child category).
  • Active - the category will need to be marked as active to be seen on the commerce site (active = yes, inactive = no).
  • Order - not always used, but if your product catalog is set up with the "Values Order By" setting of Category Order, you will be able to control the order of your product categories numerically.
  • Go to “File
  • Select “Export
  • Save as” dialogue box will appear
  • Rename the filename if needed, then click “Save” to export the file

This export will give you a spreadsheet template with a header row to use for importing data into the portal.

Note: If you are exporting a large amount of data, it may take a small amount of time to complete the export. The file will download and save to your computer.

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