You can use Kodaris to create an internal category tree once your commerce categories have been added to the portal. A category tree is a helpful visual when understanding the structure of your category hierarchy.
This tree is auto-generated based on how your categories are set up in the Kodaris portal and will automatically update whenever any category changes are made.
You can have an unlimited number of categories in the system and an unlimited depth of categories. The category tree will show the different levels of categories you have created for your commerce site.
You will see this visual in the category tree if a category is created as a "Parent" category with child categories.
Once you have created the category structure you want, you can view your Category Tree. This is helpful when checking your tree's hierarchy and ensuring that your taxonomy is correct. If you see a category that has not been set up correctly, it can be easily corrected in the portal.
You will see an auto-generated chart based on the category structure you have created. If you have inactive categories, they will not appear on the tree.
Note: Each category listed in the Category Tree is also linked, so you can navigate directly to the category and see the products assigned to that category.