The Products section of the PIM Platform controls what information your customers and your team will see and be able to use about your products.
The Products sections is broken into several tabs, each with their own purpose.
In the Details tab of the Products section, you can see all of the relevant information to that item and edit as needed.
As a few special notes:
If the language option is enabled, you can also view the product's details in another language by clicking the language option in the upper right corner, then selecting the desired language from the dropdown menu that appears. Once the language option is changed, only fields that have information entered in that language will appear; for example, if the language is changed from English to French and the Keywords field is now blank, it means that keywords have not been entered in French.
While a Product describes what the product is, a SKU represents the physical object you are tracking, costing, or stocking within a warehouse.
The SKUs tab is driven by the ERP and is synced in nearly real time; depending on your ERP, the information can be up to date in five minutes. This sync also takes the load off of your ERP because of how it's integrated. Because the information is synced in the robust Kodaris platform, you are able to show inventory levels (or pricing and availability) to your customers - not only what is stocked, but what is back ordered, committed, on order, etc. at each warehouse location.
Inventory levels can be shown by warehouse, by primary or secondary location, or personalized to what each customer or even each user can see. Inventory can also be hidden for products that cannot be sold in a specific region or to a specific customer. How the inventory is displayed can also be customized, such as showing inventory in a distribution center if a user is assigned to a specific store with a combined rollup number.
To support operations and accounting, you can also integrate in information for add-on costs, average cost, base cost, last cost, list price, maximum or minimum in stock, price types, status, and more to take full advantage of the powerful Kodaris platform.
If desired, you can use the Related Products tab to show other products to your commerce site that can be used with the product you are viewing. For example, if the product being shown is drywall, you may want to list items such as specific screws or accessories to aid in installation; if looking at steel studs, you may want to display the top and bottom tracks to use.
Related Products can be shown on the product page or other pages in the commerce site, depending on the programming or location.
Note that Related Products are data-driven and are assigned to a specific product in the Kodaris platform. This feature does not function as a "customers like you bought this item" based on browsing history; rather, the Related Products that will show are related to the specific product being viewed. Contact your Kodaris Account Manager for support in getting started.
You can add comments on a specific product that are only able to be viewed by your team.
Any internal (not for public) images and files, such as PDFs, associated with the product can be uploaded here.
Any public facing images and files, such as PDFs, that you want to display within the product and provide your customers access with can be uploaded here. Depending on the commerce template you select, these documents may or may not appear.
You can see each version of the Product's page under the Revisions tab; to view a version, click the Details icon. If needed, you can restore a specific previous version of the page by clicking the Revision icon on the far right of the product's row. If an error or change to the product is made that was published and note directed, this is an easy way to restore the product page to a correct version.
This option does need to be turned on; contact your Kodaris Account Manager for more information.
Custom Records is a powerful expansion feature of the Kodaris platform which gives unlimited flexibility to expand the data you store around products. While Custom Fields are used to add specific data, Custom Records create a searchable database document within a custom database.
As an example, when using the regional product availability feature, you will set up the product attributes in other parts of the PIM. A custom document is then dynamically created of where that product is available or not, which allows the UX code to display or not display on the document autogenerated by the system. Contact your Kodaris Account Manager for more information.
Kodaris supports a dynamic schema, so if you want to add a field to certain products or add a piece of data, like a brand image, you can do that in the Custom Fields tab. These fields are then available to the commerce template to use so that your commerce site can use one core template but customize it as needed.
The Development tab is specifically for developers to use; this screen will show all the database fields along with the search document that supports searching and indexing on the commerce website. This shows what you can search on, if you're using an API, or what you can filter on.